PB 06-227-98
PB 06-227-98 – 영문번역판
PB 06-227-98
Safety rules for mining subsidiary plants – the first edition developed Gostgortechnadzor Russia (1998) on the basis of provisions of the Federal Mining and Industrial Inspectorate of Russia, approved by Presidential Decree of 18.02.93 N 234, in accordance with the medium-term development program (revision) standard documents Gosgortechnadzor Russia for the period 1997 – 2000 years.
Sets out the requirements of safe production and operation of machines and equipment in mining enterprises auxiliary shops.
These Rules are considered regional bodies Gosgortechnadzor Russia, a number of leading Russian mining enterprises, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation. Comments and suggestions on the Rules included in the final version.
Editorial Board: Ilyin AM (Chairman), Antipov VN Bilyukin AB, Saburov VS Skornjakov YG, GA Chumatchenko
1. General requirements
1.1. These Regulations apply to security designed, constructed, reconstructed and existing mining enterprises auxiliary workshops, regardless of their subordination and forms of ownership.
1.2. The auxiliary workshops (production) in the mines include repair – operational base road and rail transport, mechanical, electro-thermal and woodworking shops, garages machines public warehouses for various purposes, power supply facilities, water and sanitation, administrative – home and other buildings, ensure the functioning of primary production.
1.3. Commissioning is prohibited shops and facilities which are not provided with safe working conditions, and without the devices to prevent air pollution, water treatment facilities and disposal of hazardous waste.
1.4. Not allowed the commissioning of new and renovated facilities without coordination with the bodies exercising state sanitary and technical supervision for their safe operation.
1.5. Each enterprise carrying hazardous activities must have a license (permit) issued by the federal executive body specifically authorized in the field of industrial safety (Gostgortechnadzor Russia, etc.) to perform commissioning, repairs mountain – mine and electrical equipment, control systems and alarm, lifting facilities, boilers, pressure vessels and piping, working under pressure, in auxiliary shops under Regulation [78].
1.6. Workers in mining enterprises must pass a preliminary (at entry), and then periodic medical examinations under the Order of Ministry of Health of Russia from March 14, 1996 N 90.
1.7. All workers and specialists at employment must pass an introductory briefing on safety in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.0.004-90 1.7 [33].
All new and transferred to another company employees work prior to admission to the work must pass primary instruction in the workplace in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.0.004-90 7.2 [33]. The results are recorded in a special briefing card or magazine.
All operating companies but had previously worked with the relevant profession and should be trained in the profession in the educational establishments of the undertaking or individually, through the establishment of experienced workers in the terms and amounts under the relevant training programs.
During training, they can perform certain operations under the supervision of an experienced worker. To work independently in the profession, workers may be admitted only after the end of training and examinations in the Qualification Commission.
1.8. With working industrial shops, offices, plots associated with increased risk of work should be carried out repeated instruction once every three months, with the rest of the workers – every six months.
A review, the program is approved by the head (deputy head) of the plant (production), performed in a volume of primary instruction in the workplace.
Unscheduled briefing shall be held in the following cases:
- After the accident;
- Introduction of new regulations, technologies and equipment;
- Violations of work safety rules as well as at the request of government supervision or higher economic bodies;
- During work breaks – for 30 days for works which are subject to additional (higher) safety requirements; 60 calendar days – for the remaining work.
1.9. Senior officials and experts should be tested periodically knowledge of rules regulations and instructions, as well as other regulations, knowledge of which is necessary for a specialist in accordance with the position occupied.
Dates of examination should be carried out once every three years according to the approved Gostgortechnadzor Russia from 19.05.93 N 11 of the order of examination rules, regulations and safety instructions for managers, workers and specialists of enterprises, organizations and facilities controlled Gosgortechnadzor Russia, as well as Model Regulations on the training and testing for the protection of labor leaders and specialists of enterprises, institutions and organizations, approved by the Ministry of Labour of Russia 12.10.94 N 65 and GOST 12.0.004-90 [33].
1.10. In existing facilities should be following instructions approved by the technical director of the enterprise:
- Technical and fire safety, industrial hygiene each production unit;
- Officers for Engineering;
- Labor protection for workers in every profession or type of work;
- Operational and technological instructions for equipment and devices.
1.11. Instructions for Occupational Safety and technology should be reviewed at least once every five years, and for explosive industries – at least once every three years, as well as changes in the rules and work procedures.
1.12. Each enterprise must be approved list of occupations and hazardous work, the personnel performing such work must be trained and tested knowledge of safety. Training is provided for programs approved by the head of the company and agreed with the service of occupational safety.
After training shall be verified knowledge workers safety commission structure affirms the director. Test results in the protocol (Annex 1 to GOST 12.0.004-90 [33]). Test your knowledge of workers on safety should be carried out once a year.
1.13. The enterprise must be approved list of works at particular risk for the execution of which shall be issued outfit – tolerance.
In costume – admission should be given the necessary measures to ensure the safe conduct of work in specific conditions.
1.14. Increased danger, as well as work in tanks, vehicles, hogs, flues should be performed at least three crew members, leader of the wizard. Work must be carried on along – admission containing the necessary measures to ensure the safe conduct of work in specific conditions. These requirements apply to the work carried out by specialized organizations for installation and commissioning of equipment.
To perform such operations should be designed instruction, approved by the technical director.
1.15. The management must ensure that workers and employees of clothing, footwear and personal protective equipment in accordance with GOST 12.4.011-89 [2] and industry norms free issue overalls.
1.16. All employees of the enterprise service shops bound by the rules, rules and regulations on labor protection.
Access to work and stay on the premises and in the shops of persons in a state of intoxication is prohibited.
1.17. Investigation and registration of accidents in shops must be performed in accordance with the Regulations approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 1995 N 558.
2. Territory businesses, industrial buildings and structures
2.1. Territory businesses.
2.1.1. Promploshchadka enterprise must be located within the land allotment, made an act and comply with the applicable legal acts on the protection of nature, building regulations and sanitary design standards of industrial enterprises. Outline plans for industrial enterprises must comply with the requirements of SNIP 11-89-80 [45].
2.1.2. The layout and placement of buildings, while respecting density and lock (combination) must meet the sanitary and fire protection requirements, rational linking auxiliary and main shops considering laying transport links and communications. Area and production facilities for motor vehicles must comply with the regulations in force in road transport POT PO-210-01-95 [63].
2.1.3. Development of the territory of enterprises should be carried out according to the approved project. Construction documents, including acts by the covert operation should be retained for a period of operation of the facilities.
2.1.4. Auxiliary facilities potentially Pozharovzryvoopasnost (warehouses of toxic substances, fuels – Lube, timber) is necessary to have a safe distance from vozduhopadayuschih shafts on the leeward side (at an annual wind rose).
2.1.5. Facilities for maintenance work should be placed on the basis of their approach to employment (paragraph 7.4).
2.1.6. Categories of premises and buildings for explosion hazard should be taken according to SNIP [43] Industrial buildings, SNIP [44] Fire norms and rules of fire safety in the Russian Federation (PPB 01.93) [59].
2.1.7. Distances between buildings depending on the degree of fire resistance category and production should be taken in accordance with SNIP 11-89-80 master plans for industrial enterprises [45].
2.1.8. For buildings more than 18 m in width shall be fitted with two driveways longitudinal sides, with a width of more than 100 m of buildings – from all sides.
Distance from the edge of the roadway to the walls of buildings shall not exceed 25 m
2.1.9. Roads, driveways, walkways and entrances to buildings and structures, approaches to fire escapes and hydrants are to be free from winter to clear snow and ice.
2.1.10. In the production of excavation pits at the sites, pits, trenches, ditches should be protected shields with a minimum height of 1 m on the fence be installed warning signs and labels, visible in daytime and nighttime. Crossing points through the trenches, pits, ditches should be installed catwalks width of not less than 1 m, fenced on both sides railing with a minimum height of 1 m with a solid skin on the bottom of the railing to a height of 0.15 m
2.1.11. When forest clearing and logging requirements must be met GOST 12.3.015-78 [28].
2.1.12. Arrangement of the piping with flammable and combustible liquids and gases under buildings and structures are not allowed. In the channels and tunnels in the presence of ventilation and lighting can be accommodated combustible gas (natural, free of oil, artificial mixed and liquefied petroleum) gas pressure up to 0.6 MPa together with other pipelines and communication cables.
2.1.13. Allowed co-location in the common channels and tunnels pipelines flammable and combustible liquids with pressure pipelines networks (except fire) and pressure sewer. Canals and tunnels, designed to accommodate piping flammable, explosive liquids, must have exits to the surface not less than 60 m and at its ends.
2.1.14. When placing aboveground pipelines and cables should be placed on poles, piers, in galleries or on the walls of buildings. With the exception of overhead accommodation:
- Intra-transit pipelines with flammable and combustible liquids and gases on overpasses, detached columns and pillars made of flammable materials, as well as the walls and roofs of buildings, except buildings I, II and III degrees of fire resistance categories B, D and E;
- Piping with flammable and combustible liquids and gases are burned on the walls and coatings, as well as coatings and walls of buildings, in which are placed explosive materials;
- Gas flammable gas storage areas for flammable and combustible liquids and materials; cable lines on roofs of buildings and structures; transit cable lines for roofs, walls burn down buildings, walls and roofs of buildings, which house explosive and flammable materials .
2.1.15. Aboveground piping for flammable and combustible liquids, to lay on separate poles, piers, etc., should be placed at least 3 m from the walls with openings, from walls without openings, this distance may be reduced to 0.5 m At low supports should be placed pressure pipelines for liquids and gases, as well as power cables and communications, located in specially designated for this purpose technical grounds bands enterprises.
2.1.16. The distance from the ground to the bottom mark pipes or surfaces to isolate them, to lay on high poles, taken in impassable part of the site (site), where people pass – 2.2 m at intersections with roads (from the top cover of the carriageway) 5 m at the intersection of the railroad tracks, 7.1 m (from the rail).
2.2. Industrial buildings and structures.
2.2.1. Industrial buildings and premises, their space – planning and design decisions must comply with the current standards, building codes, engineering standards, fire regulations and sanitary standards for design industries.
2.2.2. Volume production facilities per worker must be at least 15 cubic meters. m, the area of the premises – not less than 4.5 m. m
Height production area from floor to ceiling should be at least 3.2 m, space and energy and transport – warehousing – not less than 3 m, and the height of the rooms from floor to the bottom mark protruding structural elements overlap should not be less than 2.2 m .
2.2.3. Openings for entry into the building of vehicles shall be equipped with gates. When using heavy vehicles and wider openings opening and closing of the door must be mechanized. Lifting gates shall be equipped with locks that exclude them from falling. Hinged gates shall open outwards and have locks against arbitrary closure.
In areas with average temperature in the coldest month of the year -15 deg. C and below, the door must be equipped with curtains.
2.2.4. The width of the gate to enter the building of the railway transport standard gauge should provide passage for people at least 0.8 m on each side.
2.2.5. Bits intrashop railways rails must be flush with the floor surface of the room.
2.2.6. Scheme of movement of vehicles and pedestrians on platforms sections must be linked together and hung in front of the entrance to the site and shop. Speed in the room should not exceed 5 km / h.
2.2.7. The width of the gate to enter the building of road transport exceed the greatest width used cars is not less than 1 m, and the height of the gate to exceed the maximum height of vehicles used by no less than 0.2 m
2.2.8. Outdoor pools and tanks located in the premises shall have perimeter fencing board height of at least 1 m
2.2.9. Open manholes, pits, bunkers, loading holes or openings in floors, in floor slabs or sites must be fenced railing with a minimum height of 1 m with a continuous lining on the bottom not less than 0.15 m
2.2.10. Stationary metal ladders should have an inclination angle of 45 – 60 deg., Step width of not less than 0.2 m, the distance between the steps vertically 0.2 – 0.3 m, width of aisles not less than 0.8 m on both sides of the fence height of not less than 1 m with a continuous lining on the bottom not less than 0.15 m
2.2.11. Industrial buildings should have a passport indicating the arrangement of the equipment. Workspaces for the maintenance of the equipment should have perimeter fencing with a minimum height of 1 m with a solid skin on the bottom of not less than 0.15 m
The requirements of this paragraph shall also apply to the premises located in the open galleries, bridges and platforms designed to move people through the equipment or communication.
2.2.12. The floors in the rooms must be resistant to permitted in the production process works mechanical, thermal or chemical effects.
Material must prevent sparking and not be slippery.
2.2.13. In areas with occasional or constant flow of liquids (water, acids, alkalis, solvents, oils, emulsions) floors should be impervious to liquids and these deviations have to drain the trays or channels. Trays or ducts should be closed by covers or grates. Waste trays must be set aside from walkways and driveways and, if possible, do not cross them.
2.2.14. Floor coatings should provide ease of cleaning of harmful substances, industrial pollution and dust.
2.2.15. Jobs, walkways and driveways in buildings must be kept clean and not cluttered.
2.2.16. All companies should be organized supervision of the state and operation of buildings and structures.
All manufacturing building at least twice a year (spring and fall) should be subjected to technical inspections which are conducted commission appointed director. Results of the examination should be made out acts that specify measures and timetables to correct defects found. Emergency nature of the damage, endangering operating personnel must be repaired immediately. Until the emergency damage production processes must be stopped, and the wait staff removed to a safe place.
Each enterprise should be prepared to oversee instruction operation of buildings, floors, indicating the limit loads on separate zones and areas of floors and defined periodicity survey bearing structures. Instruction approved by the technical director.
The persons responsible for the condition of the buildings are appointed by order.
2.2.17. In buildings and structures shall be prohibited:
- Exceed the maximum loads on floors, ceilings and grounds;
- Establish or strengthen suspend production equipment, vehicles, pipelines and devices, including temporary and for repairing and construction works not covered by the project. If necessary, additional load may be admitted only after verification calculation of building structures and strengthening these structures;
- Punch holes in ceilings, beams, columns and walls without the written permission of the persons responsible for the proper operation, safety and maintenance of buildings and structures.
3. Vnutripromyshlenny trucks
3.1. Road transport.
3.1.1. Technical condition and maintenance of equipment and vehicles at the enterprises must comply with the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation, Regulations on occupational safety in road transport (POT PO-200-01-95) [63] and SNIP [46].
3.1.2. Car-industrial sites is allowed only with the permission of the responsible persons of these facilities in compliance with established routes.
Speed and traffic regulations and train cars on the premises established taking into account local conditions and are regulated by traffic signs and traffic regulations.
Speeds do not exceed 20 km / h, and near the working places and pedestrian crossings – more than 10 km / h
Pedestrian crossings and driveways across railroad tracks shall comply with paragraph 3.23 of this Regulation.
Dimensions approximations buildings and roads must comply with
SNIP 11-89-80 [45] ONTP Rosavtotransporta 01-91 [73], and GOST 12.3.020-80 [19].
3.1.3. Do not run the process equipment and road equipment (dump trucks, bulldozers, loaders, graders, scrapers motorized) on the premises (roads, dumps, warehouses and transhipment, etc.) without wear – job work performance.
Earthmovers working near power lines should have a device (switch) to lock lifting body, exclusive touch the wires.
3.1.4. Repair shops in enterprises must meet union norms of technological design of automotive enterprises (ONTP-ARP-82, Giproavtotrans), premises maintenance vehicles – Departmental building codes Minavtotransa RSFSR BCH-01-89 [77] and engineering standards repair farm-ferrous metallurgy [ 75].
3.1.5. Driveways, driveways for vehicles passages for people should have a solid surface.
Roads must comply with the requirements of SNIP 2.05.02-85
(with amendments 1, 2, 3 BLS N 5-87, N 11-90).
Width of the carriageway roads should be at least:
temporary roads:
- At unilateral move – 4.5 m;
- With two-way traffic – 8.0 m;
paved roads (asphalt paving)
- At unilateral move – 3.0 m;
- With two-way traffic – 6.0 m
The radius of curvature of roads from 10 to 15 m
Width of driveways and walkways not less than:
- For working without load – 1 m;
- For working with manual load or wheelbarrows when moving in one direction – 2 m;
- For trolleys in one track – 2.5 m;
- For trolleys in two tracks – 3.6 m;
- For wheelbarrows when moving in two directions – 2.5 m;
Width crossings and crossing trenches and ditches:
- Pedestrian – 1.0 m;
- For vehicles – from 2 to 5 m
Crossing width conveyors, roller conveyors, lesotaski – 0.8 m
The height of handrails on catwalks – 1 m, height of side board on the bottom of the railing – 0.15 m
Passes for employees located on ledges, slopes and hillsides with a slope of more than 20 degrees. Shall be equipped with ladders or stairs railing with one-sided.
3.1.6. Open areas for parking should have a solid surface with a slope for drainage.
Open air parking is prohibited:
- Carrying out repairs;
- Fill the fuel and drain the oil;
- Charge the batteries;
- Preheat engines open fire.
Garages and outdoor parking facilities should be staffed by regular stops the wheels and emergency tugs (the rate of 1 lift for 10 pieces of equipment). Entrances and driveways (gate) in garages and parking lots closed should allow evacuation vehicles. When the number of machines is more than 25 units must be a plan of arrangement with the description of the sequence of evacuation in case of fire.
Open parking in areas with an average monthly temperature (winter) below -15 deg. C must be equipped with means for heating the engine at startup.
3.1.7. Different types of repairs: press – forging, rechargeable, body, tire mounting, curing, etc. must be carried out in designated positions in compliance with the requirements of the production routings for repairs.
3.1.8. With coachwork edit parts without prior cleaning and fixing prohibited. Repair stations must have established stands for the type of machines. Using random coasters are not allowed.
3.1.9. Soldering, tin and parts should be cleaned at the workplace exhaust ventilation. Soldering radiators, fuel tanks and other items must be in the stands equipped with drip trays solder.
Before repairs and soldering its container of flammable liquids should be washed, steam thoroughly, dry hot air or neutral gas fill.
3.1.10. Repair stations should have supply – exhaust ventilation and vapor exhaust device when the engine warms up.
3.1.11. Painting, location and operation of the equipment shall be in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.3.035-84 [4], anti-corrosion work – GOST 12.3.016-87 [5], the relevant sections of the Fire Safety Regulations MBP-01-93 [59] and regulations on labor protection in road transport POT PO-200-01-95 [63].
3.1.12. When maintenance or repair of the car should slow down the parking (hand) brake, stop the engine and the wheels enclose stops.
3.1.13. Venues maintenance razborochno-assembly and repairs of rolling stock shall be equipped osmotrovye ditches, ramps, lifts. The length, width and depth of inspection channels and ramps are determined depending on the design of the rolling stock and the process equipment. Payload lifts must meet a host of equipment.
3.1.14. Single deadlock osmotrovye ditch should have stepped entrance on the opposite side – staples embedded in the wall of the ditch, to the emergency exit. The floors in the ditches should be sloped at least 2% towards gryazesbornika to drain fluids and portable wooden lattice. To go through osmotrovye ditches shall be provided removable catwalks width not less than 0.8 m
Lighting osmotrovye ditch lights, supply voltage 127 – 220 V, subject to the following conditions:
- Wiring must be internal (hidden) having reliable electricity and waterproofing;
- Lighting fixtures and switches should also have electricity and waterproofing (lamps should be closed glass or protective fencing lattice). Design fixtures should exclude access to the lamp without tools;
- Metal body of the fitting must be earthed (vanish);
- In particularly hazardous areas should apply standard portable lights voltage 42 or 12 V
3.1.15. On osmotrovyh ditches and overpasses should be installed rails, safety flange (-rails) to prevent falling into the ditch cars while traveling. Osmotrovyh on racks along the entire length on both sides must be arranged repair sites with railing height of not less than 0.9 m
3.1.16. Work related to the sink, cleaning, maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment should be carried out with the engine off.
3.1.17. The distance between the cars at checkpoints disassembly, as well as between them and the elements of buildings or stationary process equipment should provide easy access to any part of the mechanism. Walkways and driveways shall conform to the dimensions moved manually or forklifts – vehicles parts and assemblies and have a width of not less than 1 m
3.1.18. When disassembling machinery and equipment to remove, transport and install heavy and bulky components and spare parts (engine, transmission, rear and front axles, wheels, body, frame, etc.) should be using the lift – transport equipment, devices and accessories ( trolleys – lifts, supports, chains, fights), ensuring complete safety.
3.1.19. Lifting equipment, units and components follows specially designed for this purpose and place devices according to the instructions and diagrams on safe methods of slinging, strapping and tilting cargo specifying those with attachments. Diagrams and instructions must be posted in the workplace.
Lifting a load that is not a scheme slinging, should be made in the presence and under the supervision of the person responsible for the safe operation of materials handling cranes.
3.1.20. Lowered mass on an inclined plane is necessary to apply the delay device to prevent tipping load.
3.1.21. Before removing components and assemblies to the presence of grease, water and other liquids must first be drained into a special container.
3.1.22. For maintenance and repair of lifting equipment, located at an altitude of more than 1.5 m from the ground, maintenance workers have to work in overalls, helmet and safety belt. Weaken hoist rope, retaining unit or element of design, pinning him to complete the installation site is not permitted.
3.1.23. Components and parts, the dismantling of which is associated with the inconvenience and danger (brakes, depreciation and valve springs, etc.), you must perform special pullers and fittings. The dimensions and design pullers must fit the parts removed.
3.1.24. When removing and setting springs for cars, you must first unload them by raising the body (frame) lifting mechanism and then installing a frame or body posted strong metal supports (trestles) or cells of the boards of not less than 1 m when lifting one end of the car opposite extreme wheels must be podklineny their shoes on both sides. Used as supports wheels, barrels, bricks and other objects are not permitted.
3.1.25. Or be doing any work on the equipment, the posted only one hoisting (jacks, the tackle, winches, cranes, etc.) is not permitted.
3.1.26. When servicing the lift equipment (hydraulic, mechanical, electro-mechanical) for lift control mechanism should be posted prohibiting a banner reading “Do not include – working people.”
3.1.27. Stationary and mobile lifts shall be capable of providing cargo fixing in cases of malfunction or damage to the lifting mechanism, as well as limit switches.
3.1.28. Carrying out works (even short-term) under the raised body, shield, arrows and other technological equipment half allowed only after strengthening their robust metal abutments (bars), excluding spontaneous lowering elevated equipment.
3.1.29. Phase-out machines and equipment parts must be placed in designated areas on the shelves without taking passages and driveways. Previous axis, springs, drive shafts and other long items shall be placed on special supports only horizontally.
3.1.30. Disassembly and assembly of small units must be made on benches, and large (engines, transmissions, rear axles and wheels, etc.) – only on special stands.
3.1.31. Pressed out and embed hub, axle shafts, bearings, gears and other items must be removers and presses. In some cases, allowed to use a punch and hammer tipped with non-ferrous metal.
3.1.32. Gas cutting during dismantling of machinery and equipment shall be permitted only in cases where a machine, equipment removed fuel tanks, parts supply system, lubricants and batteries.
3.1.33. Before repairing tanks out poisonous, toxic and flammable liquids, as well as prior to disassembly spray guns, pistols and other dispensing equipment should be carried out of their steaming, thorough cleaning and airing.
3.1.34. Vulcanization of tire mounting and In the shops on sites offering tire mounting and curing work should be ensured compliance with applicable safety regulations for tire service enterprises [72]. Tire work on the production must be developed and approved by the technical management of the company instructions. Withdrawal, staging and moving wheels and tires weighing more than 20 kg should be mechanized. Tire wheels of heavy vehicles should be carried out on a specially equipped area. Mount and dismount tires should be on the bench or using special tools and fixtures. Mount the tire on the rim, a damaged prohibited. Prior to removing the tire pressure should be lifted. Inflate tires after assembly using safety guards or devices to prevent fly lock ring. Correct tire position tap, hit the lock ring hammer prohibited.
Inflating the tires should be conducted in two stages: first to a pressure of 0.05 MPa (0.5 kg / sq. Cm) test position lock ring, and then to the pressure prescribed instructions. Compressor equipment must meet the safety requirements of GOST 12.2.016-81 [6]. Space for the production of vulcanizing works should be isolated, spacious, bright and equipped with forced ventilation and local exhausts. The room in which vulcanization machines installed with self-furnace must be isolated from the premises where petrol is used or rubber cement. Vulcanization apparatus and instrumentation must periodically (1 per year) checked and tested. The test results are recorded in a special register.
3.1.35. To work with hazardous materials (leaded gasoline, antifreeze, antifreeze, brake fluid) Only persons 18 years of age, passed medical examination and instruction in safe use of these materials. Prohibited:
- Use leaded gasoline engines operating indoors and in the absence of ventilation;
- Decontaminate places filled with leaded petrol, dry bleach;
- Produce polluted with leaded petrol in fecal sewage drains. The enterprise must be assigned to the person responsible for the storage, transport and use of antifreeze. On the container that stores the antifreeze must be indelible inscription in large letters, “poison”, as well as sign installed for toxic substances.
Never allow to work with antifreeze drivers and others that have not been specifically instructed on safety measures in its use.
3.2. Trains.
3.2.1. Railroad tracks and facilities, rolling stock, bond, security lock and administered by the enterprise, as well as the organization and production of train handling operations must comply with the building regulations, SNIP 2.09.07-91 [46] Industrial vehicles, Technical Regulation operation of rail transport enterprise and Uniform Rules safety in the development of mineral deposits open method [69].
3.2.2. Dimensions approximations buildings and rolling stock must comply with GOST 9238-83 [7], narrow gauge railways – GOST 9720-76. [8]
3.2.3. At the intersections of roads to the railway line should get moving, the relevant requirements of SNIP 2.05.07-91 [46], SNIP 32-01-85 [55]. Moving and transitions over the railroad tracks should have decking at the rail heads. Go through the path in undesignated areas is prohibited.
3.2.4. Prohibited lumbering rail dimensions different subjects. Materials and products shall be located not less than 2.0 m from the rail head at the height of the stack to 1.2 m higher altitude stacks its distance from the rail head should be at least 2.5 m
3.2.5. Equipment and facilities devices mechanization feeding and cleaning cars at sites loading – unloading shall be guarded and overlapping moving or rotating parts or areas of operation to ensure the safe conduct of work.
3.2.6. Dumpers located at worksites receiving devices must be protected with strong railing bars. Manage vagonooprokidyvatelja carried out specially equipped for this purpose room with a good view of the site of discharge.
3.2.7. Upon delivery of the ore in the ground contact electric discharge is necessary to hang posters of the danger of electric shock.
3.2.8. Contact wires railways included in the room over the receiving hopper shall be equipped with earthing switch disconnect knives.
3.2.9. Never load faulty cars and repairing cars at the unloading site receptors.
3.2.10. Reconstruction and equipping items must comply with the technological design and repair economy outfit devices railways industry (PromtransNIIproekt, 1980).
3.2.11. Before staging maintenance and repair locomotives and carriages must be cleaned of dirt, dust, ice, and electrical machinery and apparatus to blow compressed air.
3.2.12. Cars and locomotives in the depot should be established with the following distances:
- The gap between the gate and the extreme bumper cars, locomotives must not be less than 2 m;
- Interval honey bumper neighboring cars (diesel) for the repair of rolling stock without rollout wheelsets or bogies must be at least 3 m;
- The value of the gap on each side of the trolley shall be not less than 1 m in the repair of cars with four-wheel trolleys rolling out into the spaces between adjacent cars (locomotives).
3.2.13. Electric AC and DC input (output) in the depot building and maintenance items locomotives (PTOL) when powered by an external source of DC voltage up to 250 V, intended for moving locomotives and carriages in the repair process. Input (output) AC electric, diesel – trains and locomotives with hydromechanical transmission repair position on maintenance and repair necessary to carry out another locomotive with flatcars guise of not allowing the locomotive to go into the building. Input (output) DC electric repair positions TO-2, TO-3, TO-4 and TR-1 can be carried out at a food from the trolley wire or special operating voltage (shunting) locomotive.
3.2.14. Each depot and PTOL should have instructions on feeding and de-energisation of the contact network, as well as locomotives from the DC power supply voltage up to 250 V.
3.2.15. Work on lifting (lowering) car bodies should supervise master or foreman. During lifting (lowering) on each side of the body should be a dedicated worker, overseeing the work of jacks and horizontal position of the body. When lifting (lowering) of the body and roll out (sub skating) trolleys finding people in the back, on the lid and under the body is not allowed.
3.2.16. Testing of electrical machinery, apparatus and electricity meters for insulation after repair prior to installation on the locomotive must be performed on a specially equipped station (site stand) having the necessary fencing, alarm, lock, and soundproofing. Before and during the test station (site) must not be bystanders.
3.2.17. Proceed to the inspection and repair of diesel units permitted only after it stops, open the hatches in the crankcase – 10 minutes after stopping the diesel engine. When working with a diesel engine in the room should provide cooling air from a special installation. Filmed with a diesel locomotive repair allowed on special stationary or mobile platforms.
3.2.18. Disassembly and reassembly of diesel units must be performed on the stands, technological platforms using tilters, shelving, pullers, bushings, special wrenches and other devices that provide mechanized heavy and time-consuming operations and provided technological maps or instructions.
3.2.19. When equipped traction rolling stock must comply with the following safety requirements: sand in the sandbox set of locomotives and motor-car rolling stock should be carried out with fixed or rotary platforms with ladders or portable ladders with handrails. Stationary platforms shall have a height of 1.0 m railing, the lower part of which the height of 0.15 m should be carried out solid. Ladders shall be of steel with a slope no greater than 1:1 and a minimum width of 0.8 m
3.2.20. On open depot ways to exit from the stairs to the stationary platform, designed for a set of sand in the sandbox locomotives, as well as to enter the electric roof must install special passages, closed gates with locking bars.
3.2.21. On receiving-ways working platforms must perform pivoting. In the inoperative position of these platforms and stairs should be located outside the envelope approximation.
3.2.22. Gates and repeated constipation mechanisms sites should have a lock can not be opened gate and turn playgrounds into working position in the presence of voltage in the contact network and the power supply in the contact network before closing gates and installation sites in the off position.
3.2.23. When placing devices for electric equipment to open the depot station tracks portion of the trolley wire over the place of equipment must be partitioned, an alarm system for removing and applying a voltage and a lock. When de-energized with a partitioned area of contact network should be lit green light when voltage is present – a red signal.
3.2.24. Outfitting devices for depot ways must additionally have a two-color light signaling, resolution (green light) or prohibiting the entry of electric equipment in place (red light).
3.2.25. In the presence of voltage in the contact network access to the roof of an electric, is under the contact wire is prohibited. Luke should have to exit the lock.
3.2.26. Draining and refilling of water for cooling diesel locomotives and diesel – train must be made by means of hoses, pipes and other devices, excluding the strait of water and water into contact with workers.
3.2.27. Submission of liquid petroleum products for locomotives and diesel – the trains must be made through pipelines laid in closed conduits. This should be ensured control tightness.
3.2.28. Dispensers in the off position shall be outside the envelope approximation. To transfer diesel Lube spent in small amounts should be used special containers with tight-fitting lids.
3.2.29. In equipping positions and repair must be closed vessel for collecting the spent diesel oil, diesel fuel and the defective cooling water and sludge from the fire foaming installation. Drain fuel and oil mining techniques in buckets and trays prohibited.
3.3. Conveying
3.3.1. Construction and arrangement of conveyors in industrial buildings, galleries, tunnels and ramps must meet the safety requirements in accordance with GOST 12.2.022-80 [9] and the Common safety rules [60].
3.3.2. The height from the floor to the bottom of galleries and flyovers should be at least 2 m width of galleries and flyovers should provide passage for people to at least 800 mm between the wall and the conveyor is not less than 700 mm. When the width of the belt more than 1400 mm – not less than 800 mm on both sides.
3.3.3. Emergency exits from the galleries and catwalks and ramps over pipelines should be located not less than 100 m
In the aisles with a slope of more than 7 degrees. ladders shall be arranged.
3.3.4. Conveyors shall be capable of providing:
- Emergency stop drive from any point from the main passage;
- Turn off the drive at breakage and slippage of the tape, as well as clogging discharge hoppers and chutes.
3.3.5. At an inclination of more than 6 degrees. conveyor shall be equipped with locking devices to prevent movement of the laden branches in the opposite direction when stopped.
3.3.6. When the location of pipelines and equipment passes over the lower branch and shall be enclosed by a solid skin, eliminating drop transported materials.
3.4. Transport technological purpose (lifter, avtotelezhki, cars and electric)
3.4.1. Do not operate electric platforms at fault susceptor controller, brakes and signals as well as the absence of protection from the effects of electric current.
3.4.2. Electric platforms running wheels at 10 – 12 cm from the floor, the rails must be closed with solid metal covers.
3.4.3. Lifter must be equipped with an automatic device (stoppers, locks, etc.), warning their spontaneous movement.
3.4.4. Piece goods must meet the dimensions of the cargo platforms trucks. Small piece goods should be transported in containers. Move cylinders with compressed gases, as well as barrels, drums and boxes of corrosive substances should be carried out in special containers or trucks fitted with devices that eliminates drop rollover of such goods and their damage.
3.4.5. The presence of the driver on the truck during loading and unloading her cock prohibited.
3.4.6. Stack loads on forklift should be so as to prevent the fall of the load during the loading, lifting, transportation and unloading.
3.4.7. In operation, Auto and electric must observe the rules of labor protection in road transport [63], in particular, it is prohibited:
- Exploit technically faulty loader (no signal, brakes, lighting);
- Lifting loads weighing up fixed-duty vehicles;
- Capture cargo truck with acceleration by plunging;
- To raise the frame with a load on the forks when tilted away from you;
- Raise, lower and tilt the load when traveling;
- Capture lying on pallets cargo tilt lift myself;
- Transport goods raised to a height of 1.0 m;
- Raise primerzshy goods;
- Transported on the forks cylinders (oxygen, acetylene, etc.);
- Georgia faces a stack and to drag it;
- Used trucks for transportation and lifting.
3.5. Handling (lifting and moving loads)
3.5.1. All work associated with the loading, unloading and transportation of goods, must be carried out in accordance with GOST 12.3.009-76 [10] Rules of safety and industrial hygiene in the production of loading and unloading of railway transport, and Rules for the safe operation of hoisting cranes [PB 10-14-92], approved by the Decree of Russian Gosgortechnadzor 30.12.92 N 41, Rules on occupational safety in road transport [63].
3.5.2. Handling should be done, as a rule, mechanized method using cranes, forklifts and other machinery, and at low volumes – with the use of small tools. Mechanized loading and unloading is required for cargo weighing more than 50 kg, as well as lifting loads to a height of 1.5 m Heavy loads (weighing more than 500 kg) load and unload permitted only cranes.
3.5.3. Allowed the following norm manual carrying goods: one man – weighing not more than 50 kg for a distance not exceeding 25 m and a height of not more than 1.5 m; woman – weighing less than 10 kg <*>. For moving loads on trucks or in containers applied force should not exceed 10 kg; adolescents aged 16 to 18 years are permitted to ship bulk, lightweight and piece goods weighing up to 16 kg.
* Council of Ministers – Government of the Russian Federation from 06.11.93 N 105.
Moving goods over a distance of 25 meters should be done on two-wheeled carts or other devices rigging.
3.5.4. Loading platforms must have a height of 1.1 m from the rail head, and from the entrance of vehicles – at the height of the floor of a car.
Platforms and warehouses should be equipped with ramps, the width of which on the part of the railway track should be at least 3.0 m, and from the entrance of a car – not less than 1.5 m
3.5.5. Gangway, serving for lifting and lowering of loads carried by hand, should churn out several boards of a thickness not less than 60 mm. The width of the gangway to pass without load shall be not less than 0.25 m, and for the passage of a load – not less than 1 m to stop upside gangway plank required to fill at 0.5 m
3.5.6. Came down to lower or lift the load should produce of oak or other healthy roundwood diameter of 150 mm and a length of 4 to 6 m without cracks or knots. The upper end shall be equipped with a flat-iron hooks of section 75 x 16 mm, the lower end – ironclad protection for splitting. Heavy duty slug should be strengthened by calculation, according to their weight.
3.5.7. Stacking of materials and equipment shall be subject to the requirements of work safety and their safety.
Ways of arranging the materials listed in Appendix 11.3.
3.5.8. Props (prop up) the materials and items of equipment to walls and fences is prohibited.
3.5.9. When work on a pile height of 1.5 meters should be used portable stairs inventory.
3.5.10. When using Nakatami angle of inclination should not exceed 30 deg., And the distance between Nakatami selected so that the goods have not played for them for more than 1 m When unloading is not permitted rolling several pipes, logs simultaneously.
3.5.11. By loading – unloading of dangerous and especially dangerous goods allowed workers specially trained in educational establishments of the undertaking or individually through the establishment of skilled workers and after the exams Commission appointed by the leadership of the company. Instruction for these individuals should be carried out every 3 months.
3.5.12. Hoisting equipment used for loading – unloading operations shall conform to and be in good condition. During operation, handling devices and removable container owner should periodically inspect them in the following terms:
- Traverse, mites and other grips and containers – each month;
- Slings (except rarely used) – every 10 days;
- Rarely used removable lifting devices – before issuing them to work.
Slings and container inspection must be carried out according to the instructions, developed a specialized organization.
3.5.13. When rigging – stropalnyh work is forbidden:
- Lifting loads whose weight exceeds the limit load slings and lifting devices;
- Stand on the moving cargo or be under him;
- Pull use faulty devices, as well as devices, the probation period which has expired;
- Correct (push) sledgehammer blows, scrap, etc. branch lines, which tied with the goods;
- Route cargo hands;
- Hold hands or tongs slips when lifting cargo slings;
- Open hook primerzshie covered with earth or goods;
- Lay loads on electric cables, hoses and pipes.
3.5.14. Ropes harnesses, safety belts, slings cargo rope, manual hoists and cats and construction helmets must meet the technical requirements.
4. Mechanical repair shops and manufacturing
4.1. Production equipment and organization of workplaces
4.1.1. The equipment is located in the auxiliary shops keeping with the order of steps (operations) of the process, providing friendly and safe working conditions, and in accordance with the union norms of technological design machining and assembly departments of engineering, instrument-making and metalworking (ONTP 07-83 [74]), union norms of technological design of road transport enterprises (ONTP-01-91 [73]), departmental construction norms BCH-01-89 Minavtotransa RSFSR [77], as well as repair NTP farms ferrous metallurgy enterprises [75].
4.1.2. Take into operation equipment should commission, appointed by the company management. Production equipment shall meet the requirements of GOST 12.2.003-91 [36].
4.1.3. Safe operation of production equipment shall be ensured:
- Stable and safe technological mode of structural elements;
- The use of design patterns automation and remote control;
- Application design remedies;
- Compliance with the technical documentation referred to in the safety requirements for installation, operation and maintenance.
4.1.4. Technological processes to meet the requirements of GOST 12.3.002-75 [3], GOST 12.3.025-80 [29], machine equipment – GOST 12.2.009-80 [13].
4.1.5. Width of aisles in the shops should not be less than, m:
for main aisles 1.5;
for passages between the equipment 1.2;
for passages between the walls of industrial buildings and equipment 1.0;
for a pass intended for the maintenance and repair of equipment 0.7.
4.1.6. Width of aisles in jobs should be increased by at least 0.75 m at its sole location jobs from walkways and driveways and not less than 1.5 m at the location of jobs on both sides of the aisles and driveways.
4.1.7. When operating in the shops set of hoisting machines, boilers, pressure vessels and piping for liquids and gases should be guided by the Rules for design and safe operation of cranes (PB 10-14-92), Rules of the device and the safe operation of steam boilers [62], Regulation design and safe operation of vessels working under pressure (PB-10-115-96), Rules of the device and the safe operation of steam and hot water
(PB 03-75-94), approved by the Resolution Gosgortechnadzor Russia (30.12.92 N 41, respectively; 28.05.93 N 12; 18.04.95 N 11; 18.07.94 N 45).
4.1.8. Operation of gas facilities must be conducted in accordance with the safety rules in the gas sector. [61]
4.1.9. Operation of compressor stations shall be in accordance with the Rules of the device and the safe operation of stationary compressor units, air ducts and pipelines approved Gostgortechnadzor Russia 12.07.71 and
GOST 12.2.016-81 [6].
4.1.10. Dangerous elements intrashop production equipment and transport equipment and fire-fighting equipment to ensure safety should be a bright color, and color marks.
4.1.11. Repair shops should have emergency exits, Internal telephone and meet the requirements of the Ministry of Health Sanitary Rules for Russian machine shops N 5160-89.
4.2. Metal cutting.
4.2.1. Work on turning, drilling, machine and other machines with rotating and moving the working bodies should be kept in overalls, excluding incidental capture tissue. Never work with the sleeves rolled up or unbuttoned dress and bareheaded, Warning grip hair.
In metal cutting shall follow the rules of labor protection during cold working of metals, approved by Russian Ministry of Labor.
4.2.2. Grinding machines must have stops (podruchnik) for sharpened tools and parts, guards or shields with automatic engine shut-off when not in use. Before installing the machine sanding circles must pass the relevant tests. Do not operate the sharpener with unbalanced sanding disc and sanding wheels having a cracked or chipped.
When working on grinding machines are prohibited:
- Dressing of circles with a tool or chisel;
- Use leverage to increase the pressure on the circle;
- Use coolants which may detrimentally impact on the skin of workers;
- To do the work side (end) surfaces circles are not intended for this type of work.
4.2.3. Working tools (cutters, mills, drills, threaded and grooving, etc.) before starting work shall be verified working. Periodic inspection shall master. This should be carried safety rules when working with tools and devices [64], approved by the USSR Ministry of 30/04/85. Job faulty instruments is prohibited.
4.2.4. The equipment on which the process of allocated fragments, chips, sparks, spray cooling – lubricating fluid must be equipped with protective shields, screens located between the working tool on the machine and the person working. When you need to monitor the treatment process to set screens viewing window made of transparent and durable material.
If it is impossible for structural and other circumstances the device shielding workers should be issued personal protective equipment.
4.2.5. When you change the working tool installation and removal from the machine the workpiece, as well as cleaning the chip, the machine must be switched off.
4.2.6. For machining of long (more than 10 – 12 diameters) should be applied lunettes (fixed or mobile).
4.2.7. All items to be processed on a drill press, with the exception of particularly heavy, must be installed on a table or plate drilling machine still using clutches, conductors and other reliable devices.
When working on the drills are prohibited:
- Use a drill with a clogged or worn liners;
- Use gloves when working;
- Keep the product during processing directly hands.
4.2.8. Design teams must include cutters reliable fastening teeth, precluding their loss during operation. These cutters and cutters with carbide plates or high speed steel should be carefully technical control. Apply disc cutter cracked, burned or broken teeth are not allowed.
4.2.9. Slotting and planing machines, depending on the progress of the table should have a special sliding fence painted in bright – red. Between the wall and the table should be extended passage width not less than 0.7 m
4.2.10. Bandsaw machines must be equipped with devices, catch the saw blade in case of breakage.
4.2.11. Materials under the tape and disk saws must be made by special devices to enable stable position of the cut material and eliminates the possibility of injury to the worker.
4.2.12. Guillotine, roller, combined shears material should be equipped with:
- Arrangements for laying and maintaining the material being cut (tables, roller conveyors, etc.), established at the level of the fixed blade;
- Directing and safety rulers constructed to allow you to work clearly visible line (place) cut;
- A device for adjusting the clearance, depending on the thickness of the metal being cut and stops to limit the cut sheet feeder;
- Mechanical and hydraulic clamps to secure the material to be cut;
- Safety devices, interlocked with the trigger, excluding the possibility of injury to workers. Scissors must have a sign indicating the maximum allowable thickness of the material being cut.
4.2.13. Hand lever shears should be securely fastened on special racks, benches, tables, etc.
4.2.14. Hand shears primaries must be equipped with clamps on the upper movable knife, shock absorber to cushion cutter bar and the counterweight that keeps the upper movable knife in a safe position.
4.2.15. Metalworking machine tools (lathes, milling, grinding, drilling, etc.) must be equipped with devices pylestruzhkopriemnikami and feed coolant.
4.2.16. Before starting the production equipment necessary to check the correct position of the arms and the control buttons. This should be provided full security staff.
4.2.17. It is forbidden to start the equipment after installation or repair without installing fences, audible and visual alarms, locks, and designed into providing security services, as well as without the permission of the person responsible for installation or repair.
4.2.18. For personal safety equipment remote start should be made after a warning sound or light signal and receiving a signal from the responsible service places equipment on the possibility of starting.
4.2.19. Signal elements (bells, sirens, lamps) must be protected from mechanical damage and positioned so as to ensure reliable signal audibility and visibility of the work area.
4.2.20. In the shops and workplaces should be posted signal table and instructions on how to start and stop equipment.
4.2.21. When a power interruption or suspension of production for another reason all electric drive equipment, which is unacceptable self-starting must have devices to prevent inadvertent switching.
4.2.22. Workplaces must be out of the movement of goods transported by lifting gear, and be fitted with shelves or cabinets for storage devices and tools.
4.2.23. On the equipment, machines and mechanisms should not be an obstruction. All parts and materials should be placed on special shelves, tables, stands.
4.3. Guards and protective devices.
4.3.1. All moving and rotating parts of industrial equipment and machinery, transmission and drive components must be securely fastened solid or mesh metal fencing to exclude access to them during operation. It is forbidden to maintain and repair fencing and moving parts when the equipment.
4.3.2. Fencing should not restrict the technological capabilities of the equipment and its maintenance, and should not be a source of danger. Fences made of mesh should be designed to provide constancy of form and set rigidity.
4.3.3. When applying a mesh fence should be observed following distance from a dangerous place fencing.
Data |
Grid opening dimensions and distance from a dangerous place to her, mm |
Dimensions of the hole lattice |
10 |
16 |
25 |
40 |
50 |
Distance from a dangerous place to square lattice |
27 |
90 |
104 |
110 |
620 |
Distance from a dangerous place to lattice-ring |
13 |
85 |
108 |
110 |
530 |
4.3.4. Design and mount fencing must be sustainable and to exclude the possibility of accidental contact and fencing working with moving elements.
4.3.5. The strength of the fence should be set taking into account the load, as determined by the efforts of the impact on the fence working or crumbling pieces of equipment.
4.3.6. Protective fence function not decrease under the influence of factors of production (e.g., vibration, temperature, etc.).
4.3.7. Application removable cover and enclosure devices are permitted only if for structural or technological reasons it is not possible to establish steady.
4.3.8. For the production of repairs and adjustments, as well as to monitor the process and work arrangements include fences allowed sealed windows or hatches. Construction observation windows and hatches should provide convenience and security surveillance staff.
4.3.9. Removable, folding and sliding fence, as well as opening doors, covers, guards in these enclosures or equipment cabinets shall be capable of their inadvertent removal or opening (locks, removal using the tool lock).
4.3.10. Counterweights, which are not placed inside the equipment, must be omitted in the holes made in the floor or protected.
4.3.11. Fencing that need to manually open, remove, move or install a few times during the shift should have appropriate devices (pens, staples, etc.).
4.3.12. Must be developed and approved by the head of department order of reception and delivery shift inspection units of machines, as well as defined inspection frequency administration department observance of the order of their production.
4.3.13. Operation of all equipment in compliance with the technical conditions specified passports, including maps or special instructions.
4.3.14. Inspection, periodic inspection and test equipment, tools and equipment shall be in accordance with the guidelines and rules of operation. Prohibited work on malfunctioning equipment, use of defective parts and tools.
4.4. Cleaning, lubrication and repair of industrial equipment.
4.4.1. Cleaning production equipment and cleaning should be performed chips specifically designed for this work tool (brushes, scrapers, hooks).
4.4.2. Shavings, dust and dirt from the equipment and the zone near should promptly leave. Cleaning products should be carried out on special sections equipped with aspiration.
4.4.3. Lubrication system equipment must have devices (plates, collections, boxes, pallets, trays), warning splashing and pouring oil.
4.4.4. Lubricate moving parts manually mechanisms during operation of the equipment is prohibited.
4.4.5. To care for the equipment workers must be provided with cleaning materials. Storage in shops and industrial premises clean and cleaning material used must be done separately in locked metal boxes lids.
4.4.6. Lubricants and other flammable materials should be stored in metal containers closing (drums, cans, boxes). Supply of flammable materials in the shops (including repair work) shall not exceed the daily requirement. Do not leave such materials on the premises shop after work, as well as during production work near hot objects, electrical and heating devices.
4.4.7. Organization and carrying out repair work equipment must meet the requirements of the Provisional Regulations on the maintenance and repair of mechanical equipment and provisions on campaign – preventive maintenance of equipment and vehicles in the workplace.
4.4.8. Preventive inspections and repairs must be carried out in terms of schedule planning – preventive maintenance (CPD).
4.4.9. Capital and current repairs of main equipment is carried out by the developed and approved draft organization of work (ERP) and routing. In the ERP shall include persons responsible for compliance with safety requirements and safety measures during the repairs, and the order and sequence of repairs.
4.4.10. Stop equipment, units, devices for inspection, cleaning and repair, as well as their start should be made in accordance with the regulations approved by the head of department.
4.4.11. Before starting any repair work is necessary:
- Disconnected from the motors available on the power of the equipment in the network;
- Disassemble the drive circuit diagrams;
- The trigger to hang posters prohibiting “Do not include! Working people”, and to take measures to avoid erroneous or spontaneous switching devices.
4.4.12. Stopped for an internal inspection, cleaning or repairing equipment, units, devices and communication must be disconnected from steam, water and process piping, flues and sources of electricity supply, all pipelines should set caps; communications equipment and exempt from process materials.
4.4.13. Zone repair work must be protected from the existing equipment and communications. Zone on post safety signs, posters, signal means.
4.4.14. When repairing industrial equipment, do not clutter up the aisles and exits in the shops and indoor materials, parts, attachments, etc.
4.4.15. All work on the movement of goods should be performed at the direction and with the approval of persons responsible for the safe conduct of operations and the movement of goods.
Lift, move and drop the large and heavy loads is necessary in the presence of the person responsible for carrying out repairs.
4.4.16. Forests, bridges, stairs to carry out repair work at height must meet the requirements of SNIP 111-4-80 “Safety in Construction” [47], as well as safety regulations when working with tools and devices [64].
4.4.17. At impossibility device decking and scaffolding when working from ladders at a height of 1.5 m workers should use safety belts with safety ropes. Secure place of safety belts when working at height must be indicated on the structures.
4.4.18. Portable ladders mounted on smooth surfaces, should have reason studded tires.
Tested ladders mounted on the ground, on the grounds must have ferrules. It is forbidden to use bound ladders.
4.4.19. In the production of repair contractor work should be carried out according to the organization of work on the project along – admission or by an act of transfer of land for repairs.
4.5. Gas-flame and electric welding.
Flame work
4.5.1. Flame work should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of
GOST 12.3.036-84 [14] Rules of fire safety in the Russian Federation (FSP-01-93) [59], approved by the Russian Interior Ministry 16.10.93 and Instruction approved the technical director.
When operating the acetylene and oxygen cylinders must comply with the requirements of the Rules for design and safe operation of vessels under pressure, approved by the Decree of Russian Gosgortechnadzor 28.05.93 N 12, as well as safety regulations and hygiene in the production of acetylene flame and metal processing, approved Mintyazhmashem USSR 1985
4.5.2. Tool for gas-flame operations (cutters, burners, etc.) must be registered in a special register with the application of the relevant number.
4.5.3. The place of permanent welding and gas-flame operations should a fire extinguisher, fire barrel with a sleeve attached to the nearest fire pipeline or tank of water with a margin of at least 0.2 cc. m and a sand box. Welding stations must be located in non-combustible enclosures, measuring at least 3 m. m gap between a wall of the cab and the floor should be within 50 – 100 mm.
4.5.4. All flammable materials (oil, cleaning materials, etc.) shall be located at least 10 meters from the place of production of welding and hot work.
4.5.5. When welding, all wood and other combustible parts facilities located at a distance of 2 m from the weld area must be protected with asbestos or steel sheets.
4.5.6. Premises welding areas shall be fire resistant and equipped with forced ventilation. Ceiling height should be at least 3.2 m
4.5.7. During gas welding, gas cutting and soldering is prohibited:
- Allow people to work, not certified in the prescribed manner as welders;
- Perform welding, cutting or soldering freshly painted designs;
- To carry out work on vehicles and communications filled with flammable and toxic substances as well as pressurized flammable liquids, gases, vapors, or air under pressure;
- Use of fire works with clothing with traces of oil, grease, gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids, as well as clothing made of synthetic materials;
- Warming up frozen acetylene generators, piping, valves, motors and other parts of open flames or red-hot objects;
- Let the oxygen tanks and equipment to the existence of oxygen plant, animal and mineral oils and oily clothes;
- To carry out the work, smoke or use open fire closer than 10 m from the cylinders with acetylene and oxygen closer than 3 m from atsetilenoprovodov and closer than 1.5 m from the oxygen supply;
- Work from one water trap two welders working on the carbide dust, push the generator large pieces of calcium carbide;
- Download carbide in wet charging baskets or in the presence of water in the gas collector, and also fill more than half of the basket;
- Use copper tools for opening drums with calcium carbide and copper solder for soldering acetylene equipment;
- Store together oxygen and acetylene cylinders.
4.5.8. Acetylene generator must be the place of welding (cutting) of the metal, as well as any other open flames and strongly heated products at a distance not less than 10 m is not permitted to operate from a portable generator, located on one trolley with an oxygen cylinder.
4.5.9. Acetylene generator shall be equipped with a water trap on the number of simultaneously used torches (torches). The water level in the gate should be checked before use and at least 2 times per shift, as well as after each kick-back and top up if necessary.
4.5.10. Acetylene generators should be periodically (but not less than 1 time per year) be inspected and tested. Business Administration should ensure testing of generators and make a note in their passports.
4.5.11. Oxygen and acetylene gear at least 1 time per quarter shall be subject to the inspection and test and instrumentation (pressure gauges, gas flow meters, etc.) – periodic inspections: its less than 1 time in
12 months from sealing and stamping them in specialized laboratories and at least 1 time in 6 months testing equipment technical service company with a record of results in the journal control checks.
4.5.12. Hoses for gas-flame operations must have the appropriate color-coded (blue – for oxygen). Hoses for gas welding shall not exceed 20 m minimum length segments abutting hoses should be at least 3 m and the number of joints no more than two.
Acetylene is not allowed to connect hoses copper tube, and use oxygen acetylene hoses and vice versa.
Fasten hoses fittings should Collar. Nipples on water gates hoses must be worn tightly without additional fastening.
4.5.13. When powered by acetylene gas welding positions and oxygen cylinders from the past must be installed vertically in special racks and firmly attached to them collars or chains. Cylinders must be over awnings that protect them from sunlight.
4.5.14. When using liquefied gas in the cold season may be heated to 30 degrees cylinders. C hot water or steam. Open fires for heating cylinders or gear is not allowed.
4.5.15. Stationary acetylene generator must be installed in a separate room. Generator room should be constructed of non-combustible material, covered with a fireproof roof light and a separate fire-resistant walls of the adjacent buildings. It should be dry, with general ventilation. To prevent water from freezing in the room temperature should be maintained below 5 degrees. C. Space heating can be water or steam, and the artificial electric lighting outside (through the window), if internal, the explosion-proof.
4.5.16. When the temporary work shall be permitted in the workplace is not more than one portable acetylene gas generator capacity of not more than
3 cubic meters. m / h under the following conditions: maximum loading lump of calcium carbide in the hopper should not exceed 4 kg, the number of simultaneously used torches (torches) – not more than two and installing water seal for each post, the total power burners (rezaktov) is not greater than 2000 liters of gas per hour, the room must have a capacity of not less than 300 cubic meters. m and ventilation.
Do not install acetylene generators and acetylene cylinders, even temporarily:
- Boilers, and blacksmith shops;
- The air intakes, fans and compressors;
- In areas where there are substances which form explosive compounds with acetylene (chlorine, oxygen, copper, zinc and their alloys);
- In the aisles, passages, stairways and in crowded places.
4.5.17. When conducting a benzo, kerosinoreznyh work is forbidden:
- Cutting to produce air at a pressure in a fuel tank, the working pressure of oxygen in the torch;
- Evaporator superheat torch to cherry color, and hang up the cutter head;
- Pinch and twist the hoses for supplying gasoline or kerosene to the cutter;
- Use oxygen hoses for supply of kerosene or gasoline to the cutter.
Electric welding
4.5.18. Electric welding work allowed to persons at least 18 years that have passed a medical examination, safety training and certified according to the Rules of certification of welders and welding engineers approved GAN Russia [81].
4.5.19. Electric welding must be performed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.3.003-86 [22] and SNIP 111-4-80. Constant electric welding operations must be performed in buildings in specially designated ventilated, equipped fire extinguishing agents. In areas for welding Never store flammable items and materials.
4.5.20. Connect electric welding installation indoors and shops can only to special switching devices, which should always be closed and locked. They should be an inscription indicating their purpose. Connecting other devices to the current collectors are prohibited.
4.5.21. In the workshops, booths, workplaces need of Electric posting warning signs. Designated electric welding should protect opaque shields or curtains of non-combustible material.
4.5.22. Over the welding unit located outdoors, shall be constructed of non-combustible materials sheds excluding precipitation hit the workplace welder and welding equipment.
4.5.23. Each electric welding unit must be provided with a passport and operating instructions. The enterprise must be defined system maintenance, repair and responsibility for the operation and repair of welding equipment. Verification is performed annually.
4.5.24. Body electric welding installation and clamp welding transformer secondary winding, which is connected to the wire going to the product (Return) must be grounded on a common ground loop. In this serial connection to be welded together and use common grounding wire for a group of products is not allowed.
4.5.25. Welders must have a device to limit or automatic shut-off circuit voltage at break of the welding circuit.
4.5.26. Welding in enclosed or confined spaces, hazardous conditions (altitude), in tanks, wet areas, etc. must carry along by – using the admission usually DC. Repair work must be carried out in silos subject to the requirements of the Uniform safety rules during crushing, screening, mineral processing and agglomeration of ores and concentrates, § 63 [60].
4.5.27. Welding in closed containers must be performed by a special addition – the admission of at least three workers, certified for electrical safety.
Person working inside the tank shall be provided with a proven life-belt with a rope attached to it, a second end of the second must be a person who is outside the container.
Third person oversees safe operation and, if necessary, assists in running capacity.
5.4.28. Do not carry out any repairs welding systems under stress.
4.5.29. The design of the welding electrode holders must comply with the EMP and the state standard. Electrode must be convenient to use, provide a reliable grip and quick change of electrodes without contact with live parts, to have a reliable connection to the welding wire. Arms should be of a thermally insulating and dielectric material.
4.5.30. Upon completion of work, the power supply must be disconnected from the power supply and cable Electrode disconnected from the power supply and cleaned lockable room (box).
5.4.31. Workers welding jobs should be provided with personal protective shields, goggles, protective helmets, gloves dielectric, galoshes, rugs, etc. in accordance with the maintenance and PTB.
4.6. Press – forging operation
4.6.1. When forging works must comply with the requirements
of GOST 12.0.017-93 [16], these Rules and Regulations for the protection of labor in the production of press – forging works approved Russian Ministry of Labor.
4.6.2. Hog and flues flame furnaces should be cleaned periodically from the combustion products, with a full stop operation of the furnaces and air temperature inside hog no higher than 40 degrees. C.
Before operating inside the hog must disable and silence, using standard plugs, pipelines supplying liquid or gaseous fuel, ventilate the interior space, an analysis of air pollution inside the hog. Inside the hog operation must be carried along by – admission and supervised by a responsible person with breaks to stay out of the hog.
To carry out works within the hog enterprise should be designed instruction endorsed by the technical head of the company, establishing a procedure for the organization, design of safe work performance. Safety requirements should be not be less than the Model Directions for secure carrying gas hazardous work approved Gostgortechnadzor USSR 20/02/85.
4.6.3. Work on cleaning and repairing furnaces hogs must be performed by qualified workers in addition to – tolerance. Women and adolescents in these works are not permitted.
4.6.4. Boot windows furnaces fired with liquid or gaseous fuels shall be closed lids firmly attached to the openings and have hoods. Lifting caps working windows should be mechanized.
Counterweight to balance the cover furnaces should be encased in a height equal to move the counterweight from the lower position to the upper.
4.6.5. Furnaces heated workpiece extending beyond the loading gate shall be equipped with an air curtain.
4.6.6. Loading, unloading heavy and long billets from the furnace and feed them to the hammer, anvil and the press should be mechanized (cranes with special grippers, gripping tongs for monorails, special supports – roller conveyors, trough triggers, etc.).
4.6.7. Forges should have hoods that do not allow knocking them out of gas.
4.6.8. Hand forged anvils must be installed horizontally (by level) and firmly secured on a wooden chair, dug into the ground to a depth of at least 0.5 m as chairs should be used under the anvil part of a healthy butt hardwoods. Chair on top should be swift one or two steel hoops.
4.6.9. The distance between the forge and anvil must be at least 1.5 m, and between adjacent anvils at least 3 – 4 m Passes and races should be placed on the anvil is not closer than 2 meters
4.6.10. Industrial premises press – forging plant should be one story. Clearance shop equipped with forging – forging equipment and overhead cranes, must be free to allow disassembly and reassembly of the highest equipment placed in the shop.
The walls and floors of the aisle should be of durable fire-resistant materials that can withstand vibration exposure when working hammers.
4.6.11. Industrial premises repair of stamps, machined parts, etc. must be isolated from the premises by harmful factors of production.
4.6.12. For storage of stamps, blanks, forging materials and spare parts shop should have special facilities (playgrounds), equipped with devices that prevent a fall or collapse of stored goods (racks, cages for packaging, molded parts, etc.) and lifting – vehicles.
Between the racks and equipment or building wall distance should be at least 1 m
4.6.13. Location heating furnaces should eliminate the need for the heated metal on the passage or transit.
4.6.14. The shop should be equipped with general exchange of supply – exhaust and local exhaust ventilation. Ventilation unit must ensure normal sanitary zone Shop – hygienic conditions and meet the requirements of SNIP 2.04.05.-91 [52].
4.6.15. Electric induction furnaces and resistance should be equipped – free contact, switch off when you open the windows boot covers. High-temperature electric heating elements furnaces and heating furnaces magnesium alloys must be shielded and positioned so as to avoid local overheating workpieces in ovens.
4.6.16. When the blacksmith work is forbidden:
- Ferrous metal forging, chilled below 800 deg. C, as well as on wet or greasy anvil;
- Use unheated tools (pliers, mandrel);
- Touch hands to the workpieces, the striker hitting the edges and avoid idle blows top striker with the lower;
- Stand against lopping end forgings.
4.7. Thermal work
4.7.1. When the thermal and chemical – heat treatment of metals is necessary to fulfill the requirements of safety, GOST 12.3.004-75 [15] and GOST
4.7.2. Production facilities for heat treatment of metals, which are in buildings with other shops should be located at the outer wall, to be isolated from other premises capital baffles and meet the requirements of Sections 4, 8, 9 of these Rules.
4.7.3. Chemicals and quenching oils used in heat treatment, must be stored in compliance with the requirements of section 6 of this Regulation.
4.7.4. Heat treatment furnaces shall be equipped with alarms that are triggered when the temperature drops, pressure and flow.
4.7.5. In flameless heating furnaces with gas loading should apply veil of non-flammable gas, preventing the formation of a combustible mixture.
4.7.6. In reheating furnaces over windows boot device must be installed local exhaust ventilation (umbrellas, shelters, etc.).
4.7.7. In quench fire departments means to be carbon dioxide or dry chemical extinguishers. Application of foam fire extinguishers and water is not allowed.
4.8. Foundry
4.8.1. Organization and conduct of the work in the foundry industry must meet the requirements of GOST 12.3.027-92. ”Works foundry, safety requirements” and GOST 12.2.099-84 “Units for steelmaking. General safety requirements.”
4.8.2. Foundries should be located downwind (wind rose) away from other industrial buildings of not less than:
When performance management tons of castings per year |
10 |
20 |
50 |
Distance m |
20 |
25 |
30 |
4.8.3. Building workshops must meet fire protection requirements:
the fire resistance of I and II;
class PUE-PAP.
4.8.4. Height production area from floor to ceiling should be at least
3.2 m, and the area per employee – 4.5 m. m
4.8.5. Floors in foundries must be strong: in the melting and molding departments of reinforced concrete slabs or steel corrugated material.
4.8.6. Width of aisles and passages between the equipment using small self-propelled trucks (width 500 – 700 mm) must be – 1100 – 1300 mm, electric cars – 2000 mm.
4.8.7. Drying and heat treatment furnaces shall be located on the columns and walls at a distance of respectively 1000 and 1200 mm, other equipment – at a distance of 700 – 800 mm.
4.8.8. The width of the pads (made of corrugated steel) around the furnace should be at least 0.8 m
4.8.9. Working platform furnace bay along the perimeter fence should have a solid skin on the bottom.
4.8.10. Land floors in offices melting shops where possible accumulation of water shall be equipped with devices for its removal. When pouring the liquid metal into contact with the water should be excluded.
4.8.11. On the job site must be near furnaces device to blow jobs.
4.8.12. Foundries must be equipped with supply – exhaust ventilation, the amount of air is determined by the rate of 1 ton of castings (thousand cubic m. / Hr):
Material |
Mass castings kg |
<100 |
100 – 1000 |
> 1000 |
cast iron |
300 |
260 |
230 |
steel |
330 |
300 |
280 |
4.8.13. Melting units must be equipped with devices to purify the waste gases: spark arrestor, cyclones, bag filters.
4.8.14. Crushing and grinding machines must be equipped with dust extraction or aspiration devices.
4.8.15. The concentration of pollutants in the air of the working area foundries should be monitored according to the schedule approved by the technical manager of the shop.
The content of harmful substances in the air of the working area must not exceed the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) set GOST 12.1.005-88 General sanitary – hygienic requirements to the working area.
4.8.16. Charged into the smelting furnace materials should be pre-dried.
Feed raw materials in melting bath is prohibited.
4.8.17. During filling materials and podvalki charge all work on the stove should be suspended, and the people removed to a safe distance.
8.4.18. Finding people under the stove after straightening charge prohibited.
8.4.19. Prior to the casting of the metal should be checked for cracks notch and moisture in the lining to prevent leakage or ejection of metal.
Overflow metal and slag into molds in shlakovnitsy not allowed.
4.8.20. Shihtovochnye materials should be stored in covered areas, in bins, silos, pits.
8.4.21. Unloading and feed materials shihtovochnyh to melting furnaces and their load shall be mechanized.
4.8.22. Slag yard should be located in an area remote from the residential and office premises and drive ways.
8.4.23. Slag pit wall must be made of heat-resistant concrete and lined with metal plates. Drain liquid slag should be made uniform jet.
4.8.24. Extinguishing media should be:
- Smelters – dry powder fire extinguishers, dry sand, fluxes;
- In molding and core departments – chemical foam, carbon dioxide.
8.4.25. For work in foundries (production areas) allowed persons at least 18 years have passed medical examination and safety training, workplace training and validation of knowledge.
4.8.26. Melting department staff should be provided with personal protective equipment: insulating costumes, footwear, safety glasses, respirators.
4.9. Woodworking
4.9.1. General requirements Technological processes (work) wood should be organized and conducted in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.3.042-88 [17] and safety requirements for equipment to GOST [34]. On all work must be developed and approved the technical lead instructions, which includes measures to prevent impact on operating dangerous and harmful factors. For fire and explosion hazards of woodworking processes are categorized in, land grinding – the category B.
4.9.2. Requirements for jobs Accommodation production equipment and business jobs in woodworking shops must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.3.042-88 [17]. Equipment when working where there is a risk ejection cutting tool material being processed or trimmings workplace should be located outside the potential release or protected by screens. All jobs must be provided with devices and equipment for cleaning of machinery and equipment, cleaning jobs. In the working area must be specified storage device inventory. Use compressed air to blast equipment, jobs, overalls prohibited. Allowed for these purposes apply the cleaner installation. Storage of the processed material in the passages, on the equipment or on the railing prohibited. Materials must be packed in stable stacks around equipment in designated areas to a height of not more than 1.7 m from the floor. Workbenches, shelving, stands, cabinets, tables and other equipment must be strong, stable, securely fastened to the floor, height, suitable for work. Do not operate the log frames, disk, chipper and other machines and units at:
- Touch the fence;
- Divorced uneven teeth and the presence of burrs;
- Damaged lubrication systems and cooling and are not blocked;
- Distortions and loosening the structures;
- Heating of bearings for more than 70 deg. C. At various stages of wood must be installed iron catcher. Over bunkers and presses shredded wood chips must be installed aspiration system (hoods).
4.9.3. Lumber production and procurement Storage area from the sawmilling logs frame must be equipped with guards, excluding loss from the storage timber to the side frame sawing. Workers at the sawmill frames must be provided with special support tool for moving logs and amendments, boards, planks, slabs on okoloramnyh mechanisms to remove the obstruction of overhang as for sending logs or sawn timber in the guide blades in case utykaniya and for cleaning of the workplace. To remove the gap between the floor and the lower feed roller accumulated near the frame sawing sawdust should only be fitted for this auxiliary tool. Clearance between floor and lower front feed roller frame sawing height greater than 100 mm shall be stopped lattice through which removes sawdust, bark and other small wood particles. To be manually processed material to the machine workers should be provided with special steel hooks with insulated handle. Length of workpiece materials on circular machines with motorized exceed the distance between the front and rear feed rollers not less than 100 mm. Material handling 400 mm shorter and has 30 mm circular saws with manual submission must be equipped with a special device, interlocked with the starter or a carriage for holding and reliable clamping material eliminates the emission of the workpiece. With a length of 1.5 meters of material around the machine must be installed ladders roller bearings.
4.9.4. Treatment of lumber and blanks. Planing to planing with manual feed Korce 400 mm and is 30 mm should be done with the use of special pads – pushers. Simultaneous planing two or more blanks must be done in special templates provided with reliable clamping devices. For cutting billets of 400 mm length, section 40 x 40 mm or less should be used special tools (carriage templates tsulagi). For processing drilling and slotting machines items must be firmly anchored to a desk or a support machine by means of clips. To limit the trolley shpaloreznogo machine at both ends of the path should be set a limit stop with shock-absorbing devices. We supply machines shpaloopravochnyh sleeper carriage to and from the machine should be mechanized.
4.10. Construction and repair works.
4.10.1. Construction and repair work must be performed in compliance with the requirements of SNIP 111-4-80 [47]. Lifting devices, lifting body and fittings shall meet the requirements of the Rules for design and safe operation of cranes.
4.10.2. Prohibited lifting precast without mounting tabs and labels or markings to ensure their proper slinging and installation (the word “Top”).
Slinging elements and structures should be tested to make inventory slings, and where necessary, – specially designed means of handling the schemes drawn up taking into account the strength and stability of raised structures under construction loads.
4.10.3. Elements and structure during movement restrained from rotation and rocking back lines of hemp rope or a thin, flexible cable.
4.10.4. All persons on the construction site must wear protective helmets. Do not allow unauthorized persons in the area where works are carried out.
4.10.5. Do not carry out construction and installation work associated with finding people in one section (-bay, site) on the floors (tiers), over which the transfer is made, the installation of temporary fastening elements or prefabricated buildings and structures, as well as moving equipment hoisting means. Moving and installation of components and structures above ceilings, under which are working and people are allowed in the presence of between reliable (sound effect corresponding expectation shock) intermediate floors a written order by the technical manager of the installation company after the development and implementation of measures to ensure the safe the work.
4.10.6. The boundary of the danger zone is defined by the horizontal distance from a possible crash site when moving cargo crane. This distance is at a maximum lifting height of 20 m must be at least 7 m, with a height of up to 100 m – not less than 10 m at a higher altitude is adopted in accordance with the project work.
4.10.7. Roofing. Roofing work must be performed in accordance with the requirements of
GOST 12.3.040-86 [18] and SNIP 111-4-80 [47]. Admission workers on the roof rafters are permitted after inspection, crates (formwork), parapet and determine if appropriate places and ways to provide secure lifeline roofers. When working on the roof of the workers should receive special instruction and be provided with safety belts, clothing and non-slip footwear. Working on a roof with a slope of more than 20 degrees. must be equipped with safety belts tested, portable ladders width not less than 30 cm with cross bars for resting feet. Ladders during operation should fasten securely. Designated secure ladders and safety belts are specified master or foreman. For the passage of workers to asbestos-cement roofing and coatings of armopenobetonnyh slabs should be laid traps width not less than 30 cm Install eaves slopes, gutters, chimneys, parapets and downspouts need to hang with scaffolding, graduation forests or suspended platforms. Placed on the roof materials, tools and containers are allowed in places of production provided by the project works, subject only to take action against them fall (slip) on the slope or the wind blowing. Fall from top area of materials, tools, containers from the building, which produced roofing should be bounded by a perimeter of the building. Prohibited from discharging from the roofing materials and tools. Not allowed perform roofing work during ice, fog, thunderstorms and wind speed of 15 m / sec and visibility less than 50 m Work on clearing the roofs and eaves of snow and ice must be carried along by – and tolerance under the direction of the responsible person. Zone Fall snow (ice) should be fenced, and the workers on the roof fitted with safety belts fastened and tested lifeline.
4.10.8. Painting and painting works. Painting and painting work must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.3.035-84 [4] and industrial sanitation and PTB for paint shops [71]. Exterior painting and painting work should be done with scaffolding or cradles. Application hanging ladders are not allowed.
Internal painting and painting work should be done with the inventory scaffolding ladders – ladders. Use ladders must be authorized by the master with a small amount and duration of the work, at a height of not more than
3.5 m from the ground or floor. Ladders should be at the lower ends ferrules with sharp tips or rubber shoes at least two metal tie rods and steps cut in the string (for wooden stairs). Internal painting and painting works using compositions emit harmful volatile couples should be carried with the windows open and the presence of ventilation performance, breathable, wherein the content of harmful substances do not exceed the MPC. Produce work with broken ventilation prohibited.
Painting work using nitrokrasok allowed outdoors only. When coloring products indoor device is required ventilation, local ventotsosov, fume cupboards. Not allowed to use white lead as part paints and leaded gasoline and benzene as a solvent. In the area of application nitrokrasok and other compounds forming hazardous volatile couples forbidden to smoke and produce work related to the use of open flames. At the same time used electrical and electrical products must be explosion-proof or disabled.
In areas where the paint is made with water compositions, wiring time on painting works must be disconnected from the mains supply. In the paint shop supply coating materials should be stored in closed containers and not exceed the replacement needs.
4.10.9. Outdoor plumbing To meet the operational and emergency work on water supply and sewerage networks should create brigades due to the volume of work done, but not less than 2 persons. Work on water and sewer manholes and chambers of pumping stations and sewage treatment plants should be performed only along – admission. To work associated with the descent into the well (the water or sewer), allowed a team consisting of at least 3 people.: One for work in the pit, the second – to work on the surface and the third – for the technical supervision and, if necessary, to assist working in the well. Before conducting works in the pit should be provided for monitoring the atmosphere using gas analyzers. Brigade to work in wells, reservoirs and chambers must have the following safety and protective equipment:
- Lifebelt with rope, proven strength (cable length should be 2 m greater than the depth of the well);
- Apparatus with hose 2 m greater than the depth of the well, but the total length of no more than 12 m (not exchange Apparatus filter);
- Gas analyzer;
- Low-voltage electrical lamps (prohibited use of light sources with an open fire);
- Hand-held fan;
- Portable ladder;
- Barrier portable signs form;
- Hooks and crowbars for opening covers wells.
Employment wells, chambers, reservoirs without posing barriers and road signs, and no lighting at night is not permitted. Of thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines must comply with the safety requirements in accordance with GOST 12.3.038-85 [20], anti-corrosion work – according to GOST 12.3.016-87 [5].
5. Power supply, water supply and sewerage
5.1. Heating.
5.1.1. Design and operation of boiler installations must comply with the Regulations for the Safe operation of steam and hot water boilers [62], as well as the Rules of the device and the safe operation of steam and hot water, approved Gostgortechnadzor Russia 18.07.94 (as amended in 1991, 1994.).
5.1.2. Placement, construction and operation of heating systems and points at industrial sites must meet the requirements of SNIP 2.04.07-86 [48].
5.1.3. Indoor air temperature should not be less than specified in
SNIP 2.04.05-91 [52].
5.1.4. For heating and domestic heating should be used as a coolant, usually water, other fluids may be used at appropriate justification in the project.
5.1.5. Space heating warehouses allowed limit technological requirements.
The premises for filling and storage tanks of compressed and liquefied gases, storerooms and combustible materials in areas designated in the shops for storage of combustible materials, heaters must protect the screens of non-combustible materials, providing access to them.
In warehouses, storerooms and other areas to which access is restricted, permitted to place equipment air and air – air curtains with water as a coolant or steam.
In unheated buildings to maintain the air temperature on the technological requirements in certain areas, areas in temporary jobs during commissioning and maintenance of the equipment should be provided house or local heating.
5.1.6. Heating pipes must be laid open; hidden gasket must be justified in the project, and should include hatches locations gasketed joints and valves.
In heating device should be provided to disable them.
Slopes pipeline of water, steam and condensate should be no less than 0,002.
Distance (light) from the surface of pipelines, heating appliances to construction of combustible materials should be at least 1.0 m, with a smaller distance should provide thermal insulation of these constructions of non-combustible materials.
Pipelines at the intersection of overlap, internal walls and partitions should be installed in the sleeves of noncombustible materials, sealing gaps and holes in the ground pads should also be of non-combustible materials.
5.2. Electrical.
5.2.1. Electrical substation and switchgear. Electricity production and auxiliary facilities shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations for Electrical (PUE) [66] and safety regulations for the operation of electrical consumers (PTBEP) [67] and the Rules of Operation of Electrical – consumers (PEEP) [68]. Electrical installations in auxiliary shops must comply with Regulations for Electrical approved Gosenergonadzor 31.03.92. All transformer stations and space RU adjacent to other spaces, must be isolated from them and be separate lockable output with an internal lock.
Procedure for access to these areas and storage keys are determined by a person responsible for the electric company. Live parts ballasts protection should be protected from accidental contact. In special areas (electric machine, panel, control stations) allowed outdoor installation devices without protective covers, to the exclusion of access by unauthorized persons. On examination of electrical voltages above 1000 volts one person never do what whatever works, as well as to penetrate the fence and enter the chamber switchgear. Inspection equipment, apparatus and jumper allowed the threshold camera or standing in front of the barrier. Electrical equipment of all types and RU stresses must satisfy the conditions of work both at nominal operating conditions, and when the overvoltage and overload (§ 5.4.7). When short-circuit protection shall operate for their shutdown.
Insulation class electrical appliances as well as cables and wires must match the network or electrical, environmental conditions and requirements of the relevant chapters of the EMP. Indoor air temperature, Uzbekistan closed in the summer should be no more than 40 degrees. C. In case of its increase should be taken to reduce the temperature of air or cooling equipment. Cable channels and terrestrial cable trays must be covered RU fireproof plates, trays and output location and transitions honey compartments must be sealed with a refractory material. All keys, buttons and arms control should be an inscription indicating the operation that are intended (“Enable”, “Disable”, “Reduce”, “Add”).
On signal lamps and signaling devices must be inscriptions indicating the nature of the signal (“Enabled”, “Disabled”, “Overheating”). Drives disconnectors, earthing switches, separators, and other equipment for short, separated from the wall of the apparatus should be disconnected and pointers included provisions. We duty personnel must be calibrated reserve fuse inserts. Never use a fuse links uncalibrated. Indoor RU must be portable earthing devices, fire protection and aids (sand, carbon dioxide fire extinguishers) and means for providing first aid to the victims of accidents. RU inspection should be carried out without shutting down:
- On objects permanently manned staff – at least 1 time in 3 days;
- At the sites without permanent duty personnel – at least 1 time per month, and in transformers and distribution points – at least one every 6 months.
Seen all faults must be made in writing an operating log or journal of defects and faults on electrical equipment. Information about them should be communicated to the person responsible for the electrical equipment. When viewed RU special attention should be paid to:
- The state of the premises, damage to doors and windows, leaks in the roof, the availability and serviceability of locks;
- Condition of the heating, ventilation, lighting and ground network;
- Availability of remedies;
- The level and temperature of the oil and leaks in the apparatus;
- Condition of the contacts, chipping shield low voltage;
- Integrity of seals in counters;
- Condition of the insulation (dust, cracks, bits);
- Work the alarm system;
- The condition and correct reading of the position indication switches;
- Tightness of control cabinets. Upon detection of a fault current-carrying part of the installation on the ground is prohibited to disable it closer to a place of such damage at a distance of less than 5 m in closed RU and 8 – 10 m in open substations.
Approximation to a close distance is only allowed to perform operations with switching equipment that allows to eliminate ground fault, as well as providing the necessary assistance to the victims. In these cases, be sure to protect yourself from the action of the voltage step: put dielectric bots podstelit insulating mats or other reliable means of isolation. All operations must be performed in the dielectric gloves or by insulating rods.
5.3. Electrical equipment and installations.
5.3.1. Operation of power plants must carry electrical appropriately qualified staff, trained knowledge test in accordance with the requirements of PEEP. Equipment maintenance organization may carry out specialized electrical personnel or another entity under the contract.
5.3.2. Selection and installation of electrical equipment, electrical wiring and cable lines for explosive fire zones and auxiliary facilities shall be made in accordance with the EMP (Chapter 7.3, 7.4) based on the classification of hazardous areas and explosive mixtures, as well as the classification of flammable materials (liquids, dusts and fibers).
5.3.3. Buildings and facilities should be provided with lightning protection in accordance with the Regulations on the design and lightning protection of buildings and structures. Inspection and condition of lightning and resistance grounding device should be performed before each stormy season with the corresponding registration results in the journal.
5.3.4. In auxiliary workshops should be power supply circuit showing all energy consumers, fuse links and currents of protective devices.
For each installation shall be made operational schemes normal and emergency modes. Match electrical circuits actually exploited should be checked at least once every two years with a mark on their face verification in the terms established by the responsible person for the electric company.
5.3.5. In electrical circuits should be made to protect consumers against overload and short circuits. For the direct performance of functions by the operation of electrical plant manager must designate a person responsible for the electrical shop, as well as his deputy.
5.3.6. Responsible for the electrical equipment can be assigned to a specialist with appropriate education, after checking the knowledge of this Regulation, the safety rules stated in § 5.3.1, and assigning the qualifying group for electrical: V – in electrical voltage above 1000 V, IV – in electrical voltage up to 1000 V.
Upon the presentation of the person responsible for the electrical Manager assigns responsible for the electrical business units.
5.3.7. Responsible for the proper operation of electrical equipment on the person responsible for the electrical plant, and subordinate staff in the amounts stipulated job descriptions.
Responsible for it to stop electrical repair according to schedule maintenance and disruption of normal operation mode is the head of the shop, for the quality of repairs – responsible for the electrical shop.
Service work on the electrical allowed persons at least 18 years that have passed a medical examination, are trained to safely work Authenticated knowledge PTE and PTB and having qualification group (II-V), depending on the nature of the work.
5.3.8. When a fault or electrical grids persons associated with their operation, shall immediately disable these settings and report the fault to your supervisor.
Troubleshooting should be done under the supervision of the second person in compliance with the measures to ensure the safe performance of work in accordance with the requirements PTBEP and PEEP.
5.3.9. The protection against electric shock must undergo regular inspection and cleaning. Need to check on them external damage, compliance with the voltage of the installation, as well as compliance of their periodic test. Upon detection of a faulty protective equipment or expired checks should be immediately withdrawn from use.
Nomenclature of protective equipment, where it is stored and the frequency of inspection establishes the person responsible for the electrical equipment.
5.3.10. The trigger machines and mechanisms for their trip should appear forbidding poster: “Do not include! Working people.”
5.3.11. Before starting the equipment temporarily disabled should be examined, to ensure readiness to receive the voltage and prevent it working on the staff of the impending inclusion. Temporary fences must be posted warning signs: “Stop! Danger.”
5.3.12. On switching devices must be specified provisions to enable or disable, and inscriptions indicating their installation included.
5.4. Electric motors and machines.
5.4.1. On switches, contactors, magnetic starters, operational control devices or in close proximity to them, on the front side panels, boards, panels are inscriptions indicating include equipment, machinery and equipment.
On electric motors and they drive mechanisms shall be marked arrows indicating the direction of rotation of the engine and the motor shaft. The ballast must be marked with the provisions of the “Start” and “Stop”.
5.4.2. After stopping the motor for repair with the power cable on a board or assembly must be de-energized and the actuator switch hung a poster: “Do not include! Working people”.
Remove poster and turn the engine can only be after the person who performs the work, make a journal entry about the completion of the work, and the person who has taken a job, make a note of the resolution on the inclusion of the motor.
5.4.3. Conclusions of the stator and rotor windings must be closed or protected. Rotating parts of machines – pulleys, couplings, fans, open portions of the shafts must be enclosed by fencing, the removal of which during operation is prohibited.
5.4.4. When the winding insulation resistance below 0.1 MW drying motor should be made to external heating or blowing hot dry air (70 deg. -
80 deg. C). As the heater can be used incandescent lamps, electric heaters, air heater installation.
5.4.5. State motor bearings should be checked during operation, with periodic inspections and repairs. Bearings should not be heated above the temperature set by the – by the manufacturer.
5.4.6. Motors shall be immediately disconnected from the network when:
- Accident (or the threat of it);
- The appearance of smoke or fire, or a motor control apparatus;
- Vibration beyond acceptable norms, threatening the integrity of the motor heating bearings beyond the limits;
- Damage to the drive mechanism, the appearance of abnormal knocking.
5.4.7. In group assemblies and electric shields shall be provided voltmeters or signal lamp control voltage presence. Ammeters shall be marked (the line) the maximum permissible load.
Voltage switchgear on boards shall be maintained within 100 – 105% of the nominal, consumers should be turned off when the voltage drops to 95% of nominal.
5.4.8. Electric machinery prone technological overload, must be equipped with an ammeter installed in the starting board or panel.
5.5. Portable power tools.
5.5.1. Power tools (electric, Electro, elektroshpilkoverty, grinders, electric soldering irons, rezbonarezateli, vibrators, etc.) must meet the requirements of GOST [30] and safety when working with tools and devices [64], in particular:
- Rapidly turned on and off from the mains, not activated and remain spontaneously;
- Be safe to use and have inaccessible accidentally touching live parts.
5.5.2. Portable electro-voltage should be:
- Not more than 220 smokers without high risk;
- Not more than 42 in areas with high risk.
5.5.3. When it is impossible to ensure the work of the power at a voltage 42 V allowed the use of the power voltage of 220 V, but with mandatory use of protective equipment (gloves, dielectric) and reliable chassis ground tool.
5.5.4. Sockets intended for connection of the power should be inaccessible to touch live parts and third grounding prong.
Sockets (sockets, plugs), applicable to voltage 12 and 42 should be different from compounds 127 and 220, and exclude the possibility of inclusion of forks 12 and 42 in the sockets 127 and 220 V.
5.5.5. Before issuing the operating power must be checked for damage wire insulation, earthing and the cliff-grounding conductor (wire). To work with power tools allowed a person having a group of electrical safety not less than 11.
5.5.6. To join a network tool should be used sheathed cable. Allowed to use multicore flexible cables (type PWG) with insulated voltage below 500 enclosed in a flexible rubber hose.
5.5.7. Upon the termination of the current supply during power must be disconnected from the mains.
5.6. Protection against electric shock.
5.6.1. According to the degree of danger of electric shock premises differ:
- With increased risk of having a damp, conductive structures, as well as dust and high temperature (casting, forging – forging, vulcanizing and other sites);
- Particularly hazardous areas with extreme moisture and chemically active environment (battery compartment, car washing stations, etc.).
Electrical design shall be provided in accordance with GOST 12.1.019-79 electrical [21] and circuit-breakers according to GOST 12.4.155-85.
5.6.2. Power electrical substations, electrical grids and shall be protected against short circuits and violations of normal modes of relay protection devices, circuit breakers or fuses in accordance with the Regulations for Electrical (PUE) [66].
5.6.3. To protect people from electric shock, damage to the insulation in electrical installations should be provided for grounding and vanishing in accordance with the requirements of the SAE [66] and GOST 12.1.030-81 [80].
5.6.4. Electrical grounding devices must comply with the EMP and ensure the conditions of human security and protection of electrical and operating modes. Part of the apparatus to be grounded, must have a trusted connection to the grounding pin device or with grounded structure on which they are installed.
5.6.5. Use as earthing of metal structures of buildings permitted in cases of finding them in the ground and at a sufficient electrical conductivity.
Contact resistance and earthing device in the low ground (rocks) must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SAE with the specific conditions of the ground.
5.6.6. Joining grounding protective conductors to earth electrodes, earthing and grounding network structures must be made by welding, and the housings, machines – welding or bolting reliable.
Each part of an installation, subject to ground, must be connected to the network using a separate grounding conductor. Series connection of the protective conductor to the grounding of grounded electrical parts is prohibited.
5.6.7. Grounding network must be available for inspection and control. Conductors must have a coating protects against corrosion, as well as a distinctive bright coloring.
5.6.8. To determine the technical condition of the grounding device shall be conducted ground resistance measurement of each machine, machinery, apparatus at least 1 time per year with the preparation of the protocol, and after installation, reconstruction and overhaul of grounding devices.
Grounding resistance of each of the power plant to be ground should be no more than 4 ohms.
5.6.9. Per in service grounding device must have a passport that contains a schematic diagram basic technical data, results of checking his condition, about the nature of repairs and modifications made to this device.
5.6.10. For electrical installations shall be prohibited:
- Use cables with damaged or lost the protective properties of the insulation;
- Used for heating and drying substandard (home) heating apparatus;
- Leave energized bare ends of electrical wires and cables;
- Avoid contact with electrical wires metallic structures;
- Use stationary lights as portable lamps;
- Use faulty sockets, lighting boxes, circuit breakers and other wiring products;
- Tie and twist the electric wire and wire delay and fixtures, lamps hung on electric wires;
- Use rollers, switches, sockets for hanging clothes and other items;
- Electric lamps wrap paper, cloth, and other combustible materials;
- Use of electric conductors for not complying with the operating conditions in the cross section and insulation;
- Use as an electrical protection uncalibrated fuses;
- Roughened or disable devices Electrical.
5.7. Maintenance and repair of equipment
5.7.1. All kinds of repairs should be drawn graphics, approved person responsible for the electrical equipment.
Frequency and duration of all types of repairs for certain types of electrical equipment shall be in accordance with the Rules of Operation of Electrical Equipment (PEEP), applicable industry standards and guidelines factories – manufacturers.
5.7.2. Changing electrical circuits when performing repairs should be carried out according to the approved technical documentation.
5.7.3. When accepting the repair of equipment should be checked according to the quality of work reporting the technical documentation.
5.7.4. Entered after repair equipment shall be tested in accordance with the Standards of electrical tests.
5.7.5. All work performed during overhaul of the main electrical accepted to act, to which should be attached to the technical repair manuals. Acts with all attachments are stored in passports equipment.
On the work carried out in the rest of the overhaul of electrical equipment and apparatus, is detailed in the passport entry equipment or special journal.
List of main equipment received after repair under the act, set director.
5.8. Technical documentation.
5.8.1. Each enterprise must have the following technical documentation for electrical equipment (according to PEEP Ch. 1.8) [68]:
- Approval of project documentation with all subsequent amendments;
- Acts of acceptance of works, testing and commissioning of electrical equipment;
- Executive workloads primary and secondary electrical connections;
- Technical passport main electrical electrical maintenance instructions, as well as job descriptions and instructions on labor protection;
- Drawings of cable routes and grounding devices with bindings to buildings and structures, as well as showing the mounting of couplings and intersections with other communications;
- Common power supply circuit;
- Maintenance schedules and repair of electrical equipment, electrical installations;
- Magazine test knowledge of PTB;
- Lists of persons entitled to issue orders (orders) of the work in electrical installations;
- List of persons nominated by the order of the responsible managers, producers work on dresses and orders, watching;
- Lists of persons entitled to the sole inspection of electrical installations;
- Online call log – faults (if any duty electricians);
- Orders for the production of works in electrical;
- Journal of Accounting and maintenance of protective equipment;
- Inspection log stationary electrical grounding;
- Approved list of maintenance and repair of electrical installations performed by outfit – tolerance.
Storage documentation determined by the person responsible for the electric company.
5.8.2. For auxiliary facilities shall be drawn up and approved by the Chief Engineer lists of instructions and diagrams, which must be reviewed at least once every three years. The list should include:
- Passport (magazines) with a list of equipment;
- Drawings of electrical equipment;
- Circuit cable routes and grounding devices;
- Common power supply circuit;
- Set of maintenance and job descriptions.
5.8.3. When an alarm is detected in the auxiliary shops workers are obliged to immediately inform the staff on duty and take measures to control the consequences.
5.9. Repair and charging batteries.
5.9.1. Battery plant (site) must have two isolated from each other premises, equipped with forced ventilation – one for repair, another – for charging batteries.
Allowed to charge the battery pack indoors for repair only in a fume hood. Must vents in the general ventilation system of the building is prohibited.
5.9.2. Walls, ceiling, doors, window frames and shelving in battery rooms should be painted with paint, acid, and glass windows – white paint to prevent the penetration of sunlight.
5.9.3. Facilities for maintenance and repair of batteries and prepare the electrolyte must be equipped with shelves, cabinets, storage and preparation of electrolyte (in a separate compartment).
5.9.4. In areas immediately adjacent to the battery shop (area) should be wash with cold water, soap, candy package, towel and a closed vessel with 5 – 10% of a neutralizing solution of baking soda (when working with acid batteries). When working with alkaline batteries as a neutralizing solution to be applied of 5 – 10% solution of boric acid.
Eyewash should be applied 2 – 3% above neutralizing solutions. If acid, alkali or electrolyte on the exposed parts of the body, rinse immediately with this first part of the body neutralizing solution, then with soap and water.
Vessels obmyvochnoy water and neutralized with a solution must be installed on the cranes and special stands on the available height. Vessels must have distinctive coloring and explanatory inscriptions.
5.9.5. Transport Removing the battery is needed on special carts with nests and move them using special devices.
5.9.6. Benches, tables and workstations designed to remove sulphate from the lead plates, stacking them in block halves, install separators etc. must be equipped with local exhaust ventilation.
5.9.7. In the room where the battery is charging, it is prohibited:
- Use open flames for heating mastics;
- Use electric heaters;
- Be strangers;
- Store food and eating;
- Smoking.
5.9.8. Preparation of the acidic electrolyte (sulfuric acid mixing with distilled water) should be carried out in specially designed vessels of acid resistant material (ceramic, plastic, etc.) other than glass. In preparing the electrolyte sulfuric acid should pouring a thin stream into distilled water while continuously stirring the solution.
5.9.7. Vessels with acid, alkali and electrolyte shall be hermetically sealed and have the appropriate label. With a total capacity of more than 5 liters containers should be placed in the device that allows emptying without considerable effort and excluding accidental damage and rollover.
5.9.10. Joint storage and charging of acid and alkaline batteries in the same room is prohibited.
5.9.11. Working while charging batteries must use an acid-alkali-resistant gloves and goggles.
5.9.12. Monitoring the progress of charging should be done with special devices. Check the battery short-circuit is prohibited.
5.10. Water.
5.10.1. Economic – drinking water should ensure the water supply, the quality of which must meet the requirements of GOST 2874-82 and SanPin N 4630-88.
5.10.2. The availability of water for 1 person per shift must be in the range of 25 – 40 liters, depending on the heat release in the shop. In office buildings 10 – 15 liters per man-shift. Consumption for irrigation coatings sites and green spaces – 0.4 – 0.5 l / day for 1 m. m
5.10.3. Water production should ensure the water supply, the quality of which must satisfy the requirements of the enterprise and technology Sanitary standards CH-245-71 [58].
5.10.4. Sources of water supply schemes and water supply systems, water intake structures, methods of treatment, water pumping stations for water supply network in the fire or combined plumbing, water lines, water supply networks and facilities for them, water storage tanks, automation and control system of pump stations shall meet the requirements SNIP 2.04.02-84 [49].
Operation of water and sewer facilities and networks should be implemented in compliance with GOST 12.3.006-75 [37].
5.10.5. Zone of sanitary protection of water sources and locations of intake structures shall consist of three zones: the first – a strict regime, second and third – regimes limiting economic activity.
The first zone (zone of strict regime) includes the territory intakes locations, sites of all water facilities and water conveyance channels.
The first zone is set at a distance of not less than 30 m from the water intake – by using the protected groundwater and not less than 50 m – insufficiently protected.
The second and third zones include areas designated for the protection of water sources from pollution.
5.10.6. To determine the boundaries of the first, second and third zones of sanitary protection zones should be guided by the requirements of SNIP 2.04.02-84 [49] and the Regulation on the protection of groundwater [79], as well as GOST, GOST 17.1.13-86 [ 38, 39].
5.10.7. On platforms waterworks shall be provided sanitary measures for improvement, creating watchdog protection blind fence height
of 2.5 m is allowed to provide deaf fence 2 m high and 0.5 m of barbed wire or metal mesh.
5.10.8. Location drinking water tanks must be included in the zone of strict regime. It is strictly forbidden access to unauthorized persons tanks. All hatches and manholes cameras switching valves should be closed and sealed.
5.10.9. In operation, water towers, the following rules apply:
- Area near the tower within at least 50 meters to keep clean;
- The area should be fenced and landscaped;
- All outputs and manholes in the water tower should be closed and sealed.
5.10.10. Requirements for design, lighting, heating and ventilation, and placement of fencing equipment and its maintenance, water and sewage pumping stations are determined in accordance with GOST 12.3.006-75 [37]. Developed on the basis of the said Regulation, taking into account local conditions Safety Instructions shall be posted in a conspicuous place.
5.10.11. Device internal plumbing in the production and auxiliary buildings for supplying water for industrial, household and drinking purposes and sewer sewage must comply SNIP 2.04.01-85 [50].
5.10.12. The workshops should be drinking water that meets health requirements. Drinking water temperature should be 8 – 20 deg. C. Distribute water should be of the closed lock on tanks with taps and spouting nozzles. Water should be changed daily.
Distance from jobs to drinking facilities shall be not more than 75 m in areas where toxic substances are used, the installation of drinking devices are not allowed.
5.10.13. Water basins, showers, cooling in air conditioners and dust control must meet the requirements for drinking water.
05/10/14. Staff hot shops and sites must be provided soda salted drinking water (containing up to 5 grams of salt per 1 liter of water) at the rate of
3 – 5 liters per one working shift.
5.10.15. Connecting networks economically – potable water networks of water pipes, non-potable water quality feed is not allowed. It is forbidden to include water recycling system for washing vehicles and objects containing toxic and infectious substances.
10/05/16. Industrial water supply systems shall meet the technological requirements and does not cause corrosion of equipment, pipelines and salt deposits.
10/05/17. In buildings, depending on their purpose should include the following internal plumbing system:
- Household and drinking;
- Production;
- Fire.
05/10/18. Depending on the requirements of production technology to reduce water consumption is necessary to provide running water recycling systems and water reuse.
10/05/19. The design of the water intake and valves must ensure a smooth closing and opening the water flow.
05/10/20. When the location of the plumbing fixture at a height of more than 1.5 m above the floor should include fixed platforms or bridges to its service.
5.11. Sewerage
5.11.1. Sewer services shall meet the requirements of SNIP 2.4.01-85 [50] and SNIP 2.04.03-85. Under the technical supervision of the construction and repair of sewer systems should be guided by SNIP 3.05.04-85.
5.11.2. In operation, water and sewer facilities and networks workers should use personal protective equipment.
5.11.3. Depending on the purpose of the building shall be provided following internal drainage system:
- Home – for wastewater from toilets, sinks, bathtubs, shower, etc.;
- Manufacturing – for removing industrial wastewater.
On the premises should be organized storm sewer.
5.11.4. All toilets should be equipped with individual flushing cisterns and flushing valves.
5.11.5. Sewage disposal should be provided on the closed gravity pipelines. Wastewater treatment, as well as their choice of descent should take into account the requirements of Regulation [65] and Sanitary Norms SanPin 4630-88/82 /.
5.11.6. Intrashop treatment plants should be placed with the possibility of inspection, cleaning and repair, if this is necessary to provide the mechanization of labor-intensive processes.
5.11.7. If there is a large floating sewage, fiber and other contaminants should include the installation of grilles. Removing sludge from sewage treatment plants capacity of more than 1.5 l / s should be mechanized.
5.11.8. Above and below ground laying sewer pipes on platforms shops prohibited.
5.11.9. Improvement and reconstruction of water supply and sanitation in industrial plants is prohibited without the consent of the state sanitary supervision.
5.11.10. Sewage treatment plants must be removed at the distances specified in the table.
Sanitary – protective zone for sewage
treatment facilities
Name of structures |
Sanitary – protective zone, m, at the design performance facilities, thous. m / day. |
Structures and mechanical biological treatment sludge fermented sites for precipitation and sludge beds in separate locations |
0.2 |
more than 0.2 w0, 5 |
Facilities mechanical and biological treatment with thermomechanical treatment indoors |
150 |
200 |
Filtration fields |
100 |
150 |
Sewage farm |
200 |
300 |
Biological ponds |
150 |
200 |
Buildings with circulation channels oxidizing |
150 |
- |
Pumping stations |
15 |
20 |
5.11.11. The design, construction and operation of water and sewage systems must be met the requirements for the protection of surface and groundwater pollution, regulated by GOST and GOST [38, 39].
6. Warehouses
6.1. General requirements.
6.1.1. Storage buildings must meet the requirements of SNIP 2.11.01-85 [57] union norms and technological design of warehouse complexes ONTP 6-85 [76].
When storing the substances and materials in warehouses must comply with the order of their shared storage (Appendix 11.2).
Buildings and warehouses premises must meet the fire safety requirements relevant categories A, B, C and D (depending on the stored substances, materials, products, raw materials and packaging). Distance from open storage to buildings and structures and between warehouses must not be less than specified in Appendix 11.6.
6.2. Warehouses marketable products.
6.2.1. Warehouses marketable products for the industrial site shall be located at least 50 meters from the main shops and buildings at least 100 m from the administrative – commercial buildings.
6.2.2. Loading – unloading at warehouses should be mechanized.
6.3. Fuel depots – Lube.
6.3.1. Facilities for the storage of flammable liquids shall meet the requirements
of SNIP 2.11.03-93 [54], Regulation PPB-01-93 [59] and this Regulation.
6.3.2. Territory fuel depots – lubricants (POL) and petrol stations should have a minimum height of fences 2 m
6.3.3. At fuel depots should be stock extinguishing agents, sufficient to extinguish a fire in the largest tank.
6.3.4. Stationary refueling points (TZP) and special areas for tank, designed for 2 – 3 types of fuel with a margin of at least 5 days should be located at least 36 meters from buildings and structures BCH-01-89 [77].
6.3.5. Warehouses for flammable liquids in tanks and containers should not exceed 4,000 cubic meters. m for underground storage and 200 cc. m in ground storage.
Allowed storage of petroleum products in industrial buildings I and II degree of fire resistance at 30 cu. HIL m and not more than 150 cubic meters. m combustible. The warehouse should have walls with fire 0.75 hour. and exit directly to the outside.
6.3.6. With an area of closed warehouses of flammable liquids and combustible liquids more than 500 m. m warehouses shall be equipped with automatic fire extinguishing, with a smaller area – automatic fire alarm.
6.3.7. The dispensers must be in good condition and comply with the technical conditions of operation.
6.3.8. Minimum distance warehouses oil and petroleum products from buildings, m:
Name |
Category and the total capacity of warehouses |
IIIb (2000 -10000 cubic m.) |
IIIB (2,000 cu m.) |
Buildings and Structures |
36 |
30 |
Warehouses forest |
42 |
36 |
Railways |
40 |
30 |
Highways |
45 |
45 |
Garages, open structures |
40 |
40 |
Waterworks |
75 |
75 |
Residential and public buildings |
100 |
100 |
Mobile fueling depots should be installed no closer than 12 m from buildings and structures.
6.3.9. Distance from ground tanks of flammable (HIL) and combustible liquids (GJ) to buildings.
Buildings and facilities, which are taken to the distance |
The distance m from ground tanks for flammable liquids and combustible |
1. Buildings and sites of pumping stations, filling, Filling and dispensing |
GJ |
2. Storage buildings and storage areas for flammable liquids and combustible in the receptacle; Slivno loading devices for rail and road tankers tion, weight, other buildings and structures warehouse |
10 |
8 |
3. Overhead power lines |
15 |
10 |
1. The distances referred to in page 1 and 2, from underground reservoirs is allowed to decrease by 50%.
2. Space control centers and control of underground tanks have allowed near the quiet pools.
6.4. Warehouses for industrial purposes.
6.4.1. For all production – storage space must be defined categories explosive and fire hazards, as well as the type of zone on PUE, which should be marked on the doors of premises.
6.4.2. Buildings must be single-storey warehouses coated light type 1 and 2 degree of fire and not have attics.
Ventilation warehouses must comply with sanitary norms CH 245-71 [58].
6.4.3. In a warehouse storage method besstellazhnom materials should be stacked. Opposite doorways must remain passes on the door width, but not less than 1 m, every 6 m is necessary to arrange the longitudinal passages with a minimum width of 0.8 m
6.4.4. Parking and repair of cargo vehicles in warehouses and on the landing stage is not allowed.
6.4.5. Through warehouses, manufacturing facilities and pedestrian gallery should not be laid stopovers mains and pipes and flammable and combustible liquids.
6.4.6. Quicklime should be stored in separate rooms with a floor height above ground level at least 0.2 m pits for slaking allowed to have at least 5 m from the warehouse.
6.4.7. Keep calcium carbide should be in a special container in a dry, ventilated, fireproof room with roof easily discharged. Maximum number of calcium carbide in the same room should be not more than 3000 kg. Keep calcium carbide together with paints and oils prohibited.
6.4.8. Acetylene and oxygen cylinders in an amount more than 10 pieces should be placed at a distance of:
- Not less than 20 m from the industrial buildings;
- Not less than 25 m from the administrative – domestic premises;
- Not less than 100 meters from residential and public buildings in accordance with SNIP 11-89-80 [45].
6.4.9. Cylinders with the combustible gases (hydrogen, acetylene, propane, ethylene, etc.) should be stored separately from oxygen cylinders, compressed air, chlorine, fluorine and other oxidants.
6.4.10. Gas cylinders must be at least 1 m from heaters and at least 5 m from open flames. They must be stored in an upright position with Screw caps and plugs for valves fittings. Room height should be at least 3.2 m
6.4.11. Storage of metal waste is allowed away from buildings at least 15 m
6.4.12. Secure and small hazardous materials (not when burning hazardous products) can be stored in warehouses all degrees of fire resistance (except 5). Particularly dangerous and hazardous materials may be stored in warehouses 1 and 2 degree of fire resistance, mostly in separate buildings.
The order for the storage of substances and materials listed in Appendix 11.2.
6.5. Warehouses chemicals.
6.5.1. Chemicals should be stored according to the principle of uniformity in accordance with their physical – chemical and flammable properties. For this purpose, divided into separate storage compartments fireproof partitions.
6.5.2. Chemicals in small containers must be stored on racks or open-in closets, and large container – stacks.
6.5.3. Bottles, casks, drums with the reagents should be deployed in groups, with breaks in between 1 m in one layer with each clearly marked bottles, drums.
Acid spill from barrels, bottles should be made using siphons and pumps, excluding spatter.
6.5.4. In warehouses and sheds, where acid is stored, you must have water with cranes, as well as ready solutions chalk, lime or soda to neutralize the acid accidentally spilled.
6.5.5. Accommodation on the shelves (the second tier above) chemical materials in beating bowl (banks, bottles), as well as acids and flammable liquids is prohibited.
6.5.6. Wooden racks should be designed for strength and flame retardant and metal – are protected against corrosion and possible sparking in contact with metal packagings.
6.5.7. Chemicals should be stored in closed warehouses or sheds in accordance with special instructions.
6.5.8. Prohibited stored together in one warehouse chemicals interact.
6.5.9. Do not store chemicals in damaged containers. Acid should be stored in a special container: nitrogen – in aluminum barrels, sulfuric – in steel, salt – a rubberized steel or glass bottles, placed in wooden boxes.
6.5.10. Repackaging, acceptance and delivery of chemicals should be carried out in separate rooms.
6.5.11. The premises for warehouses chemicals should be maintained temperature no higher than 25 degrees. C.
6.5.12. Strong acting toxic chemicals should be stored in a special separate rooms equipped with forced ventilation.
6.5.13. Storage of toxic chemicals and quicklime with other chemical substances is prohibited. For storage of quicklime should be given fireproof room, precluding contact with lime water.
6.5.14. The premises for the storage of chemicals that produce explosive vapors and gases with toxic effects or unpleasant odor, ventilation should be carried out from the top and bottom areas of the room to avoid the formation of dead zones.
6.5.15. Floors, walls and supporting constructions or chemicals and all premises used for repackaging, acceptance, issuance and use of chemicals, should a suitable chemical protection.
6.5.16. Walls and ceilings should be trimmed so as not to accumulate and sorbed by dust and fumes and can be cleaned and washed their surface. Floors should have grooves and sufficient slope for drainage and diversion of water into the drain sump with a supply of the latest neutralizing solutions.
6.5.17. In warehouse chemicals allowed to enter only after prior uptime retractable ventilation for 10 minutes. Work in closed warehouses chemicals when the fan stops prohibited. Starter fan should be at the outer door of the warehouse.
6.5.18. In the case of fan failure repair it conducted in at least two workers, equipped with filter masks, respirators (RPG-67A, etc.).
6.5.19. Warehouses chemicals must have:
- Direct telephone communication through the dispatcher or the enterprise management, fire protection and medical care unit;
- Level measurement in stationary storage tanks of liquid chemicals.
Storekeepers and unskilled workers in warehouses should be provided, acid aprons, boots, gloves and goggles.
6.6. Warehouses lesomateralov
6.6.1. Stacking and storage of stock lumber must be in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7319-80.
6.6.2. When storing wood outdoors, they should be placed in stacks area not exceeding 100 square meters. The distance between the stacks and buildings should not be less than 25 m at a height of stacks up to 5 m, 40 m – stacking height of 5 – 10 m, 50 m – at the height of the stacks 10 – 12 m
6.6.3. When storing containers outdoors area occupied by a group of containers shall not exceed 300 square meters. m If the area occupied by the containers exceeds 300 m. m, should provide fire break of at least 6 m
6.6.4. Height of the stack of round timber should be no more than 1/4 of its length, but must not exceed the length of the logs stacked in this stack. Height of the stack at hand piling shall not exceed 1.5 m intervals between piles shall not be less than 1.5 m
6.6.5. Lumber should be stacked, the height of which at ordinary laying should not exceed half the width of the stack, and when laying in cells not greater than the width of the stack.
6.6.6. When stacking round timber must meet the following requirements:
- Separate logs must not protrude beyond it by more than 0.5 m;
- The gasket must be placed at a distance from the ends of the logs is not greater than 1 m on each side;
- Interrow napkin stack height must be placed in the same vertical plane;
- Pads must be placed in a single line, and their ends at the joints should overlap by a length of not less than 1 m;
- Ends (head and tail) ordinary pile should be sloped for what each new row is shorter than the previous log diameter on each side. Recent logs each row are placed in carved jack pads on the ends. Depth of the nest should be no more than half the thickness of the pads;
- Intervals between groups of stacks must comply with fire design standards millyard;
- Devices preventing any rolling logs, should be at the end of the dense, pachkovyh stacks. In the absence of such devices the ends of the stack must have an angle equal to the angle of the natural rolling logs (less than 35 deg.).
6.6.7. Foundations under stacks of lumber should be strong and fit weight stack, not to rainfall, slope and skew stacks. Stacking timber in stacks, not to rainfall, tilt and skew stacks. Stacking timber in the stack must be done so as to prevent their destruction by its own weight and wind.
6.6.8. Neobvyazannye dense stacking packages should have the same transverse thickness of the gasket located on the adjustment at 300 – 400 mm (depending on the width of the boards).
6.6.9. Simultaneous work on a pile of more than two working prohibited. Weight of each are stacked manually boards must comply with the requirements of paragraph 3.5.3 of this Regulation.
6.7. Warehouses coal.
6.7.1. Site for storage of coal should be planned so as to avoid their reheating flood or groundwater.
6.7.2. Coal of different brands should contain separate piles. The state of the coal piles should be conducted regular monitoring (depending on the brand of 2 to
4 – 5 times per month). Stack height should not exceed 10 m
6.7.3. If signs of spontaneous combustion of coal must be sealed and its use in the first place.
6.7.4. Distance from warehouses coal to the fire resistance of 3 buildings must be at least 6 m, and 4 – 5 degree of fire resistance – 12 m
6.7.5. Have stacks of coal near heat sources (parovodoprovodov, hot air ducts, etc.), as well as tunnels over electrical cables is prohibited.
6.7.6. The distance from the stack to the fence or crane ways must be at least 3 m from the head rail and road edge at least 2 m
7. Administrative – domestic buildings
7.1. Administrative and sanitary – domestic premises, equipment must meet the requirements of SNIP 11-92-76 [51] and SNIP 2.09.02-85 [43].
7.2. Sanitary – hygienic requirements for industrial premises must comply with sanitary regulations CH 245-71 [59].
7.3. Auxiliary plant mining enterprises must have sanitary – domestic premises in accordance with the requirements of SNIP 11-92-76 [51], as well as the Uniform Rules § 622 security [70].
Sanitary – domestic premises for employees of motor sections must comply with the Regulations on Occupational Safety in road transport [63].
7.4. Administrative – utility rooms, dining rooms, a health center must be located on the windward side at a distance of not less than 50 m from the open storage of coal, ore crushing – sorting factories, trestles and other dusty areas, but not more than 500 m from the main production buildings. All of these buildings should be surrounded by a strip of tree plantations. (The requirement does not apply to the Far North).
7.5. Have allowed administrative – domestic premises at a greater distance from the place of work, provided delivery workers to the work by special transport.
7.6. In small auxiliary shops permitted by agreement with the State Sanitary Inspectorate arrange sanitary – domestic premises simplified type in justifying the project.
7.7. Locker rooms and showers must have the capacity to operate in the most populous change spent on washing and dressing up no more than
45 minutes.
7.8. Showers or baths should be provided with hot and cold water at the rate of
500 liters per hour to reach the shower and have a mixing device with regulating valves.
Regulating valves must have pointers hot and cold water. Pipes that lead the hot water must be insulated or guarded to a height of 2 m above the floor.
Quality of water used for washing, necessarily consistent with the state sanitary inspection.
7.9. In the shower rooms and dressing area with compartments for storing clothes floors should be water-resistant and non-slip surface, walls and partitions – lined to a height of not less than 2.5 m water-resistant materials that allow for easy cleaning and washing with hot water. In this area, one must have taps and hoses for washing the floor and walls.
7.10. Wardrobes in office container should be standard metal and sanitary.
7.11. With a population of workers from 200 to 500 should provide other health centers, while the number of more than 500 people – health centers.
When the number of employees less than 200 people. should include medical rooms, an area of 12 – 18 m. m The room should be equipped with a washbasin with mixer tap hot and cold water.
Composition and floor space and paramedical health centers normalized Russian Ministry of Health.
7.12. When the number of employees per shift more than 200 people. should include the dining room, while the number of less than 30 people. - Room for meals at the rate of 1 m. meters per person, but not less than 12 m. m
8. Industrial sanitation
8.1. Ventilation requirements.
8.1.1. Production and auxiliary facilities must be equipped with supply – exhaust ventilation in accordance with the requirements of sanitary norms CH 245-71 [58]. For ventilation can be used as natural ventilation. The use of one or other ventilation must be justified by calculation and defined in the project.
Ventilation systems must be periodically tested and passports.
8.1.2. Workplace air must meet the sanitary – hygienic requirements of GOST 12.1.005-88 [23].
Ultimately – permissible concentration (MPC) of certain hazardous substances in workplace air (GOST
Harmful gases and substances |
% By volume |
mg / cc. m |
1 |
2 |
3 |
NOx (converted into NO) |
0.00026 |
5 |
Carbon Monoxide |
0.0017 |
20 |
hydrogen sulfide |
0.00071 |
10 |
sulfur dioxide |
0.00038 |
10 |
acrolein |
0.000009 |
0.2 |
formaldehyde |
0.00004 |
0.5 |
acetylene |
- |
0.1 |
ammonia |
- |
20 |
acetone |
- |
200 |
gasoline |
- |
100 |
boric anhydride |
- |
5 |
kerosene (based on C) |
- |
300 |
alcohols technical |
- |
10 |
sulfuric acid |
- |
1.0 |
white – spirit |
- |
300 |
chlorine |
- |
1.0 |
caustic alkalis |
- |
0.5 |
phenol |
- |
5 |
methane (carbon equivalent) |
- |
300 |
silicon dioxide content of more than 70% |
- |
1 |
with a content of 10 – 70% |
- |
2 |
with a content of 2 – 10% |
- |
4 |
asbestos-cement |
- |
6 |
limestone |
- |
6 |
coal with a silica content of less than 2% |
- |
10 |
8.1.3. The air intake for the ventilation system should be carried out from an area where the air content of radioactive and toxic substances as well as dust is not more than 0.1 MAC and 0.3 MAC for work premises.
8.1.4. Exhaust air and local exhausts containing dust or toxic substances, before being discharged to the atmosphere must be cleaned.
8.1.5. Calculation of the required amount of air for ventilation obshcheobmennoj industrial premises should be made for each of harmful factors: moisture, heat, dust, gas, number of employees and take the greatest value.
The air of the working areas should comprise at least 20 volume% oxygen and 0.5% carbon dioxide.
8.1.6. Ventilation systems mounted after reconstruction or overhaul, should be tested to determine their effectiveness and reliability.
For each ventilation system Dolen be drawn passport specifying the technical parameters and the procedure for its operation and maintenance.
8.1.7. During operation, all major process equipment supply and exhaust ventilation systems must operate continuously. When faulty ventilation operation of process equipment, whose work is accompanied by the release of dust and gas is prohibited.
When you stop the air handling unit or increasing the concentration of harmful substances above health standards work indoors should immediately suspend and bring people out of the room.
8.1.8. Air sampling to determine the content in the dust, harmful gases, as well as checking the temperature, humidity and air velocity in the workplace should be carried out systematically as in normal operation, and cases of technological regime change after the reconstruction and repair of ventilation systems.
8.1.9. The air temperature in the working area of industrial premises must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.1.005-88 [23].
In the field of dust, gas and vapor should be arranged local pumps to ensure their removal.
8.1.10. By finishing ventilation and paint shops following additional requirements:
- Ventilation systems and starting equipment must be explosion-proof, the type and level of protection is selected according to the category and group explosive mixture;
- In areas of production, regardless of category A system adopted should provide ventilation exhaust air from the upper zone (directly under the roof) in the amount of not less than once per hour exchange;
- In case of ventilation in the finishing shop (on site), only one permanent local or general dilution one installation is necessary to provide backup fan interlocked with working and automatically turns on when the fan stop working;
- Local pumps air from paint cameras and other technological equipment to unite by a common exhaust system is prohibited.
8.1.11. It is forbidden to combine the venting system from grinding machines with the venting of woodworking equipment.
8.1.12. Entries and entering the production area to prevent drafts should be arranged air curtains or other devices.
8.1.13. Emergency ventilation should be provided to the requirements of engineering design for industrial premises, if possible sudden arrival of large quantities of flammable or hazardous gases, vapors or aerosols.
8.1.14. Airflow for emergency ventilation should be taken according to the requirements of technology. Emergency ventilation should be provided on the basis of providing indoor height of 6 m is not less than 8 times the air changes per hour, and indoor height of more than 6 m – removal of at least 50 cubic meters. m / h at 1 m. m floor area of premises.
8.1.15. The limits of concentration of explosive in the air in some of the most common auxiliary substances industries% by volume are given in the table below:
Name |
Lower |
Top |
Petrol |
0.7 |
6.0 |
Kerosene |
1.4 |
7.5 |
Acetylene |
2.2 |
81.0 |
Methane |
4.0 |
15.0 |
Hydrogen |
3.3 |
81.5 |
Propane |
2.2 |
9.5 |
Butane |
1.5 |
8.4 |
In emergency situations when sudden entry of large amounts of hazardous substances and when the concentration is equal to or more than 20% of the lower explosive limit of the gas environment control system should provide emergency ventilation switch and supplying the sound and light signals.
8.1.16. In areas of pump and compressor stations in categories A and B should provide emergency ventilation specified in paragraph 8.1.14 breathability in addition to air exchange, create basic systems.
8.2. Requirements for light jobs.
8.2.1. Natural and artificial lighting of workplaces enterprise must satisfy the requirements of SNIP 4.11.79 [53].
8.2.2. In all production and ancillary buildings and facilities should be used with maximum efficiency natural light (side, top, or a combination).
8.2.3. Artificial lighting in the production and auxiliary premises should be arranged with incandescent or fluorescent lamps in the form of general lighting with a uniform or localized placement of fixtures and combined (general and local). Application of a local lighting is prohibited.
8.2.4. The workshops should be provided for working artificial lighting. Or the need for emergency evacuation lighting for each plant is determined by the project.
Task lighting should be provided for all premises, buildings and areas of public spaces, designed to work, the passage of people and traffic.
To illuminate the premises of industrial and warehouse buildings tend to be applied discharge lamps low and high pressure (fluorescent, HID, metal halide, xenon). If it is impossible or inappropriate use of gas-discharge light sources not use incandescent lamps.
In categorical premises (with explosive zones) lighting device shall meet the requirements of the SAE in the part relating to explosive installations.
8.2.5. Incandescent and fluorescent lamps used for general and local lighting, must be enclosed in fixtures. Fluorescent lamp without reinforcement is prohibited. Fixtures must meet specifications in accordance with GOST 17677-82E [35].
8.2.6. General lighting enterprise territory, raw material storage, chopping bridges, conveyors, timber yards, warehouses, lumber should be arc, quartz, and other advanced xenon lamps.
8.2.7. When installing fixtures on the towers should have last between sections (stairs) solid flooring, fenced railing around the perimeter. The slope of the stairs between sections should not exceed 60 degrees.
8.2.8. In boilers, substations, workshops and other areas where there may be a work stoppage in case of power work lights emergency lighting must be provided by an independent source of supply in accordance with the requirements of the SAE [66].
Emergency lighting for escape routes from the premises must provide illumination floor main passage and stair treads not less than 0.5 lux.
8.2.9. Voltage to power portable hand lamps should not exceed
42 V. Under adverse conditions, in places with high humidity, with large metal well grounded surfaces (eg, boilers, tanks, etc.) for voltage supply portable and hand lamps should not exceed 12 V.
8.2.10. Illumination of passageways and areas where work is performed, shall be not less than 25% illumination produced lamps for general lighting in the workplace, but not less than 75 lux at discharge lamps and at least 30 lux at filament.
8.2.11. Illumination work surfaces working places located outside of buildings shall be not less than 10 lux.
8.2.12. Illumination sites shops at ground level or pavements should be taken:
- Drives a car – 1 lux;
- Walks – 1 lux;
- Ladders and bridges to navigate – 3 lux;
- Predtsehovye areas (playgrounds, driveways, walkways, parking vehicles) – 2 lux;
- Railroad tracks – 0.5 lux;
- Moving – from 2 to 5 lux, depending on the category;
- Individual turnouts – 1 lux.
Illumination of some rooms and production areas in buildings for various purposes is given in Appendix 11.4.
8.2.13. Outdoor lighting must be independent from the internal network including buildings.
8.2.14. Emergency lighting (indoor and outdoor work places of production) should be provided if off task lighting can cause:
- Fire, poisoning people;
- Violation of the process;
- Disruption of facilities such as power plants, communications centers, control towers and pumps water, sewerage and heat supply, ventilation systems for industrial premises in which the cessation of work is unacceptable.
8.2.15. The smallest work surface lighting premises and territories shops in emergency mode shall be 5% light, normalized for task lighting, but not less than 2 lux inside buildings and not less than 1 lux for area shops.
8.2.16. Evacuation lighting shall be equipped with:
- In places that are dangerous to people’s passage;
- Stairways serving to evacuate people in the premises where the exit of people from the premises on tripping working lighting associated with the risk of injury due to the continuation of production equipment.
8.2.17. Smallest illumination evacuation lighting should be:
- Indoor – 0.5 lux;
- In open areas – 0.2 lux.
Emergency luminaries smokers can be used for evacuation lighting.
8.2.18. For emergency and evacuation lighting should be used incandescent and fluorescent lamps (in areas with minimum air temperature of not less than
5 deg. C).
Xenon lamps, HID, metal halide, sodium lamps for emergency and evacuation lighting use is prohibited.
8.2.19. For maintenance of lamps and skylights natural light smokers should be provided special tools (mobile towers, ladders, platforms, ladders, cradles the suspension device, etc.).
Installation and cleaning fixtures, changing blown bulbs and repair lighting circuits must be performed only electricians and de-energized.
8.3. Measures to combat industrial dust
8.3.1. Industrial site, its layout and landscaping must comply with sanitary standards and requirements of SNIP 11.89-80 [45].
8.3.2. The mouth of the mines (tunnels) with the casting must be outside the territories of the main shops and administrative – domestic premises and downwind by the prevailing wind patterns.
8.3.3. To reduce the dust on the roads and loading operations the ore stockpile should apply measures binding (suppression) dust using water or chemicals.
8.3.4. Dust-place in the transshipment nodes, crushing and screening plants must be equipped with insulated covers and suctions air handling units with air cleaning before being discharged into the atmosphere.
8.3.5. Clean the dust on the premises and shops should be using pneumatic suction devices or gidrosmyva. In this latter case must have a watertight floor covering and the slope of at least 0.02 (1.8 deg.).
8.4. Permissible levels of noise and vibration
8.4.1. The noise level in the workplace premises shall not exceed the permissible quantities of regulated Sanitary Norms CH 245-71 [58] and GOST 12.1.003-83 [24].
8.4.2. (Zones) in excess of 85 dBA noise level should be marked with safety signs and busy working on such sites are provided with appropriate personal hearing protection.
8.4.3. Level of vibration in the workplace and working with local vibration machines and must meet the requirements of GOST 12.1.012-90 [12] and health norms
CH 245-71 [58].
8.4.4. Sound pressure levels in the workplace should not exceed the values specified by GOST 12.1.001-89 [27].
8.5. Requirements for electromagnetic, radiation and laser safety.
8.5.1. When working in the area of electromagnetic fields (EMF) must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.1.006-84 [25].
8.5.2. Work in the area of ionizing radiation (IR) and radiation (RI) is subject to the Sanitary Rules OSP-72/87 and hygiene regulations GN
8.5.3. At mines classified as dangerous radiation production shall be carried out radiation monitoring in the workplace and in the areas of residence of people agreed with the sanitary control bodies, with the registration results in a special journal. Workers and officials (professionals) have to undergo additional training in an approved program and knowledge tests.
8.5.4. Maximum permissible levels of ionizing radiation must comply with the Radiation Safety Standards NRB-96.
8.5.5. Laser radiation does not exceed the values GOST 12.1040-83 [26].
9. Fire protection and facilities
9.1. Fire protection of buildings and structures on the surface mines, pits and their categories on the fire hazard shall comply with building regulations SNIP 2.01.02-85 [44] Rules of fire safety in the Russian Federation [59] and GOST 12.1.004-91 [ 1].
Each facility should be instructions on fire safety measures for each explosive and fire-hazardous area (shop, shop) approved the technical head of the company in consultation with a legally.
Each enterprise must have data about fire danger used in technological processes of substances and materials in accordance with GOST 12.1.004-89 [32]. Category premises and buildings on fire and explosion hazards must comply with NPB-105 95.M. 1996
9.2. In industrial buildings, businesses need to organize internal fire water.
Internal fire water is not provided: in buildings and premises in which the use of water can cause fire, explosion or fire propagation (warehouses calcium carbide, sodium, potassium, etc.) in buildings and areas of less than 5000 cubic meters. m in maslopodvalah, maslotunnelyah, warehouses flammable liquids and combustible; production buildings I and II degree of fire resistance of non-combustible materials categories D and E, irrespective of their size and in industrial buildings III – V degree of fire resistance of not more than 5000 cubic meters. m categories D, E (in the buildings category D or D facilities in categories A, B and C, of enclosed firebreak type 1, 500 cc. meters or more shall be equipped with fire-fighting water supply) in the production and auxiliary buildings for which provides fire fighting from tanks (tanks, reservoirs).
9.3. Fire water supply should be combined with economic – drinking or industrial water supply. External networks of water pipes, providing fire needs to be circular. For detached buildings allowed gasket deadlock lines totaling not more than 200 m, irrespective of water for fire fighting. When the number of internal fire hydrants in the building until 12 allowed spur lines longer than 200 m in the unit fire tanks or reservoirs, water tower or tank at the end of a cul de sac. Length of repair parts culverts in two lines should be: when laying water pipes in two lines or more, and in the absence of switching – no more than 5 km, in the presence of switching – equal to the length between switching stations, but not more than 5 km, when laying water pipes in one line – not more than 3 km.
9.4. Fire hydrants should have along highways at a distance of not more than 2.5 m from the edge of the roadway, but no closer than 5 m from the walls, in order to set fire truck, have allowed hydrants on the roadway.
However, the installation of hydrants on the spur of the water line is not allowed.
Placement of fire hydrants in the water supply network should provide firefighting any served by the network building, structure or part thereof from at least two hydrants – at the rate of water on external firefighting 15 l / s or more, and one – at a flow rate of less than 15 l / s considering laying hose lines no longer than
200 m on paved roads.
9.5. Fire stations should be placed on areas adjacent to the roads. Location of fire stations selected from calculating the radius of service enterprises. Radii fire service depot should be taken: 2 km – for businesses with buildings of category A, B and C, over 50% of the site area, 4 km – for businesses with buildings of category A, B and C that are up to 50% of the land, and enterprises with buildings categories D and E. In the case of exceeding a specified radius at the site enterprises must provide additional fire stations. Radii fire service posts made the same as that for fire stations.
9.6. In the presence of on-site buildings and facilities of enterprises III, IIIb, IV, IVa, V degrees of fire resistance with a built-up area is more than 50% of the total development of the enterprise, the radii of fire service depots and posts should be reduced by 40%.
9.7. Fire stations allowed to build in production and auxiliary building categories B, D and E. Departure from fire stations and posts should be located so that fire trucks leaving never crossed the main streams of traffic and pedestrians.
9.8. Water towers have to be adapted for the selection of water fire appliances at any time of year.
9.9. Fire breaks between open warehouses, buildings (structures) on the construction site must meet the requirements of SNIP 11-89-80 [45] and Appendix 11.6.
9.10. In fire breaks prohibited store combustible construction materials and equipment in the combustible packaging after hours, as well as larger than the daily requirement of working hours; noncombustible construction materials are allowed to store within these gaps while providing free entrances to the buildings.
9.11. Area under open storage of flammable materials, as well as industrial, warehouse and ancillary buildings of flammable and nonflammable materials shall be free from dry grass, weeds, bark and wood chips.
9.12. Warehouses timber must be equipped with fire-fighting water supply high-pressure ring network. In winter, it should be emptied.
Latches on the water mains must be installed so that in case of failure on any part of the aqueduct was turned off at the same time no more than two fire monitors.
9.13. Distance from the stacks of timber to fire hydrants must be at least 8 m, and a water intake covers fire reservoirs within 8 – 30 m
9.14. Warehouses timber must be equipped with an electric fire alarm related to the placement of fire protection or control room. They must meet the requirements of SNIP 2.11.06-91.
9.15. Warehouses and container wood products in enclosed spaces shall be fitted with automatic fire alarm, and at the warehouse area of 1500 sq. m and more – automatic fire extinguishing in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.3.046-91.
9.16. Combustible building materials (Lesopilomaterialy, roofing, roofing material, etc.), product design from combustible materials, and equipment and supplies in a combustible packaging when stored in open areas should be placed in piles or groups of an area not exceeding 100 square meters. m gap between stacks (groups) and from them to the buildings and structures should be in accordance with Appendix 11.6.
9.17. Temporary structures have from other buildings under construction and at least 18 m or deaf fire walls.
9.18. Minimum cost for internal firefighting water for industrial and warehouse buildings should be:
– | – | - | ||||
- |
5 to 50 |
50 to 200 |
200 400 |
400 800 |
I and II |
A, B, C |
2 x 2,5 |
2 x 5 |
2 x 5 |
3 x 5 |
4 x 5 |
In |
2 x 2,5 |
2 x 5 |
2 x 5 |
- |
- |
D, E |
- |
2 x 2,5 |
2 x 2,5 |
- |
- |
IV and V |
In |
2 x 2,5 |
2 x 5 |
- |
- |
- |
IV and V |
D, E |
- |
2 x 2,5 |
- |
- |
- |
Norms primary means of fire on buildings and outbuildings are given in Appendix 11.5.
10. Responsibility for violation of safety rules
10.1. Officials (professionals) subsidiary plants of mining enterprises, as well as officials (experts), performs design, engineering and scientific – research work, guilty of violating the requirements of this Regulation, shall be liable in accordance with the law.
Appendix 11.1
PB - safety rules
PTE - the technical operation
MPC - maximum permissible concentration
NRB - radiation safety standards
RB - Electrical Code
TZP - fuel – petrol station
HIL - flammable liquids
Combustible - flammable liquids
SDYAV - highly toxic substances acting
Engineering - engineering – technical workers
SNIP - building regulations
SSBT - system safety standards
GOST - public-Union standard
POL - fuels – Lubricants
NTP, ONTP - norm of technological design
TO-2, 3,4 - maintenance
TR-1 - current repair
PTOL - paragraph maintenance and locomotives
ERP - Project Works
PPR - Planning – Preventative Maintenance
RU - switchgear
PEEP - the rules of operation of electrical installations
PTBEP - safety regulations for the operation of electrical consumers
EMF - Electromagnetic fields
VSN - departmental building codes
AI - ionizing radiation
RI - Radiation Incident
Appendix 11.2
Group |
Substances |
Substances in this group are not permitted to storage compatibility with the following groups of substances |
1 |
2 |
3 |
I |
Substances liable to form explosive mixtures such as potassium nitrate, sodium nitrate, barium nitrate, potassium perchlorate, bertoletova salt, calcium nitrate, etc. |
IIa, IIb, IIc, III, IVa, IVb, V, VI |
II |
Compressed and liquefied gases: |
a) flammable and explosive:acetylene, hydrogen, methane, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, chloromethyl, ethylene oxide, butylene, butane, propane, etc. |
I, IIa, III, IVa, IVb, V, VI |
b) inert and non-combustible gases:argon, helium, neon, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, etc. |
III, IVa, IVb, V, VI |
c) gases comburent:oxygen and air are compressed and liquefied |
I, IIb, III, IVa, IVb, V, VI |
Spontaneously combustible and pyrophoric from air and water substance |
a) the potassium, sodium, calcium, calcium carbide, calcium phosphide, sodiumphosphorous, zinc dust, sodium peroxide, barium peroxide, aluminum dust, powder, Raney-type nickel catalyst, etc., white or yellow phosphorus |
I, IIa, IIb, IIc, IVa, IVb, V, VI |
b) triethylaluminum, diethylaluminum chloride, triisobutylaluminum, etc. |
I, IIa, IIb IIb, IIIa, IVa, IVb, V, VI |
IV |
Flammable and combustible materials |
a) a liquid – petrol, benzene, carbon disulfide, acetone, turpentine, toluene, xylene, amyl acetate, light crude oil, naphtha, kerosene, alcohols, diethyl ether, organic oils |
I, IIa, IIb, IIc, III, IVb, V, VI |
b) Solids – celluloid, red phosphorus, naphthalene |
I, IIa, IIb, III, IVa, V, VI |
V |
Substances which may causeinflammation: bromine, nitric acid and sulfuric acid, chromic anhydride, potassium permanganate |
I, IIa, IIb, III, IVa, V, VI |
VI |
Easily flammable materials: cotton, wool, jute, hemp, sulfur, peat, nesvezheobozhzhenny charcoal, carbon black plant and animal |
I, IIa, IIb, IIc, III, IVa, IVb, V |
If you must store fire – and explosive substances not listed in the table, the question of their shared custody can be resolved after revealing the extent of their fire and explosion hazard, and in agreement with the Supervision Authority.
Appendix 11.3
Method of laying MATERIALS
N p / p |
Material, product, equipment |
Required method of laying |
Limiting the height of the stack cells rack |
Additional instructions for installation |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 | Roundwood |
In the stack |
1.5 m |
With gaskets and installation stops against rolling |
2 | Lumber |
In the stack |
ordinary styling |
0.5 width of the stack |
stacking cells |
The width of the stack |
3 | Pipe diameter mm | |||
300 |
In the stack |
3.0 m |
On pads and strips with end stops | |
more than 300 |
In the stack |
3.0 m |
In the saddle without pads | |
4 | Brick packaged on pallets |
In the stack |
2 tiers |
5 | Brick in containers |
In one series |
1 tier |
6 | Brick without containers |
In a cell or a stack |
1.7 m |
7 | Foundation blocks and blocks of basement walls |
In the stack |
2.6 m |
With pads and spacers between rows |
8 | Slabs |
In the stack |
2.5 m |
With pads and spacers between rows |
9 | Girders and columns |
In the stack |
2.0 m |
With pads and spacers between rows |
10 | Building blocks |
In the stack |
2 tiers |
With pads and spacers between rows |
11 | Panel: | |||
wall | In a tape or pyramid | |||
partition | In the cassette vertically | |||
12 | Blocks chutes |
In the stack |
2.5 m |
13 | Glass in boxes and web material |
Vertically in |
- |
On supports |
14 | Sanitation, ventilation units |
In the stack |
2.5 m |
With pads and spacers between rows |
15 | Heating devices (radiators), etc.) in the form of individual sections in the assembled form or |
In the stack |
1.0 m |
16 | Bulky and heavy equipment and parts of it |
In one series |
Height of equipment |
On supports |
17 | Tile materials (asbesttsementnye plates, sheets and plates asbesttsementnye fiber asbesttsementnye flat) |
At the foot |
1.0 m |
18 | Plates asbesttsementnye hollow |
In stack 15 rows |
19 | Tile cement – sand and clay |
In a pile on the edge |
1.0 m |
With gaskets |
20 | Black rolling metals (steel sheet, channels, I-beams, profiled steel) |
In the stack |
1.5 m |
With pads and linings |
21 | Melkosortnyj metal |
In rack |
1.5 m |
Appendix 11.4
Coverage of some facilities and industrial
Land in various buildings
N p / p |
Facilities and industrial sites |
Rationing light plane and its height from the floor, m |
Discharge of visual work |
Illuminance lux |
when combined light |
at a total light |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Enterprise car service |
1. |
Washing and cleaning vehicles |
Paul |
VI |
- |
150 |
2. |
Car Maintenance |
Paul |
Va |
300 |
200 |
3. |
Daily maintenance vehicles |
In – by car |
- |
75 |
4. |
Osmotrovye ditches |
D – down machine |
VI |
- |
150 |
5. |
Engine, aggregate, mechanical, electrical department and power devices |
D – 0.8 |
IVa |
750 |
300 |
6. |
Blacksmithing, welding – sheet metal and separating mednichnoe |
D – 0.8 |
IVb |
500 |
200 |
7. |
Joinery and wallpaper department |
D – 0.8 |
Va |
300 |
200 |
8. |
Repair and installation of tires |
D – 0.8 |
Va |
300 |
200 |
9. |
Storage space for cars |
Paul |
- |
20 |
10. |
Open storage areas for vehicles |
Paul |
- |
5 |
Warehouses |
11. |
Warehouses bulky items and bulk materials (sand, wood, cement, etc.) |
Paul |
- |
- |
20 |
12. |
Material, tools and the like warehouses |
Paul |
- |
75 |
13. |
Warehouses and containers of chemical (acids, alkalis, lacquers, paints and flammable liquids, etc.):a) filling in stockb) without filling in stock |
Paul Paul |
- - |
30 20 |
Boilers |
14. |
Boiler room: | ||||
a) service platforms boilersb) platforms and stairs boilers and economizers, passes for boilers |
In – on furnaces, zatvorkah, feeders Paul |
VI - |
100 - |
100 10 |
15. |
Dymososov premises, fans, bunker office |
D – 0.8 |
VI |
- |
100 |
16. |
Condensation, chemical water treatment, deafratornaya, boiler |
Paul |
VI |
- |
100 |
17. |
Space fuel |
D – 0.8 |
VI |
- |
100 |
18. |
Nadbunkernoe room |
D – 0.8 |
- |
20 |
Electrical rooms |
19. |
Camera transformers and reactors |
B – 1.5 |
VI |
- |
50 |
20. |
Switchgear room | ||||
a) on the front panel with continuous service (on the panel) |
B – 1.5 |
IVd |
- |
200 |
b) the same, but with periodic maintenance (on the panel) |
B – 1.5 |
IVd |
- |
150 |
c) the back side panel (panel) |
B – 1.5 |
VI |
- |
100 |
21. |
Premises capacitors |
In – the capacitors |
IVd |
- |
100 |
22. |
Space for batteries |
D – 0.5 |
VI |
- |
50 |
23. |
Shop for repairs battery |
D – 0.8 |
IVb |
500 |
200 |
24. |
Switchboard in residential and public buildings |
B – 1.5 |
VI |
- |
50 |
Facilities for electric vehicles and electric |
25. |
Space for parking and charging |
Paul |
VI |
- |
50 |
26. |
Room for repair of electric and electric |
Paul |
IVb |
500 |
200 |
27. |
Electrolyte and distillyatornaya |
D – 0.8 |
VI |
- |
150 |
Space utilities and other |technological facilities |
28. |
Space for ventilation equipment (except for air conditioners) |
D – 0.8 |
- |
20 |
29. |
Space for air conditioners and pumps, heat points |
D – 0.8 |
- |
75 |
30. |
Machine rooms-tion pump, compressor, blowera) permanently manned staffb) no permanent staff on duty |
D – 0.8 D – 0.8 |
- - |
150 100 |
31. |
Premises for utility networks |
Paul |
- |
- |
20 |
Index path |
32. |
Bright large scale and medium-sized |
In – on devices |
IVd |
300 |
150 |
33. |
The same dark |
In – on devices |
IVb |
400 |
200 |
34. |
Scales small sizes |
In – on devices |
IIIc |
750 |
300 |
Galleries and tunnels |
35. |
Busbars and conveyors |
Paul |
- |
20 |
36. |
Кабельные,теплофикации-онные,масляные,пульпопроводов, water |
Paul |
- |
10 |
Legend in the third column: In – vertical, T – horizontal.
Appendix 11.5
Primary fire extinguishing equipment for new building
And renovated buildings, structures
And outbuildings
Buildings, premises, warehouses and facilities |
U edited |
By primary means of fire |
fire extinguishers |
boxes with 0.5 cu. m with sand and shovel |
water barrels emkostyu250 l and 2 buckets |
felt, asbestos blanket or felts 2 x 2 m |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Constructed and reconstructed buildings |
200 m. m of floor area |
1 <1> |
1 |
1 |
- |
Scaffolding |
For every 20 m length of forests (on the floors) |
1 <1> |
- |
- |
- |
For every 100 m length of forests (on the floors) |
- |
- |
1 <2> |
- |
Space offices |
200 m. m of floor area |
1 <1> |
- |
- |
- |
Premises carpentry and woodworking shops, workshops |
Per 100 sq.m. |
1 <3> |
1 |
1 |
- |
Enclosed storage timber and fuel (hemp, hemp, etc.) |
100 m. m |
1 <2> |
- |
1 |
- |
Household storage in the presence of combustible materials |
100 m. m |
1 <2> |
- |
1 |
- |
Outdoor storage timber |
HA3 00 m. m |
1 <4> |
- |
1 |
- |
Cover with burns combustible insulation or roofing |
200 m. m |
1 |
1 |
1 |
- |
Outdoor storage of roundwood |
500 m. m area of the warehouse |
1 <4> |
- |
1 |
- |
Enclosed storage noncombustible materials |
400 m. m square |
1 <3> |
- |
- |
- |
Tare storage of flammable and combustible liquids |
50 m. m of floor area |
1 <4> |
1 <4> |
- |
- |
Warehouse calcium carbide |
100 m. m of floor area |
- |
1 |
- |
- |
Warehouse cylinders with compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases |
200 m. m of floor area |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
Working platform for concrete stem tall concrete pipes |
- |
3 |
1 |
1 |
- |
Overlap in building a protective structures |
- |
2 |
- |
1 |
- |
Cradle assembly for the construction of cooling towers (each cradle 2 pcs.) |
- |
8 |
- |
- |
- |
Storage and preparation of working compositions anticorrosive and waterproofing materials |
- |
3 |
1 |
- |
3 |
Installation location of heat generators heaters |
Unit |
3 |
1 |
- |
- |
Open car parks |
100 sq.m. |
1 |
1 |
- |
1 |
Gas welding and electric welding shops |
200 sq.m. |
1 |
1 |
- |
- |
Machine shops |
100 sq.m. |
1 |
1 |
- |
- |
Roundhouse |
200 sq.m. |
1 |
1 |
- |
1 |
Battery room |
Per room |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
Warehouses flammable liquids and combustible |
200 sq.m. |
2 |
1 |
- |
1 |
Warehouses hard rock materials (peat, coal) |
500 sq.m. |
2 |
- |
2 |
- |
Warehouses chemical reagents |
300 sq.m. |
2 |
1 |
- |
1 |
Electric Power |
200 sq.m. |
1 |
1 |
- |
1 |
<1> But at least two fire extinguishers on the floor.
<2> But at least two barrels on the floor.
<3> But at least two fire extinguishers on each workshop or
separate warehouse.
<4> But at least two fire extinguishers on each warehouse.
<5> But at least two fire extinguishers and a sandbox. In
sand box should be one felted size 1,5 x 1,5 m
Appendix 11.6
Distance from the open warehouse to BUILDINGS
And structures, and between warehouses, M
Warehouses |
Buildings and structures in the fire resistance |
Warehouses |
I, II, IIIa |
IIIb, IVa V, VI |
coal |
milled peat |
sod peat |
wood products (sawn wood and round) |
wood chips and sawdust |
GJ |
capacity, kt |
capacity, thousand cubic meters. m |
1 - |
<1 |
1 - |
<1 |
1 - |
<1 |
1 – | |
<1 |
1 - |
<1 |
1 - |
0.6 |
< |
5 - |
3 - |
<3 |
100 |
100 |
10 |
10 |
5 |
2 |
-1 |
0.6 |
10 |
5 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
1. Coal capacity, tons: | |||||||||||||||||||
1 to 100 |
6 |
6 |
12 |
x |
x |
12 |
12 |
6 |
6 |
24 |
18 |
24 |
18 |
18 |
12 |
6 |
18 |
12 |
6 |
<1 |
not standardized |
6 |
12 |
x |
x |
12 |
12 |
6 |
6 |
24 |
18 |
24 |
18 |
18 |
12 |
6 |
12 |
6 |
6 |
2. Milled peat capacity, tons: | |||||||||||||||||||
1 to 10 |
24 |
30 |
36 |
12 |
12 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
42 |
36 |
42 |
36 |
42 |
36 |
30 |
42 |
36 |
30 |
<1 |
18 |
24 |
30 |
12 |
12 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
42 |
36 |
42 |
36 |
42 |
36 |
30 |
42 |
36 |
30 |
3. Sod peat capacity, tons: | |||||||||||||||||||
1 to 10 |
18 |
18 |
24 |
6 |
6 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
42 |
36 |
42 |
36 |
36 |
30 |
24 |
36 |
30 |
24 |
<1 |
12 |
15 |
15 |
6 |
6 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
42 |
36 |
42 |
36 |
36 |
30 |
24 |
36 |
30 |
24 |
4. Lesomateria-fishing (round and sawn) of firewood and container, thous. m: | |||||||||||||||||||
1 to 10 |
15 |
24 |
30 |
24 |
24 |
42 |
42 |
42 |
42 |
x |
x |
36 |
30 |
42 |
36 |
30 |
42 |
36 |
30 |
<1 |
12 |
15 |
18 |
18 |
18 |
36 |
36 |
36 |
36 |
x |
x |
36 |
30 |
36 |
30 |
24 |
36 |
30 |
24 |
5. Chips and sawdust capacity, thousand cubic meters. m: | |||||||||||||||||||
1 to 5 |
18 |
30 |
36 |
24 |
24 |
42 |
42 |
42 |
42 |
36 |
36 |
x |
x |
42 |
36 |
30 |
42 |
36 |
30 |
<1 |
15 |
18 |
24 |
18 |
18 |
36 |
36 |
36 |
36 |
30 |
24 |
x |
x |
36 |
30 |
24 |
36 |
30 |
24 |
6. Flammable liquid capacity, thousand cubic meters. m: | |||||||||||||||||||
1 to 2 |
30 |
30 |
36 |
18 |
18 |
42 |
42 |
36 |
36 |
42 |
36 |
42 |
36 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
0.6 to 1 |
24 |
24 |
30 |
12 |
12 |
36 |
36 |
30 |
30 |
36 |
30 |
36 |
30 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
<0.6 |
18 |
18 |
24 |
6 |
6 |
30 |
30 |
24 |
24 |
30 |
24 |
30 |
24 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
7. Flammable liquids capacity, thousand cubic meters. m: | |||||||||||||||||||
5 to 10 |
30 |
30 |
36 |
18 |
18 |
42 |
42 |
36 |
36 |
42 |
36 |
42 |
36 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
3 to 5 |
24 |
24 |
30 |
12 |
12 |
36 |
36 |
30 |
30 |
36 |
30 |
36 |
30 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
<3 |
18 |
18 |
24 |
6 |
6 |
30 |
30 |
24 |
24 |
30 |
24 |
30 |
24 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Sign x means that the placement of the same materials (including milled and sod peat or flammable and combustible liquids) in two or more warehouses are not allowed.
Appendix 11.7
GOST, SNIP, regulations and instructions,
Used in compiling RULES
1. GOST 12.1.004-91 SSLS Fire safety. General requirements.
2. GOST 12.4.001-89 SSLS Remedies working. General requirements and classification.
3. GOST 12.3.002-75 SSLS manufacturing processes. General safety requirements (with rev. 1980, 1991.).
4. GOST 12.3.035-84 SSLS Building. Paint work. Safety requirements.
5. GOST 12.3.016-87 SSLS Building. Anticorrosion work. Safety requirements.
6. GOST 12.2.016-81 SSLS Compressor equipment. General safety requirements (with rev. 1987).
7. GOST 9238-83 Dimensions approximation buildings and rolling stock 1520 (1524) mm.
8. GOST 9720-76 Dimensions approximation buildings and rolling stock gauge 750 mm.
9. GOST 12.2.022-80 Conveyors. General safety requirements (with rev. 1986, 1990.).
10. GOST 12.3.009-76 SSLS Works cargo – handling. General safety requirements (with rev. 1982).
11. GOST 12.4.107-82 SSLS ropes harnesses.
12. GOST 12.1.012-90 Vibration safety. General requirements.
13. GOST 12.2.009-80 Metal-working machines. General safety requirements (with rev. 1988, 1992.).
14. GOST 12.3.036-84 SSLS Flame metalworking. Safety Requirements (rev. 1990).
15. GOST 12.3.004-75 SSLS Heat treatment of metals. General safety requirements (with rev. 1982).
16. GOST 12.2.017-93 SSLS Equipment forging – forging. General requirements for safety.
17. GOST 12.3.042-88 SSLS Woodworking. General requirements for safety.
18. GOST 12.3.040-86 SSLS Building. Roofing and waterproofing work. Safety requirements.
19. GOST 12.3.020-80 SSLS the movement of goods in the factories. Safety Requirements (rev. 1988).
20. GOST 12.3.038-85 SSLS Building. Of thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines. Safety requirements.
21. GOST 12.1.019-79 SSLS Electrical. General requirements and range of types of protection (with rev. 1986).
22. GOST 12.3.003-86 SSLS electric welding works. Safety Requirements (rev. 1989).
23. GOST 12.1.005-88 SSLS General sanitary – hygienic requirements to the working area (with rev. 1989).
24. GOST 12.1.003-83 SSLS noise. General safety requirements (with rev. 1989).
25. GOST 12.1.006-84 SSLS radio frequency electromagnetic fields. Permissible levels in the workplace and requirements for monitoring (with rev. 1988).
26. GOST 12.1.040-83 SSBT. Laser safety. General (with rev. 1986).
27. GOST 12.1.001-89 SSLS Ultrasound. General requirements for safety.
28. GOST 12.3.015-78 SSLS Works timber. Safety Requirements (rev. 1982, 1984, 1988.).
29. GOST 12.3.025-80 SSLS metal cutting. Safety Requirements (rev. 1988).
30. GOST SSLS Machinery Electric hand. General safety requirements and test methods.
31. GOST electrothermal equipment. Safety requirements.
32. GOST 12.1.004-89 Fire hazard substances and materials used in manufacturing processes.
33. GOST 12.0.004-90 SSLS training on safety. General Provisions.
34. GOST Woodworking equipment. General safety requirements for the design.
35. GOST 17677-82E Fixtures. General specifications.
36. GOST 12.2.003-91 Industrial equipment. General requirements for safety.
37. GOST 12.3.006-75 Operation of water and sewer facilities and networks. General requirements for safety.
38. GOST Conservancy. Hydrosphere. General requirements for the protection of surface and groundwater from pollution by oil and oil products.
39. GOST Conservancy. Hydrosphere. General requirements for the protection of surface waters from pollution.
40. GOST 12.4.087-84 construction helmets. Specifications.
41. GOST 12.4.089-86 Safety belts. General specifications.
42. SNIP Commissioning of completed construction projects. Basic Provisions (rev. 1988).
43. SNIP Industrial buildings industrial enterprises (with rev. 1989, 1991.).
44. SNIP Fire norm.
45. SNIP 11-89-80 master plans for industrial enterprises (with rev. N 1, 2 and 3, the BLS N 4-85, N 3 – ’87, N 11 – ’90).
46. SNIP 2.05.07-91 Industrial vehicles (No. 1996).
47. SNIP 111-4-80 Safety in construction.
48. SNIP 2.04.07-86 thermal network.
49. SNIP 2.04.02-84 Water. External networks and facilities (with rev. N 1 and N 2 BLS 9, 11 – ’85, N 9 – ’86, N 12 – ’87).
50. SNIP 2.04.01-85 Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings (with rev. 1992).
51. SNIP 11-92-76 Ancillary buildings and industrial facilities. Design standards.
52. SNIP 2.04.05-91 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (with rev. 1994).
53. SNIP 4.11.79 Natural and artificial lighting (with rev. 1986).
54. SNIP 2.11.03-93 Warehouses oil and petroleum products. Fire regulations.
55. SNIP 32-01-85 Railways 1520 mm (with rev. NN 1, 2 and 3 BLS N 11 – ’90).
56. SNIP 2.09.04-87 Administrative and domestic buildings (with rev. 1995).
57. SNIP 2.11.01-85 Storage buildings (with rev. 1991).
58. CH 245-71. Sanitary norms of industrial design (rev. 1978 N 61 and N 222).
59. Fire safety regulations in the Russian Federation. PPB-01-93, Moscow, 1997, approved by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs 16/10/93.
60. Common safety rules for splitting: sorting mineral processing and agglomeration of ores and concentrates. M., NGOs, MBT 1992.
61. Safety rules for the gas industry. Edition 3 rev. N 1 and 2 approved Gostgortechnadzor Russia 02.11.92 and 14.12.92, 17.07.90 agreed with the Trade Unions.
62. Rules for design and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers. M., NGOs, MBT, 1994, approved by the Russian State Technical Supervision 28.05.93 N 12.
63. Regulations on labor protection in road transport. POT PO-200-01-95, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia 13.12.95 N 106.
64. Safety rules when working with tools and devices. M. Energoatomizdat, 1986, approved by the USSR Ministry of 04/30/85.
65. Rules for protection of surface waters against pollution of wastewater, approved. State Committee of the USSR, 1991
66. Electrical Code (PUE), approved. USSR Ministry of 05/10/79 (as amended. 1982, 1984.).
67. Safety rules for the operation of electrical consumers (PTBEP), approved. Glavgosenergonadzorom Russia 21.12.84.
68. Rules of Operation of Electrical Equipment (PEEP), approved. Glavgosenergonadzorom Russia 31.03.92.
69. EPO in the development of mineral deposits open method. M., NGOs MBT, 1992.
70. EPO during the mining of ore, non-metallic and placer mineral deposits underground mining. M., NGOs MBT, 1996.
71. PTB and Health Standards for paint shops and railway stations enterprises transport. Approved. IPU and the Central Trade Union 28.11.88 N TSTVR/4665.
72. PTB for shinomontazhnyh companies Minavtotrans RSFSR, 10/18/77.
73. ONTP-01-91. Union norms of technological design of road transport enterprises, approved. Minavtotransporta RSFSR 08/07/91.
74. ONTP-07-83. Union norms of technological design machining and assembly departments of engineering, instrument-making and metalworking.
75. NTP repair economy non-ferrous metallurgy, approved. MCM USSR 18.12.85 N 553.
76. ONTP 6-85. Union norms of technological design of warehouses and repair – mechanical workshops mines, mines and concentrators mining.
77. BCH-01-89. Departmental building codes Minavtotransa RSFSR VA N 15/10.
78. Position on the issuance of special permits (licenses) for the activities associated with increased risk of industrial production (s) and work, as well as security for subsoil use. Approved. Gostgortechnadzor Russia 03.07.93 N 20.
79. Regulation on the protection of groundwater. M. VSEGINGEO, 1984.
80. GOST 12.1.030-81. Electrical. Protective grounding and vanishing (with rev. 1987.).
81. Rules of certification of welders and welding engineers, Moscow, 1998 (Regulation Instead welder qualification, approved. Gostgortechnadzor Russia 18.03.93 N 7 and Regulation welder qualification of equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants
PNAEG-7-003-87, approved. Gosatomenergonadzora USSR 02.04. 84).
82. Sanitary rules and norms for the protection of surface waters against pollution SanPin 4630-88.
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