SNIP 3.05.04-85
SNIP 3.05.04-85. External water supply and sewerage.
SNIP 3.05.04-85 *
External networks and facilities
SNIP 3.05.04-85 * SNIP 3.05.04-85 a reissue with a change number 1,
Sections, paragraphs, tables, which amended an asterisk.
When using the standard document should be considered approved changes to building regulations and government standards, published in the journal “Bulletin of construction equipment” USSR State Committee for Information and sign “State standards USSR” State Standard.
* These rules apply to new construction, expansion and renovation of the existing external networks 1 and water supply and sanitation settlements economy.
1. General Provisions
2. Earthwork
3. Installation of pipelines
General Provisions
Steel pipelines
Cast iron pipes
Asbestos cement pipes
Concrete and concrete pipes
Pipelines of ceramic pipes
Pipelines from plastic pipes *
4. Pipeline crossings over natural and artificial barriers
5. Water and sanitation facilities
Facilities for collection of surface water
Water wells
Tank facilities
6. Additional requirements for the construction of pipelines and water supply and sanitation in the special natural and climatic conditions
7. Testing of pipelines and facilities
Non-pressure pipes
Tank facilities
Additional requirements for pressure testing of pipelines and water supply and sanitation, built in the special natural and climatic conditions
Appendix 1. Required. act on acceptance tests of hydraulic pressure pipe Leak and
Appendix 2. Recommended. Conduct hydrostatic test pressure pipe Leak and
Appendix 3. Required. Act on the pneumatic test pressure pipe Leak and
Appendix 4. Required. Act on Acceptance Test unconfined hydraulic piping for leaks
Appendix 5. Recommended. Procedure for cleaning and disinfection of pipelines and facilities of drinking water supply
Annex 6. Required. act on cleaning and disinfection of pipelines (structures) of drinking water supply
1.1. When building new, expansion and modernization of existing pipelines and water supply and sanitation projects in addition requirements (draft) 2 and these rules must be followed and requirements SNIP 3.01.01-85 * SNIP 3.01.03-84, SNIP III-4-80 * and other regulations, standards and departmental regulations, approved in accordance with SNIP 1.01.01-83.
1.2. Completed construction of pipelines and water supply and sanitation facilities should be commissioned in accordance with the requirements of SNIP 3.01.04-87.
* Reprinted with amendments on July 1, 1990
1 external networks – in the following text “pipeline.”
2 Projects (draft) – in the following text, “projects”.
2.1. Earthwork and work on the device bases the construction of pipelines and water supply and sanitation must be performed in accordance with the requirements of SNIP 3.02.01-87.
3. Installation of pipelines
3.1. When you move the pipes and assembled sections with anti-corrosion coatings, should be used tongs soft, flexible towels and other means to exclude damage to these coatings.
3.2. When layout pipes for potable water supply should not be allowed to enter these surface water or sewage. Pipes and fittings, valves and components ready before installation should be inspected and cleaned inside and out of mud, snow, ice, oil and foreign objects.
3.3. Installation of piping shall be made in accordance with the design and production work, including maps after checking conformity to the project size trench, fixing walls, marks the bottom and above-ground pad – supporting structures. The verification results shall be recorded in the journal of the works.
3.4. Pipe spigot type unpressurized pipelines should tend to flare stack up the ramp.
3.5. Provided project straightness unpressurized pipe sections between adjacent wells should monitor viewing “born” with a mirror before and after backfilling the trench. When viewing a pipe of circular cross section in the visible range of the mirror must have the correct form.
Permissible deviation from the horizontal circle shape should be no more than 1/4 of the diameter of the pipeline, but not more than 50 mm in each direction. Deviations from the right circle shape vertically are not allowed.
3.6. The maximum deviation from the design position axes pressure pipelines should not exceed ± 100 mm in plan, elevations trays unpressurized pipelines -
± 100 mm in plan, elevations trays unpressurized pipelines -
5 mm, and top marks of pressure pipelines – ± 30 mm, unless other rules are not bankable projects. 100 mm in plan, elevations trays unpressurized pipelines -
3.7. Gasket pressure pipelines to flatter curve without fittings allowed for socket pipes with butt joints in rubber seals with a rotation angle in each junction of no more than 2 ° for pipes with nominal diameter up to 600 mm and not more than 1 ° for pipes with nominal diameter more than 600 mm.
3.8. When installing water and sewer pipes in the mountains except the requirements of these rules should be followed and requirements section. SNP 9 III-42-80.
3.9. When laying pipes on the straight section of the path connecting the ends of adjacent pipes shall be centered so that the width of the gap was the same socket over the entire circumference.
3.10. The ends of the tubes, as well as holes in the flanges and other fittings stop during breaks laying should be closed with wooden plugs or caps.
3.11. Rubber seals for pipeline installation at low ambient temperatures must not be used in promorozhennaya condition.
3.12. For sealing (seal) piping joints should be applied sealing and “locking” materials and sealants according to the draft.
3.13. Flanged joints fittings and valves must be installed in compliance with the following requirements:
- Flanged joints should be installed perpendicular to the tube axis;
- Plane joined flanges must be smooth, Nuts and bolts must be located on one side of the connection; bolts should be done crosswise;
- Elimination of distortions installing beveled flange gasket or tightening bolts is not permitted;
- Welding joints adjacent to the flange should be performed only after the uniform tightening all the bolts on the flanges.
3.14. When using the ground for the construction of retaining wall of the pit stop must be undisturbed soil.
3.15. The gap between the pipe and the team part of concrete or brick abutments must be densely filled with concrete mix or mortar.
3.16. Protection of steel and concrete pipeline corrosion should be carried out in accordance with the project and the requirements of SNIP SNIP 3.04.03-85 and 2.03.11-85.
3.17. Constructed on pipelines subject to acceptance with the preparation of survey report of the hidden works in the format shown in SNIP 3.01.01-85 * the following steps and elements of the hidden works: surface preparation for pipelines, the device stops, the value of clearances and perform seal joints, shafts and chambers device , pipeline corrosion protection, sealing locations pipelines pass through the walls of shafts and chambers, filling pipes with seal, etc.
3.18. Welding methods and types, design elements and dimensions of welded joints of steel pipes must comply with the requirements of GOST 16037-80.
3.19. Before assembling and welding of pipes should be cleaned from dirt, check the geometric dimensions of cutting edges, cleaned to bright metal edges and the adjacent inner and outer surfaces of the tubes to a minimum width of 10 mm.
3.20 . After welding the outer insulation of pipe welds must be restored in accordance with the project.
3.21. When assembling the pipe joints without backing rings offset edges shall not exceed 20% of the wall thickness, but not more than 3 mm. For butt joints, welded and assembled on the remaining cylindrical ring, offset edges inside of the pipe shall not exceed 1 mm.
3.22. Pipe assembly diameter above 100 mm, made with the longitudinal weld seam or a spiral, must be carried out with an offset of adjacent pipe joints is not less than 100 mm. During assembly of a pipe joint in which a longitudinal or spiral factory welded seam on both sides of the offset can not produce seams.
3.23. Transverse welds must be located at a distance of not less than:
0.2 m from the edge of the support structure of the pipeline;
0.3 m from the outer and inner surfaces of the chamber or the surface of the enclosing structure through which the conduit passes, and edge of the box.
3.24. Connect the ends of abutting pipes and pipe sections with a gap size between them should be permitted to perform more inset “coil” of not less than 200 mm.
3.25. The distance between the annular weld seam welded pipe and conduit pipes to be at least 100 mm.
3.26. Build pipes for welding must be done with the center of Directors; allowed smooth straightening dents on the ends of the pipes to a depth of 3.5% of the pipe diameter and match the edges using jacks, roller bearings and other means. Lots of pipes with dents more than
3.5% of the diameter of the pipe or having tears should be cut. Pipe ends with Nick bullies or chamfers depth of more than 5 mm should be cut.
When applying the stringer bead potholders should be fully digested. Used for tack welding electrodes or welding wire must be the same brand as the core for welding seam.
3.27. By welding joints of steel pipelines allowed the welders in the presence of documents for production welding in accordance with the Rules of certification of welders approved Gostgortechnadzor USSR.
3.28. Before admission to work on welding joints of pipelines, each welder must weld qualification welds in a production environment (at the construction site) in the following cases:
- When he first started to pipe welding or had a break in the work of more than
6 months;
- If carried out welding of pipes of new steel grades with new grades of welding consumables (electrodes, welding wire, flux) or using the new types of welding equipment.
On pipes with diameter 529 mm and above are allowed to weld half qualification welds. Qualification welds exposed:
- Visual inspection, at which the weld must meet the requirements of this section and GOST 16037-80;
- Radiographic inspection in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7512-82;
- Mechanical testing tensile and bending in accordance with GOST 6996-66.
In case of unsatisfactory test results, the qualification weld joint and repeated control of two other qualification welds. In the case of control by repeated unsatisfactory results in at least one of the joints welder recognized not pass the test and may be permitted to weld pipe only after additional training and re-testing.
3.29. Each welder must be assigned to brand him. Welder shall emboss or stamp overlay at a distance of 30 – 50 mm from the joint side, available for inspection.
3.30. Tack welding and pipe joints are allowed to produce at an outside temperature of -50 ° C. While welding welded joints unheated allowed to perform:
- At an ambient temperature to minus 20 ° C – during application of pipes of carbon steel with carbon content not exceeding 0.24% (regardless of the thickness of the pipe wall) as well as low-alloyed steel pipes with wall thickness of 10 mm;
- At an ambient temperature to minus 10 ° C – during application of pipes of carbon steel with a carbon content exceeding 0,24% and a low-alloyed steel pipes with wall thickness above 10 mm. When the outdoor temperature is below the above limits welding work should be done by heating in special booths in which the air temperature should be maintained no lower than the above, display or perform outdoors all
- Welded pipes for a minimum length of 200 mm to a temperature not lower than 200 ° C.
After welding is necessary to ensure a gradual lowering of the temperature of joints and adjacent zones pipes by covering them with a towel after welding asbestos or other means.
3.31. When each layer of the multilayer welding seam before applying the next stitch should be cleared from slag and spatter. Portions of the weld metal with pores and cracks shells should be cut down to the base metal and welded joints craters.
3.32. When manual arc welding seam individual layers must be imposed so that their trailing portions of adjacent layers do not coincide with one another.
3.33. When welding outdoors during the precipitation of the weld must be protected from moisture and wind.
3.34. The quality control of welded joints of steel pipelines should be carried out:
- Operational control during assembly and welding pipe in accordance with the requirements of SNIP 3.01.01-85 *;
- Integrity tests of welded joints with the identification of internal defects of a non-destructive (physical) control methods – radiographic (X-ray or gammagraficheskim) GOST 7512-82 and GOST 14782-86 ultrasound.
Application of ultrasonic method is permitted only in conjunction with radiographic, which must be verified by at least 10% of the total number of joints to be controlled.
3.35. When operational control of welded joints of steel pipelines should check compliance with the structural elements and sizes of welded joints, welding process, welding quality materials, edge preparation, the gaps, the number of tacks, as well as welding equipment serviceability.
3.36. Visual inspection is required for all welded joints. Pipeline diameter
of 1020 mm and a diameter bolboprovodah
its welded joints welded without backing rings are subjected to a visual inspection and measurement of the size of the outside and inside of the pipe, in other cases – only outside. Before inspecting the weld and the adjacent surfaces of the tubes at a minimum width of 20 mm (on both sides of the joint) should be cleaned of slag, spatter, scale and other zagryazneniy.boprovodah diameter
Weld quality of the external inspection shall be considered satisfactory if not found: cracks in the weld and the Contiguous Zone, permitted deviations from size and shape of the weld; undercuts ceasing between the rollers, sagging, burn-through, nezavarennyh craters and onto the surface of the pores, lack of fusion or sags in the weld root (when viewed from inside the pipe joint);
displacements of tubes exceeding allowable dimensions.
Joints that do not meet these requirements are subject to amend or delete and re-inspection of their quality.
3.37. Checking the quality of welds physical control methods exposed water and sewer pipes with a design pressure up to 1 MPa (10 kgf / cm 2 ) in an amount not less than 2% (but not less than one interface for each welder) 1 – 2 MPa
(10 – 20 kgf / cm 2 1 – 2 MPa
) 1 – 2 MPa
- in the amount not less than 5% (but not the 1 – 2 MPa and
less than two joints at each welder) 1 – 2 MPa
above 2 MPa (20 kgf / cm 2 1 – 2 MPa
) 1 – 2 MPa
- in the amount not less than 10% (but not more than two joints at each welder). 1 – 2 MPa
3.38. Weld joints to control physical methods selected in the presence of the customer, who writes in the Journal of works information about selected for control joints (location, brand welder, etc.).
3.39. Physical control methods should be subjected to 100% of welded joints of pipelines, built on plots of transitions under and over the railway and tramway, water obstacles, under highways, urban collectors to communicate with combined with other routing utilities. Length controlled sections of pipelines in the areas of transitions should be no less than the following sizes:
- For railways – the distance between the axes of the extreme ways, and 40 m from them in each direction;
- For roads – the width of the embankment along the bottom or recess on the top and 25 m away in each direction;
- For water barriers – within the boundaries of underwater passage defined by Sec. 6
SNIP 2.05.06-85;
- For other utilities – width intersected facilities, including water taking device plus at least 4 m in each direction from the outer boundaries intersected structures.
3.40. Welds should reject if the verification of physical control methods have cracks, nezavarennye craters, burned, fistulas, as well as lack of fusion at the root of the weld made on the backing ring.
When checking welds radiographically acceptable defects are:
- Pores and inclusions, the dimensions of which do not exceed the maximum permitted by
GOST 23055-78 for 7th grade welds – pores and inclusions, the dimensions of which do not exceed the maximum allowable for
- Lack of fusion, and the excess melted the concavity at the root of the weld made arc welding without backing rings, height (depth) does not exceed 10% of the nominal wall thickness, and the total length – 1/3 of the inner perimeter of the compound.
3.41. In identifying the physical control methods unacceptable defects in welds these defects must be removed and repeated quality produce twice the number of stitches than specified in paragraph 3.37. In case of unacceptable defects with repeated control should be monitored all joints made according to a welder.
3.42. Land weld unacceptable defects to be corrected by local sampling and subsequent podvarki (usually without overcooking the entire weld joint), if the total length of the sample after the removal of defective areas shall not exceed a total length specified in GOST 23055-78 for 7th grade.
Defect in the joints should be done by arc welding.
Undercuts should be corrected by welding rolls of thread height no more than 2 – 3 mm. Crack length less than 50 mm zasverlivayutsya at the ends are cut, carefully smoothed out and welded into several layers.
3.43. The results of quality control of welded joints of steel pipes physical control methods should be made act (protocol).
3.44. Installation of cast iron pipes manufactured in accordance with GOST 9583-75, should be carried out with the seal pipe connection hemp resin or bituminized strand asbestos and device lock, or just sealant and tubes manufactured in accordance with TU 03.14.12 47-83, elasticated cuffs, supplied complete with pipes without the device lock.
Asbestos-cement mixture composition for the device lock and sealant defined by the project.
3.45. The distance between the abutment surface and the socket end of the pipe (regardless of the material sealing joints) should be taken, mm. for pipe diameters up to 300 mm – 5, more than 300 mm – 8-10.
3.46. Dimensions elements sealing butt joint cast iron pressure pipe shall conform to the values given in Table. 1.
Table 1.
Nominal pipe diameter D y , mm |
Planting depth, mm |
when using hemp strands |
when the device lock |
Only when applying sealant |
65-200 |
35 |
30 |
50 |
250-400 |
45 |
30-35 |
60-65 |
600-1000 |
50-60 |
40-50 |
70-80 |
3.47. The distance between the ends of the pipe should be taken, mm for pipe diameters up to 300 mm – 5, more than 300 mm – 10.
3.48. Before starting the installation of pipelines at the ends of the pipe, depending on the length of the coupling should be used to make a mark corresponding to the initial position before mounting the coupling interface and end – in the assembled joint.
3.49. Connect cement pipes with fittings or metal pipes should be carried out with the help of cast iron fittings or welded steel pipes and rubber seals.
3.50. After the installation of each butt joint, check the proper location couplings and rubber seals in them, and the uniformity of torque flanges cast iron couplings.
Concrete and concrete PIPELINES
3.51. The distance between the abutment surface and the socket end of the pipe should be taken, mm:
- For concrete pressure pipe diameters up to 1000 mm – 12-15, over 1000 mm in diameter – 18-22;
- For concrete and concrete unconfined socket pipes with diameter up to 700 mm – 8.12, more than 700 mm – 15-18, for rebated pipes – no more than 25.
3.52. Butt joints of pipes supplied without rubber rings should seal the hemp resin or bituminized strand or strand sizalskoy bituminized with embedded lock the asbestos mixture, and polysulfide (Thiokol) sealants. Planting depth is given in Table. 2, with deviations in depth sealing locks and lock shall not exceed ± 5 mm.
Clearances between the abutment surface and the ends of pipe sockets in pipes with a diameter of 1000 mm, and should more grout to seal the inside. Cement brand defined by the project.
Drain pipes are allowed to flare working gap to the full depth patch mortar Grade B7, 5 if the other requirements are not provided by the project.
Table 2.
Nominal diameter passage, mm |
Planting depth, mm |
when using n Enkova sizalskoy or strands |
when the device lock |
Only when applying sealant |
100-150 200-250 400-600 800-1600 2400 |
25 (35) 40 (50) 50 (60) 55 (65) 70 (80) |
25 40 50 55 70 |
35 40 50 70 95 |
3.53. Sealing joints rebated unconfined concrete and concrete pipes with smooth ends should be made in accordance with the project.
3.54. Connect concrete and concrete pipes with pipe fittings and metal pipes should be made with steel or concrete inserts shaped connecting parts manufactured according to the draft.
3.55. The distance between the ends of stacked ceramic pipe (regardless of the material sealing joints) should be taken, mm for pipe diameters up to 300 mm – 5 – 7, at larger diameters – 8 – 10.
3.56. Butt joints of pipes ceramic pipes should be compacted or hemp sizalskoy bituminized strand followed device lock cement mortar Grade B7, 5, asphalt (bitumen) and mastic polysulfide (Thiokol) sealants, if other materials are not provided by the project. Use of mastic asphalt is allowed when a temperature of the transported waste liquid does not exceed 40 ° C and in the absence of solvents bitumen therein.
The main dimensions of the elements butt joint ceramic pipes must conform to the values given in Table. 3.
Table 3.
Nominal diameter, mm |
Planting depth, mm |
when using hemp or strands sizalskoy |
when the device lock |
when used enii only sealants or Bituminous |
160-300 350 – 600 |
30 30 |
30 38 |
40 45 |
3.57. Pipe seals in the walls of wells and chambers should be leak-proof and waterproof compounds wells in wet soils.
3.58. Connect pipes made of polyethylene (LDPE) and high density polyethylene (HDPE) with each other and with shaped parts should be carried out by hot-plate contact-flash butt welding or bell and spigot. Welding together pipes and fittings of various types of polyethylene (HDPE and LDPE) is not allowed.
3.59. Should be used for welding installation (device) to ensure the maintenance of parameters of technological regimes in accordance with OST 6-19-505-79 and other normative and technical documentation, duly approved.
3.60. Pipeline welding of LDPE and HDPE allowed welders in the presence of documents for production work on welding of plastics.
3.61. Welding of pipes of LDPE and HDPE is allowed to produce at an ambient temperature not below 10 ° C. At low outdoor temperature welding should be done in heated rooms.
When welding the weld must be protected from rain and dust.
3.62. Connecting pipes of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) between themselves and with the molded parts should be carried out by gluing bell and spigot (using glue marks GIPK-127 in accordance with TU 6-05-251-95-79) and using rubber sleeves supplied complete with pipes .
3.63. Glued joints for 15 minutes and not be subjected to mechanical stress. Pipelines with adhesive compounds for 24 hours should not be hydraulically tested.
3.64. Work should be done by bonding at an ambient temperature of 5 to 35 ° C. Work place should be protected from exposure to rain and dust.
4. Pipeline crossing NATURAL
And artificial barriers
4.1. Crossings pressure pipelines of water supply and sanitation through water obstacles (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, canals), underwater pipelines and sewer intakes issues within the channel reservoirs and underground crossing ravines, roads (motorways and railways, including metro lines and tramways ) and urban thoroughfares must be done by specialized organizations in accordance with the requirements of SNIP 3.02.01-87, SNIP III-42-80 (Section 8) and this section.
4.2. Methods of laying pipeline crossings over natural and artificial barriers defined by the project.
4.3. Laying of underground pipelines under roads should be carried out at constant surveying and geodetic control over compliance with a construction company under the draft horizontal and vertical positions casings and pipelines.
4.4. Axis deviation protective cases transitions from design position for gravity free-flow pipes must not exceed:
- Vertical – 0.6% of the length of the case, provided that the design gradient;
- Horizontally – 1% of the length of the case.
Penstock these deviations should not exceed 1, respectively, and 1.5% the length of the case.
5.1. Construction of facilities for the abstraction of surface water from rivers, lakes, reservoirs and canals should be, as a rule, specialized construction and installation organizations in accordance with the project.
5.2. Before the start of the base unit under the riverbed water intakes should be monitored by their alignments axis and mark time frames.
5.3. In the process of drilling all kinds of work and key performance indicators (excavation, drilling diameter, mounting and removing the pipe from the well cementation, measurements of water levels and other operations) should be recorded in the journal production drilling. We should celebrate the name passed rocks, color, density (fortress), fracture, grain composition of rocks, water content, the presence and magnitude of “plug” in the sinking of quicksands, and appeared steady water level all encountered aquifer fluid loss. Measure the level of water in wells during drilling should be carried out before starting work each shift. In flowing wells water levels should be measured by building pipes or by measuring water pressure.
5.4. During drilling, according to the actual geological section may be installed within the aquifer project organization drilling depth adjustment borehole diameters and technical columns planting depth without changing the operating diameter of the well and without increasing the cost of operations. Modifications to the well must not impair her health status and performance.
5.5. Samples should be selected, one from each layer of rock, and at a uniform layer – 10 m
In agreement with the developer is allowed to select rock samples are not from all wells.
5.6. Isolating exploited aquifer in the well of unused aquifers should be done with drilling method:
rotary – through the shell side of the annulus and cementing casing strings to a level stipulated by the project:
shock – zadavlivaniem and clogging in the casing layer of natural thick clay at a depth of at least 1 m or conduct podbashmachnoy cementation by creating a cavity or expander bit eccentric.
5.7. To ensure the project under the granulometric composition of the material dusting filter wells and fine sand clay fraction should be removed by washing, and before backfilling the washed material should be disinfected.
5.8. Outcrop filter while it should be sprinkled by raising the casing string each time by 0.5 – 0.6 m after dusting wells at 0.8 1m height. The upper limit must be sprinkled above the working part of the filter not less than 5 m
5.9. Water wells after drilling and installation of the filter to be tested pumping produced continuously within the time provided by the project.
Before starting the pumping well should be cleaned of sludge and pumped usually airlift. In fractured rock and gravel-pebble-bearing rocks pumping should start with the maximum design water level decline, and in the sandy rocks – with a minimum reduction project. The minimum of the actual lowering of the water should be between 0.4 – 0.6 max actual.
When forced to stop work on the pumping of water, if the total stop time exceeds 10% of the total project time per lowering of water level, water pumping for this reduction should be repeated. In the case of pumping from wells equipped with filter dusting, dusting material shrinkage value should be measured in the process of pumping once a day.
5.10. Flow rate (capacity) wells should be determined measuring cup with a time of filling at least 45 s. Flow rate may be determined by using weirs and water meters.
The water level in the well should be measured with an accuracy of 0.1% of the depth of the measured water level.
Flow rate and water level in the well should be measured at least once every 2 hours throughout the evacuation time, a certain project.
Control measurements of the depth of the well should be done at the beginning and end of the pump in the presence of the customer.
5.11. In the process of pumping drilling organization must produce measured water temperature and water sampling in accordance with GOST 18963-73 and GOST 4979-49 with delivery to the laboratory for testing water quality in accordance with GOST 2874-82.
Quality of casing cementation, as well as the location of the working of the filter should be checked by geophysical methods. Estuary flowing wells at the end of drilling must be equipped with valve and fitting gauge.
5.12. Upon completion of the water well drilling and water pumping test its top service pipe must be welded metal lid and have a threaded hole for the bolt-tube to measure the water level. On the tube should be applied design and drilling wells numbers, name of organization and year of drilling drilling.
To operate the well in accordance with the project must be equipped with devices to measure water levels and flow rates.
5.13. Upon completion of drilling and testing of pumping water well drilling organization should pass it to the customer in accordance with the requirements of SNIP 3.01.04-87, as well as samples passed rocks and documentation (passport), including:
- Geological and lithological section with the construction of wells, corrected for geophysical data;
- Acts on the drilling, installation of the filter casing cementation;
- Consolidated with the results of well log decrypt it signed organization, run geophysical operations logbook for pumping water from wells, and data on the results of chemical, bacteriological analysis and organoleptic characteristics of water in accordance with GOST 2874-82 and the conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological service.
Documentation before delivery to the customer should be agreed with the developer.
Capacitive structures
5.14. When installing concrete and reinforced concrete monolithic and precast capacitive structures except for the requirements of the project should be carried out as the requirements of SNIP 3.03.01-87 and these rules.
5.15. Backfill soil in the sinuses and sprinkled capacitive structures should be performed, as a rule, mechanized way after laying communications to capacitive structures, hydraulic testing facilities, address the identified defects, waterproofing the walls and ceilings.
5.16. After all the types of work and a set of concrete design strength produced hydraulic test capacitive structures in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 7.
5.17. Installation of drainage and distribution systems are allowed to produce filtering facilities after hydraulic test tank facilities for leaks.
5.18. Round holes in the pipelines for the distribution of water and air, as well as to collect water drilling should be carried out in accordance with the class indicated in the draft.
Deviations from the design width of slot openings in polyethylene pipes should not exceed 0.1 mm, and the length of the project in light of the gap ± 3 mm.
5.19. Deviations in the distances between the axes coupling caps in the distribution and outlet filter systems should not exceed ± 4 mm, and marks the top caps (for cylindrical projections) – ± 2 mm of the design position.
5.20. Mark edges weirs in devices for distribution and collection of water (gutters, gutters, etc.) must comply with the project and must be aligned to the water level.
When the device overflows with triangular cutouts deviation marks the bottom of the recesses of the project shall not exceed ± 3 mm.
5.21. On the inner and outer surfaces of the grooves and channels for the collection and distribution of water, and to collect the rain should not be shells and growths. Trays gutters and channels should have given the project a bias towards the movement of water (or sediment). Presence on them sites with reverse bias is not allowed.
5.22. Stacking filters boot installations for water treatment filtration may be performed after the hydrostatic test the capacities of these facilities, washing and cleaning of pipelines connected to them, individual testing of each distribution and collection systems, measuring and locking devices.
5.23. Filter media materials, to be laid in water treatment facilities, including biofilters, granulometric composition shall conform to the requirements of the project or SNIP SNIP 2.04.02-84 and 2.04.03-85.
5.24. Layer thickness deviation of each fraction from the filtering bed and the design value throughout the thickness of the load should not be more than ± 20 mm.
5.25. After completion of the installation of the filter loading facilities of drinking water must be made washing and disinfection facilities, conduct which is presented in Annex 5 recommended.
5.26. Installation of flammable wooden structural elements irrigators, vodoulovitelnyh lattices air guide panels and partitions cooling tower and spray ponds should be carried out after the welding work.
6.1. The pipelines and water supply and sanitation in the special natural and climatic conditions should comply with the requirements of the project and this part.
6.2. Temporary water supply pipelines, it is usually necessary to lay on the ground while adhering to the requirements for laying pipelines permanent water supply.
6.3. Construction of pipelines and facilities in permafrost should be made, as a rule, at subzero temperatures outside air frozen soil conservation grounds. In the case of construction of pipelines and facilities for positive outdoor temperatures should remain the foundation soil in the frozen state and prevent violations of their temperature-humidity regime established by the project.
Training base for pipelines and facilities on ldonasyschennyh soils should be carried out by thawing them to the projected depth and seals, as well as by replacing in accordance with the project ldonasyschennyh soil thawed soil compaction.
Movement of vehicles and construction machinery in the summer should be for roads and access roads that have been built in accordance with the project.
6.4. Construction of pipelines and structures in seismic areas should be carried out by the same methods and techniques as well as in normal construction, but with the implementation of the activities envisaged by the project to ensure their seismic resistance. Joints of steel pipes and fittings should be welded only electric arc method and check the quality of welding their physical control methods in the amount of 100%.
During the construction of reinforced concrete capacitive structures, pipelines, wells and chambers should be used mortars of plastics in accordance with the project.
6.5. All work to ensure seismic resistance of pipelines and facilities, made during construction, it should be reflected in the job log and survey instruments hidden works.
6.6. When backfilling sinuses capacitive structures, built on undermined territories should ensure the safety of joints.
Gaps joints all their height (from the base to the top of the foundations of the buildings nadfundamentnoy) must be free of soil, construction debris, sagging concrete, mortar and waste formwork.
Acts examination of the hidden works shall be executed all major special work, including: installation of expansion joints, seams slip device in foundation structures and joints, anchoring and welding joints field device connections-struts, the device passes through the pipe wall wells, chambers, capacitive structures.
6.7. Pipelines should be laid on the marshes in the trench after removal of water therefrom or in the flooded trench subject to acceptance in accordance with the project the necessary measures against them floating.
Scourge of the pipeline should be to drag along the trench or move afloat with plugged ends.
Laying pipelines to completely backfilled with sealing dam must be carried out in normal soil conditions.
6.8. The pipelines on subsiding soils pits under butt joints shall be made by compaction.
7. TEST pipelines and facilities
7.1. In the absence of instructions to the draft test method of pressure pipes to be tested for strength and integrity are usually hydraulically. Depending on the climatic conditions in the construction and in the absence of water can be applied pneumatic test method for pipes with internal calculation pressure P p , max:
- Underground cast iron, asbestos cement and concrete – 0.5 MPa (5 kgf / cm 2 );
- Underground steel – 1.6 MPa (16 kgf / cm 2 );
- Aboveground steel – 0.3 MPa (3 kgf / cm 2 ).
7.2. Test pressure pipelines of all classes should be the construction organizations, usually in two stages:
first - a preliminary test of strength and tightness performed after filling cavities with tamping soil to half the vertical diameter and powdering pipes in accordance with the requirements of SNIP 3.02.01-87 with left open for inspection butt joints, this test may be carried out without the participation of the customer and operational organization with drawing up the act, approved the chief engineer of the construction company;
second - acceptance (final) strength test and tightness should be performed after complete filling of the pipeline with the participation of representatives of the customer and operational organization with the drawing up of the results of the test in the form of mandatory application of 1 or 3.
Both phases of testing should be performed prior to installation of hydrants, air valves, safety valves, instead of on which the test should be set flanged plugs. Preliminary testing of pipelines, inspection available in working order or be in the process of building an immediate filling (production work in the winter, in cramped conditions), with appropriate justification in projects not allowed to produce.
7.3. Pipelines underwater crossings are subject to a preliminary test twice on the slipway or site after welding pipes, but prior to the application of anticorrosion insulation to welded joints, and second – after laying pipe in the trench in the design position, but before backfilling with soil.
Results of the preliminary and acceptance tests should execute an act of compulsory application form 1.
7.4. Pipelines, built on transitions through rail and road category I and II shall be subject to a preliminary test after laying the pipeline working in box (housing) to fill the annulus cavity case and to backfill the working and receiving pits transition.
7.5. Magnitude of the internal design pressure P P and P test pressure and to conduct a preliminary review and testing the strength of the discharge pipe should be determined in accordance with the project requirements of SNIP 2.04.02-84 and listed in documentation.
The test pressure for leaks P g for both pre-and acceptance test pressure line must be equal to the value of the internal design pressure P p plus the value of P, plus the value
to be considered in accordance with the Table. 4 depending on the upper limit of the pressure measurement accuracy class and the scale interval gauge. The magnitude of R g plus the value
should not exceed the value of the acceptance test pressure pipeline strength P and . plus the value of
7.6 * Pipelines made of steel, cast iron, concrete and asbestos cement pipes, regardless of the test method shall be tested at a length of less than 1 km – at one time, at greater length – areas less than 1 km. Length of the test sites of these pipelines for hydraulic testing method permitted to take more than 1 km, provided that the value of the allowable flow of water should be podkachennoy for area 1 km long.
Pipelines from pipes LDPE, HDPE and PVC regardless of the test method should be tested at a length not more than 0.5 miles at a time, at greater length – areas not more than 0.5 km. With appropriate justification test in the project allowed these pipelines at a time when the length of 1 km, provided that the value of the allowable flow podkachennoy water should be for 0.5 km long section.
7.7. In the absence of the draft guidance on the magnitude of the hydraulic test pressure Ree to perform preliminary tests flowlines strength value taken in accordance with the Table. 5 *
Char eristika pipeline |
Bandwidth specifications Test Yelnia pressure in the preliminary test, MPa (kgf / cm 2 ) |
1. Steel tion ith class * with butt joints n Aoi your arch (including underwater) with vnutreoy nnim rascheoy apparent to those davleniemoy P p th to 0.75 MPa (oh 7.5kgs/sm 2 nd) th |
1.5 (15) |
2. However, from 0.75 to 2.5 MPa (7.5 to 25 kgf / cm 2Same as 0.75 to 2.5 MPa (7.5 to 25 ) |
Internal calculation etnoe pressure a factor of 2, but no more than the factory test pressure pipes |
3. Same communication. 2.5 MPa (25 kgf / cm 2 ) |
Internal settlement e pressure a factor of 1.5, but not more than the factory test pressure pipes |
4. Steel, consisting of separate sections, connected by flanges with internal design pressure it Pp to 0.5 MPa (5 kgf / cm 2 ) |
0.6 (6) |
5. Steel 2 – and third classes with butt with Unity on welding and internal calculation pressure Pp to 0.75 MPa (7.5 kgf / cm 2 ) |
1.0 (10) |
6. However, from 0.75 to 2.5 MPa (7.5 to 25 kgf / cm 2) |
Internal settlement e pressure a factor of 1.5, but not more than the factory test pressure pipes |
7. The same. St.. 2.5 MPa (25 kgf / cm 2 ) |
Internal design pressure by a factor of 1.25, but n e a factory test pressure pipes |
8. Steel Samoth echny intake conduit or sewer issue |
Fits about ektom |
9. Cast iron with butt joints under Crimping (GOST 9583-75 for pipes of all classes) with an internal calculation pressure of 1 MPa (10 kgf / cm 2 ) | Int morning calculated pressure plus 0.5 (5), but at least one (10) and not more than 1.5 (15) |
10. Same with butt joints s rubber cuffs for pipes of all classes | In nutrennee design pressure by a factor of 1.5, but not less than 1.5 (15) and not more than 0.6 factory hydraulic pressure test |
11. Reinforced | Ext morning the design pressure by a factor of 1.3, but not more than the factory test pressure waterproof |
12. Asbestos cement | Internal ennee design pressure by a factor of 1.3, but not more than 0.6 factory test pressure waterproof |
13. Plastic | Internal ennee design pressure by a factor of 1.3 |
* Classes pipelines accepted SNIP 2.04.02-84.
7.8. Prior to the preliminary acceptance test and pressure piping must be:
- Completed all work on the sealing of joints, the device stops, installation fittings and fixtures, results are satisfactory for welding quality control and insulation of steel pipe;
- Flanged plugs installed on taps instead hydrants, air valves, safety valves and places joining operated pipelines;
- Prepared by means of filling and emptying of the test crimping area, mounted and installed temporary communication devices and cranes required for testing;
- Drained and ventilated wells for the production of preparatory work, organized vigil on the border areas of the buffer zone;
- Filled with water to the test section of the pipeline (for hydraulic testing method) and bled.
Procedure for hydrostatic test pressure pipes Leak and set out in Annex 2 recommended.
7.9. For testing the pipeline responsible executor of works should be issued permit-to-work with high-risk indication of the size of the buffer zone. Form the permit and order his extradition must comply with the requirements of SNIP III-4-80 *.
7.10. To measure the hydraulic pressure during the pre-acceptance testing of pipelines and Leak and certified should apply in the prescribed manner spring gauges accuracy class 1.5 with a body diameter of not less than 160 mm and with a scale for nominal pressure of about 4/3 test P and .
To measure the volume of water is pumping into the pipeline and let him out during the test should be applied dimensional tanks or cold water meters (water meters) according to GOST 6019 – 83, certified in the prescribed manner.
7.11. Filling the pipeline with water test should be carried out usually at a rate m 3 / h, not more than 4 – 5 – for pipes up to 400 mm, 6 -10 – for pipes with diameters from 400 to 600 mm, 10 – 15 – for pipe diameter
700 – 1000 mm and 15 – 20 – Pipe diameter greater than 1100 mm. no more than 4 – 5 – Pipe diameter up to 400 mm, 6 -10 – Pipe diameter from 400 to 600 mm, 10 – 15 – Pipe diameter
When filling the pipeline with water air must be removed through the open taps and valves.
7.12. Acceptance test hydraulic pressure pipe is allowed to start after filling it with soil in accordance with the requirements of SNIP 3.02.01-87 and fill with water to water saturation, and if he was born in a full state of at least 72 h – for concrete pipes (including including 12 hours at an internal calculation pressure P p ); cement pipes -24 hours (including 12 hours at an internal calculation pressure P p ) h-24 for cast iron pipes. For steel and polyethylene pipes for the purpose of saturation extract is performed.
If the pipe was filled with water to backfill soil, the specified duration of saturation established since reburial.
7.13. Penstock is recognized and passed the preliminary acceptance hydraulic leak test, if the flow rate of water podkachennoy not exceed the allowable flow podkachennoy water on the test plot 1 km in length and pain of the table. 6 *
If the flow exceeds the permissible podkachennoy water, the line is not recognized to pass the test and should be taken to identify and eliminate latent defects of the pipeline, and then must be done retesting the pipeline.
* Table 6.
Internal enny pipe diameter, mm |
Permissible flow podkachennoy water on the test section of the pipeline length of 1 km or more, l / min, with the acceptance test pressure for pipes |
steel |
iron |
asbestos-cement |
iron- concrete |
100 |
0.28 |
0.70 |
1.40 |
- |
125 |
0.35 |
0.90 |
1.56 |
- |
150 |
0.42 |
1.05 |
1.72 |
- |
200 |
0.56 |
1.40 |
1.98 |
2.0 |
250 |
0.70 |
1.55 |
2.22 |
2.2 |
300 |
0.85 |
1.70 |
2.42 |
2.4 |
350 |
0.90 |
1.80 |
2.62 |
2.6 |
400 |
1.00 |
1.95 |
2.80 |
2.8 |
450 |
1.05 |
2.10 |
2.96 |
3.0 |
500 |
1.10 |
2.20 |
3.14 |
3.2 |
600 |
1.20 |
2.40 |
- |
3.4 |
700 |
1.30 |
2.55 |
- |
3.7 |
800 |
1.35 |
2.70 |
- |
3.9 |
900 |
1.45 |
2.90 |
- |
4.2 |
1000 |
1.50 |
3.00 |
- |
4.4 |
1100 |
1.55 |
- |
- |
4.6 |
1200 |
1.65 |
- |
- |
4.8 |
1400 |
1.75 |
- |
- |
5.0 |
1600 |
1.85 |
- |
- |
5.2 |
1800 |
1.95 |
- |
- |
6.2 |
2000 |
2.10 |
- |
- |
6.9 |
Notes: 1. For cast iron pipes with butt joints in rubber seals podkachennoy permissible flow of water should be taken with a factor of 0.7.
2. With a length of the test section of the pipeline less than 1 km in the table eligible costs podkachennoy water must be multiplied by the length, expressed in km, with a length of over 1 km podkachennoy permissible flow of water should be taken for 1 km.
3. For pipelines of LDPE and HDPE with welded joints and pipe PVC glue joints podkachennoy permissible flow of water should be taken as for steel pipes, equivalent largest outer diameter defining this flow interpolation.
4. For pipes of PVC compounds for rubber cuffs podkachennoy permissible flow of water should be taken as for cast iron pipes with the same compounds, equivalent largest outer diameter defining this flow interpolation.
7.14. The test pressure for pipelines pneumatically Leak and in the absence of data in the project should be taken:
- For steel piping with the calculated internal pressure Pp to 0.5 MPa
(5 kgf / cm 2 ) to 0.5 MPa 0.5 MPa
- 0.6 MPa (6 kg / cm 2 ) for preliminary and acceptance tests pipelines; 0.5 MPa
- For steel piping with the calculated internal pressure Pp 0.5 – 1.6 MPa
(5 – 16 kgf / cm 2 ) – 1.15 Pp at preliminary and acceptance tests of pipelines; iem Pp 0.5 – 1.6 MPa
- For cast iron, concrete and asbestos cement pipes regardless of the value calculated internal pressure – 0.15 MPa (1.5 kgf / cm 2 ) – Advance and 0.6 MPa (6 kg / cm 2 ) – Acceptance test.
7.15. After filling the steel pipe with air prior to its alignment tests should be performed in the pipeline temperature, and soil temperature. Minimum exposure time depending on the pipe diameter, h, at DN:
Up to 300 mm 2
From 300 to 600 “- 4
“600″ 900 “- 8
“900″ 1200 “- 16
“1200″ 1 400 “- 24
St. 1400 “- 32
7.16. In preliminary tests the strength of a pneumatic pipe should be maintained under the test pressure for 30 minutes. To maintain the test pressure must Priming air.
7.17. Inspection of the pipeline in order to identify the defective locations allowed under the pressure reduction: in steel pipes – up to 0.3 MPa (3 kgf / cm 2 ) in cast iron, concrete and asbestos – 0.1 MPa (1 kgf / cm 2 ). While identifying leaks and other defects in the pipeline should be made by the sound leaking air and bubbles, formed in areas of air leakage through the butt joints, covered on the outside with soapy emulsion.
7.18. Defects are identified and marked during the inspection of the pipeline, should be removed after the reduction of excess pressure in the line to zero. After the elimination of defects must be made re-test the pipeline.
7.19. Pipeline to pass the preliminary recognized pneumatic test of strength, if by careful examination of the pipeline will not be found violating the integrity of the pipeline, defects in welds and joints.
7.20. Acceptance testing of pipelines pneumatically Leak and should be performed in the following sequence:
- The line pressure should be brought to test pressure on the strength specified in paragraph 7.14, and under this pressure pipe stand for 30 minutes, if the violation of the integrity of the pipeline under the test pressure does not happen, the line pressure to reduce to 0.05 MPa (0.5 kgf / cm 2 ) and the pipe stand at this pressure for 24 hours;
- After the expiration of Exposure pipeline pressure of 0.05 MPa (0.5 kgf / cm 2 ) is set to a pressure of 0.03 MPa (0.3 kgf / cm 2 ), which is the initial test pressure piping for leaks P n , noted start the leak test, as well as barometric pressure P B n , mm Hg, relevant to the test;
- Line testing under this pressure for the time specified in Table. 7;
- After the time specified in the Table. 7, measure the final pressure in the pipeline P in mm of water column, the barometric pressure and the final P b to , mmHg;
P the pressure drop, mm of water. Art. determine the formula
P = (P n = P
- P to P =
) + 13.6 (P b P = N = P - P b P = a ). (1) P =
Table 7.
Inner Diam eter pipes, mm |
Pipelines |
Steel |
iron |
Asbestos-cement and reinforced Eton |
Duration s test, h-min |
allowable pressure drop during the test, mm water column |
duration of test, h – min |
allowable pressure drop during use tests are carried mm water column |
duration nost test h – min |
allowable pressure drop during the test, mm water column |
100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 |
0-30 0-30 1-00 1-00 1-00 2-00 2-00 2-00 4-00 4-00 4-00 6-00 6-00 6-00 |
55 45 75 55 45 75 55 45 80 75 50 60 50 40 |
0-15 0-15 0-15 0-30 0-30 1-00 1-00 1-00 2-00 2-00 2-00 3-00 3-00 4-00 |
65 55 50 65 50 70 55 50 80 70 55 65 45 55 |
0-15 0-15 0-15 0-30 0-30 1-00 1-00 2-00 3-00 3-00 3-00 5-00 5-00 6-00 |
130 110 100 130 100 140 110 100 160 140 110 130 90 110 |
1000 1200 1400 |
12-00 12-00 12-00 |
70 50 45 |
4-00 - - |
50 - - |
6-00 - - |
100 - - |
When using the gauge as a working fluid water = gauge When used in water as a working fluid
1 using a pressure gauge, as a working fluid of water
kerosene - = 0.87. When using the gauge as a working fluid of water kerosene -
Note. Upon agreement with the duration of the project organization is allowed to reduce the pressure drop in the two times, but not less than 1 h, while the magnitude of the pressure drop should be in proportion to the reduced size.
7.21. Pipeline recognized withstood acceptance (final) pneumatic test, if not compromised his integrity and pressure drop P, defined by (1) shall not exceed the values given in Table. 7. Thus air bubbles may be formed on the outer surface of the wetted concrete pressure pipes.
Non-pressure pipes
7.22. Gravity piping shall be tested for leaks twice: preliminary – to backfill and acceptance (final) after filling in the following ways:
first - determine the amount of water added to the pipeline laid in dry soils and in wet soils, when the level (horizon) of groundwater at the top of the well is located below ground by more than half the depth of the pipe, starting from the hatch to shelygi;
second - definition of water flow into the pipeline laid in wet soils, when the level (horizon) of groundwater at the top of the well is located below the ground surface at less than half the depth of the pipe, starting from the hatch to shelygi. Testing method established pipeline project.
7.23. Wells pressureless pipes having waterproofing the inside, be tested for leaks by determining the amount of water added, and the wells having a waterproofed from the outside, – determining the flow of water through them.
Wells with the project waterproof wall interior and exterior insulation can be tested for the addition of water or ground water inflow, in accordance with paragraph 7.22, together with pipelines or apart from them.
Wells without project watertight walls, interior or exterior waterproofing, acceptance tests for leaks exposed.
7.24. Non-pressure test pipelines for leaks expose portions between adjacent wells.
If you experience problems with the delivery of water in the project-based, non-pressure test pipes are allowed to produce selectively (as directed by the customer): the total length of the pipeline to 5 km – two or three sections, with the length of the pipeline over 5 km – several sections with a total length of not less than 30% .
If the results of a sample test sections of the pipeline will be unsatisfactory, the test shall be subject to all sections of the pipeline.
7.25. The hydrostatic pressure in the pipeline during its preliminary test water to be created by filling riser installed in the upper point and the upper pit filled with water if the latter is to be tested. The magnitude of the hydrostatic pressure at the top of the pipeline is determined from the high water level in the riser or pipeline shelygoy pit above the horizon or groundwater, if the latter is above shelygi. The magnitude of the hydrostatic pressure in the pipeline at his trial should be specified in the documentation. For pipelines, built from the unconfined concrete, reinforced concrete and clay pipes, this value should normally be equal to 0.04 MPa (0.4 kgf / cm 2 ).
7.26. Preliminary testing of pipelines for leaks produced in the pipeline is not covered with earth for 30 minutes. The test pressure must be maintained by addition of water in the riser or in the well, preventing lowering of the water level at which more than 20 cm
Pipeline and well recognized to pass the preliminary test, if their examination is not detected water leaks. If no plan increased requirements for the tightness of the pipeline on the pipe surfaces and joints are allowed to form dew drops do not merge into a single stream when the amount of fogging by not more than 5% in the test tube section.
7.27. Acceptance test for leaks should begin after exposure to water-filled state of reinforced concrete pipe and manholes with waterproofing on the inside or waterproof wall project – within 72 hours and pipelines and wells of other materials – 24 hours
7.28. The tightness in the acceptance test the buried pipeline is defined ways:
first - measured on top in the sump volume is added to a riser or well water for 30 min, thus lowering the water level in the riser or in the well may be no more than 20 cm;
second - measured by volume in the lower pit of the inflowing groundwater in the pipeline.
Pipeline to pass the acceptance test is recognized for leaks if certain volumes in the test water added by the first method (a tributary of groundwater by the second method) will be no more than indicated in Table. 8 * what should be drafted act in the form of compulsory application 4.
Conditional diameter pipeline D in mm |
Allowable added in transport uboprovod water (water flow) 10m length of the test pipe during the test period of 30 min, l, for pipes |
concrete and reinforced concrete |
ceramic |
asbestos |
100 |
1.0 |
1.0 |
0.3 |
150 |
1.4 |
1.4 |
0.5 |
200 |
4.2 |
2.4 |
1.4 |
250 |
5.0 |
3.0 |
- |
300 |
5.4 |
3.6 |
1.8 |
350 |
6.2 |
4.0 |
- |
400 |
6.7 |
4.2 |
2.2 |
450 |
- |
4.4 |
- |
500 |
7.5 |
4.6 |
- |
550 |
- |
4.8 |
- |
600 |
8.3 |
5.0 |
- |
Notes: 1. By increasing the duration of the test more than 30 minutes the allowable amount of added water (water flow) should be increased in proportion to the duration of the test.
2. The allowable amount of added water (inflow) in zhalezobetonny pipe diameter over 600 mm should be determined by the formula
q = 0.83 (+4 D), l, 10 m length of pipeline in the test, 30 min (2)
where D-inner (conditional) pipe diameter, dm.
3. For reinforced concrete pipe with butt joints in rubber seals allowable amount of added water (water flow) should be a factor of 0.7.
4. Allowable amounts of added water (water flow) through the walls and the bottom of the well to a depth of 1 m it should be taken as an acceptable amount of added water (water flow) per 1 m of pipes with a diameter equal on the area to the inner diameter of the well.
5. Allowable amount of added water (water flow) in the pipeline being constructed from precast concrete and blocks should be the same as for pipes of reinforced concrete pipes of equal to them in cross-sectional area.
6. Allowable amount added to the water pipeline (inflow) 10 m length of the test pipe during the test 30 minutes for LDPE and HDPE pipes with welded joints and pressure pipes PVC glue joints should be determined for diameters up to 500 mm inclusive. according to the formula q = 0.03 D, a diameter of 500 mm – the formula
q =
0.2 +0.03 D, where D - violation zhny diameters transport conduit dm; q - led Jicin allowable amount of water added l.
7. Allowable amount added to the water pipeline (inflow) 10 m length of the test pipe during the test 30 minutes for PVC pipe with rubber compounds cuff should be determined by the formula q = 0.06 +0,01 D, where D - outer diameter of the pipeline, dm; q - the permissible amount of water added, l.
7.29. Storm sewer pipes are subject to prior review and testing for leaks in accordance with the requirements of this subsection if it is provided by the project.
7.30. Pipelines of unconfined concrete socket, rebated and plain end pipes with a diameter of more than 1600 mm, intended for the project pipeline, either continuously or intermittently pressurized to 0.05 MPa (B m of water column) and having performed in accordance with a special project waterproof outer or inner lining, the hydraulic pressure test shall be specified in the project.
Capacitive structures
7.31. Hydraulic test for water resistance (permeability) capacitive structures should be performed after the design strength of concrete, cleaning and washing.
Waterproofing and sprinkled ground capacitive structures should be performed after a satisfactory hydraulic testing of these structures, if the other requirements are not justified by the project.
7.32. Prior to the pressure test tank facilities should be filled with water in two stages:
first - filling a height of 1 m with time during the day; second - content to the design level.
Capacitive structures, filled with water to the design level, it should be kept for at least three days.
7.33. Capacitive structures withstood pressure test recognized if the decline of water in it for the day is less than 3 liters per 1 m 2 of wetted surface and bottom walls, the walls in the seams and no signs of a leak and found the soil moisture in the ground. Allowed only slight darkening and fogging separate locations.
When tested for water resistance capacitive structures decline of water to evaporation from an open water surface should be considered further.
7.34. If there are leaks and jet water stains on the walls or wetting the soil at the base of the capacitive structure is not considered to pass the test, even if the loss of water in it does not exceed the standard. In this case, after measuring the water loss from the complete bay facilities must be fixed place to be repaired.
After elimination of the detected defects must be made re-test capacitive structures.
7.35. When tested reservoirs and tanks for storage of aggressive fluids leaking water is not allowed. The test should be performed prior to the application of anti-corrosion coating.
7.36. The flow channels filters and contact clarifiers (prefabricated and monolithic concrete) tested hydraulically calculated pressure specified in the documentation.
7.37. The flow channels filters and contact clarifiers are recognized to pass the pressure test if visual inspection of the side walls of the channel filters and water leaks were found and if within 10 minutes The test pressure does not decrease by more than 0.002 MPa (0.02 kg / cm 2 )
7.38. Catchment tank towers must be waterproof and hydraulic testing of the tank on the inside surface of the walls is not allowed browning or weak fogging separate locations.
7.39. Drinking water reservoirs, septic tanks and other facilities after the capacitive device overlaps be tested hydraulically to the water leakage in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 7.31-7.34.
Drinking water reservoir to waterproofing and backfill soil should be additionally tested for vacuum and overpressure respectively vacuum and pressurized air at a rate of 0.0008 MPa (80 mm water column) for 30 min and recognized pass the test if values respectively vacuum and excess pressure for 30 minutes will not decrease by more than 0.0002 MPa (20 mm of water. tbsp.) if other requirements are not justified by the project.
7.40. Digester (cylindrical part) should be subjected to a hydraulic pressure test in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs. 7.31-7.34, and joists, metal gas cap (plenum) should be tested for leaks (gas-tight) pneumatically pressure 0.005 MPa (500 mm water column).
Digester kept under test pressure of not less than 24 hours When a defective places they should be removed, after which the structure should be tested at a pressure drop for an additional 8 hours Digester recognized pass the test for leaks if the pressure in it for 8 hours drops more than 0,001 MPa (100 mm wg).
7.41. Breather caps and distribution system filters after installation to download filters should be put to test by applying water intensity of
5-8 l / (s • install them before downloading filters should be subjected to the test by the water intensity
m 2 install them before downloading filters should be subjected to the test by water supply intensity
) to install them before downloading filters should be subjected to the test by the intensity of the water supply
and air intensity of 20 l / (s • install them before downloading filters should be subjected to the test by the water intensity
m 2 ) to install them before downloading filters should be put to test by applying water intensity
by threefold repetition of
8-10 min. Detected with defective caps must be replaced.
7.42. Completed construction of pipelines and construction of drinking water supply prior to acceptance into service subject to washing (cleaning) and disinfection by chlorination followed by washing to obtain satisfactory control of physico-chemical and bacteriological analyzes of water meeting the requirements of
GOST 2874-82 and the “Guidelines for the control of household disinfection potable water and chlorine disinfection of water supply facilities in central and local water supply, “Health Ministry SSSR.7.42. Completed construction of pipelines and construction of drinking water supply prior to acceptance into service subject to washing (cleaning) and disinfection by chlorination followed by washing to obtain satisfactory control of physico-chemical and bacteriological analyzes of water meeting the requirements of
7.43. Washing and disinfection of pipelines and facilities of drinking water supply should be made of the construction organizations working for the laying and installation of pipelines and facilities, with the participation of representatives of the customer and operational organization in monitoring, carried out by representatives of sanitary-epidemiological service. Procedure for cleaning and disinfection of pipelines and plants for water-injection is presented in Annex 5 recommended.
7.44. On the results produced by washing and disinfection of pipelines and facilities of drinking water supply should be made by an act of the form given in Annex 6 mandatory.
Test results should be issued capacitive structures act, signed by representatives of the construction organization, customer and operational organization.
TO TEST pressure systems and water supply and sewerage, under construction in the special natural and climatic conditions
7.45. Penstock water and sanitation conditions under construction in all types of soil subsidence outside the industrial sites and settlements, tested portions of not more than 500 m in the territory of industrial sites and settlements length test sites should be administered according to local conditions, but not more than 300 m
7.46. Checking waterproof capacitive structures built on subsiding soils of all types, must be made within 5 days after they are filled with water, with the decline of water per day should not exceed 2 liters per 1 m 2 of wetted surface and bottom walls.
Upon detection of a leak of water facilities shall be released and discharged into place certain project, excluding built-up area flooding.
7.47. Hydraulic testing of pipelines and capacitive structures erected in areas where permafrost should produce, as a rule, at an ambient temperature below 0 ° C, unless other test conditions are not justified by the project.
About an acceptance of hydraulic tests penstock Leak and
City __________________ “” _____ of _____________ 19
Commission composed of representatives of: construction organization
(Name of organization, position, name, Acting)
technical supervision of the customer ___________________________________
(Name of organization, position,
surname, Acting)
operational organization ____________________________________
(Name of organization, position,
surname, Acting)
made this act of acceptance on hydraulic test
Leak and pressure pipe section
(Name of the object and number of pickets on its borders,
pipe length, diameter, pipe material and joints)
These working documents in quantities calculated internal pressure test of the pipeline P p = _____ MPa (_____ kgf / cm 2 ) and the test pressure
P and ) and the test pressure
MPa = ______ (_____ kgf / cm 2 ).) and test pressure
Pressure measurement during the test performed by the technical accuracy class __ manometer with an upper limit of measurement __ kgf / cm 2 .
Scale interval gauge _____ kgf / cm 2 .
Manometer was located above the axis of the pipeline on the Z = ______ m
With the above values of the internal settlement and the test pressure of the pipeline pressure gauge P RM and P IM should be respectively:
P RM = R p - = ______ kg / cm 2 -
, R IM -
= R and -
= ______ kg / cm 2 . -
Permissible flow podkachennoy water defined by Table. 6 * 1 km of the pipeline, equal ________ l / min, or, relative to the length of the test pipe is ______ l / min.
To test the strength of the line pressure was increased to P IM = ______ kg / cm 2 and maintained for _____ minutes, with the exception of its reduction of more than 1 kg / cm 2 . Thereafter, the pressure was reduced to a value calculated internal gauge pressure P RM = ______ kg / cm 2 and inspected the pipeline nodes in wells (cells) with leaks and ruptures were found and the pipeline was admitted for further testing for leaks.
For leak testing pressure in the pipeline was increased to test pressure for leaks P r = P RM + R = ______ kg / cm 2 +
, observed during the test T n +
= ___ hours ___ minutes, and the initial water level in the measuring tank h + n = _____ mm. +
Test pipeline in the following order:
(Specify the sequence of testing and surveillance
pressure drop, whether to release water from the pipeline
and other features of the test procedure)
During testing of the pipeline for leaks in the pressure gauge reading on it was reduced to _____ kgf / cm 2 , marked the end of the test time T to h = _____ ______ minutes and the final level of water in the measuring tank h to = _____ mm. The volume of water necessary in restoring pressure to the test defined by levels of water in the measuring tank, Q = ____ l.
Duration of the test pipe for leaks T = T to - T n = ____ min. The flow rate of water in the conduit podkachennoy during testing is
q = ____ min. The flow rate of water in the conduit podkachennoy during the test is n = ____ min. The flow rate of water in the pipeline podkachennoy during the test is = ____ = l / min, which is less than the allowable flow rate.
Pipeline to pass the acceptance test is recognized for strength and tightness.
The representative of the construction and assembly organizatsii__________________ (signature)
Technical supervision of the customer representative __________________ (signature)
The representative of the operational organization __________________ (signature)
ORDER hydraulic testing of pressure pipelines Leak and
1. Preliminary testing and acceptance hydraulic pressure pipe Leak and should be carried out in the following order.
When tested for durability:
- Increase the pressure in the pipeline P to test and by pumping water and maintain it for at least 10 min, not allowing the pressure reduction of more than 0.1 MPa (1 kgf / cm 2 );
- The test pressure to reduce internal design pressure P p and keeping it through, pump water to inspect the pipeline in order to detect defects on it for the time required to perform this inspection;
- In the case of defects to remove them and make the re-test of the pipeline.
After the test, the strength of the pipeline start testing it for leaks, it is necessary:
pressure in the pipeline to increase the test pressure tightness R g ;
fix the time of the test T n and measure the initial water level in the reservoir dimensional h n ;
observation produce a pressure drop in the conduit, wherein there may be three variants of the pressure drop:
first - if within 10 minutes, the pressure will fall by at least two divisions of the scale gauge, but will not fall below the internal design pressure P p , then this observation pressure drop finish;
second - if, within 10 minutes, the pressure will fall by less than two-division scale pressure gauge, the observation of a decrease in pressure to the internal design pressure P p should continue as long as the pressure drops by at least two-division scale pressure gauge with follow-up should not be more than 3 hours for concrete and 1 h – for cast iron, asbestos cement and steel pipelines. If after this time the pressure drops to the internal design pressure P p , you should reset the water from the pipeline into the measuring tank (or measure the amount of water discharged by other means);
third - after 10 minutes, the pressure falls below the internal design pressure P p , then further testing of the pipeline to stop and take measures to detect and eliminate hidden defects of the pipeline by keeping it under internal pressure P calculated p as long as a careful examination will not be identified defects caused unacceptable pressure drop in the pipeline.
After closure the pressure drop observations of the first embodiment and water discharge completion according to the second embodiment in the following sequence:
pumping water from the measuring tank pressure in the pipeline to increase the test pressure for leaks P g , fix the time of closure leak test T to the end and measure the level of water in the measuring tank h to ;
determine the duration of the test pipe (T a - T n ) m, the amount of water in the pipeline podkachennoy dimensional reservoir of Q (the first embodiment), the difference between the volumes podkachennoy conduit and discharged therefrom further volume of water or a water pipeline podkachennoy Q (for the second option), and calculate the value of the actual flow of additional volume of water vkachennoy q n , l / min, according to the formula
q n = _________
T to - T n
2. Filling the pipeline an additional volume of water with the tightness test is required for replacement of air released through the water-tight looseness in the joints, filling the pipeline volumes encountered in small angular deformation of the pipe in the butt joints, advancements rubber seals in these compounds and displacements end caps; additional soaking under the test pressure of the walls of asbestos and concrete pipes, as well as to compensate for possible hidden water seep out of reach for pipeline inspection.
Penstock Leak and
City __________________ “” _____ of _____________ 19
The Commission, composed of representatives:
construction organization ________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________ (Name of organization, position, name, Acting)
, Technical supervision закачика_____________________________________________________
(Name of organization, position, name, Acting)
operational organization _____________________________________________________
(Name of organization, position,
surname, Acting)
made this act on pneumatic test Leak and pressure pipe section _______________________________________
(Name of the object and number of pickets on its borders)
_______ M length of pipeline, pipe material ___________, _______ mm pipe diameter, material joints _______
Magnitude of the internal design pressure in the pipeline P p is ____ MPa (___ kgf / cm 2 ).
To test the strength of the line pressure was increased to ________ MPa
(______ kgf / cm 2 for the strength test pressure in the pipeline was increased to ________ MPa
) and maintained for 30 min. Pipeline integrity violations were found. Thereafter, the line pressure was reduced to 0.05 MPa (0.5 kgf / cm 2 ) and under this pressure was maintained in the conduit 24 during ch.Dlya strength testing pressure in the conduit was increased to ________ MPa
After completion of the pipeline delay in the initial set therein had a test pressure P n = 0,03 MPa (0.3 kgf / cm 2 ). This pressure corresponds to reading connected manometer P n = _________ mm (or mm – gauge when filling kerosene).
Test start time ____ h ____ min, the initial barometric pressure P b n = _______ mmHg Under this pressure, the pipeline has been tested within _____ hours After this time, the test measured the pressure in the pipe P to = ____ mm water column (___ Mm ker. Tbsp.). In this final barometric pressure P b to = ____ mm Hg.Art.
Actual value of the pressure drop in the pipeline
P = (P n = P
- P to P =
) + (P b P = N = P - P b P = a ) = _________ mm of water. Art., P =
Table 6 that less than the allowable pressure drop * ( = 1 for water and
kerosene = 0.87).
Pipeline recognized withstood pneumatic test for strength and tightness.
The representative of the construction and installation-
tion organization __________________
Representative technical supervision
customer __________________
The representative of the operational bodies
Organization __________________
About an acceptance pressureless hydraulic testing lines for leaks
City __________________ “” _____ of _____________ 19
The Commission, composed of representatives:
construction organization ____________________________
(Name of organization,
____________________________________, Technical supervision order-
position, name, Acting)
(Name of organization, position, name, Acting)
operational organization ____________________________________
(Name of organization, position,
surname, Acting)
made this act of acceptance on hydraulic test unconfined portion of the pipeline ______________________
(Name of facility
Room pickets on its borders, length and diameter)
The groundwater level at the location of the top of the well is located ________ m from top of the pipe in it at a depth of emplacement pipe (to the top) ________ m
Test pipe produced __________________________
(Specify with or
____________________________ Way ________________________
separately from the wells and chambers) (specify test method -
adding water into the conduit or an influx of ground water into it)
Hydrostatic pressure value ______ m of water. Art. Created by filling with water ______________________________________________
(Specify the number of wells installed in it or riser)
In accordance with Table 8 * allowable added to the pipeline of water, ground water inflow at 10 m length of the pipe during the test
(Delete as appropriate)
of 30 minutes is equal to ________ l. Actual during the test volume of water added, the flow of groundwater was __________ l, or
(Delete as appropriate)
based on the pipe length 10 m (based tests together with wells, chambers) and the duration of the test, for 30 minutes was ________ l, which is less than the allowable rate.
Pipeline to pass the acceptance admits pressure test for leaks.
The representative of the construction and installation-
tion organization __________________
Representative technical supervision
customer __________________
The representative of the operational bodies
Organization __________________
CONDUCT OF FLUSHING and disinfecting pipelines and facilities of drinking water supply
1. To disinfect the pipelines and facilities of drinking water supply is permitted to use the following chlorinated reagents, authorized by the Ministry of Health:
dry reagents – bleach according to GOST 1692-85, calcium hypochlorite (neutral) according to GOST 25263-82 grade A;
liquid reagents – sodium hypochlorite (sodium hypochlorite) in accordance with GOST 11086-76 grades A and B; electrolytic sodium hypochlorite and liquid chlorine in accordance with GOST 6718-86.
2. Purification cavity and flushing the pipeline to remove residual impurities and incidental items should be performed, usually before the hydraulic pressure test by water-air (hydropneumatic) rinsing and hydro elastic manner by treatment of the pistons (foam, etc.) or water alone.
3. The speed of movement of the elastic piston hydromechanical washing should be between 0.3 – 1.0 m / sec at an internal pressure in the pipe of about 0.1 MPa
(1 kgf / cm 2 ). nnem line pressure of about 0.1 MPa
Purification foam pistons should be used within a diameter of 1.2-1.3 diameter pipe length – 1.5-2.0 diameter pipeline only on straight pipe with smooth curves, not exceeding 15 °, with no protruding inside the pipe ends piping attached thereto or the other parts, as well as fully opening the gate valve in the pipeline. The diameter of the discharge pipe should be one gauge smaller than the diameter of the pipeline to be washed.
4. Hydropneumatic washing should be carried out by feeding conduit with the compressed air with water in an amount not less than 50% of the water flow. The air should be injected into the pipeline at pressures greater than the internal pressure in the pipeline at
0.05 – 0.15 MPa (0.5 – 1.5 kg / cm 2 ) .4. Hydropneumatic washing should be carried out by feeding conduit with the compressed air with water in an amount not less than 50% of the water flow. The air should be injected into the pipeline under the pressure higher than the internal pressure in the pipeline on the
speed of water-air mixture is taken in the range from 2.0. m/s.4 to 3.0. Hydropneumatic washing should be carried out by feeding conduit with the compressed air with water in an amount not less than 50% of the water flow. The air should be injected into the pipeline under the pressure higher than the internal pressure in the pipeline at
5. Length leached sections of pipelines, as well as the site of administration in the water pipeline and the piston and the order of operations must be defined in the project production work, which includes working scheme, route plan, profile and detailing wells.
Length of the pipeline for chlorination should be used, as a rule, no more than 1 – 2 km.
6. After cleaning and rinsing conduit be disinfected by chlorination at a concentration of active chlorine of 75 – 100 mg / l (g / m 3 with chlorine water contact time in the conduit 5 – 6 hours or at 40 – 50 mg / liter (g / m 3 ) with a contact time of at least
24 hours The concentration of active chlorine is assigned depending on the degree of clogging the pipeline. with a contact time of at least
7. Prior to chlorination, perform the following preparatory work:
carry out installation of the necessary communications to introduce a solution of bleach (chlorine), and water, air exhaust risers for sampling (with out them above ground level), installation of pipelines and disposal relief chlorinated water (with security measures) to prepare a working circuit chlorination (route plan, profile and detailing pipeline applying these communications), as well as a schedule of work;
identify and prepare the necessary amount of bleach (chlorine) with regard to the content of the commodity product chlorine, chlorinated volume of the pipeline with the highest concentration (dose) of active chlorine in the solution according to the formula
0,082 D 2 lK
T = _____________
where T – required mass market product chloro reagent based on 5% of the loss, kg;
D and L - respectively diameter and length of the pipeline, m;
K - adopted concentration (dose) of active chlorine, g / m 3 (mg / l);
A - percentage of active chlorine in the commodity product,%.
Example. Chlorination dose of 40 g / m 3 of the pipeline with a diameter of 400 mm and a length of 1000 m with the use of bleach containing 18% active chlorine need marketable weight of bleach in an amount of 29.2 kg.
8. For control of active chlorine content along the pipeline during its filling with chlorine water every 500 m should establish temporary sampling risers with isolation valves output above the earth’s surface, which is also used to release the air as you fill the pipeline. Their diameter is adopted for the calculation, but not less than 100 mm.
9. Introduction of chlorine in the solution should be continued until the pipeline until at points farthest from the feed point of bleach, water will flow from the active content (residual) chlorine of at least 50% set. From this point further feeding the chlorine solution should be discontinued, leaving the pipeline filled with chlorine solution for the estimated time of contact of the n .6 of this application.
10. After chlorine water contact closure must reset to the locations specified in the draft conduit, and rinsed with pure water to until the residual chlorine in the wash water is reduced to 0.3 – 0.5 mg / l. For subsequent chlorination chlorine water pipe sections may be used repeatedly. After closure of the discharged duct disinfecting chlorine water to be diluted with water to the active chlorine concentration of 2 – 3 mg / l or dechlorinates by introduction of sodium hypophosphite in an amount of 3.5 mg per 1 mg of active chlorine remaining in the solution.
Places and conditions of discharge chlorinated water and the procedures to monitor its withdrawal should be coordinated with the local sanitary-epidemiological service.
11. In the connection (frames) of newly constructed pipeline to the existing network should implement local disinfection fittings and fixtures with a bleach solution.
12. Disinfection of water wells before taking into operation is performed in cases where after washing them with water quality bacteriological does not meet the requirements of GOST 2874-82.
Disinfection is carried out in two stages: first topside well then – underwater. To decontaminate the topside of the roof above the downhole aquifer must be installed the pneumatic tube, which is well above the fill bleach solution or other chlorine-containing reagent at a concentration of active chlorine of 50 – 100 mg / l depending on the intended degree of contamination. After 3-6 hours of contact to be removed and the stopper using a special mixer enter a chlorine solution to the underwater portion of the wellbore in such a way that the active chlorine concentration after mixing with water was not less than 50 mg / l. After 3 h -6 contact evacuate before the disappearance of water noticeable chlorine odor, then water samples for bacteriological analysis control.
Note. Estimated volume of chlorine solution adopted more volume wells (height and diameter) for disinfection topside – 1.2 – 1.5 times, underwater, 2-3.
13. Disinfection capacitive structures should be done by irrigation solution of bleach or other chlorine-containing reagents with active chlorine concentration of 200 – 250 mg / l. This solution must be prepared at the rate of 0.3 -0.5 liters per 1 m 2 and the inner surface of the irrigation hose through the atomizer or to cover them, and the bottom wall of the tank. After 1 -2 hours to disinfect the surfaces rinsed with clean tap water, removing waste solution through mud issues. Work should be done in special clothes, rubber boots and masks, before entering the reservoir tank should be installed with a solution of bleach for washing boots.
14. Disinfection filters after their loading, sumps, tanks, mixers and the pressure vessel must be small to produce a volumetric method, filling them with a solution with a concentration of 75 – 100 mg / l of active chlorine. After exposure for 5.6 hours, the solution is necessary to remove chlorine mud through the pipe and the container rinsed clean tap water until the rinse water content 0.3 – 0.5 mg / l of the residual chlorine.
15. In the chlorination of water supply pipelines and facilities should meet SNIP III-4-80 * and departmental regulations on safety.
Potable water supply
City __________________ “” _____ of _____________ 19
The Commission, composed of representatives:
Sanitary-Epidemiological Service (SES) ______________________
(Town, district,
position, name, Acting)
customer ___________________________________________________
(Name of organization,
position, name, Acting)
construction organization ______________________________
(Name of organization,
position, name, Acting)
operational organization __________________________________
(Name of organization,
position, name, Acting)
made this act that the pipeline construction ________
(Delete as appropriate) (naimenova-
_______________________________ Subjected to washing and disinfection
Object of the length, diameter, volume)
tion at a concentration of chlorination ______________________
(Specify how reagent)
_________ mg of active chlorine / liter (g / m 3 ) and the duration of contact parts ____
The results of physico-chemical and bacteriological analyzes of water ______ sheets attached.
The representative of the sanitary
Epidemiological Service (SES) __________________
Customer Representative __________________
Representative construction
installer __________________
The representative of the operational bodies
Organization __________________
Conclusion SES: pipeline, construction disinfected consider-
(Delete as appropriate)
bathrooms and washed out and allow it to start operation.
Chief physician SES:
“” _________________________________________
(Date) (name, acting, signature)
Comments are closed.