Archive for year: 2013

바닥재 CE Mark [CE-marking of Floor Covering]

23 Dec 2013 Comments


                     - ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS


To guarantee the free trade of construction products, the European Commission has issued the “Construction products Regulation” (305/2011/EEC) on March 9th, 2011.

Materials produced for incorporation in a permanent manner in construction works, including both buildings and civil engineering works, must comply with the fundamental regulations during an economically relevant lifetime, provided regular maintenance is carried out.


-mechanical strength and stability˜˜
-fire safety˜˜
-hygiene, health and environment˜˜
-safety of use˜˜
-sound nuisance˜˜
-energy savings and heat retention

The Regulation only indicates the essential requirements. How these essential requirements have to be met is left to experts who translate them into specific parameters such as – in the case of fire safety -ignitability, flame propagation, smoke propagation. These parameters will then have to be measured, implying both test methods and classifications. A material complying with the mandatory classifications will thus automatically comply with the essential requirements of the Regulation.
The European standardisation committee CEN/TC134 has developed the harmonised standard EN14041 for carpets, laminate and resilient floor coverings such as vinyl, rubber and linoleum. The EN14041 was published in August 2004, harmonised by publication by the EU on June 8th 2005.

CE marking on floor coverings according to the new regulation is mandatory since July 1st, 2013. Because rugs, runners, etc. are not considered as building materials, CE marking does not apply to them.

-SLIP RESISTANCE* according to EN 13893, class DS (friction coeff. ≥ 0.30) or NPD (No Performance Determined), carpet is to be classified as DS without testing˜˜
-REACTION TO FIRE* according to EN 13501-1, classes Afl-Ffl˜˜
-CONTENT OF PENTACHLOROPHENOL* (PCP) according EN 12673 (product may not contain PCP)˜˜
-FORMALDEHYDE EMISSION* according to EN 717-2, class E1 of E2˜˜
-WATER-TIGHTNESS according EN 13553: not applicable to textile floor coverings˜˜
-ELECTRICAL BEHAVIOUR according to EN 1815: antistatic floor coverings (≤ 2 kV)˜˜
-THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY according to ISO 8302 (≤ 0,17 m2.K/W)˜˜
-ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE according to ISO 10965: static dissipative floor coverings (vertical resistance ≤ 109 Ohm)˜˜
-ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE according to ISO 10965: conductive floor coverings (vertical resistance ≤ 106 Ohm)
*essential requirements
The three competent European federations (ECRA = European Carpet and Rug Association: ERFMI =European Resilient Flooring Manufactures Institute and EPLF = European Producers of Laminate Flooring) have arrived at the following agreements:

-the CE mark has to be affixed upon the packaging and not on the individual product˜˜
-pictograms will only be used in Declaration of Performance (DoP) document under topic 8

The conformity of a floor covering with the requirements of EN 14041 must be attested in part by the producer himself, but for certain characteristics, the producer will have to apply to a NOTIFIED TESTING LABORATORY or to a NOTIFIED PRODUCT CERTIFICATION BODY.

The conformity of products shall be analysed and controlled according to different systems. The systems may vary according to the complexity of the regulations and tests necessary to demonstrate the conformity of the product with the manufacturer’s claims.



This system is mandatory for fire classes Bfl and Cfl for those products that have obtained these fire classes by adding fire retardant additives during the production process.
Tasks under the responsibility of the MANUFACTURER OR DISTRIBUTOR :

-maintain factory production control (FPC)
˜˜-draw up declaration of performance (DoP)
˜˜-submit an application for initial type testing to a notified test lab of all essential requirements:

•reaction to fire
•slip resistance (if relevant)
•formaldehyde emission (if relevant)
•content of pentachlorophenol (if relevant)

˜˜-submit an application for initial control of the factory and factory production control (FPC) by a notified product certification body
˜˜-affix CE-marking upon packaging and on commercial documentation



0493-CPR-XXXX (number of declaration of performance)
Textile, resilient or laminate floorcovering
Name and address of the manufacturer/distributor or identifying mark if not mentioned elsewhere on the packaging
sampling and initial type testing˜˜
initial inspection of factory and factory production control (FPC)˜˜
draw up number certificate of conformity˜˜
continuous surveillance and approval of FPC

Line_gray_Short3This system is mandatory for all fire classes Bfl and Cfl for those products that have obtained these fire classes without adding fire retardant additives during the production process, as well as for fire classes Dfl and Efl (except for products Classified Without Further Testing (CWFT)) .ATTESTATION LEVEL OF CONFORMITY TYPE SYSTEM  3

-Tasks under the responsibility of the MANUFACTURER :˜˜
-maintain factory production control (FPC)˜˜
-draw up declaration of performance (DoP)˜˜
-submit an application for initial type testing to a notified test lab of all essential requirements :

• reaction to fire
•slip resistance (if relevant)
•formaldehyde emission (if relevant)
•content of pentachlorophenol (if relevant)

˜˜-affix CE-marking upon packaging and on commercial documentation





DoP-CPR-XXXX (number of declaration of performance)
Textile, resilient or laminate floorcovering
Name and address of the manufacturer/distributor or identifying mark if not mentioned elsewhere on the packaging
Tasks under the responsibility of the NOTIFIED TESTING LABORATORIES
˜˜initial type testing

바닥재 유럽인증서 취득 안내

23 Dec 2013 Comments

인증평가 절차 -Floor Score – Certification

1. Apply for Certification(인증 신청)

소정의 양식에 따라 인증신청을 합니다. 인증신청 내용에 따라 관련된 비용을 산출하고 이에 근거하여 견적을 제시합니다.

2. Data Collection(기초자료 수집)

인증 코디네이터는 인증기관에 제출될 다음에 관련된  기초자료를  통보합니다.

- product data
- corporate documentation
- manufacturing process
- product formulation
- testing  etc.

인증기관은 제출된 기초자료를 평가하여 인증평가의 준비상태를 확인합니다. 필요에 따라 보완을 요청할 수 있습니다.

제출된 기초자료에 근거하여 관련 제품에 전문적 지식을 보유한 현장평가 Auditor를 선정하고 Auditor는 평가 현장의 위치, 평가 대상제품 및 가용한 평가 일자를 확인하여 인증평가 계획서를 인증신청회사에 통보합니다.

3. On-site Audit(현장평가)

선정된 Auditor는 제출된 기초자료와 평가현장의 사실적 현상에 기초하여 평가를 수행합니다. 평가는 일반적으로 인증 신청회사의 기술진을 상대로 수행되며  모든 운영 및 제품이 필수적 요건에  충족됨을 증명하기 위한 추가적 정보를 확인합니다. 이 단계에서 명확한 의사소통을 위한  통역이 수반될 수 도 있습니다.

4. Draft Assessment Report(평가보고서 초안)

현장평가 Auditor는 평가의 세부부적합 사항을 포함하는 평가보고서 초안을 작성합니다. 평가보고서 초안에는 국한되지않으나 다음사항을 포함합니다.

- data analysis
- non-conformities
- opportunities for improvement
- Others

5. Internal peer review(내부 심의평가)

자격을 갖춘 인증기관의 심의평가요원은 현장평가 Auditor가 작성, 제출한 보고서를 검토하고 필요한 경우, 수정, 보완, 정정한 후 인증신청회사에 발송합니다.

6. Corrective Actions(시정조치)

인증신청 회사는 평가보고서에서 지적된 시정요구사항에 대해 적절한 조치를 수행하고 그 결과를 인증기관에 제출합니다.

7. Certification Decision(인증결정)

인증기관은 최종기술 검토를 통해 인증신청회사에 대한 인증여부를 결정합니다.  인증기관은 인증의 결정에 따라 인증서와 최종 보고서를 인증신청회사에 발송합니다. 인증된 제품은 인증기관의 Database에 등록되어 집니다.

8.  Certification Maintenance and Renewal(인증유지와 갱신)

인증취득후 표준에 따라 주기적  인증서의 유지와 지속적 개선을 위한 사후관리 평가가 수행됩니다.

* 현장평가는 ISO/IEC 17021에 따른 기존의 ISO 9000 등 품질경영 시스템 , ISO 14000 환경경영 시스템의 현장평가제도와 동일합니다. 보통 인증여부는 제품이 해당규격에 적합한지 여부에 따라 결정됩니다. 따라서 사전에 지정된 시험소를 통해 제품에 대한 규격 시험을 수행하고 이 시험 결과를 현장평가 Auditor에게 제시하는 것이 필수적입니다.

Floor Score – Objects

23 Dec 2013 Comments

1. Floor Socre 인증대상 제품

참조 :

단단한 표면 바닥재 및 바닥 접착제류

(Hard surface flooring materials and flooring adhesives) :

1. 비닐 시트  바닥재
Vinyl Sheet Flooring

2. 비닐 타일 (VCT)
Vinyl Composition Tile (VCT)

3. 비닐 타일 (SVT) 및 럭셔리 비닐 타일 (LVT)
Solid Vinyl Tile (SVT) and Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT)

4. 리놀륨

5. 고무 바닥재
Rubber Flooring

6. 코르크 바닥재
Cork Flooring

7. 나무, 엔지니어링 및 대나무 마루
Hardwood, Engineered and Bamboo Flooring

8. 박층으로 이루어지는 마루
Laminate Flooring

9. 폴리머 바닥재
Polymeric Flooring

10. 벽베이스 및 관련 제품
Wall base and related products

11. 바닥 접착제
Flooring Adhesives

2. 품질 관리 계획(운영매뉴얼)

Floor Score 인증 제조 업체는 공급 체인 관리에 대한 엄격한 요구 사항을 포함하는 문서화된 품질 관리 계획에 따라 운영하여야 합니다. 이는  ISO 9000 품질경영시스템 절차와 유사합니다.    -[Floor Score 인증 평가 절차 참조(]

3. 제품의 규격충족 시험 

California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA)[환경적 건강위해평가의 켈리포니아사무국]에 의해 수립된 Chronic Reference Exposure Levels (CRELs);[만성노출관련수준]의 함량을 포함하는 CA Section 01350 Specification과 US EPA에의해 개발된 절차에 따라 시험하여 이 기준에 대한 절반(1/2)의 허용농도 한계를 초과하지 않아야 합니다.

* CA Section 01350 Download  [cdph-standardmethod_v1_1_2010 new1110]

* Air Toxicology and Epidemiology

- 세부 항목 []

No. Compound Name CAS No. Allowable Concentration*
1 Acetaldehyde 75-07-0 70
2 Benzene 71-43-2 30
3 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 400
4 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 20
5 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 500
6 Chloroform 67-66-3 150
7 Dichlorobenzene (1,4-) 106-46-7 400
8 Dichloroethylene (1,1) 75-35-4 35
9 Dimethylformamide (N,N-) 68-12-2 40
10 Dioxane (1,4-) 123-91-1 1500
11 Epichlorohydrin 106-89-8 1.5
12 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 1000
13 Ethylene glycol 107-21-1 200
14 Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether 110-80-5 35
15 Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate 111-15-9 150
16 Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether 109-86-4 30
17 Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate 110-49-6 45
18 Formaldehyde 50-00-0 16.5 **
19 Hexane (n-) 110-54-3 3500
20 Isophorone 78-59-1 1000
21 Isopropanol 67-63-0 3500
22 Methyl chloroform 71-55-6 500
23 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 200
24 Methyl t-butyl ether 1634-04-4 4000
25 Naphthalene 91-20-3 4.5
26 Phenol 108-95-2 100
27 Propylene glycol monomethyl ether 107-98-2 3500
28 Styrene 100-42-5 450
29 Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 17.5
30 Toluene 108-88-3 150
31 Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 300
32 Vinyl acetate 108-05-4 100
33-35 Xylenes, technical mixture 108-38-3, 350
(m-, o-, p-xylene combined) 95-47-6,

*) 참조 : 최대 허용치는 US EPA에서 선정한 CREL의 1/2 값임.

**) Formaldehyde 는  CREL of 9 μg/m³ ( 2008년 12월); 참조 값.  Standard Method at 16.5 μg/m³ 2011년 12월  31일 이전,  9 μg/m³ ( 2012년 1월 1일 부터).  Section 4.3.2.참조

EN 10204 Metallic Products-Type of inspection documents

23 Dec 2013 Comments

EN 10204 Metallic Products-Type of inspection documents




이 표준은 금속품에 대한 검사문서를 분류한 규격입니다.

아메카 인증대상

23 Dec 2013 Comments

AMECA Certificate - 대상제품군

  • AMECA List of FMVSS 106 and SAE J1401  Hydraulic Brake Hose December 2012
  • AMECA List of FMVSS 106 and SAE J1402  Compliant Air Brake Hose December 2012
  • AMECA List of FMVSS 106 and SAE J1403  Compliant Vacuum Brake Hose December 2012
  • AMECA List of FMVSS 108 and SAE Compliant Lighting Devices December 2012
  • AMECA List of FMVSS 111 Compliant Rearview Mirrors December 2012
  • AMECA List of FMVSS 205 and ANSI Z26.1 Compliant Glazing Material December 2012
  • AMECA List of GSA Compliant Warning Sirens December 2012
  • AMECA List of FMVSS 116 Compliant Brake Fluid October 2012
  • AMECA List of ASTM Compliant Antifreeze and Engine Coolants September 2012
  • AMECA June 2013 List of VESC V-3 Brake Friction Material Edge Codes
  • Miscellaneous Items June 2012
* 대표적인 대상은 위의 목록과 같으나 고객의 요청에 따라 시험수행할 수 있습니다.



1. Backup Lamps
2. Center High Mounted Stop Lamps
3. Clearance Lamps
4. Cornering Lamps
5. Hazard Warning Signal Switches
6. Hazard Warning Signal Flashers
7. Hazard Warning — Turn Signal Flashers
8. Headlamps — Sealed Beam
9. Headlamp Housings — Sealed Beam
10. Headlamp Aiming Equipment
11. Headlamp Testing Machines
12. Identification Lamps
13. License Plate Lamps
14. Parking Lamps (Front Position)
15. Replacement Lenses
16. Reflex Reflectors
17. Side Marker Lamps
18. Stop Signal Lamps
19. Tail Lamps (Rear Position)
20. Turn Signal Flashers
21. Turn Signal Lamps
22. Side Turn Signal Lamps
23. Turn Signal Switches — Class A
24. Turn Signal Switches — Class B
25. Triangle Warning Device Kit
26. Slow Moving Vehicle Emblem
27. Headlamp — Replaceable Bulb


28. Auxiliary Low Beam Lamps (Passing)
29. Driving Lamps
30. Fog Lamps
31. Spot Lamps
32. High Mounted Stop and Turn Signal Lamps
33. Deceleration Indicator Lamps


34. Directional Emergency Warning Lamps
35. 360 Degree Emergency Warning Lamps
36. Gaseous Discharge Warning Lamps
37. Lamps and Sirens (GSA Ambulances)
38. School Bus Alternating Warning Lamps
39. Warning Lamp Alternating Flashers
40. School Bus Stop Arm
41. School Bus Roof Mounted
42. Warning Lamps


44. Headlamp Assembly — Motorcycle
45. Headlamp Assembly – Motor Driven Cycle
46. Headlamp Modulator — Motorcycle
47. Windscreens
48. Face Shields
51. Reflex Reflectors — Bicycles
52. Reflex Reflectors — Pedal
53. Reflex Reflectors — Tire
54. Turn Signal Lamps — Motorcycle
55. Auxiliary Front Lamps — Motorcycle


56. Chemical Testing to SAE J2975:2011
57. Antifreeze and Summer Coolant
58. Backup Alarms
59. Brake Fluids
60. Brake Hose — Air
61. Brake Hose — Hydraulic
62. Brake Hose — Vacuum
63. Brake Linings
64. SAE J-2530 Aftermarket Wheels
65. Synthetic Webbing and Load Binders
66. Mirrors — Exterior
67. Safety Glass
68. Safety Glazing Materials
69. Brake Hose — Plastic
70. Seat Belts
71. Tire Chains — Cable & Link
72. Trailer Hitches
73. Tyres/Tires

AMECA Testing 대상

23 Dec 2013 Comments



1. Backup Lamps
2. Center High Mounted Stop Lamps
3. Clearance Lamps
4. Cornering Lamps
5. Hazard Warning Signal Switches
6. Hazard Warning Signal Flashers
7. Hazard Warning — Turn Signal Flashers
8. Headlamps — Sealed Beam
9. Headlamp Housings — Sealed Beam
10. Headlamp Aiming Equipment
11. Headlamp Testing Machines
12. Identification Lamps
13. License Plate Lamps
14. Parking Lamps (Front Position)
15. Replacement Lenses
16. Reflex Reflectors
17. Side Marker Lamps
18. Stop Signal Lamps
19. Tail Lamps (Rear Position)
20. Turn Signal Flashers
21. Turn Signal Lamps
22. Side Turn Signal Lamps
23. Turn Signal Switches — Class A
24. Turn Signal Switches — Class B
25. Triangle Warning Device Kit
26. Slow Moving Vehicle Emblem
27. Headlamp — Replaceable Bulb


28. Auxiliary Low Beam Lamps (Passing)
29. Driving Lamps
30. Fog Lamps
31. Spot Lamps
32. High Mounted Stop and Turn Signal Lamps
33. Deceleration Indicator Lamps


34. Directional Emergency Warning Lamps
35. 360 Degree Emergency Warning Lamps
36. Gaseous Discharge Warning Lamps
37. Lamps and Sirens (GSA Ambulances)
38. School Bus Alternating Warning Lamps
39. Warning Lamp Alternating Flashers
40. School Bus Stop Arm
41. School Bus Roof Mounted
42. Warning Lamps


44. Headlamp Assembly — Motorcycle
45. Headlamp Assembly – Motor Driven Cycle
46. Headlamp Modulator — Motorcycle
47. Windscreens
48. Face Shields
51. Reflex Reflectors — Bicycles
52. Reflex Reflectors — Pedal
53. Reflex Reflectors — Tire
54. Turn Signal Lamps — Motorcycle
55. Auxiliary Front Lamps — Motorcycle


56. Chemical Testing to SAE J2975:2011
57. Antifreeze and Summer Coolant
58. Backup Alarms
59. Brake Fluids
60. Brake Hose — Air
61. Brake Hose — Hydraulic
62. Brake Hose — Vacuum
63. Brake Linings
64. SAE J-2530 Aftermarket Wheels
65. Synthetic Webbing and Load Binders
66. Mirrors — Exterior
67. Safety Glass
68. Safety Glazing Materials
69. Brake Hose — Plastic
70. Seat Belts
71. Tire Chains — Cable & Link
72. Trailer Hitches
73. Tyres/Tires

 * 대표적인 대상은 위의 목록과 같으나 고객의 요청에 따라 시험수행할 수 있습니다.

AMECA Regulations

23 Dec 2013 Comments

Vehicle Equipment Safety Commission Regulations

VESC V-1 Minimum Performance Requirements and Uniform Test Procedures for New tires for Passenger Cars and Station Wagons OUTDATED: SEE FMVSS 139

VESC V-2 Minimum Requirements and Uniform Test Procedures for Retreaded Tires for Passenger Cars and Station Wagons

VESC V-3 Minimum Requirements and Uniform Test Procedures for Motor Vehicle Brake Linings

VESC V-4 Safety Glazing Materials for Glazing Motor Vehicles Operating on Land Highways

VESC V-5 Minimum Requirements for Motor Vehicle Connecting Devices and Towing Methods

VESC V-6 Minimum Requirements for Type I School Bus Construction and Equipment

VESC V-7 Safe Operation Condition of Tires Including Tire Tread Depth Requirements

VESC V-8 Minimum Requirements for Motorcyclists’ Eye Protection

VESC V-9 Safe Operating Condition of Truck and Bus Type Tires

VESC V-10 Minimum Requirements for Type II School Bus Construction and Equipment

VESC V-11 Minimum Requirements for Construction and Equipment of Motorcycles

VESC V-12 Minimum Requirements for Construction and Equipment of Special Motor Vehicles

VESC V-13 Minimum Requirements for Type I and Type II School Bus Construction and Equipment

VESC V-14 Minimum Requirements for Brake Component Wear Warning
Pad warning:  Outdated: See FMVSS 135
Drum/Rotor discard thickness:  IN EFFECT

VESC V-15 Minimum Requirements for the Design of a Vehicle Identification Number System for Passenger Cars
OUTDATED: see for Vin number identification

VESC V-16 Minimum Requirements for the Design of a Vehicle Identification Number System for Non-Motive Powered Recreational Vehicles
OUTDATED: see for VIN number identification and FMVSS 565

VESC V-17 Minimum Requirements for Construction and Equipment of Mopeds

VESC V-18 Standardized Replacement Vehicle Identification Number System
OUTDATED: see for VIN number identification and FMVSS 565

VESC V-19 Performance Requirements for Fifth Wheel Vehicle Connecting Devices and Towing Methods

VESC V-20 Performance Requirements for Motor Vehicle Sun Screening Devices

VESC V-21 Standardization of Motor Vehicle Exhaust Systems Including Maximum Noise Levels

VESC V-22 Minimum Performance Standard for Auxiliary Liquid Fuel Tanks

EN 15567-1 : 2007

23 Dec 2013 Comments

EN 15567-1 : 2007 ; Sports and recreational facilities -Ropes courses – Part 1: Construction and safety requirements


Ropes courses vary considerably and may be used for education, recreational, training or therapeutic purposes.

Ropes course activities involve risks that should be managed by the operators. This is achieved through careful supervision, training, instruction, information etc.
Ropes course activities should only be taken by those who are physically and mentally able to comply with the safety requirements specified by the operator.

The various safety devices (for protection against falling from a height and collisions) consist of equipment designed to limit the consequences of falls or collisions. There are inherent risks associated with ropes courses. These risks should, however, be appropriately managed and minimized by the ropes course operator and his staff; it should be understood that they can not be eliminated altogether.

On the basis of a risk assessment, operators should take reasonably practicable measures to ensure the safety of participants. This means that the degree of risks in a particular job/work place/facility need to be balanced against the time, trouble, cost, benefits and physical difficulty of taking measures to avoid or reduce the risk.
Ropes course operators should also consider EN 15567-2, when carrying out risk assessments.

1 Scope

This European Standard applies to permanent and mobile ropes courses and their components.
This Part 1 of this standard specifies safety requirements for the design, construction, inspection and maintenance of ropes courses and their components.
This Part 1 of this standard does not apply to temporary ropes courses (see 3.3) and children’s play grounds (see EN 1176 all parts).
For the use of ropes courses part 2 applies.

2 Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 335-2, Durability of wood and wood-based products — Definition of use classes — Part 2: Application to solid wood.
EN 350-2:1994, Durability of wood and wood-based products — Natural durability of solid wood — Part 2: Guide to the natural durability and treatability of selected wood species of importance in Europe.
EN 351-1:2007, Durability of wood and wood-based products — Preservative-treated solid wood — Part 1: Classification of preservative penetration and retention.
EN 636, Plywood – Specifications.
EN 13411-1, Terminations for steel wire ropes — Safety — Part 1: Thimbles for steel wire rope slings.
EN 13411-2, Terminations for steel wire ropes — Safety — Part 2: Splicing of eyes for wire rope slings.
EN 13411-3, Terminations for steel wire ropes — Safety — Part 3: Ferrules and ferrule-securing.
EN 13411-4, Terminations for steel wire ropes — Safety — Part 4: Metal and resin socketing.
EN 13411-5, Terminations for steel wire ropes — Safety — Part 5: U-bolt wire rope grips.
EN 13411-6, Terminations for steel wire ropes — Safety — Part 6: Asymmetric wedge socket.
EN 13411-7, Terminations for steel wire ropes – Safety – Part 7: Symmetric wedge socket.
EN 15567-2, Sports and recreational facilities – Ropes courses – Part 2: Operation requirements.
EN ISO/IEC 17020:2004, General criteria for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection (ISO/IEC 17020:1998).
ISO 4309:2004, Cranes – Wire ropes – Care, maintenance, installation, examination and discard.

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this European Standard the following terms and definitions shall apply.

ropes course.

constructed facility consisting of one or more activity systems, support systems and, if needed, belay and/or safety systems, see Figure 1. A ropes course is distinct from playground equipment in that it has restricted access and requires supervision.

permanent ropes course

facility installed for more than one week on the same site.

temporary ropes course

facility that has been installed for up to one week.

(이하 생략)..

Sports Surfaces Specification

23 Dec 2013 Comments

Sports Surfaces Specification

-       Indoor surfaces for multi-sports use

-       체육관 바닥재 규격관련 규격

Safety in use

Sport surfaces undergo a complex reaction when subjected to loading. The desired components of the interaction are deformation under load, the ability to absorb impact, and the energy restitution of the impact, i.e. the amount of energy returned to sports person from the surface on which he/she is performing.

The ability of surface to absorb an impact is an important safety feature of sports surface, Values specified are, therefore, inevitably a compromise between these fundamental characteristics, sports surfaces react differently under different temperatures and strain rates: they become harder at low temperatures and softer at high temperatures.

An important requirement for safety and sports performance is for there to be sufficient grip between the footwear of athlete and the sports surface. Insufficient grip can result in the athlete slipping on the surface: to much grip can place un acceptable stress on joints and muscle ligaments.


  1. Friction
  2. Shock Absorption
  3. Vertical deformation
  4. Etc.


Technical requirements

  1. Vertical ball behavior
  2. Resistance to rolling load
  3. Resistance to wear
  4. Reaction to fire
  5. Formaldehyde emission
  6. Content of pentachlorophenol (PCP)
  7. Specular reflectance
  8. Resistance to indentation
  9. Resistance to impact
  10. Degree of evenness
  11. Ect.


23 Dec 2013 Comments



Reactivated after 29 November 2010 and may be used for new and existing designs and acquisitions.

This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.


1.1 Scope. This specification covers the minimum requirements, unless otherwise specified, for cable and cord assemblies (referred to as cable assemblies (see 6.5.1)), except for radio frequency coaxial cable assemblies.


2.1 General. The documents listed in this section are specified in sections 3 and 4 of this specification. This section does not include documents cited in other sections of this specification or recommended for additional information or as examples. While every effort has been made to ensure the completeness of this list, document users are cautioned that they must meet all specified requirements of the documents cited in sections 3 and 4 of this specification, whether or not they are listed.
2.2 Government documents.

…. Total 20 pages.


상세 사양.
케이블 어셈블리 및 코드 어셈블리, 전기.

2010 년 11 월 29 일 후에 다시 활성화하고 신규 및 기존 디자인이나 인수를 위해 사용될 수있다.
이 규격은 미 국방부의 모든 부서가 적용하도록 되어 있다.


1.1 범위. 달리 명시되지 않는 한 이 사양에서는 무선 주파수 동축 케이블 어셈블리를 제외한, 케이블과 코드 어셈블리 (케이블 어셈블리 6.5.1을 참조함)를위한 최소한의 요구 사항을 규정하고 있다.

2. 적용 기술

일반 2.1. 이 섹션에 나와있는 문서는이 사양의 섹션 3과 4로 지정되어 있다. 이 절에서는이 사양의 다른 부분에서 인용 또는 추가 정보를 위해 또는 예로 권장되는 문서는 포함되어 있지 않습니다. 모든 노력은 이 목록의 완전성을 확보하기 위해 수행되어 왔지만, 문서의 사용자들이 나열되어 있는지 여부에 관계없이이 사양 섹션 3과 4에 인용 된 문서 지정 된 모든 요구 사항을 충족해야 함을  알리고있다.
2.2 정부 문서.

….. 총 20 페이지.