26 Jan 2014
PB 03-106-96 영문번역
PB IPTF. Safety rules for the construction of subways and underground structures.
And underground structures
as amended (PB 03-106-96)
Apply to the design and construction of subways, transportation, industrial, utility tunnels and underground structures
New Safety Rules for construction of subways and underground structures cover design, design documentation, research and construction of subways, transportation, industrial, utility tunnels and various underground structures implemented underground and open ways.
The new edition of the Rules developed by the Central Research Institute of Transport Construction, Gostgortechnadzor Russian Research Institute of Hygiene involving rail transport and the Moscow Mining Institute. In the final editing and Rules attended by leading specialists from organizations Tonnelmetrostroya, Mosmetrostroy, Mosinzhstroya, Metrotonnelgeodezii, a number of design and research organizations involved in the design of underground structures.
During the recycling regulations reflect changes in technology, technology and organization of underground construction that occurred in recent years, advanced domestic and foreign experience in safe work performance, including in complex engineering system of cities, also takes into account the analysis of occupational injuries in different areas of underground construction . First included requirements for safe operation in underground machines with internal combustion engines, changed requirements for ventilation of underground workings, electrical and special works.
More fully articulated and differentiated responsibilities and tasks for the security of underground construction work for all the functional services and in this regard there are special sections on Mine Surveying and ensure liability for failure to comply with the Regulations. Have changed the position of the individual tasks of technical supervision.
With the introduction of the Regulation to all heads of state, stock, rental, cooperative organizations, leading underground construction, it is necessary to carry out the certification of its employees on the knowledge of new safety rules.
With the introduction of the new Rules are repealed rules of safety and sanitation in the construction of subways and tunnels, approved by the Ministry of Transport Construction of the USSR in 1975 and the “Additional safety requirements in the construction of lifting facilities in Moscow, located at a depth of not more than 40 m and the length of the production work no more than two years, “approved Gostgortechnadzor USSR in 1987
1.1. SCOPE project documentation
1.1.1. These Regulations are binding on all officials and technical officers engaged research, design and construction of subways, transportation, industrial and utility tunnels and underground structures.
Note. Workers are required to comply with instructions for safe work practices.
1.1.2. Each organization involved in the construction of subways, tunnels and underground structures, should have design and technical documentation, including the organization of construction projects (PIC) and projects of works (CPD) or procedures for all types of work. The sections of this documentation must be set out specific safety solutions, conservation of resources, environment and sanitary maintenance of workers.
Not be derogated from PIC and PPR without prior coordination with organizations to develop them.
1.1.3. Organizations developing projects are obliged to provide them safe methods of mining, construction, installation and other works, guided by current safety regulations for special works, sanitary and fire regulations, SNiPs and guests.
1.1.4. Projects and production work flow sheets should be developed and attached directly to the building site, taking into account local conditions.
1.1.5. In the production and transport of common work related to the construction of underground structures, as well as the organization of the construction site, scaffolding and other means of paving, installation of formwork, reinforcement, performing sanitary, electrical and finishing work should be guided by the requirements of Chapter existing SNIP “Safety construction “, as well as relevant safety regulations.
1.1.6. Operation of construction, lifting, mining and transport machinery, including maintenance, shall be in accordance with applicable requirements of Chapter snip, “Rules for design and safe operation of cranes” and the manufacturer’s instructions.
1.1.7. Use of explosives in mining excavations shall be in accordance with the requirements of the “Uniform Rules for safety during blasting operations.”
1.1.8. Builder leading the construction of underground facilities must have as-built drawings reflecting geotechnical conditions of penetration, and eliminate existing underground structures and communications that may affect the construction work, the state mining and their fastenings, drainage, water supply, ventilation, energy, communications, heating, communications, underground transport.
Allowed in some cases the production of works without the executive documentation (drawings, structural elements, etc.) for engineering services in the presence of materials topographic and geodetic and geotechnical surveys performed in accordance with regulatory requirements, and in agreement with the owners of elevating structures and communications.
1.1.9. The design, installation, operation and maintenance of lighting systems, emergency lighting and working in industrial environments, as well as in open areas should be guided by the requirements for light sources, lighting devices, lighting quality and operating SNIP “Norms for artificial lighting during the construction of subways and tunnels “sanitary standards.
1.1.10. On during commissioning (rolling subway lines, etc.) should be developed special safety measures approved by the Chief Engineer (associations).
Manufacturing jobs in exploited subways and tunnels should be done by the joint order (or other joint document) construction organization and the organization operating the underground facility.
1.1.11. All employees of a construction company operating in the underground tunnels and operated railways work required to know and comply with, their existing rules and regulations for safety and signaling Rules of technical operation and underground railways in the part of the order flow and relieve tension with contact rail fencing places of work, use of signals, order closing spans for work, as well as “Instruction on the order of works by foreign organizations operated facilities underground.”
1.1.12. Manufacture and repair of mining heading machinery, equipment and tooling should be in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation and additions thereto.
1.2. Approvals;
Emergency SOFTWARE
1.2.1. Commissioning of newly-mounted mining and tunnel complexes, lifting, the main ventilation and drainage installations, locomotive haulage should be made by a commission with the participation of a representative of Gosgortechnadzor after the presentation of objects and acts readiness results of control tests.
During the construction of utility tunnels Commissioning of mining heading machinery and equipment (except for cargo and human upgrades, having in its composition hoisting machines and mechanized tunnel boring systems (boards) with a diameter of 3.6 m or more) made commission of the enterprise.
1.2.2. On the construction of underground structures are allowed to use the equipment, machines, equipment, tools and materials for subsurface conditions or authorized to use the relevant state supervision.
1.2.3. Observational and experimental use in underground construction, admission to acceptance testing and licensing for the production and use of new models of mining equipment and electrical devices must be carried out in the manner prescribed instruction approved by the Russian State Technical Supervision.
1.2.4. Application of new technologies and methods of work not covered by this Regulation shall be carried out under the project developed a specialized organization, agreed with Gosgortechnadzor.
1.2.5. Head of the organization tasked with the construction of the underground facility, not later than 15 days before the start of major works required to submit for registration in the local list of sites Gosgortechnadzor works, regardless of the manner in which they are constructed.
1.2.6. All constructed underground facilities must be serviced Paramilitary Mountain Rescue units.
Office (headquarters) VGSCH must agree to the deployment of rescue units Gosgortechnadzor.
On the construction of utility tunnels command and administration of the organization can be created VGSCH auxiliary mine rescue team in accordance with the Model Regulations on them. approved by the Ministry of Construction of Russia in agreement with the Russian State Technical Supervision.
1.2.7. For each object underground construction plan should be developed emergency response (PLA) in accordance with the “Instructions for emergency response plans for the construction of underground facilities” (Annex 1).
The emergency plan is reviewed and approved once every six months, not later than 15 days before the beginning of next year.
When the changes in the location of mines, ventilation scheme and related ways out of people on the surface of the PLA in no later than the next day should be made appropriate corrections.
Never allow people to work who are not familiar with the PLA do not know it in part related to their place of work and ways of movement. Each introduction of PLA and outputs should be carried out on receipt before beginning work.
Re-introduction of working with wire outlet faces technical supervision every 6 months, and when the outputs – within days.
1.2.8. In all organizations conducting underground work, organized by turns registration of persons descended in development and left on the surface. Responsibility for ensuring such records shall be foreman.
1.2.9. To notify employees about emergency at each site underground construction except telephone must be equipped with an alarm (light, speakerphone, wireless radio, etc.).
1.2.10. All underground workers and those technical supervision before going into mining, hazardous gas or dust explosion must be issued individually assigned to them self-rescuers.
The number of self-rescuers at the facility must be 10% more than the listed number of underground workers.
1.2.11. On underground construction sites, not hazardous gas and dust explosion, allowed selfrescuers storage group in an amount exceeding 10% on the number of employees in most large change. Storage areas selfrescuers special boxes must be marked, and further illuminated.
Responsibility for the condition and safety of self-rescuers assigned to section chief, and for providing them in sufficient quantities – the head of the organization.
1.2.12. Workers, as well as those technical supervision should be provided with personal protective equipment in accordance with applicable regulations, be able to use self-rescuers, and the performance of special operations – Additional protective measures.
1.2.13. Tunnelling work on the underground construction sites must be carried out by written along issued in accordance with the Regulations on the elegant system, approved by the chief engineer of the construction company.
1.2.14. Work with increased risk should be carried out by the permit. The list of such works approved by the chief engineer of the organization.
1.2.15. Each employee, noting the danger that threatens people or object shall notify the employees, to inform the person of technical supervision, and if possible take measures to eliminate the danger.
1.2.16. When work on the subject by several organizations should be developed joint activities on safe work and division of responsibilities in accordance with the Regulations on the relationship of organizations – general contractors with subcontractors.
1.3.1. The works of increased danger in the construction of underground structures allowed a person 18 years of age.
1.3.2. Workers, engineers, technicians and employees entering the building are subject to prior medical examination. Re-examination of persons engaged in underground work and work in high risk, should be done annually.
1.3.3. For technical manual labor in underground mines and surface allowed persons who have completed education or mining engineering graduates special school or courses entitling technical guidance (in charge of mining and blasting).
On the surface of the mine on the technical documentation of production processes, not related to mining, allowed a person without a special mountain formation, but with technical education, corresponding to the profile works.
Leading experts design company engaged in the development of mining projects and construction of the underground facilities, project organization and technology of mining operations, mining engineering should have education and work experience of at least three years in this profession.
1.3.4. All newly entering the workforce or transferred from other institutions of engineering and technical personnel engaged in the design and construction of underground facilities must, within one month, and subsequently at least every three years to pass the exams on the knowledge of these Rules.
Students of higher and secondary specialized schools, vocational school students before passing the first production practices must undergo training and pass exams on a par with the safety of underground workers. Before the start of the subsequent practice, they are instructed on safety.
1.3.5. Workers received and transferred to work in another profession are required to undergo a preliminary safety training. Education is made with a margin of production in accordance with the “Programs prior training of workers engaged in underground work” agreed with Gosgortechnadzor, with the obligatory exams in the committee chaired by the chief engineer of the organization.
Durations must be at least:
- For workers not previously worked pas underground works – 5 days;
- Previously worked on them – 2 days;
- Transferred from one profession to another – 1 day;
- For working on the surface:
- Have not previously worked in construction – 2 days;
- Previously worked – 1 day.
Working combining several professions, should be trained and instructed in all occupations.
1.3.6. Vocational training of workers should be carried out in vocational schools, training center, technical schools or training centers. To work independently workers may be admitted only after the exam and obtain a license.
Permitted the training of workers in occupations not related to increased risk in the construction organization, individual and group order. At the time of such training workers be allowed to work only in conjunction with an experienced worker or a master instructor.
1.3.7. By managing machines and equipment allowed persons specially trained in the profession who have passed the exam and get your license.
Machinists (their assistants) of these funds that are managed due to the rapid introduction of electric, should have besides qualifying group on electrical windchill II, confirmed the identity of the sample set.
1.3.8. All workers should be familiar with the requirements for receipt of safety instructions for occupations and types of work performed. Instructions shall be kept at each site in an accessible location.
A review of all work done by a person of technical supervision area at least twice a year, and for the workers employed in jobs with high risk – once every three months. Results of primary and repeated briefings are recorded in personal card or a special journal.
1.3.9. One visit to underground excavation person not on the construction of underground facilities allowed by permission of the object only when accompanied by a person of technical supervision and after a preliminary briefing.
1.4. ORGANIZATION institutional control
1.4.1. In every construction organization should be developed and approved by agreement with the union committee and Gosgortechnadzor Regulation on preventive work on labor protection, regulating the duties and rights in this area for all officials.
General and administrative organizations (corporations, associations, firms, etc.) shall maintain control and coordination of measures aimed at improving safety.
1.4.2. Guidance and technical officers are obliged to visit the job site to check the status of safety and take concrete measures to eliminate violations.
1.4.3. Foreman or on behalf of the Deputy (leading master) is obliged to check the status of each workplace at least once a day, mine foreman – at least two times per shift.
1.4.4. Every organization engaged in the construction of subways and tunnels shall be provided post mining safety engineer and equipped office but OSH.
In some cases, the responsibilities safety engineer may be imposed on persons having Montan education and work experience of not less than three years, appointed by the head of the enterprise.
1.4.5. Prescriptions workers exercising state supervision, departmental and public control of the security requirements are binding for all organizations involved in joint operations.
1.4.6. Manual labor protection and responsibility for her condition imposed on the head of the organization.
1.5. REQUIREMENTS workplaces and equipment
1.5.1. Every workplace should have a safe passage. Do not obstruct the jobs and approaches to them, as well as the movement of people and goods.
When carrying out work in avalanche areas and in areas with possible talus should be provided and implemented specific measures to protect against avalanches and rockfalls.
1.5.2. Workplace underground work should provide normal ventilation, lighting, warning about the accident, in a state that provides complete safety of workers, and before starting work inspected mine foreman or on his behalf – foreman (team leader).
1.5.3. All branch shall be equipped with lighted pointers direction to the surface.
1.5.4. Do not stand in the mines, the state of which is harmful to men, except for the removal of these hazards with additional remedies.
1.5.5. Mining, the state of which is a danger to people or works that are suspended, should be protected at all entrances to them hanging with the prohibitory sign.
1.5.6. Working at heights more than 1.3 m from the rock or working platform shall be made with sites equipped with railings and fences at impossibility device used safety belts, the attachment of which are specified in advance carbines.
By agreement with the regional bodies Gosgortechnadzor in some cases allowed the development of the face with rock ledge height of more than 1.3 m without fencing device when using safety belts.
1.5.7. Prohibited from performing any work simultaneously in two or more tiers on the same vertical as well as under operating equipment in the absence of an intermediate continuous protective flooring made in accordance with the project.
1.5.8. Used cars, machinery and equipment, as well as forests, bridges, decks, stairs, and other equipment must be in working order, comply with the relevant law and to ensure safe operation.
Machines, equipment and tools, forest inventory and cradles must have passports and identification numbers on which they are recorded in the logbook and maintenance checks.
1.5.9. In underground mines do not perform any work from ladders except for inspections, measurements, as well as urgent (emergency) work.
Permitted in the construction of utility tunnels use ladders to perform short-term work and operations.
1.5.10. Any change in the operating mode of the machine or mechanism (starting, running, stopping) can be done only after the applied signal. Value signals in the process of operation, should be explained to all persons involved in the operation of machines and mechanisms. The alarm should be entrusted with a particular person. Any understood the signal is considered to signal the driver to stop and executed immediately.
1.5.11. Before starting the movement of mining complex (shield stacker technology platform), drilling, tunneling regiments, formwork, other machinery and equipment, all employees, not associated with the implementation of this process should be removed from the zone of movement to a safe distance.
1.5.12. Do not leave unattended operating machinery except machinery with automatic and remote control.
1.5.13. When using mobile machines must be designed to prevent inadvertent movement.
After graduation and during work breaks all the machines and mechanisms should be put on guaranteeing their inability to start by unauthorized persons.
1.5.14. Do not stay in dangerous zone operating machinery.
1.5.15. Repair of machinery and equipment necessary to carry out within the timeframe established approved schedule regular preventive maintenance in accordance with the technical documentation.
1.5.16. All exposed moving parts of machinery (clutch, transmission, pulleys, etc.) must be protected.
1.5.17. Do not operate faulty machinery, as well as cleaning and lubrication during their work.
1.6. Procedures for investigating accidents and incidents
1.6.1. Investigation of accidents and accidents at controlled Gosgortechnadzor, should be in accordance with the Regulation on investigation and registration of occupational accidents and the Regulations on technical investigation of accidents, not entailing accidents controlled enterprises and facilities.
1.6.2. For each group, and deadly accidents and head of the organization must, in accordance with the current instructions to notify the local authority Gosgortechnadzor.
2.1. The organization of the construction site shall ensure safety of workers and the passage of people at all stages of any type of work, both on the surface and underground conditions.
2.2. The construction site must be protected by a fence. Fencing adjacent to places of public passage of people, must be equipped with a continuous protective canopy.
2.3. Before the commencement of mining operations should be ensured adequate sanitary and domestic services.
2.4. Location of permanent and temporary roads, passages for people networks of energy and water, mechanized units, cranes, platforms for storage, sanitary and industrial premises, as well as other devices must fully comply with the general plan of construction or PIC.
2.5. The construction site should be designed and equipped with devices for removal of atmospheric and industrial water from the construction of underground structures.
In appropriate places must be posted inscriptions:
“ENTRY”, “exit”, “turn”, “PASS FOR PEOPLE”, as well as road signs, regulating the procedure and speed circuit and vehicular traffic.
Border hazardous areas should be further fencing and warning signs and labeling signals clearly visible both day and night time.
2.6. Walkways and driveways on the construction site must be free, not cluttered ground, equipment and building materials. They should be cleaned of dirt, snow, ice and suppress dust.
2.7. Temporary buildings and structures, workshops, copra, flyovers, machine and other facilities, as well as the size of the sanitary protection zones must comply with the sanitary and fire regulations.
2.8. Storage of materials and tunnel construction on the building site must be done in compliance with the requirements given in Annex 23.
Gaskets and lining must be placed in the same vertical plane. Their thickness shall be not less than the height of the protruding mounting tabs and fixings.
2.9. Placement of materials, structures and equipment at the construction site shall be determined taking into account the sequence of assembly and transport, dimensions and weight of products carrying capacity of crane equipment. Aisle width between piles shall not be less than 1 m
3.1. Before starting work on the road construction technical oversight entity should be familiar with the location of facilities and communications municipal urban planning and order of the organization, appointed responsible for excavation work related to the depredations and relaying communications.
3.2. Manufacturing jobs in the area of location of underground utilities (electric cables, communication cables, pipelines, etc.) is allowed only after obtaining a special permit (order) and written permission of organizations responsible for the operation of these communications, which are called representatives in place before beginning work.
Excavation pits to specify location of communications can only be done in the presence of representatives of the relevant operational organizations.
3.3. When approaching the work to the lines of existing underground utilities at a distance closer than 2 m by 1 m horizontally or vertically to use excavation equipment and jackhammers prohibited unless other regulations or the owner does not specify other sizes of the buffer zone. Excavation in these conditions permitted only hand tools.
3.4. In the field of movement of people and vehicles developed recess should be securely fenced, and the place of work, walkways and driveways – lit. On the fence must be installed warning labels and signs, and at night – signal lights.
When working on the roads and in other places where provided for vehicles must comply with applicable rules of the road.
3.5. To prevent shifts or collapse pits, trenches and other depressions developed in unstable soils, surveying service must be set daily and weekly visual tool monitoring of their boards, coving and lining with an entry in the log.
3.6. Procedure of excavation in the development of soil in trenches, pits width, steepness of slope, height shoulder width berms and method of fixing the boards should be established by the project. The draft should be made for the drainage of storm and flood waters to overflow grooves. The distance from the edge of the cut slope to the edge of the groove should be at least 3 m
3.7. Perform activities in pits and trenches developed with slopes (without fixing) undergoing hydration is allowed subject to the following precautions against collapse:
a) manufacturer’s overhaul works or master before the start of each shift state of the soil and its artificial caving in places where found “Visors” and cracks in brovok and on slopes;
b) temporary cessation of work in the recess before draining soil collapse in case of danger;
c) reducing the local steepness of slope in areas where the performance of work in the recess is urgent;
g) prohibit the movement of vehicles and machinery within the sliding wedge;
d) purifying the slopes of stones to prevent them from sliding into ditches and trenches.
For submission of materials to be used in the pit or hoists are equipped with special ramps. Place of filing and acceptance of the goods must be identified and protected.
3.8. When mechanized excavation in the pit installation excavator within the cavity and on the surface, as well as the sequence and order of seizure shall be defined in CPD.
3.9. Movement within the construction site excavator and mechanized units copra should be for temporary power and aligned coated surfaces with slopes not exceeding the established technical passport movable machine (installation).
3.10. Used excavating soil in vehicles must be done from the rear or side board. Awaiting loading the car must be outside the range of the bucket for loading and become only after enable signal excavator operator.
3.11. When designing the excavation is prohibited:
a) excavation pit board with sap. When using a shovel excavators face height should be limited to a maximum digging height of the excavator;
b) simultaneous execution at one site excavation other works within the zone defined BPD, but no closer than 5 m from the moving parts of earthmoving machinery;
c) the use of bulldozers on slopes with an angle greater than 30 ° and extension of the bulldozer blade for a curb cut slope.
3.12. For timely implementation of security measures and measures to ensure the safety of people on the job site should have the necessary emergency supply of materials, tools and accessories.
3.13. At the time, disconnect the power lines located at the work site. If operating conditions these pipelines can not be disabled, it is necessary, in consultation with the operating organization, reliably protect them from damage.
3.14. In case of deformation structures, paths, facilities, communications work must be stopped immediately, the people removed from the danger zone, urgently warned the organization which is run by a deformable structure, and exhibited alarms.
Resuming possible only as directed by the responsible person of technical supervision.
3.15. Installation of temporary lining pits and trenches must be done in accordance with the method statement and maps.
3.16. Build, move, turn and demolition copra for piling work must be carried out under the supervision of a person of technical supervision, while around the installation site (displacement) of copra should be designated a danger zone radius of 5 m over the height of the mast. In the danger zone when working copra all other work should be stopped, and the people not associated with the work of copra, removed beyond this zone.
3.17. Lifting and installation of piles (rebates) in the presence of inhabited buildings in the danger zone shall be permitted to implement additional security measures provided for repairing and performing lifting operations using the hoisting rope copra and second belay, rope and a winch.
3.18. When carrying out the method of “slurry wall” moving along the trench excavator should be planned on having a solid surface (asphalt, concrete, road plates) site with a slope of not more than 2 °. Level mud should not be less than 0.5 m from the edge of the trench.
3.19. With the development of the trench for the “wall in the ground” it must be done on both sides of the fence or overlap. For people pass through the trench bridges shall be equipped with a minimum width of 1 m and fenced on two sides railing height of not less than 1.2 m
Descent into the excavation and installation (installation) temporary roof support elements must be made using lifting devices, wherein:
a) in the pit and on the adjacent construction site on the descent, lift and install the shootings in the danger zone is not permitted the presence of persons who are not related to this operation;
b) prohibits the circulation on executions or finding people on them. When installing the wedges should be used suspended cradles or scaffolding.
3.20. The rope may be weakened or rasstroplen of installed lining element or other shipping only at steady load or final fixing it in place.
3.21. When applying for a temporary roof bolting attachment:
a) prohibited: build screw rod to a complete stop or shaft rotator feeder jumbo, use drill rod having cracks or tears; shovel drill cuttings during drilling from the wellhead, or clear the bar, to drill without installing fingers fixing drill rods;
b) by pulling the cylinder body anchors must be fastened to the longitudinal belt lining;
c) finding a forbidden people closer than 10 meters in the direction of the anchor axis, and not less than
2 m on both sides of the tensioner;
d) inspection of roof bolting excavation should be made chief of the site at least once every three months, with record results in the “Book of the lining inspection” (Appendix 11).
3.22. Prohibited warehousing and storage of materials and equipment at congresses and descents into pits or executions lining, as well as closer than 2 m from the edge of the excavation or trench.
3.23. Additional checking the temporary lining and brovok (pits and trenches) must be done with seasonal changes in temperature, as well as after the storm and during heavy rains.
Inspection results must be recorded in the lining “Book lining inspection.”
3.24. Descent (ascent) of people in the pit to a depth of 25 m are allowed on specially equipped for this purpose ladders having rest areas not less than 10 m In the absence of Congresses ladders should be installed along the length of the pit not less than 40 m, and at a lower the length of the recess must be arranged at least two ladder outcrops, distant from each other to the maximum distance.
In the trenches and pits to a depth of 5 m for lowering and lifting people allowed to use portable ladders, securely attached to the temporary lining.
3.25. In developing pits using shields open dimensions of the working chamber to display the shield on the road, the order of development and face mount device supporting wall and base laying rails, etc. are determined by SPR.
3.26. When tunneling with depth of emplacement exceeding height shield throughout its length must be installed metal security section protruding above the ground not less than 15 cm
3.27. Requirements of paragraphs 3.1 – 3.26 apply only to the construction of underground transport facilities open way.
3.28. During the construction of municipal and industrial underground facilities open pit (underground parts of pumping stations, reservoirs, tunnels for various purposes, garages, storage facilities, cultural and other purposes) should be guided by the requirements of the SNP “Safety in Construction” and projects of the work.
STRUCTURES closed method
4.1.1. Before any work on the sinking of the underground workings, all persons of technical supervision and workers should be aware of a receipt with the geological and hydrogeological conditions of the site, as well as with the location of existing and abandoned underground structures and utilities in the zone of operations.
4.1.2. Methods of penetration and attachment area of underground workings and outcrop section parameters must be defined in the projects on the basis of the stability of rocks, hydrogeological and other conditions of construction.
4.1.3. Fixing all underground workings should be in accordance with the approved projects and passports temporary fastening. Passport shall be made in accordance with the Regulations on the certificates of temporary fastening mining (Appendix 2) and approved by the head or chief engineer organization.
Workers and those technical supervision before beginning work must be familiar with the projects and securing passports under the painting.
With deteriorating geological conditions and industrial holding production should be suspended pending a review of the passport.
Mining operations without an approved passport temporary fastening or the breach is prohibited.
Passport should eliminate the need for mounting relocation of components when installing a temporary roof support tubing or blocks slotted rings. Do not remove the element of time lining up to secure the tubing and blocks lining the bottom hole.
4.1.4. All coupling and mouth openings shall be secured regardless of the stability of rocks.
Section length fastening set project.
4.1.5. The mouth of the vertical and inclined shafts, pits and tunnels should be located and equipped so as to prevent the penetration of surface water in the mine workings. Upon the redemption of these generation must be separated from water surface.
4.1.6. In a highly unstable rocks (loose, loose or quicksand) and unstable rocks (requiring maintenance of the array directly behind the groove rock) excavation workings must be made using special techniques or mechanized tunnel complexes (shields).
4.1.7. Develop rock solid when driving workings slaughter or ledges should be done in all cases, since the upper part of the face. This rule does not apply to the slaughter, developed using mechanized complexes.
4.1.8. The magnitude of the backlog lining (permanent support) from the bottom of excavation shall be installed by the project. In this plot develop between slaughter and lining must be secured or protected by temporary fencing bolting-supporting structures of mobile heading machines.
In weak and unstable rocks lining the lag time of slaughter is not allowed.
4.1.9. Disclosure tunnel full lining and installation of slotted rings during installation shall be supervised by a person with technical supervision mandatory installation of temporary supports. Section length for mounting slotted rings is determined based on geological conditions.
4.1.10. In the development of unstable rock face on a full installation of slotted rings on stope should be no longer than one team lining rings. Under these conditions blasting prohibited.
4.1.11. Production, under construction continuous slaughter, should be developed with the use of mobile metal scaffolding, suspended scaffolding, drilling rigs or other special tunneling equipment, providing convenience and safety production work in the mine.
4.1.12 Cross-sectional dimensions of developments in light lining should provide the ability to save free passes and clearances given of laid communications.
4.1.13. When blasting subcontractor passport blasting must be approved by the chief engineer of a general contractor in agreement with the technical manager of subcontractor.
4.1.14. Before starting work under the supervision of a person technical supervision must be restored lining destroyed in the explosion and, under the guise of a temporary roof support or safe places with special Oborniki frill made of peeled pieces of rock (“stabbing”) from the surface of the face, roof and sides develop.
4.1.15. For inspection and frills rock faces in the workings of a height greater than 4 m shall apply sliding scaffolding and self-propelled units, to ensure the safe production of such works.
Persons not involved frill, it is prohibited to the dangerous area closer than 10 m
4.1.16. Shoring generation must be carefully proppant to its contour, the voids between the bolting and surface generation must be carefully zabucheny. Prohibited zabuchivat tree cavities or other flammable materials and post items for lining of temporary wooden roof supports, except in cases envisaged by the project.
4.1.17. If cracks in the lining of shafts and tunnels should be established systematic observation of them surveying service construction. The results of observations are recorded in the “Book of the lining inspection and condition workings.”
4.1.18. Geological Survey of construction or design organization shall monitor the geological structure of the soil (rock) and the state faces.
Said work shall be performed in accordance with instructions on engineering-geological surveys for the design and construction of subways, mountain railway and road tunnels.
Allowed to carry out geotechnical construction services by engineering, surveying services, construction company in simple hydrogeological conditions, unless construction of underwater tunnels, as well as communal deep tunnels traversed by densely built areas.
4.1.19. In areas of geological faults, possible breakthroughs in the areas of water or near surface and underground structures and utilities excavation workings must be performed in compliance with the additional security measures for dangerous conditions in accordance with these Rules.
4.1.20. Drifting mines for at least 15 m before and after the construction of places of impermeable protective structures should be done without the use of blasting. Allowed to perform blasting in hard rock on a special project, comprising the necessary measures against the increase of fracture the surrounding rock.
4.1.21. Work on continuous drifting debris and perekrepleniyu mining must be performed by a specially developed project approved by the chief engineer of the organization.
When perekreplenii generation do not remove more than two frames simultaneously without installing grabs at RAMS mount or remove the nuts and grabs more than two transverse rows of anchors when anchored. New lining located near removed, should be strengthened.
These procedures must be performed under the supervision of experienced workers face technical supervision.
4.1.22. Excavation excavation pit bottom should begin after the trunk lining erection equipment and its kletevym (skip) lift. Allowed penetration crosscuts from the trunk using badevogo rise to a length not exceeding 20 m
Excavation utility tunnels on all their length can be performed using badevogo recovery.
4.1.23. Inset generation of horizontal predportalnoy recesses into the portal slope must be secured and protected so as to prevent the fall of pieces of rock from the slopes.
4.1.24. If signs of deformation or contour lining workings necessary to put additional strengthened lining (intermediate frames, tiebacks, poles, struts, sleepers, anchors). At the same time to remove the deformed or broken frames wooden lining or metal arches should be erected near, proppant and embroidered with new frames or arches.
4.1.25. Ducts, pipes compressed air, dewatering pipes, cables or other arrangement in developments should be located so that they do not obstruct the movement of rolling stock, the movement of materials, equipment and movement of people.
4.1.26. Shafts and other vertical ladder generation should have compartments for the passage of people. Ladders should be set at an angle of 80 °. Production over the mouth and over every regiment they should extend 1 m or above the opening in the lining of the regiment must be firmly embedded metal braces. The inner side of the clamp should be spaced from bolting to a distance of not less than 4 cm, the distance between the brackets should not exceed 0.4 m, and the width of the bracket of at least 0.4 m
Installation of stairs must allow free movement of rescue crews in respirators and satisfy the following conditions:
a) dimensions manholes along the length of the ladder must be not less than 0.7 m, width – not less than 0.6 m;
b) the distance from the base of the stairs to the trunk lining or cladding department ladder – not less than 0.6 m;
c) The distance between the shelves – not more than 8 m;
g) Stairs shall be strong, every 2 m stitched with metal buckles, steadily secured and positioned so that they are above the openings (access doors) in the shelves.
Width of the stairs shall be not less than 0.4 m, and the distance between the steps – no more than 0,4 m above the first hole upper stairs should be closed solid lyadoy. Office for the passage of people must be securely fenced off the entire length of the other departments. Each staircase should be covered. Ladders must be kept in good condition, step – cleaned of dirt and ice.
For the period of the output shaft sinking department ladder to the surface to be fitted with a safety booth.
4.1.27. If the main exit from the underground workings is sloping tunnel and its finite difference marks exceeds 60 m, then it must be equipped with a manual delivery people.
Also, exit of people should be provided free passage width of at least 0.7 m at 1.8 m height, all over which is constructed at angles of tilt:
7 ° to 15 ° – the railing;
from 15 ° to 30 ° – ladders and railings;
from 30 ° to 45 ° – stairs with horizontal solid steps and railings;
45 ° or more – way office, equipped similarly vertical separation of steps workings.
4.1.28. All revolting generation, except for the sole descent breed should be equipped offices for the passage of people.
4.1.29. Completed mine workings should be kept clean and in good repair.
4.1.30. In case of changing conditions of a possible accident or emergency rations should be provided materials.
List of emergency stock of materials, tools, equipment and their storage organization approved by the chief engineer.
Do not use the emergency reserve for the current job.
4.1.31. Everyone working in the mines, passable without fixing the duration of the blasting in adjacent mines, located less than 50 meters shall be displayed in advance to a safe place.
4.1.32. During excavations counter or come slaughter without blasting operations, as well as the approach to the previously passed workings, since the distance between them less than half the diameter (height) of the generation, evaluation activities must be carried out in compliance with the additional security measures on a single agreed schedule approved by the principal engineers organizations leading this work.
When this distance is reduced to a value of height slaughtering operation should be conducted only by one of the workings.
And fastening inclined workings
4.2.1. All inclined generation equipped rail transport should have compartments for the passage of people. They must be located above the most protruding parts of the rolling stock.
If you can not locate the passage at height equipment allowed the passage below, provided the auxiliary fence it from the cargo compartment of the project.
When descending the sloping rocks develop under its own weight of human passage should be protected solid sheathing.
4.2.2. In driving, or repair uglubke inclined generation working in the mine must be protected against the danger of a cliff on top of trolleys and other objects fall at least two strong barriers whose designs approved by the chief engineer of the organization. One of the barriers to be installed at the mouth of production, the other – less than 20 meters from the place of work.
4.2.3. Inputs to produce sloping must be fenced to a height of not less than 1 m and a non-working sides – a minimum height of 2.5 m
4.2.4. Rail tracks at the face must be equipped with inhibitory stoppers.
4.2.5. By injecting a solution for the lining should be fitted with alarm between slaughter and supercharger solution.
4.2.6. During production inclined to breed with the descent and to the underlying horizon traversed a pass (well) in the PPR should include measures to avoid falling into a walker working (well).
4.2.7. Brackets, which moves Stacker lining should be inspected every shift face technical supervision. Replacement of defective brackets should be carried out using mechanical means in the presence of the driver handler.
4.3. Sinking vertical OPENINGS
4.3.1. Vertical shaft sinking and underground workings with consistent development of the breed in the mine and the erection of the lining near the wellbore may be performed in stable rocks. With the expected influx of water of more than 10 m 3 / hour should include measures to reduce water production.
4.3.2. In driving around the mouth of the trunk should be left berm width of not less than 1 m, and lining the trunk above the level planned surface of not less than 0.5 m Mouth trunk must be overridden by a strong solid design and is equipped with opening lyadami. Overlap and berm must be kept clean.
Shaft sinking at a depth of 20 m using as a means of lifting boom, of ball, tower cranes and hoist 8 flyovers permitted production works without overlapping the mouth of the barrel with the device solid and durable fencing with a minimum height of 1.5 m around the perimeter of the trunk.
4.3.3. For the period prior to installation copra, overlap and mounting device of the tunnel mouth Regiment trunk must be enclosed by a secure fence with a minimum height of 1.2 m
For the passage of people should be arranged door.
4.3.4. After mounting all mobile (sinking and safety), hanging shelves and floors trunk should be taken into service commission appointed chief engineer of the organization.
4.3.5. In driving the trunk should be provided protection from possible falling objects are prohibited:
a) simultaneously perform work at different height levels in the absence of safety regiments set no higher than 2.5 m from the working shelf;
b) stored breed, equipment and materials on the ceiling of the mouth and within the enclosure, as well as hanging shelves;
c) to deliver on jobs tools, fasteners, etc. without the use of specially designed for this purpose containers, boxes, etc.;
g) analyze safety shelves before the end of crosscuts pit bottom and driving workings of at least 5 m
4.3.6. Location workers in the mine during the construction of the lining should be protected from drip drainage devices.
4.3.7. When cleaning the rocks at the bottom of the barrel pneumatic grabs forbidden: to use grapple diversion, located near the tub when it is loaded, to inspect or repair the grapple in the presence of compressed air in his pnevmokommunikatsiyah and release pieces of rock from beneath the blades grab hands.
4.3.8. When tunneling barrel with dropping rocks down the development of advanced (furnel, porodospusk) the latter must have a strong fence, excluding people fall in production. When installing the fence after the explosion workers should use safety belts securely fastened.
4.3.9. Sinking shafts using mobile lifting cranes and installations must be carried out in compliance with the additional security measures:
a) placement of lifting machines at the mouth should be defined in PCF with the completeness review of the working area and room for maneuver;
b) between the lifting machine machinist and bugler at the mouth must be installed reliable direct visual or light and sound bilateral relationship;
c) prior to lifting (lowering) of the cargo people who are at the bottom, should be displayed in a specially allocated a safe place.
4.3.10. Do not allow people in the barrel when cleaning rocks at the bottom using a crane equipped with a clamshell, as well as finding people at the bottom of the remote control when loading mechanisms sinking aggregates sites and regiments.
4.3.11. In case of simultaneous execution of works in the mine and with false shelf should be provided with an isolated alarm every place of work.
4.3.12. Mountings pipeline (between themselves and to the lining), a method of descent and slinging schemes should be determined on the shaft sinking project.
4.3.13. Technological equipment trunks utility tunnels shall be in accordance with the design of works, approved by the chief engineer of the company.
4.4. Additional requirements for shaft sinking
Ahead MOUNT (ANCHORS AND standpipe crepes)
4.4.1. Work on installing and removing templates, vibrators and vibromolotov, assembly and dive zabivnoj standpipe or lining should be carried out under the supervision of a person of technical supervision. Thus:
a) harvesting of the tongue should be made with durable and sustainable scaffolding and installation of standpipe lining – with false shelf, fastened by clips mounted on the ring lining;
b) during a dive of a driven vibrator lining must be firmly fixed on the tongue;
c) do not perform tongue dive using vibrators without guide frames, and tighten the wedge bolts helmet during vibromolota or vibrator;
g) before turning on the vibrator workers should go to the opposite side of the face, and when submerged standpipe lining – in the center or in a secure portion of the face. When forced lowering lining in the project must be additional security measures, including the withdrawal of working the surface.
4.4.2. Sinking shafts standpipe bolting allowed in the absence of the prism within the collapse of buildings and structures, or on a special project.
When a driven shaft sinking and standpipe bolting should be organized systematically surveying monitoring of the lining, as well as a draft of the surface. These observations and measurements shall be recorded in the journal of mine surveying. When the sediment surface around the mouth, at the buildings, cracks and deformation of the lining, to continue further development of rock at the bottom of the barrel is prohibited.
4.4.3. To dive lining permitted to start only after filling the gap between the thixotropic solution supporting collar and segmental lining of. The solution level should be 2 m above the base of the support collar.
4.4.4. Nailing tongue and lining dive standpipe should be initiated at the level provided for the project.
4.4.5. Shaft sinking in the area watered unstable rocks, including prone to slipping and quicksands, hydraulically CANTLEDGE slaughter must be carried out with the following requirements:
a) The level of water in the barrel to exceed the benchmark pressure aquifer quicksand of not less than 1 m;
b) immersion lining standpipe must be at least the development of mechanized slaughter carried out evenly from the center to the sides of the barrel leaving the perimeter berm with a minimum width of 0.5 m along the lining of the knife;
c) advancing knife standpipe lining plane face at least 1 m
In exceptional cases, when you stop dipping lining due to significant increase in the resistance of rocks allowed the development of part of the berm and slaughtering knife standpipe below banquettes lining, while maintaining the level of a thixotropic solution and preparedness for emergency flooding trunk. Pumping water from the bottom after crossing allowed to produce unstable rocks and sinking knife standpipe bolting resistant impermeable rock formation at a depth of not less than 2 m
4.4.6. Shaft sinking in stable impermeable rocks (clay, silt) in the area immediately after crossing the water-saturated rocks unstable, prone to slipping, stope should be done to a depth of no more than one ring to the abandonment of the berm at the ends of the tongue or lining knife standpipe with a minimum width of 0.75 m .
In anticipation of these conditions allowed the development face of not more than 0.5 m from the edge of the blade.
4.4.7. In driving the barrel in hard rocks at the site of the first five rings after crossing the aquifer development slaughter must be carried to a depth of not more than one ring and carefully swabbed the fixing space.
4.4.8. Injection of cement-sand mortar lining for the areas traversed in stable rocks, should be done from the bottom up after lowering lining.
Control of filling voids for bolting standpipe must be through hole injection or through a specially drilled hole.
And fastening the rebels OPENINGS
4.5.1. On site facilities furneli in CPD should be provided for broadening the lower gallery by the ladder compartment for safe movement of people. Passage for people in this place with a minimum width of 0.7 m shall be securely fenced off from the ways of the solid plank partition the entire height of the gallery.
4.5.2. Resection of the lower gallery furneli should be done with scaffolding inventory or shelf, designed for the maximum possible load, including pieces from falling rocks. Breed a regiment or scaffolding should be removed promptly.
During the descent and ascent of rock materials in pipes is not permitted otshivat ladder compartment. In this transitional shelves can be fitted on the entire section furneli passable.
4.5.3. In driving that rise developments:
a) are not permitted in furneli people and pairing it with the lower galleries while picking rocks at the bottom, but at the time pass rolling furneli work should be suspended;
b) should be arranged signaling between slaughter and lower galleries;
c) in layered alternating rocks and aquifers, as well as the approach to the horizons of occurrence of such species should be carried out advanced drilling wells of at least 5 m with constant intelligence ahead of slaughter production of not less than 2 m;
g) frill rock at the bottom of the ladder should be done under the protection department furneli drawer precautionary umbrella (visor).
4.5.4. All furneli but intended only for the descent breed must have Office for the passage of people, the size of which shall not be less than 1×0, 6 pm
4.5.5. Cargo compartment bypass breed should be closed grohotnymi grilles with mesh size 0,3 x0, 3 m
Porodospusknye department furneley (porodospuski) must also be equipped with gates or sector type of gate on the lower adit.
4.5.6. Approaches to porodospusku should be protected. Do not allow people to breed under porodospuskom.
Eliminate hangs breed in porodospuske must be performed by specially trained personnel.
4.6.1.Sposoby profile development and construction of the lining should be established on the basis of the design organization of research and study engineering-geological conditions of the tunnel location.
4.6.2. Crosscuts the upper galleries of furneli development calotte may only after penetration furneli to the design level.
4.6.3. Height of the upper galleries should be such that under the wheels set for vaulting lining remained passage height of not less than 1.8 m
4.6.4. Length should be determined culotte project indicated in the passport and attachment should not exceed 6.5 m in sinking way simply supported arch and 4 m – way supporting kernel.
4.6.5. In rings adjacent to the concreted vault disclosure culotte allowed when the concrete strength of not less than 60% of the project.
4.6.6. Development of secondary Strauss when driving way simply supported arch should begin after the concrete vault in the design strength. Allowed to start developing when the concrete at least 75% of the design strength in stable rocks. In developing the average Strauss at toe arch should be left berm width which must be installed and the project specified in the passport fixing.
4.6.7. The mouth of the wells developed in Strauss, in summing up the walls of a ready set, should be protected.
4.6.8. Strauss development side when driving way simply supported arch in unstable rocks and below the base of Strauss should be performed with the use of bolting.
Development side Strauss must begin after the concrete in the arch of at least 60% of the design strength and should be carried out under the stope side walls of the tunnel leaving pillars.
Prohibited to develop concrete pillars to reach the walls of the design strength.
4.6.9. It is forbidden to give a bias rail tracks, laid on a suspended flooring (overpass), and finding people is not permitted under this flooring while driving vehicles on rails.
4.6.10. When conducting penetration ledges and shoulder height of 4 m scarp slope angle to the horizon defined by the project.
4.6.11. For communication between the benches should be installed stairs with a slope of not more than 70 °, fitted with guards bilateral rails with a minimum height of 1.2 m with an intermediate board.
In frozen or chemical grouting
4.7.1. Production work on underground development after soil freezing is permitted only after the formation of a closed loop design frozen thickness and achieve project provided the soil temperature. Work must be performed in accordance with the draft of the work.
4.7.2. Work on underground development can be started after the signing of the Executive committee of the representatives of the freeze, the project organization, the general contractor, the customer and the representative body Gosgortechnadzor.
4.7.3. For blasting operations in the passport of blasting shall be provided special precautions in order to prevent destruction and freezing columns ldogruntovogo screen.
4.7.4. When tunneling mining should be organized systematically control the frozen rocks. When the wet spots, local darkening of frozen soil at the bottom, as well as increasing the temperature of rocks in monitoring wells should be developed further measures to ensure the safety of operations.
4.7.5. Condition slaughter quality soil freezing, the presence of exposed frozen columns showing their positions on the stationing in plan and profile, the state segmental lining, etc. should be recorded every shift mine foreman in a special journal.
4.7.6. When the water in the trunk or the contour of production conducted on frozen rocks work, except for repair must be stopped before the freezing or further development of the project, ensuring the safe conduct of work.
4.7.7. Prohibited excavation excavations in frozen ground with a lag of temporary fastening from front face. Lagging permanent support from the bottom should be determined by the project. In plastic soils (clay, marl), prone to swelling, excavation workings small stope should be conducted not more than 2 m, which are to be fixed immediately.
4.7.8. Temporary supports should be installed so that you can monitor the status of frozen soils.
4.7.9. By sinking workings in chemical grouting allowed to start only after all preparatory work and acceptance by the Commission under the guidance of chief engineer of the organization performing the work to consolidate the soil, under the act, which must be accompanied by:
a) Plans and profiles fixed array with the designation location injectors;
b) an extract from the log pile injectors and injection solutions and mixtures;
c) The laboratory test data source chemical materials;
g) acts fixed ground control tests;
d) data for speed and groundwater levels in piezometers:
e) observations of foundations.
4.7.10. Water seepage through the lining as the thawing of frozen rocks must be repaired immediately by caulking joints of tubing or plugging space for bolting.
4.8. Drilling holes and boreholes in underground mines
4.8.1. Before drilling holes and wells slaughter workings should be carefully examined by a person of technical supervision and brought to a safe state.
4.8.2. Drilling holes shall be in accordance with the passport blasting, chief engineer approved organization.
With a passport blasting should be instructed on receipt mountain master, sinker, miners and Blasters working directly in the face.
4.8.3. Visual layout of holes with their depth and magnitude of the charges shall be displayed in the design, carried out where blasting.
4.8.4. Drilling holes and wells located at a height of more than 1.3 m from the base of the face, without any special support devices or scaffolding inventory prohibited.
4.8.5. Drilling holes with the blasted rock is only permitted if the device aligned horizontal platform that provides location workplace driller no closer than 2 m to the border inclines.
Make loading rocks within the danger zone, as defined in PPR while drilling is prohibited.
4.8.6. Length borer for drilling hand punches should not exceed
0.8 m, and the drilling hand electric drill – 1 m
4.8.7. Extract from holes jammed Boers may only be using the drill key or tool.
4.8.8. Connect the air hoses between them must be carried out with the help of bilateral nipple and hose with perforator – using conical nipple, union nut and nipple.
Securing the hose on the nipple should be metal clamps bolt or using a special device.
4.8.9. Mobile scaffolding platforms and drilling frames should have a strong solid floor, curbs a minimum height of 15 cm and a robust metal enclosure with an intermediate horizontal member with a minimum height of 1 m hatches entrance with stairs to the site should be protected on three sides.
Running on the lower tiers rigs must be protected from the top pull platforms and aprons.
4.8.10. Before drilling holes or wells lower ledge near the edge downward blown slaughter should be set a sturdy fence, located on the edge of the slope at a distance of not less than 0.5 m
4.8.11. Retractable platform (platform) drilling frames should have limiters nomination, as well as devices to prevent them from falling.
Are not permitted on the site at the same time more than two people.
4.8.12. Before you start installing the driver must make sure that the its main components: the chassis, drilling equipment, drive motors, control systems, connections and air-water-supply hose, hydraulic, mounting sled arrows (manipulators).
Any faults must be removed before the start of work.
4.8.13. Technical condition of the installation must be checked according to the instructions, but not less than the following dates:
- Machinist – before starting work, every shift;
- Mechanic area – weekly;
- Chief mechanic organization – monthly.
4.8.14. During operation, the drilling rig, when you change the Boers, crowns, making repairs to be prohibited under the raised arrows (devices) and automatic feeders, as well as near the wellbore.
4.8.15. Movement of the drilling rig from one face to another is allowed only in the transport position.
4.9.1. Service (towing) muck loaders, excavators and others on the workings must be made on a rigid coupling.
4.9.2. By the simultaneous operation of two in the bottom muck machines machinists prohibited manage with sites located by mezhduputya.
4.9.3. Distance haulage loaded trolleys near the wellbore through muck cars should not exceed 25 m and is limited to the technological complex stacker or shield.
Coupling and uncoupling of trolleys with the machine during operation and traffic is prohibited.
4.9.4. Loading vehicles (wagons, dump trucks, etc.) must be carried out so as to prevent the loss of pieces of rock in their motion.
4.9.5. In tunneling and development of cameras with horizontal ledges and rock excavation loading height after the collapse of the rock explosion, do not exceed the height of the excavator digging.
The procedure and conditions of continuous loading machine and machine bucket defined by the project. At a height of up to 4 m collapse loading machine continuous can be performed without additional descent slopes.
4.9.6. In refining the part of the tunnel with a tray loading rocks into the bucket loading machine manually at the end of track must be installed removable stops.
4.9.7. The gaps between the upper roller excavator and outermost tail excavator body and contour generation should not be less than 0.4 m
4.9.8. Upon completion of works driver loading machine (excavator) must take the car to a safe place, lower down until it stops loading authorities shut down the machine and the power cable.
When you stop the conveyor or conveyor mucker-loader unloading his part must be cleared of overhanging pieces of rock.
4.10. Construction of the tunnel with the team lining
USING tunnel complexes
4.10.1. Breed and accumulate in cells of wrought materials, near fences, in the aisles, on sliding platforms and sites handlers lining prohibited.
4.10.2. Decks on billboards and pavers should be equipped boards and have a robust metal enclosure.
4.10.3. Before starting the movement with non-mechanized shield downhole hydraulic cylinders should be removed wooden struts to prevent the weakening of cylinders in the case of a pressure drop in the hydraulic network.
After movement shield spacers should be repaired immediately.
4.10.4. When moving the tunnel shield or stacker is prohibited:
a) to perform work in the absence of technical oversight entity, or when in the bottom of persons not related to this work;
b) removing boulders and other solids from the bottom zone in the panel;
c) used to increase the stroke cylinders shield improvised devices, be within the shield cylinders.
4.10.5. Cylinders and control panel must move the driver board.
Control of hydraulic cylinders and the process of advancing the tunnel shield is carried out in the presence of the shield machinist foreman or team leader.
4.10.6. Support team handlers lining, traveling on the pan of the tunnel, rail tracks and brackets should be inspected every shift face technical supervision and detection of defects immediately corrected or replaced. Brackets and rail route which move handlers must be installed with the use of mechanization in the presence of persons of technical supervision or driver board (stacker).
4.10.7. Before moving the stacker team lining must be removed all supporting beams lining.
4.10.8. When tunneling in unstable ground shields equipped dissecting horizontal platforms, in the case of a sharp decrease in the angle of repose for dissecting work sites should be stopped immediately to take measures against the excessive release of soil.
4.10.9. Break up large boulders and retrieve them from the soil mass should be protected by secure attachment chaired by a technical oversight.
4.10.10. When working mechanized shield should provide special arrangements for suppressing or collect dust, reducing its content in the bottom zone to the levels of sanitation.
Dust suppression or dust removal devices shall be activated to start working body shield.
Continuous operation of mechanized shield without using special devices to suppress or trap dust while providing means of ventilation in the bottom zone of dust concentration in the air is not above the maximum allowable limits.
4.10.11. Workplace driver mechanized shield must be equipped with light and sound alarms connected with all the mechanisms of technological complex.
4.10.12. Engines working body shield can be activated only after the driver personally verify the absence of people in the mine, as well as the dam breed residues lining or any other items.
4.10.13. When viewed from the face, shield repair and drives all engines must be off, and the remote control must be posted poster “DO NOT INCLUDE – working people”.
4.10.14. Driver board is obliged to turn off the engine drive and shield complex in case of emergency, at the request of any member of the team working on a mechanized complex.
4.10.15. When mechanized shield stops for more than changing slaughter must be fixed.
When you stop the mechanized shield for more than changing slaughter must be fixed in accordance with the requirements of the CPD.
4.10.16. Work done in front of a working body shield (ground-fall liquidation, temporary lining, etc.) must be performed under the direct supervision of a person of technical supervision.
DANGEROUS geological conditions
4.11.1. Construction of tunnels and underground structures in particularly hazardous geological conditions (in zones of tectonic faults, possible water breakthrough, quicksands, gas emissions, etc.), as well as under the beds of rivers and ponds should be done on a special project, which should be determined by the boundary possible sudden breakthrough in the production of water, silt and gases, as well as measures for their prevention and elimination.
When approaching faces of underground workings to areas particularly dangerous conditions in emergency response plans should include measures to save lives and eliminate the consequences of potential accidents using special devices and protective structures.
During the construction of utility tunnels in particularly difficult geological conditions of the above work is done in accordance with the project design and construction organization of works subject to these conditions and in agreement with the Russian authorities Gosgortechnadzor.
4.11.2. Construction of underwater tunnels permitted only under special safety devices against flooding or filling primer finished portion of the tunnel, as well as output devices for people from the emergency zone.
4.11.3. In the construction of a tunnel under compressed air are required to use safety rules when carrying out works under compressed air (caisson work).
4.11.4. In the construction of an undersea tunnel without the use of compressed air at a certain distance behind the project necessarily shield device jumper with open doors through which are transported in the lower tier of rock and materials, and the top – are people. In case of breaking water and soil doors this jumper should be closed at the same time and hold an emergency zone from the rest of the tunnel.
In the construction of utility tunnels with a diameter less than 5.6 m equipped with a watertight bulkhead door for transporting goods and people pass.
4.11.5. Excavation excavations in areas of geological faults (tectonic faults, changes, discharges, lenses, etc.), as well as breakthroughs in the areas of possible water or near the ground or underground structures and communications must be conducted on a special project with the following requirements:
a) before the commencement of work should be clarified passports and projects with the necessary calculations bearing ability of lining and values ahead or behind it from the bottom;
b) enhanced monitoring of the geological structure of rocks, state attachment surface deformation and structures, provided every shift allowance of water inflow and advance well drilling to a depth defined project with a constant slaughter ahead of not less than 5 m;
c) constructed walkways and decks at the top of the workings of a large section or suspended from ropes (arranged railing) into the workings of small cross-section of people for emergency exit;
g) arranged waterproof arch perimeter workings and safety waterproof jumper (hydraulic locks) in them;
d) when driving with blasting operations, all persons in the areas of possible water breakthrough at the time of blasting and bottom ventilation should be withdrawn beyond erected in the workings of impermeable arches and water seal.
The number of control and monitoring wells, the diameter, length and direction, design and placement hydraulic locks, as well as devices for self-rescue people in case of flooding should be provided in projects approved by the chief engineer of construction management. Drilling wells must be obtained through the leveling or column locking device protivovybrosnye. Thus, if the slaughter is below the static groundwater level, should be provided safety pillar.
Excavation of tunnels in communal areas of geological faults is conducted in accordance with the requirements of PIC and PPR.
4.11.6. Boreholes crossing aquifers should be zatamponirovany after their need.
4.11.7. Organization producing drilling is obliged to reflect on the topographical plans and directories coordinate location mouths, faces and intersections workings all boreholes. One copy of the geological report to be stored in construction management (Production Association), which is obliged to inform the offices all related exploration data. Upon the redemption of boreholes necessarily plugging them, eliminating the possibility of penetration of surface and groundwater in mining.
4.11.8. In a shift, discharges, in zones of tectonic faults, as well as increasing the degree of rock fracturing should be taken additional security measures: reducing the length of the stope, the increase in the carrying capacity of temporary lining, construction of permanent lining with no lag from the face.
4.11.9. When mining operations in the arrays are prone to rock bursts, work must be performed in accordance with the current instructions for the safe conduct of mining operations on metallic and nonmetallic deposits prone rock bumps approved Gostgortechnadzor.
4.11.10. During the construction of tunnels in permafrost temperature regime should be observed in the workings of the rocks, and should also take into account seasonal fluctuations in air temperature when the mining priportalnyh on construction sites.
Excavation workings in these circumstances must be made using temporary lining with minimal lag or permanent support lining.
Allowed on the workings of the project without temporary support in the rocks, stability does not decrease during thawing, at the conclusion of this geological expertise.
4.11.11. In tunnels, constructed in seismic regions more than 7 points, temporary buildings and structures should priportalnye performed in accordance with this seismicity.
Resumption of work after the earthquake, more than 5 points allowed after examinations of mining, timbering, communication and presentation of results act.
4.11.12. Responsible for the development and implementation of measures for the safe conduct of mining operations in hazardous areas rests with the chief engineer of the organization performing these works.
4.12.1. Mounting and dismounting of the tunnel lining tubing and blocks should be performed with special mechanical packers.
Allowed in some cases, in coordination with local authorities Gosgortechnadzor, to make installation of the tunnel lining prefabricated by winches on a special project. Erection and dismantling of prefabricated tunnel lining utility tunnels can be done using winches according to PPR. approved by the Chief Engineer.
When tunneling shields 2 m in diameter may be installed manually lining small-sized block with maximum weight of each unit is not more than 60 kg in accordance with measures to safe work as part of CPD.
4.12.2. When lifting and installing tubing (blocks) by winches in the project must be defined schema installation and fixing mounting winches, mounting and slinging tubing (blocks) of each type of the attachment points are marked carbines safety belts and safe location of people in the operations. Thus:
a) The installation should be made using at least two winches (lift and pulls);
b) mounting the winch must be positioned horizontally from being lifted at a distance of 5 to 15 m;
c) prohibited peretseplyat tubing (blocks) in the raised position with a rope winch rope on the other.
4.12.3. When assembling the team lining bridle or release tubing from grabbing arm blokoukladchika may only after connecting tubing by tightening the bolts previously mounted elements lining not less than three points (two on the flange and one on the face).
4.12.4. When the assembly and dismantling is forbidden to clean out drawers mounted elements lining up to full beam stacker ring closure lining, as well as to produce work from ladders and tunnel lining.
4.12.5. The means of mechanization should be raised and lowered to allow tubing (blocks) smoothly without jerking, rocking and sudden stops.
4.12.6. Raised and stacked elements lining the team should always be in sight of people working on winches. When installing slotted rings or ring in the first allowed to work on winches without a direct line of sight, while the winch should be two-way sound-light alarm to the place of installation.
4.12.7. Compression team lining the rock should be done immediately after the podviganiya shield. Do not stand at the time of compression within the crimp ring and leave the ring lining in neobzhatom condition.
4.12.8. Remove cells lining team and correcting geometry rings lining the block to be performed under the direction of the face of technical supervision, and the project should be provided technical solutions to ensure the preservation of stability of the open-ring design of the tunnel lining in the process of removing the tubing (blocks).
4.12.9. When the component removal team lining:
a) Do not loosen the fasteners and remove the same time more than one element in the ring lining;
b) to remove cells lining the team should be made from the top down on the perimeter of the tunnel cross-section;
c) dismountable element before easing fasteners must be secured to the second rope winch or safety slings to stable elements lining the methods stipulated in the PPR;
g) after removal of each element lining outcrop should be fixed according to the passport attached;
d) used the winch to be placed within 10-25 m from the dismantled cell lining.
4.12.10. For lining of emptiness must be mounted zabucheny or filled with a hardening solution in accordance with the project.
By injecting cement slurries for the lining:
a) injection nozzle must be securely fixed in the holes and attach to the lining further by fear devices;
b) hoses mud channel should not hang over the edge and shall be attached to the lining and scaffolding not less than 5 m;
c) working pressure systems rastvoronagnetaniya be within the stated project and technical passports installations;
g) prohibits the mud channel disconnects under pressure, inspect and clean the hoses from the injection nozzle, perform work from ladders.
4.12.11. After that shift the face of technical supervision is obliged to inspect the place of work, damage to machines, forests, scaffolding and disassemble the attachment.
4.12.12. Technical condition of the supercharger solution, its devices, pipes and hoses should be checked every shift persons working on them, or a mechanic on duty with a record test results in log.
4.13. Construction of monolithic lining AND INSTALLATION
4.13.1. If necessary, the movement of people and vehicles in the area of reference concrete (formwork, reinforcement) works to be fitted with free passage for transport and passage for people to meet the established dimensions. When working on the pass and drive they should be covered solid flooring. Before the roadworks must be posted lit banner: “WARNING DANGER AREA! WORK IN PROGRESS”.
When working and tunnels diameter of 2.6 m or more in CPD activities should be designed to ensure the safe passage of rolling stock and the passage of people.
4.13.2. Reinforcement cages installed circling and shuttering should be securely fastened. Proper installation and tightness of formwork face TÜV checked.
4.13.3. Never use the boom excavators, cranes and other hoisting equipment not equipped with special devices (cradles), for installation and fixing of reinforcement cages and modular formwork.
4.13.4. To move the formwork should be used winches to ensure smooth movement and uniformity of tension ropes. Allowed to move movable formwork on a rigid coupling with the help of self-propelled machinery. All kinds of mobile formwork must have anti-seizure or stoppers. When moving formwork finding people in the danger zone is prohibited.
4.13.5. Work on installing and removing mobile formwork must be performed in accordance with the CPD.
4.13.6. When the amount of space zaopalubochnogo least 0.45 m finding people in it is prohibited.
Keep people in zaopalubochnom space for installation and concreting at a distance of not more than 10 m from the edge (end) of the formwork.
4.13.7. When installing a temporary roof support with mobile scaffolding they should be securely fixed in place parking brakes and special devices.
4.13.8. Before you start laying concrete manufacturer is obliged to work to check the reliability of fastening formwork supporting scaffolding and working platforms.
4.13.9. When submitting a concrete mix concrete pump, pnevmobetonoukladchikom necessary: after each installation betonovoda to work it must be tested by hydraulic pressure of 1.5 times the working; provide a place of work for laying concrete bilateral signaling; betonovoda at the outlet damper set speed.
The concrete units removed only after stopping work and depressurization.
When cleaning betonovoda all people should be removed from its outlet at a distance of not less than 10 m
Fender over the receiving hopper of concrete pump is lockable, remove it during operation Concrete prohibited.
4.13.10. Before beginning work on the concrete schprits machine must check whether the safety valve.
Troubleshooting an installation or pipeline and nozzle material can be carried out only when the power of compressed air and the pressure is removed.
4.13.11. With the construction of the lining of shotcrete should:
a) Do not allow people who are not associated with production operations, a distance of less than 5 m from the place of work.
Do not stand under the arch covered with freshly applied shotcrete layers, without enclosing solid flooring;
b) jobs soplovschika driver and the concrete spraying machine in the absence of visual contact between them should be provided with a light or audible alarm;
c) when applied shotcrete using a hardening accelerator, which has toxic properties, measures must be taken to exclude hit with the eyes and skin working;
g) rastvoropodayuschy hose before the work must be securely attached at a distance of not more than 5 m from the nozzle;
d) the appearance of cracks or delamination of the coating of shotcrete should be taken to strengthen the lining on this site.
4.13.12. By injecting a solution for the lining, paving all work at height must be done only suspended or mobile scaffolding. Do not store on the scaffold materials from dismantling formwork.
4.13.13. For the descent of the concrete mix from the upper to the lower horizon is necessary to use pipes or gutters. Pipes should be closed at the top (broadened) of the metal grille with a mesh size of not more than 300×300 mm, and at the bottom are protected.
4.13.14. Application of bolting must be justified in the project for the study of stability of rock during tunneling excavation.
When installing roof bolts in the workings traversed by species, prone to peeling, you should take measures to prevent the fall of pieces of rock (to the suspension anchors safety net, shotcrete surface coating, etc.). Net, suspended from the anchors should be systematically cleared of lying on her breed to its sag does not exceed 20 cm Verification of temporary fastening should be done at least once every 10 days removable face technical supervision with the entry in the “Book of the lining inspection and condition workings “(Appendix 11).
4.13.15. Never remove and loosen the nuts after the installation of roof bolting. To replace the grid and additional hanging grabs you must install a second thrust washer and nut. When installing the torque may not take part time rock anchors around.
4.13.16. When you are on a fixed anchors and shotcrete lining of the site develop cracks or delaminations need to take measures to strengthen the lining on this site.
4.14. CONSTRUCTION horizontal mine workings
WAYS punching, puncture and DRILLING
4.14.1. Route mining must be consistent with all owners and communications facilities within the area of.
4.14.2. Projects for the construction of a mining structures and communications should include measures for the protection and safe operation of existing facilities.
4.14.3. Before starting work on the construction of mining works manufacturer must specify the location of the existing objects in the work area and perform security measures provided by the project.
4.14.4. When carrying out work should be carried out monitoring of the situation regarding passable excavation design marks.
4.14.5. For the construction of mining methods punching, puncture and horizontal drilling should be equipped with a camera or pits.
4.14.6. Excavations should have perimeter fencing with a minimum height of 1.2 m and an embankment to prevent flooding precipitation, as well as fixing the walls and stairs to get down into the pit.
4.14.7. Base of the pit should be durable and, if necessary, have a coating (concrete, wood, etc.).
4.14.8. Prohibited conduct punching (piercing), using as a support lining pit. Installation for punching must have the same type jacks, firmly attached to the frame.
4.14.9. Pressing pads and connections shall be equipped with lifting lugs or brackets required for installation of the operating position, and have smooth mating surfaces without shells, dents or sagging.
Use as a pinch nipples pipe sections.
4.14.10. Hydraulic pumps must be equipped with pressure gauge, safety valve and installed no closer than 1 m from the edge of the pit. Pumps and piping must be before the work tried and tested, with drawing up the act.
4.14.11. When operating systems are not permitted by punching people in the danger zone jacks and lay pipes.
4.14.12. Laying the pipes bursting method with manual dismantling slaughter is allowed pipe diameter not less than 1200 mm and a length of 40 m, as well as the exclusion of the possibility of getting into the face of harmful gases, groundwater or silt.
This should meet the following conditions:
- Length of the pipeline at 10 meters should be artificial ventilation slaughter;
- Prior to admission into the face of people need to take pressure off the hydraulic power pack;
- Feedback should be provided from the bottom of the workers, on the surface.
4.14.13. Develop slaughter manually outside part of top blade Burst pipe is not allowed.
Transportation of soil should be done on trucks, the height of which shall not exceed half the diameter of the pipe.
It is forbidden to accumulate soil at the face and flip it by hand along the pipe.
4.14.14. Tube during the punching should have the sliding support, covering it by 1/3 of the height, all over the pit.
4.14.15. In developing the soil in places where they can get into the face of water or watery rock mass, gas drilling should be carried out from the bottom of wells, leading to the slaughter of a length of not less than 5 meters, and made every shift measurements of gas.
4.14.16. When tunneling mining method of horizontal drilling disassembly and removal of soil from the hole should be made mechanically. Prohibited drilling uncased their pipes.
4.14.17. Construction of horizontal workings way puncture should be mechanized method using prokolnyh installations or pneumodrills.
Work must be conducted in accordance with the instruction approved by the chief engineer of the organization.
4.14.18. Do not work prokolnymi installations at depths less than 1.2 m when crossing driveways with improved road surface.
4.15.1. Underground workings during the construction period should be kept clean and in good repair. Not be deformed lining and reducing the cross-sectional dimensions of the internal workings, as well as clutter free passes to people.
4.15.2. Development and their arrangement shall be regularly inspected a section foreman at least once a day, and the mountain master – at least once per shift.
4.15.3. Persons responsible for the technical supervision of the conformity of the workings and their arrangement and design requirements of this Regulation. Discovered violations must be corrected immediately.
4.15.4. If cracks in the lining must be installed systematic instrumental watching them surveying service.
4.15.5. Shoring and reinforcement trunks serving for lowering and lifting people must be inspected daily by persons especially designated by the order of construction, which are required to record the results of the inspection in the “Book of records of an inspection trunk” (Appendix 12).
4.15.6. Shoring vertical, inclined and horizontal workings should be reviewed periodically, but not less than once every 10 days, or chief of the site inspected by a designated person and not less than once a month as chief engineer organization results to be entered in the appropriate inspection book. In case of violations of work in mines should be discontinued and the lining is provided in a safe condition.
Inspection lining and lining vertical and horizontal workings utility tunnels made Chief Engineer at least 1 time in 3 months.
4.15.7. Repair workings associated with replacement of elements or temporary lining lining, cross-sectional extension workings collapse and liquidation of consequences of water breakthrough, quicksand, and all repair work in the mine shafts, including those associated with replacement of elements of reinforcement plating ladder or lifting offices must be carried out on a special project.
4.15.8. Repair work in the shaft on perekrepleniyu must be carried out using fixed or suspended workers and safety regiments output which must be equipped with shelves ladder trunk compartment.
4.15.9. Perekreplenie and repair of the Deaf (deadlock) horizontal and inclined workings must be carried out by means which ensure, in the event of a sudden collapse, the possibility of people.
4.15.10. When cleaning sump mine shaft lifting vessels allowed to drive on the trunk.
4.15.11. Elimination of vertical, inclined and horizontal workings must be performed in accordance with the project, with the removal of a temporary or permanent lining lining prohibited.
Removing the lining and the lining is allowed in special cases, the bill approved by the chief engineer of the construction company, in the presence of persons of technical supervision.
Collector TUNNEL
4.16.1. Work on the construction of trenches and wells for the cameras must be in accordance with the draft of the work.
4.16.2. Permitted to arrange temporary mounting shelves for the installation of wells and chambers on the rings mount vertical workings.
4.16.3. When mounting elements prefabricated manhole be people in the pit is prohibited.
4.16.4. Transportation pipes and precast concrete rings in horizontal workings should be made in accordance with PPR, which should include: passport mount winch way insurance transported elements, means of communication between the train driver and winch installers, as well as guidance on safe methods of work.
4.16.5. When work near the tram tracks should be set on the fence and not less than 50 m to the place of work facing traffic – traffic signs with the words “Quiet move.” When the location of manhole chamber or pit in tramways not store materials, tools, implements and equipment at a distance of less than 2 m from the head of the outer rail.
4.16.6. Manufacturing jobs in existing chambers and wells permitted with mandatory presence of a representative organization – the owner of the building. Before any work is to be made an express analysis of air pollution.
Link workers shall consist of not less than three persons.
Work in existing utility tunnels, as well as connection to the newly built tunnel current should be in accordance with CPD approved by the chief engineer of the construction company and approved by the chief engineer of the operating company.
4.16.7. If you find that the air current underground facility harmful or hazardous gas is necessary to forced ventilation with a fan or compressor with a full air exchange underground facility. After that another measurement gas analyzer.
4.16.8. Before descending into the existing underground structures (well, camera) the worker must be provided with hose masks, life-belt with a safety rope. Each descends must be trained and able to apply conditional signals using a safety rope.
5.1.1. In underground mines, which are or may be people, the air must contain not less than 20% oxygen (by volume). Carbon dioxide content in mine air field work must not exceed 0.5%, and in the workings of a common outgoing jet – 0.75%.
The air in the existing underground workings should not contain toxic gases longer maximum allowable concentrations indicated in Table. 1.
5.1.2. The amount of air required for ventilation openings should be calculated on the greatest number of people employed in underground work simultaneously on carbon dioxide at toxic and explosive gases, dust, gases’ from explosive and elektrogazosvarochnyh work on harmful exhaust components on the equipment with engines Internal combustion and minimum velocity of the air stream, and is accounted for the largest amount of air produced by the above factors.
5.1.3. The amount of air, calculated as the number of people must be at least
6 m 3 / min for each person, considering the largest number of people simultaneously working in smene.5.1.3. The amount of air calculated by the number of people must be at least
5.1.4. While production in the workings of welding operation and the required amount of air transport on these factors must be added.
Table 1
Name of toxic gases (vapors)
Maximum allowable concentration of gas in existing mines
% By volume
mg / m 3
Carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) |
Oxides of nitrogen in terms of NO 2 |
NO 2
Sulfur dioxide |
SO 2
Hydrogen sulfide |
H 2 S
Acrolein |
Formaldehyde |
Hydrocarbons based on carbon |
Ammonia |
Aerosols: |
Welding fumes (iron oxide doped with fluoride or from 3 to 6% of manganese compounds) |
Note. When checking the adequacy of the explosion products dilution toxic oxides of nitrogen take 1L equivalent 6.5 L of carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide gas 1 L – 4.5 L of carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide l 1 – 2.4 liters of carbon monoxide.
5.1.5. In the production of blasting required amount of air to the underground workings must be determined by the number of toxic products of the explosion generated while blasting the greatest amount of explosive, believing that with the explosion of 1 kg of explosives produced an average of 40 liters of conventional carbon monoxide, including inclusive and nitrogen oxides.
It is necessary to observe the following:
- The quantity of air supplied to each face, in which are produced blasting must be such that before the admission to said working backspace formed during blasting toxic combustion products (carbon monoxide, nitrogen, etc.) were thinned to not less than 0.008% volume in terms of notional carbon monoxide, such dilution should be achieved in a period of not more than 30 minutes;
- The amount of air and the time required for the release of toxic gases from the bottom – the explosion products defined above calculations, analyzes must be checked;
- For at least 2 hours after admission working air must be supplied in place of explosives in the same amount, in which he did after blasting prior to admittance to the workers in the slaughter.
5.1.6. Air to the underground workings fans in the winter should be heated using heater installations. The temperature in the working area must be not more than +26 ° C and not lower than + 14 ° C when the air stream velocity is not greater than 2 m / s.
Application of fire heaters to preheat the air entering the production and used for curtains, is prohibited.
The air temperature in the working zone of horizontal underground utility tunnels construction complexes defined by the project on the basis of structural and technological parameters and structures should not be below +2 ° C. When shaft sinking in the winter temperature in the working zone is established in accordance with the CPD approved by the chief engineer of the company.
5.1.7. Priportalnye land mines must be protected from the cooling effect of the external temperature of the device, defined by the project (gates, locks, air curtains, etc.).
5.1.8. The temperature to which air must be heated to be supplied to the generation, located in the area of long-term or artificial permafrost set chief engineer of a construction company in consultation with the project organization and SES.
5.1.9. Cooling air underground workings exposed to excessive heat should be on a special project with regard to the nature and power of heat input, opportunities to combat overheating, the availability of energy resources, economic and other factors.
5.1.10. Movement speed jet of air in underground section of up to 25 m 2 defined by the project and shall be not less than 0.15 m / s and should not exceed:
a) the horizontal and sloping excavations – 6 m / s;
b) in the trunks, which made the descent and ascent of people and goods – 8 m / s;
c) in the ventilation shafts that are not equipped lifts and ventilation ducts – 15 m / s, in the ventilation holes – not limited.
In workings section of more than 25 m 2 minimum velocity of the air stream to be determined project, but in any case not be less than 0.1 m / s.
5.2.1. All underground workings must have mechanical ventilation. Project organization should be designed ventilation schemes and projects for all stages of construction and finishing works in accordance with the PIC, including the construction of individual blind workings.
5.2.2. In case of detection of toxic gases in mines and reduce air quality against the standards established by paragraph 5.1.1 of this Regulation, as well as in violation of ventilation within these workings people should be immediately withdrawn on a fresh approach.
5.2.3. Unventilated generation must be closed louvered baffles, excluding the possibility of people pass through them. Resuming in closed mines allowed only after adjusting the air composition to the established norms.
5.2.4. Generation, ventilated after blasting should be shielded with a warning sign that says “No entry, ventilated slaughter.”
5.2.5. Prohibited without a special project combining two adjacent mines with independent ventilation in one ventilation system.
Adjacent mines with separate ventilation systems (or two generation), interconnected by one or more underground workings, or should be isolated from each other strong ventilation facilities (ventilation doors, lintels, gateways, etc.) or have a unified system of ventilation with a single plan emergency response and be under the same technical manual ventilation.
The project combined ventilation must be approved by the Chief Engineer (associations, management, trust).
5.2.6. All machinery and transformer chamber should be ventilated with fresh air stream, with the camera up to 10 meters are allowed to ventilate due to diffusion at the entrance to the width of which not less than 1.5 m, equipped with lattice door.
5.2.7. Use the same vertical or inclined shafts or tunnels for the simultaneous passage of incoming and outgoing air jets.
An exception may be allowed at the time of sinking shafts and tunnels to connect to another barrel or tunnel, having an output surface or a longer period if the Breakthrough of the underground workings gateway installed jumper. In the latter case in the trunk and underground workings must be metallic ventilation pipe.
Airing construction of tunnels and shafts can be done using flexible ventilation ducts in cases where the conditions but the safety of people in accidents does not change the direction of air flow in mine workings, in accordance with the PLA.
5.2.8. Underground workings, which detected or projected emission of methane, hydrogen or hydrogen sulfide, should be transferred to the gas mode.
Working in such excavations shall be in accordance with the special arrangements agreed with the State Technical Supervision.
5.2.9. Before the transfer of the object on the gas mode in current workings must provide enhanced ventilation and organize gas air monitoring.
5.2.10. Underground work in mines in the case of gaseous hydrocarbons (oil) must be conducted in accordance with the special arrangements approved by the chief engineer of a construction company in coordination with local authorities Gosgortechnadzor.
5.2.11. In the production of low-temperature freezing, chemical grouting, etc. allowed people to the place of work in underground workings must be done after checking the composition of air express method and evaluation of its oxygen content, free formaldehyde and nitrogen compared with the MPC.
5.3. Ventilation devices
5.3.1. Ventilation doors must be installed under the project special jumpers ensuring tightness perimeter generation.
Leave the doors open is prohibited.
After necessary ventilation doors and bridges must be cleaned.
5.3.2. In places significant pressure ventilation doors should be equipped with devices allowing them opening.
5.3.3. When installing single door in passageway in the same jumpers must get the door for the passage of people. The width of doors intended only for the passage of people, should be at least 0.7 m
5.3.4. To prevent air leaks on its way to the motion must include project and jumpers:
a) in the ventilation and other mines after they need;
b) between the workings with the incoming and outgoing streams.
Inspection of bridges should be done at least once a week.
5.4. MAJOR fan installation
5.4.1. Underground workings must be ventilated by means of continuously operating main ventilation fans located on the surface in accordance with the project.
When placing the construction site of the mine in a particularly cramped conditions, as well as underground construction shallow permitted by agreement with the Gosgortechnadzor installation of underground main fans.
5.4.2. Air intake fan systems should be located in areas not contaminated by dust, smoke and gases.
5.4.3. Home fan installation shall consist of one self-blower unit with a backup engine, except gassy mines where there should be two independent fan unit.
When ventilation fan installation utility tunnels moivt not completed backup motors and equipped with reversing devices, if the terms of the safety of people in accidents does not change the direction of air flow in mine workings.
5.4.4. When you stop the main fan of more than 30 people in the non-gas mines mines should be withdrawn from the bottom of blind workings included in this scheme of ventilation fan for a fresh approach. When you stop the main fan of more than 2 hours people found on the surface from all jobs. Resumption of work may be allowed only after due and careful examination airing persons interchangeable faces supervision using gas analyzers.
5.4.5. The main fan installation must be equipped reversing devices enabling them to change the direction of air flow in ventilated mines within a single system of ventilation and of which there are at least two exits to the surface no more than 10 minutes. The amount of air passing through the workings after the reversal should not be less than 60% of its amount in the normal ventilation.
5.4.6. Inspection devices reversible serviceability of their actions without tipping the jet should be made to develop the mechanic area at least once a month.
Checking action reversing devices skipping inverted air flow takes place once every 6 months according to the “How to Test action reversing devices fan systems” (Appendix 3).
The results of inspection and testing devices reversing fan reversal recorded in Section II “Book fan installations inspection and verification of reversion.”
Test results air flow reverse executed an act that should be attached to the emergency plan.
5.4.7. The main fan installation shall at least once a day to look around employee appointed chief mechanic organization. In addition, at least once a week to inspect the fan installation must mechanic area. The results of the inspection shall be entered in Section I “Book fan installations inspection and verification of reversion.”
5.4.8. Allowed to work the main fan installations without a driver, provided that the remote control at the remote control for changes in the fan systems and the availability of devices for remote start and stop the motor.
Remote control and monitoring the fan unit must be in a place where it can be provided constant surveillance action signaling equipment and registration papers of all incoming signals and indications of technical guidance.
5.4.7. Building the main fan installation should be made of nonflammable materials, and have a constant back lighting. The building should be closed on the lock in the absence of a permanent shift.
The building (and for automated installations and in the control) must be posted scheme reversing fan, individual characteristics of the fan and the instructions for the person serving the fan installation.
Employee serving remote management and control of the fan, is required to maintain the “Book of accounting work and exam main fan installation” (Annex 10).
5.4.8. Main ventilation fans stop to repair or change their operation modes, as well as off the feeders, can produce only on the written order of the chief engineer of the main plot or organization.
About sudden stops fans caused their malfunction or power outages should be immediately reported to the head of the change and the head portion. Duration and stop time must be recorded in the “Book of the main accounting fan installation.”
5.5. Ventilation of blind workings
5.5.1. Fan installation for ventilation when drilling the barrel must be installed on the surface of at least 15 m from the trunk.
Lagging ventilation pipes from the bottom barrel project must be determined and be no more than 15 m During loading rock grab this distance may be increased to 20 m
The pipes must be made of noncombustible materials and suspended on ropes or rigidly attached to the lining.
5.5.2. Slaughter underground workings must be ventilated by fans, established under the project. In driving that rise workings ends vent pipes should be placed in the baffle shelf from the bottom and be at a distance of not more than 6 m When driving workings lag ventilation pipes from the face must not exceed 10 m in cross-sectional area slaughter not more than 16 m
. With an area of working face more than 16 m
lag value vent pipes installed project.
Allowed in some cases airing blind workings using compressed air ejectors.
In non-gas underground mine ventilation allowed diffusion deadlocks up to 10 m
5.5.3. On tunneling revolting workings must be drafted Works, approved by the chief engineer of the organization. This project includes fixing passport and blasting, calculations and mode of installation of local ventilation fans.
Prohibited blast-hole drilling vosstayushih not equipped with remote-set from the bottom of the air samples for quality control of its composition.
All shifts employed in the sinking of the rebels, should be provided with appliances rapid analysis of air and trained to use them.
5.5.4. Installation of local ventilation fans in dead mines should be made to the bill approved by the chief engineer of the organization. The productivity of local ventilation fan should not exceed 70% of the amount of air supplied to the place of its installation due obscheshahtnoy depression local ventilation fan must be installed on a fresh stream of air at a distance of not less than 10 m from the outgoing stream in such a way that the air outgoing jet could be sucked back fan.
5.5.5. In some cases, for long lengths of ventilation openings in coordination with local authorities Gosgortechnadzor permitted for local ventilation fans scattered along the length of the duct, subject to the development of additional security measures.
5.5.6. Tory valve inspection facilities and reversing devices these installations on construction sites communal tunnels made at least 1 time per month employee designated by the head of the enterprise.
5.6. Monitoring the state of the mine atmosphere
And the instrumentation
5.6.1. In an organization engaged in the construction of underground structures, depending on the scope of work should be organized plot ventilation or appointed persons responsible for ventilation.
5.6.2. It is forbidden to appoint persons responsible for ventilation, no higher or secondary mine technical education.
5.6.3. Those responsible for ventilation, ventilation should be plans with drawing on them jets movements, locations of fan systems, ventilation and fire fighting equipment. These plans need to be replenished and prepared in accordance with the Instruction to develop and implement emergency response plans for the construction of underground structures (Annex 1).
All changes that have occurred in the location of fans, air handling units, in reversing the air jets, as well as newly planted production must be marked on the plans no later than the next day.
5.6.4. To validate air distribution and its quality should be conducted measurements of quantity and air sampling in the workings of not less than once a month, as well as any significant change in ventilation mode in accordance with the “Regulations for the sampling of the mine air” (Appendix 4).
To check the quality of air after blasting and adjust the concentration of toxic gases in it until the rules laid down in this Regulation, air samples are taken according to the changing conditions of work, but at least once a month.
5.6.5. Gas control after slaughtering blasting and ventilation prior to admission should people be made to the face by rapid technical supervision devices face or on behalf of a foreman (team leader).
In addition, at the beginning of the change before the admission of people in the workplace face technical supervision is obliged to check the qualitative composition (CO 2 , O 2 and CH 4 ) in each bottom air express method.
5.6.6. In mines with temperatures above +20 ° C simultaneously with the measurement of quantity and air sampling in the same time frame should also be carried out measurements of air temperature.
The results of temperature measurements and analyzes of samples and the amount of air entered into the “book based on the analysis of air samples for dust and gas pollution” (Appendix 17).
5.6.7. To determine the number and composition of the air should be in a construction company or organization performing measurements, the following equipment: anemometers, stopwatches and express apparatus for determination of carbon dioxide in the air, sulfur compounds, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides.
6.1.1. Designated wells location, accommodation and communications equipment on the ground should be determined by the project. In this case the horizontal distance from the rig to the residential and industrial premises, security zones LEP, oil and gas pipelines, railroads and highways should be at least the height of the tower plus
10 meters.
Not install stationary rigs in the settlements at a smaller distance subject to additional measures to ensure the safety of the population and work in coordination with the State Technical Supervision and fire surveillance.
Continuous operation of mobile drilling rigs and drilling rigs in the settlements in the vicinity of buildings and structures but production project activities approved by the chief engineer of a construction company, and in agreement with the owners of buildings and structures, and other interested entities.
6.1.2. When the location of the drilling rig near steep slopes (bounce) the distance from its base to the edge of the slope should be less than 3 m in all cases rig should be located outside the sliding wedge.
6.1.3. Each tower shall be equipped with audible alarm and stop the lift drilling tools or lifting devices.
6.1.4. Build towers on the ground should be done in crates or goats, climbing up and down the towers and masts in installations without lifting mechanism – with the help of winches, cranes, tractors.
Winches are used for lifting such masts and towers assembled on the ground, must be no less than three-fold safety margin relative to the ropes as possible static loads.
Lifting mechanisms that serve to set rigs (masts), should be placed on the axis of the borehole at a distance of three-quarter height tower (mast).
6.1.5. Ascent and descent of the towers, drilling masts, erection and dismantling rigs should be made for projects and for a typical assembly chaired by a technical oversight. Projects and typical installations must be designed in accordance with the instructions of the equipment and these Regulations and approved by the chief engineer of the organization.
6.1.6. Do not install, dismantling and moving rigs with wind speeds exceeding 15 m / s, as well as during a rainstorm, icy conditions, thunderstorms, and at night.
6.1.7. Movement of drilling rigs should be done under the supervision of a person approved by the technical supervision by the chief engineer of the organization to plan the route. On route plan should be clearly indicated areas of high danger and security measures.
6.1.8. Technical condition of drilling equipment, towers (masts), units and installations should be checked:
- Master (foreman) – at least twice a week;
- Persons Technical Supervision Organization – at least once a month;
- Driller – when Acceptance shifts.
In addition, the technical condition of the tower (mast) must be checked:
a) before and after the movement;
b) prior to lowering the casing string;
c) after the wind velocity exceeding 9 m / s;
g) before and after the work relating to the elimination of accidents.
Results inspection foreman (foreman) and those technical supervision logged fixed form. Any faults must be repaired before the work.
6.1.9. Work on the sinking of wells can be initiated in the presence of the following technical documentation:
a) a warrant for execution of works;
b) the project works;
c) the act of acceptance of the rig in operation;
g) instructions for opening the facility;
d) ground resistance measurement protocols and equipment insulation and electricity;
e) act crimp pumps.
6.1.10. Mud pumps and pipes, hoses and seals before entering the rig-up and after each installation must be pressure tested with water sesquialteral calculated maximum pressure to check the safety valve. About crimping results should be an official act.
6.1.11. Work on the sinking of wells must be in accordance with the technological instructions.
Drilled wells should overlap or be protected.
6.1.12. When tripping the winch drum shall be at least three wraps of wire rope; wireline fixed end should be secured with three screw terminals in the device mounted on a separate foundation or the base frame of the rig (mast), the bending radius of the rope should be at least 9 diameter rope.
6.1.13. During operation of drilling rigs are prohibited:
a) switch on the rotational speed of the winch and back to standstill jammed handle machinery; produce stopped rotating kelly, use cartridges with protruding spindle head clamping bolts; climb to the jobsite;
b) work on winches with faulty brakes; stand in the immediate vicinity of the descent (raised) pipes and elevators; nedovernutymi down pipes with threaded connections, keep the weight on the traveling system under load or without using the load imposed on the brake lever or by jamming handle; inspect or clean the threaded connections;
c) to repair pipes, hoses, gaskets, fittings work without warning the twisting around the discharge hose or pipe leading to retain his hands.
6.1.14. When drilling in the protected zone of objects (air and cable transmission lines, gas pipelines, etc.) must be issued working permit-defining a safe environment for their production.
6.2. Artificial freezing of soils
6.2.1. When carrying out the artificial freezing of soils, construction, installation and operation of equipment and pipelines freezing stations should be guided by the applicable Rules of the device and the safe operation of ammonia, freon and Chladone refrigeration, safety rules in sinking shafts in special ways, Rules devices and safe operation of vessels working under pressure and the Regulations on the design and production work on the artificial freezing of soils in the construction of subways and tunnels.
Production of artificial freezing of soils must be carried out in accordance with the project.
6.2.2. Installation of compressors, heat exchangers and appliances (refrigeration) freezing stations should be carried out in accordance with the method statement and factory instructions.
Operation and brine freezing station network is allowed after the test and its acceptance by a special commission.
Driver must maintain a record of all parameters of the station with a note in the “Book of accounting freezing station” (Appendix 21).
6.2.3. Width of free passes in the engine rooms along the walls and between machines (units) must be at least 1.5 m, and the height of machine hardware and space – not less than 4 m
For refrigerant piping should be used seamless steel seamless pipes. Applications for these purposes or cast iron pipes of gas is allowed.
The requirement of this paragraph does not apply to a mobile station freezing.
6.2.4. It is forbidden to manufacture welding and other hot work on pipelines and filled with refrigerant or brine.
6.2.5. Pickle network made of forward and reverse rassoloprovodov, distributor and collector should be in that serves forshahte (mouth), the network is allowed to place on the surface of the device insulation.
6.2.6. Brine on the network must be installed:
- Gauges – one for the discharge line and the collector;
- Thermometers – on the distributor and collector;
- Gauge brine – for circulation tank and alarm on lowering brine.
6.2.7. Machine room and hardware departments freezing station should be located in a separate building and have a telephone.
Operate mobile stations without freezing device they telephony provided that such a construction site in the territory of the base at a distance of not more than 0.3 km from the freezing station.
6.2.8. Engine room freezing station should have:
a) compulsory ventilation with double air exchange per hour with a triple and exhaust air exchange, as well as emergency exhaust with the sevenfold air exchange per hour minimum temperature of + 16 ° C, not less than two outs, doors and windows that open to the outside;
b) equipped with storage space for no more than two cylinders filled with refrigerant. Refrigerant cylinder is allowed to attach to the system only for the time needed to recharge;
c) telephone, light and sound alarm to the job site;
g) devices for the control over the content of harmful substances in the air;
d) means of individual protection for each worker on a freezing station and first aid kit. Furthermore, the freezing plant must be at least two masks.
6.2.8. * The engine room freezing station should be posted:
a) scheme refrigerant and brine;
b) the scheme of water circulation;
c) User manual chillers;
d) User manual electrical equipment;
d) internal rules;
e) The schedule of preventive maintenance;
g) machinist job description chillers.
* The numbering of the original. Note legal bureau “Code”.
6.2.9. Restrooms in the engine room should have its own separate ventilation system.
Power emergency ventilation should be provided as from the ground and from an independent source of energy.
6.2.10. All freezers (condensers, evaporators, maslovodootdeliteli etc.) and pipes must be fixed. For straight pipe length of 100 m should be arranged compensators.
6.2.11. System refrigerant and brine freezing station (compressor, condenser, evaporator, piping, etc.) at the end of the installation to be tested at the appropriate pressure.
6.2.12. Release any refrigerant through the relief valve station system should be made via the discharge pipe in accordance with the project agreed with the authorities of SES. Diameter outlet hose should not be less than nominal diameter of the safety valve.
Connection is allowed several separate discharge pipes, relief valves to a common outlet pipe. Total cross sectional area of the draft tube should be not less than the sum of individual sections attached taps safety valves, while the number of such outlets more than four can not be less than 50% of this amount.
6.2.13. Artificial thawing frozen ground permitted to complete after construction of underground structures.
After thawing, freezing pipes should be removed and wells filled with cement-sand mortar. When leaving the freezing pipes in the wells they must also swabbed.
6.2.14. In places where the pipelines are damages should arrange guard.
Discharge the refrigerant piping in places pass through combustible walls and ceilings must be separated from them fireproof insulation.
6.2.15. Filling the system with refrigerant, operation of chillers and compressors must be made in accordance with the instructions drawn up for each freeze station and instructions equipment manufacturers.
6.2.16. All installed gauges shall be inspected annually and have a tattoo or fillings gospoveritelya. Additionally, at least once in six months, it shall be verified working gauge readings by comparison with a test pressure gauge readings. The result must be documented by a statement.
6.2.17. When operating the chiller refrigerant leak location must be made chemical indicator or other device designed for this purpose.
When operating chillers periodically, but not less than once a month, it shall be verified exhaust from the condenser water and brine for the presence of coolant.
6.2.18. Never open the cylinder and crankcase dismantle machines, pipes and valves to completely remove them from the refrigerant and oil, as well as carry out this work without a mask and rubber gloves.
6.2.19. Refrigerant cylinders must be stored in special warehouses fireproof (no windows and heating) in the supine position in an amount not exceeding 25% of annual consumption. Room temperature storage should not exceed +25 ° C.
6.2.20. Warehouse for refrigerant bottles must be removed from the buildings and warehouses storing flammable combustibles at least 50 m and be within the lightning. Cylinders must be protected from sunlight.
6.2.21. Prohibited from sharing storage cylinders with different refrigerants or other compressed gases and combustible materials.
6.2.22. Freezing columns brine system freezing station before placing in the well should be tested by hydraulic pressure not less than 2.5 MPa (25 atm). After washing and mounting Brine network must be subjected to the hydraulic test sesquialteral brine pump design pressure, but not less than 0.5 MPa (5 atm). Brine piping and fittings in the operation must be tight.
6.2.23. Prohibited when there is pressure to repair pipelines brine system and remove the plugs from the speakers after freezing test.
At low temperature (nitrogen) FREEZING
6.3.1. Work on nitrogen freezing technology must be carried out under the project developed a specialized organization.
6.3.2. Maximum allowable working pressure in stationary and portable tanks, as well as in all the other elements of the system nitrogen freezing should not exceed 0.25 MPa.
6.3.3. Persons employed in jobs with liquid nitrogen should be provided with special protective equipment from frostbite: woolen jackets and gloves, special glasses, etc. Clothes should not have oil stains.
6.3.4. All components of the system nitrogen freezing elements and components shall be tested for leaks with registration acts.
6.3.5. Vessels, piping and fittings shall be thoroughly degreased and protected from falling oil.
6.3.6. All valves nitrogen freezing systems must be marked and numbered in accordance with the flow chart. Scheme with indelible paint on a board fitted to a control system.
All valves shall be provided with stencils and bears rooms inscriptions and arrows indicating the direction of rotation of the flywheel at closing in an emergency diversion.
Gates intended for emergency shutdown system shall be painted red.
6.3.7. Zone control nitrogen discharge must be ensured:
- Warning triangle;
- Isolating self-rescuers in an amount exceeding the maximum number of people working in the change by 10%;
- Regulatory oxygen inhalers in case of sudden loss of consciousness one of the crew members;
- First aid kit;
- Electric lighting (not less than 50 lux).
About learning the rules and methods of work with self-rescuers and inhaler must be recorded in the journal of safety instructions.
6.3.8. In process control zone should be provided with the control of oxygen content (twice the detector tubes in change, the gas analyzer) while discharging nitrogen and once per shift necessary to take samples in the air discharge nitrogen for laboratory analysis VGSO.
6.3.9. On road transport capacity must be recorded as “closing the valve issue of liquid nitrogen, open drainage. CAUTION Follow time, drain valve is open!” Operator working on road transport tank when draining nitrogen should see improvement nitrogen freezing system involved in the distribution of the discharged nitrogen, and persons employed in carrying out this work, or have a two-way communication with them.
6.3.10. Drain liquid nitrogen from the trucking capacity in the circulation system permitted after the withdrawal of the operating mine workings.
6.3.11. When carrying out the nitrogen freezing technology is prohibited:
a) overlap the two valves simultaneously within a closed circulation network to complete evaporation of liquid nitrogen in the absence of this site safety devices (safety valve, bursting disc);
b) to carry out welding and other work with an open flame in a nitrogen circulation network elements are not disconnected from the network technology and purged with warm air (nitrogen) with an outlet temperature 15
20 ° C;
c) to repair the system nitrogen freezing, including tightening of fasteners in the circulation of nitrogen;
g) smoking in the area of process control nitrogen freezing, as well as for repairs in this area, what should be posted in these posters.
6.3.12. Installation site and rail tank car route for the transportation of liquid nitrogen should be defined in the project.
6.3.13. Warming piping and valves when frost build-up may only be outside the steam or hot water.
6.3.14. When freezing soils near existing capital facilities should be conducted instrumental survey control for possible deformation structures.
6.4. Chemical grouting
6.4.1. Injectable work on chemical fixation of rocks shall be made for special projects, which should be provided: the maximum allowable discharge pressure, rates of injection solutions and security measures for handling chemicals used.
During the construction of utility tunnels work but chemical fixation of rocks shall be in accordance with PIC and PPR.
6.4.2. All work related to the physicochemical fortifications unstable rocks, should be made under the guidance of persons having experience in manufacturing these papers and license in their jurisdiction.
6.4.3. Before starting work, injecting equipment and communication systems shall be tested at a pressure greater than 1.5 times the highest discharge pressure, and adopted by the Commission under the guidance of chief engineer organization leading the work.
6.4.4. Pipelines for injection solutions should be safety valves adjusted design pressure with a device to collect discharges.
Pumps used in work with chemicals should have proper seals, preventing leakage of fluids.
6.4.5. In the production of injection works:
a) must not be operated leaky suction and discharge line injection systems, pumps, tanks and dispensers;
b) transport and storage of resin liquid glass, acid and other chemicals must be carried in a sealed metal container (original packaging) with tightly sealed lids. Used on all containers must then be printed with the name of the chemical reagent (“Pitch”, “water glass”, etc.);
c) in mines, on the spot cooking injecting chemical solutions, supply of chemicals shall not exceed the amounts required for chemical grouting rock excavating one stope;
g) prohibits the preparation of solutions in containers with open lids. Mortar used for the preparation of injectable solutions of synthetic resins, liquid glass and other chemical reagents must be equipped with hatches with tight fitting lids;
d) equipment used for injecting fluids (pumps, hoses, injectors) must periodically during operation and after closure washed with hot water, and injectors, moreover, lubricated with grease. Remains of the gelling solution and solidified gel when washing should be collected in a special hermetically sealed containers and transported to the surface periodically to neutralize;
e) in the field of preparation of solutions (mixing unit) shall be posted in the control circuit mechanisms indicating sequence start and stop operations.
6.4.6. While working with chemicals content of toxic substances in the workplace must not exceed the maximum allowable concentrations. In the workplace should be clean water and 10% solution of baking soda.
6.4.7. Slaughter tunnel and mixing unit must be connected telephone and two-way alarm (sound and light), as well as the procedure for the exchange of signals.
6.4.8. Prohibited during the production work on the injection does not lead other related work in mines.
6.4.9. Decant acid from one container to another is allowed only with a special pump.
6.4.10. Installations for preparation of liquid glass, as well as boiler installation, used for cooking and heating chemical solutions must be regularly inspected and be hydraulically tested in accordance with current guidelines of the device and the safe operation of vessels working under pressure.
6.4.11. To prevent the possibility of breaking out of caustic solutions when working directly from the ground should be left loose soil layer thickness of 1-1.5 m and put a layer of concrete with a minimum thickness of 10 cm with 5 cm diameter holes for driving injectors.
6.4.12. During injection works is prohibited:
a) work with the injection of installation, lubrication, cleaning and repair;
b) to disassemble and repair of injection valves and disconnect the hoses from the injector under pressure;
c) removing the injectors from the ground without the help of special devices (iglovydergivateley, rack jack, etc.);
d) to use equipment with faulty gauges and hoses, having a swelling;
d) to perform quick overlap cranes on mud channel communications;
e) to remain open well after removing injectors. Wells should be zatamponirovany mortar or plastic clay.
6.4.13. When working with chemicals is prohibited:
a) be without protection vicinity of the preparation of solutions;
b) transfusion reagents using buckets;
c) be in the field of storage and cooking chemicals to unauthorized persons;
g) to start working without checking health of supply lines to the work site, valves and mechanisms;
d) to carry out work on the preparation of solutions and injections in unventilated mines.
Removing formwork swirling, mounting wedges set out details, delete parts of the projections under the bed next row, loading hanging in the eaves of the (arch) is allowed only with the permission of the master (superintendent) after full hardening solution.
6.6.6. Preparation antiseptic and flame retardants should be conducted at designated sites. At the same time within less than 50 m shall be prohibited to use open flames, including smoking and perform activities related to possible sparking. Vessels with antiseptic agents should be permanently shut tight lids or stoppers.
Exempt material containers of antiseptic products must be collected and neutralize. Not allowed to leave her work area, as well as throwing in loading and unloading.
After completing work on antiseptic and fire-retardant treatment of wood storage and preparation of relevant materials and structures, equipment and tools should be cleaned and neutralized.
6.6.7. Used for painting work paints, enamels, varnishes, primers, putty, solvents and thinners must match the project, with each batch of paint in the organization and should be available for the entire period of work with him persist passport or certificate from specified chemical composition .
Use for painting works paint materials of unknown composition. Such materials may be approved for use in writing to the chief engineer of the organization based on an analysis of their chemical composition and resolution of SES.
6.6.8. When painting work in mines, underground and other enclosed spaces in projects for their performance parameters must be defined and the methods of control of ventilation air composition both in the workplace and in the total outgoing air flow.
6.6.9. The amount of incoming air at workplaces should be sufficient to prevent the formation of explosive or harmful concentrations of volatile constituents working paint materials. In all cases should be provided with not less than two-fold air exchange for an hour.
6.6.10. When using nitrokrasok and other materials that emit volatile explosives, in the buffer zone around the site of production of painting works defined BPD, but not closer than 50 m, is allowed to use only electrical intrinsically safe.
Prohibited to perform hot work, smoking, as well as other works, causing sparks.
6.6.11. Prohibited in the preparation of paint was used as a solvent of benzene and leaded gasoline. Workers employed in painting works shall be provided with protective clothing and personal protective equipment. When painting the maximum allowable concentration of acetone vapor in the air of the working area must not exceed 200 mg / m
6.6.12. Do not store in the workplace in mines and other enclosed spaces stock paint materials in quantities exceeding the replacement demand. Containers of paints, varnishes and solvents should be tightly closed and at least use empties should be disposed of in specially designated and enclosure at the construction site.
6.6.13. Finishing work in the area of permanent and potentially dangerous occupational hazards prohibited.
6.6.14. Field storage of paints and production work with them must be at least two foam extinguishers, boxes of sand and 10% above the stock selfrescuers the number of persons engaged in activities in the development.
6.7.1. When used in underground hot bitumen capacity to raise and lower him vertically permitted on closed duct. Allowed toe cap containers with bitumen to the workplace on inclined ladders with handrails, equipped in accordance with GOST.
6.7.2. On the use of polymeric materials that emit harmful gases and flammable substances should be pre-obtained permission from the local authorities and Gosgortechnadzor SSES.
6.7.3. Construction company, which operates using polymeric materials in tunnels and other underground facilities, before starting work must notify the general contractor on the timing of the start of work with harmful, flammable substances.
For the production of such works must be a special project of works, approved by the chief engineer of the organization.
6.7.4. Jobs for the preparation and application of polymeric materials should be provided with ventilation. The content of harmful substances in the air of the working area must be within the permissible concentration.
6.7.5. Work on the preparation and application of polymeric materials must be carried out under the direct supervision of a person of technical supervision.
In the area of their application in underground structures production of other works is prohibited.
6.7.6. Cleaning material after its use must be collected in a special container for subsequent extradition to the surface. Burn used cleaning material is prohibited.
6.7.7. Device surface storage facilities for polymeric materials and packaging must comply with the technical requirements for these materials.
6.7.8. Resumption of work and availability to persons in the underground structures after the polymer coating is permitted only after the complete removal of hazardous work area or inflammable substances.
7. Markshejdersky SOFTWARE
7.1. REQUIREMENTS surveying service
7.1.1. Organizations and businesses, leading work on the design and construction of underground facilities must be composed of surveying services or software to organize surveying work done. The heads of these organizations are responsible for providing and surveying services necessary engineering and technical staff and workers, providing them with specially equipped premises, tools and appliances.
7.1.2. Surveying software construction of underground arms shall be in accordance with the requirements of the current User-geodesic surveying work in the construction of transport tunnels.
Surveying software utility tunnel construction is performed in accordance with departmental regulations consistent with Gostgortechnadzor Russia.
7.1.3. Surveying service shall provide the required accuracy:
a) the construction and development of surveying and surveying networks of support on the surface and in mines, production filming mining and earth surface, preparation and completion of surveying documentation transference in nature geometric elements spans, buildings, borders safe mining operations;
b) carrying out instrumental observation of the processes of displacement of rocks, rock pressure, deformation of the earth surface, buildings and structures;
c) monitor the implementation of projects contained in the requirements for the timely and effective implementation of measures to ensure the mining operation safety of workers and the public, protecting the natural environment, buildings and structures from the harmful effects of these works and subject to the other requirements relating to the activity of surveying services.
7.1.4. Workers and geological surveying services are required, using the project design document, to identify the presence of the listing on the highway tunnel under construction hazardous areas, at a meeting which may occur in an emergency situation as a newly built tunnel and in the zone itself. These include the areas of operating, under construction or abandoned underground structures, areas with unstable soils, tectonic disturbances, as well as a particularly difficult and dangerous in the engineering-geological conditions regarding production work. List of dangerous zones approved by the chief engineer of the organization.
7.2. Safe conduct surveying work
7.2.1. Before starting work, the performer must carefully inspect the work area, to ensure the safety of their production and, if necessary, take appropriate action.
Geodesic-surveying work must be performed brigade, consisting of at least two people, one of whom is appointed senior and responsible for compliance with the requirements of the brigade safety instructions. When tunneling shield diameter less than 3.6 m-geodesic surveying work shall be made at the stopped hauling.
7.2.2. All alignments and basic geodetic surveying work-faces near mining should be done only with the permission of the mountain master who is obliged to provide a safe environment for these works (frill bottom, the technical condition of scaffolding, ladders, sliding platforms, fences, lighting, ventilation, electrical) .
7.2.3. Working with laser devices in underground mines is permitted only if the following requirements:
a) shall apply stakeout lasers 1st Class danger;
b) levels of dangerous and harmful factors in the workplace should not exceed the limits established by the applicable “Sanitary norms and rules of the device and laser operation” and guests;
c) in the area of the laser radiation may be the sign of laser hazards and work with optical devices visual guidance prohibited.
7.2.4. Found during the development of geological penetration violations and place large windfalls occurred rock removal fluid masses (for moist sand, quicksand, pulp, etc.) and breakthroughs groundwater should be applied to surveying mining plans with the date.
Chief and district surveyors are required to make a written warning to the chief engineer and the chief portion of the approach of the danger zone at least 20 m before.
From the moment when the distance to the danger zone is 7 m, measuring and reporting on the size of the pillar district surveyor should do after each stope.
7.2.5. In areas of geological faults in unstable porodgah near underground facilities and communications, as well as during mining using special methods should be further organized systematic observation of the surface displacement, buildings and structures located in the zone of influence of mining, with reflection results surveying measurements in the books of account of observations and recommendations on the issue of compensation for such deformations.
7.2.6. It is forbidden to lay on the surface points of geodetic surveying networks used as reference frames specialized lines of observation stations within the danger zones and in areas where resistance is not provided signs and frames for the period of observation, including in the areas of traffic, places loading and unloading, storage of materials, designs, etc.
7.2.7. Stationing in the ground near the cables, pipelines and other underground utilities should be done in the presence of representatives of the organization – owner communications. When work is necessary to use only hand tools.
7.2.8. Prior to the measurements of sediment deformation frames installed in the walls of buildings, should be taken to protect workers against falling accumulations of snow, ice and other items from the roofs and walls.
7.2.9. Works with the plumb line in the mine shafts should be made after the cessation of all other activities in these two trunks teams created to perform work on the upper and lower horizons, with the senior team leader must be an upper horizon. Teams must be maintained between a reliable connection.
7.2.10. At the time of geodetic-surveying works in crosscuts and furnelyah all other work in these mines should be discontinued.
7.2.11. When straightening and remaking the way spreading and puterihtovochnymi jacks allowed to work with the devices at a distance of not less than 10 meters from the work site.
8.1. UNDERGROUND TRANSPORT ON vertical excavation
8.1.1. When shaft excavation deeper than 40 m climb and descent people should be mechanized. All vertical trunks must be equipped with stair offices regardless of the mechanical lifting. In driving, uglubke vertical workings and brace climb and descent people must be made in tubs. After penetration of the trunk and 25 m near barrel workings needed to organize Stacker lining, mucker and mine trolley, people should only go up and down in the stands, equipped with parachutes.
For sinking a vertical shaft to a depth of 40 m may be used as a means of lifting cranes winches having working and safety brakes independent of each other on a special operating the power production project activities approved by the chief engineer of the construction company. Capacity in the tub should not exceed 1 m3 . Climb and descent people in the tub while prohibited.
For lowering and lifting for material separation furneli lining elements, structures, equipment and trolleys individual is allowed to use a hoist lifting mechanisms suspension made under the project.
Application cargo lifting hoist with suspension for lowering and lifting people furneli prohibited.
During the construction of utility tunnels excavation vertical and horizontal workings can be performed using as a cargo lift car, tower, jib, gantry cranes and hoist racks in accordance with the Rules for design and safe operation of cranes. Type lifting mechanism and arrangements for the safe movement of goods and determined PIC and PPR. In some cases, minor amounts of work and depth of over 40 m trunk movement of people allowed on the trunk compartment of steps in accordance with PPR, consistent with regional bodies Gosgortechnadzor Russia.
8.1.2. At each lift installation must be available:
a) technical certificates: hoisting machine, gear, outboard and trailer coupling, lifting vessels, parachutes, hoisting pulley, lift motor;
b) the scheme:
- Parachute devices with controlled dimensions;
- Detailed braking device with principal dimensions;
- Executive power (the principal, assembly);
c) instructions: hoist operator, banksman and brainstem (in the workplace);
d) reports on the results of the annual and semiannual audits and commissioning, as well as acts of inspection and testing of the elevator installation, elevator installation surveyor checks in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation, the test parachutes acts, acts of certifications (factory) and type approval ropes;
d) laced in the book: “The Book of records of an inspection trunk”, “Book of the inspection of the elevator installation,” “book examinations hoisting ropes and their consumption”, “The Book of reception and delivery shifts machinists hoist” (Annex 12, 13, 14, 15) .
8.1.3. By managing the lifting machine allowed a person older than 18 years that have passed a medical examination, special training, passed examinations and having trained for at least two months to manage the lifting machine under the supervision of an experienced driver and appointed to the position by the order of the driver head. Machinist receiving replaced before work is required to check whether your installation. After that make launching and recovery workers permitted after prior haul stands idle.
8.1.4. The facility should be appointed by order of the organization stem, banksman and those responsible for:
- Organization of descent, lifting people and goods;
- The condition and inspection shafts, ropes, hoisting machines, trailer, safety and other devices of the elevator installation.
8.1.5. Each organization must be developed and approved by its chief engineer manual descent and rise of long and oversized cargo, specifying the sequence of technological operations of accessory equipment and facilities.
8.1.6. Shaft sinking equipment badevogo lift for lowering and lifting people and goods should be carried out in accordance with the method statement and subject to the following conditions:
a) lifting plant must be a constant or excavating copra;
b) buckets for lowering and lifting people must be deaf height of at least 1 m Apply for lowering and lifting people Overturning tubs permitted only at presence of the lock, providing rise above the bottom of the tub is not receiving area. Apply the tub with opening bottom prohibited;
c) in sinking shafts prohibited to use for lifting badevogo uncoiling ropes;
g) tubs should move on rails or in special compartments of the barrel, covered with boards. Movement tubs without guide allowed a maximum distance of 20 m from the face. When used on a sinking vertical tunnel excavation units (mechanical shovels, grabs, etc.) distance may be increased to 40 m;
d) prohibits the launching and recovery of people in tubs without a guiding framework and not equipped with umbrellas to protect workers from accidental injury by falling objects. In some cases, when performing emergency repairs and in the trunk allowed climb and descent people in tubs without a guiding framework. In this case: speed on the trunk of the tub should not exceed 0.3 m / s; guide frame shall be secured at the discharge site and unloading Lyady closed;
e) during the descent and ascent of the people in tubs for one person must be at least 0.25 m
base area;
g) planting people in the tub and out of them should be made on site with lower receiving special ladders or stairs tubs only closed Lyady tub and stopped;
h) landing people in the tub and out of them at intermediate depths and chambers should be made with folding platforms, and on the shelves only when the board stopped the tub is at the socket or sex in the presence of floor doors in the socket;
i) Do not climb or descend standing or sitting on the edge of the tub, as well as to make the descent and ascent people laden tub;
k) for lowering and lifting of goods and people in tubs sinking lifting equipment in the case of mechanized loading breed must be equipped with a locking device, excluding the passage of the tub through the funnel in the bottom shelf when a socket is loading device. Terms such equipment upgrades of existing locks to be installed in agreement with the Gosgortechnadzor.
8.1.7. Speed when ascending and descending in tubs on rails shall not exceed 6 m / s, and in the case of lifting and lowering people in tubs – 1/3 standards for cages. On a plot of absence guides greatest speed buckets should not exceed 2 m / s for cargo and 1 m / s – for people.
8.1.8. When excavating dvuhbadevom lifting the gap between the average guide ropes shall be not less than 300 mm.
At a depth of over 400 meters trunk obligatory installation of fenders ropes or other devices that prevent the possibility of a collision tubs. These devices are not required if the gap between the average guide ropes not less than
where H – depth of the barrel, m
The gap between the moving tubs and extensions of pipelines, communication and trunk lining should not be less than 400 mm. The gap between the walls of the funnel tunnel Regiment and the protruding portions of the moving guide frame or tub must be at least 100 mm, including a zero and unloading sites.
8.1.9. In operation, the human cargo badevogo rise at shaft excavation:
a) the use of towed devices and hoisting rope for other purposes (for assembly and disassembly of segmental lining, piles and piles of extraction, etc.) is prohibited;
b) towed devices must be tested and have a passport, marked with the serial number and date of sample. Pull the device at least once every two years must be replaced by new;
c) ropes, tow hooks and signaling must satisfy the requirements of the human mine hoist;
d) suspension devices shall be fitted securely closing hook mouth and avoid spontaneous uncoupling in accordance with these Rules;
d) shackle buckets to be replaced or repaired when worn her eyes or replacement bushings in the eye more than 5% of the diameter axis. Total wear eye or bow and removable sleeve axis connecting it with the tub should not exceed 10% of the diameter axis.
8.1.10. Lift in a tub on the surface of the patient is allowed only with accompanying. The patient and the accompanying need to be tied to the lifting cable.
8.1.11. Handling of materials and tools in a bucket hanging from a rope, as well as suspension of equipment or materials to the rope with open Lyady prohibited. Launching and recovery of materials without tubs permitted only on a special hitch safe design.
8.1.12. Protruding over the edge of the tub materials and tools at their descent and ascent of the trunk should be tied to the lifting cable. It is forbidden to climb and descent over the cargo tub.
8.1.13. Tub should undercharge 100 mm to top edge bead. Never use the tub without devices to maintain the bow in the lowered position (cam). Jaw height must be at least 40 mm.
Tub before issuing should be raised from the bottom barrel to a height of not more than 1 m, soothed by rocking, and her bottom cleared of adhering pieces of rock.
When issuing breed tubs trunk must be opened only in the part needed to pass buckets, while Lyady only be opened for the passage of the tub. Ladi design should exclude falling rocks in the trunk or other items at unloading buckets.
Finding people under badevym department during the descent and ascent of tubs is prohibited.
8.1.14. When going up and down the trunk without cargo vessel (buckets, crates, etc.) with the slinging them directly to the rope at the bottom of all working people trunk should be withdrawn to a safe place designated PPR.
8.1.15. Construction of the tunnel shelf should match the project developed specialized design organization.
8.1.16. Heading shelves should be a strong overlap for the protection of workers from falling objects, sockets have a minimum height of 1600 mm to skip tubs.
8.1.17. In the case of a suspended shelf he should be suspended at least four points in such a way as to prevent it from rolling over on loss of one of one of the ropes or turnbuckle.
8.1.18. When you move the shelf mounting or dismounting the pipeline suspended equipment work in the mine should be stopped and the workers from the bottom to bring to the surface.
8.1.19. Before lowering or lifting the regiment all objects lying on the edges of tubing must be removed.
8.1.20. Work on the movement of the regiment must be performed under the supervision of experienced workers face technical supervision in accordance with PPR.
This should be ensured by technical or organizational measures movement shelf without distortions caused by non-simultaneous (OFF) winches, ropes unequal velocities, etc.
8.1.21. After moving the shelf and work on it at the bottom can be resumed only after the installation of the regiment on the sliding support (at least three), centering and tensioning frame shelf, as well as the application of new labels on the index depth lifting machine.
8.1.22. The gap between the developing and bolting regiment after installing it in the operating position must be not more than 120 mm and during shut aprons.
8.1.23. To move the tunneling equipment (suspended shelves, pumps, etc.) for shaft sinking winch gear should be used in the construction of which is provided for operating and safety brake with independent operating the power and hrapovichnoe device. Speed of movement of the rope during the descent-rise should not exceed 0.35 m / s. Enabling safety brake must be accompanied by an automatic brake actuation shunting. Factor of each brake deceleration (ratio of momentum created by the brake, to the highest static load torque) must be at least 2. Winches with electric drive must have a lock, automatically applies the brakes when the engine is turned off.
Allowed the use of manual winches end load on the rope to 2m in the constructions which ascent and descent is achieved by rotating the handle. Winches should have brake ratchet locking device and dual gear. Manual winch handle after use should be removed, be deposited with the operator to lift the machine and can only be issued by a person authorized technical supervision.
8.1.24. Hanging shelves and cradles with pumps and equipment after each of their movements should be securely attached to the permanent or temporary lining the trunk. Pumping units and starting equipment, in turn, must be securely attached to these shelves and cribs.
Connection with the hoisting rope hanging chains, hooks, shelves, pumps, pipelines, tensioners and other equipment must be designed to prevent any separation.
8.1.25. Winches shall be mounted on a foundation or equipped ballast for their stability under load in accordance with the project.
Winch after installation, before starting the work, and periodically every 12 months should be subject to technical examination mechanic area.
8.1.26. Static test with the technical examination of winches must be loaded in excess of 2 times their work (design) load, and dynamic – a load exceeding the same capacity by 10%.
8.1.27. Shelves, winches and all everything should be inspected every shift on duty and an electrician once a day – or a mechanic area specially designated person. On the results of the inspection of technical condition of the journal should be made within the record. When fault finding lifting and lowering of the regiment is not allowed.
8.1.28. On a shelf should be posted diagram download it, given the maximum allowable number of simultaneously being on the shelf people and a list of materials or equipment with their weight and quantity.
8.1.29. Stand serving for lowering and lifting people must have solid metal roof or opening roof with opening a manhole, and solid durable flooring. Allowed to have sex safely strengthened by folding or removable parts for inspection Lyady locking devices. Long side (side) stands must sheathe the full height solid metal sheets. Forbidden to have holes in the hull stand against locations conductors. Along the long sides of the cage should be designed handrails.
With the short (end) side stand must be arranged door to prevent the possibility of loss of people from the cage.
Doors should open inside and locked the bolt located on the outside. The upper edge of the door should be above the level of the floor stand is not less than 1200 mm, and the lower – no more than 150 mm. The design should include door locking devices that do not allow the removal of the door in the closed position. In the cage should also be arranged stoppers and closures, which ensure reliable retention of trolleys and other types of rolling stock in motion stands on the trunk. Newly designed cage should have suspended the device for lifting and lowering of large equipment and long materials.
8.1.30. The distance from the floor to the outermost part of the roof cage should be at least 1.9 m, excluding the main bar with a spring. Rod spring should be protected with a safety glass. Safety glass equipped with a rubber lining at distances him from the floor stand less than 1.9 m
8.1.31. Floor area shall be at least 0.2 m
per person in the cage. The number of people that can fit in the cage at the same time, shall be indicated in the declaration, hung out in the pithead and in the pit bottom in the stands. Cages for lowering and lifting people must be provided with safe operating parachutes. All joints should be systematically parachutes lubricated so that they rotate freely. Parachutes should be tested at least once every six months and inspected mechanic area (lift) daily volume requirements Instructions test parachutes mine hoisting installations (Annex 8).
8.1.32. As human cargo lifts are allowed to use two-stand ups and odnokletevye equipped with a counterweight. Counterweight rope must be the same with the hoisting rope and counterweight mass equal to the mass of the empty weight plus stand trolley. Counterweight should move in reliable guides and separated from the cage separating partition of rails or cables, if not equipped with a counterweight in case of breakage catchers rope.
8.1.33. The gaps between the sliding guide shoes lifting vessel (counterweight) and conductors when they are installed shall be 10 mm on each side (total gap of 10 mm) with a wooden conductors and 5 mm – for metal at the base level *, and depth-barrel total clearances for wood Conductors must be 20 ± 10 mm, for metal – 10 ± 8 mm.
* The reference mark is the section of conductors from the limit switch on the copra to the top of the receiving area.
Shoes should be replaced when worn contact surfaces than 8 mm on a side. Conductors and the total wear slip-on shoes side shall not exceed at wooden conductors – 18 mm, metal – 10 mm.
When worn conductors, which reached 15 mm on the side of the wooden and 8 mm from the metal, while the rope – 15% of the nominal diameter of the rope, but not more than half the height or diameter of the outer wires, frayed wires must be replaced.
1.8.34. The gaps between the trolleys and the most prominent elements of the cage should be at least 50 mm.
The gaps between the lifting vessels bolting and shootings in the trunks vertical shafts shall conform to the dimensions given in Table. 2.
Before starting again hinged or repaired lifting vessel clearances must be checked.
8.1.35. Maximum deflection angle (deviation) of the hoisting rope string on the guide pulleys and drums human cargo lifting should not exceed 1 ° 30 ‘.
Winches for cargo lifting angles of deviation allowed up to 2 ° 30 ‘.
8.1.36. Climb and descent people and cargo crates skips allowed only during the inspection, repair and stem crash. In tilting stands for lowering and lifting people must be tools, precluding the possibility of rollover cage as it moves down the barrel, and devices for preventing lifting stand in unloading curves.
Table 2.
Type of trunk lining
The type and location of reinforcement
Where the gap is provided
Minimum clearance mm
1. Wooden |
Metal – a one-sided arrangement of conductors and wood – a two-way |
Between the lifting vessels and executions (crepe) |
In cases of particularly constrained location of lifting vessels in the trunk with wooden armouring may be a gap of at least 150 mm in frontal location conductors |
2. Concrete, brick, metal |
Metal – with one-and two-sided arrangement of conductors |
3. Concrete, brick, metal |
Wood – a two-way arrangement of conductors |
4. Wood, concrete, brick, metal |
Between the lifting vessels shooting missing |
Between two moving lift vessels |
When rigid conductors |
5. Wood, concrete.brick, metal |
Metal and wooden executions without carrying conductors |
Between the lifting vessels and executions |
At extremely cramped location lifting vessels in the trunk, this gap may be reduced to 100 mm |
6. Wood, concrete, brick, metal |
Unilateral and bilateral arrangement of conductors |
Between executions and parts of lifting vessels distant from the axis of conductors up to 750 mm |
In the presence of the lifting vessel discharge rollers protruding gap between the roller and the executions should be increased by 25 mm |
7. Wood, concrete, brick, metal |
Wood, located at the ends of the lifting vessel |
Between shooting carrying conductor, and cage |
8. Concrete, brick, tubbing |
Rope Guides |
Between shooting and cage |
9. Same |
Same |
Between moving vessels |
+ 250 (H 2), but not less than 300
H – depth of the mine, m |
10. Wood, concrete, brick, tubbing |
Unilateral, bilateral frontal and the conductors |
Between the speakers and the most remote parts of the center of the vessel and shot adjusted for depreciation conductors and legs and a possible rotation of the vessel |
Designed for mines |
11. Wood, concrete, brick, tubbing |
Steel reinforcement |
Between the outer edge of the shoe, lifting the container and the clamping device for fixing the metallic conductors executions relation to the maximum permissible wear of conductors and paws |
Designed for mines |
8.1.37. It is forbidden to climb and descent people in the same cage at the same time with the load, as well as an explosives having explosives with him.
8.1.38. In trunks equipped with two or more lifting installations for the launching and recovery of people and cargo, cargo lifts in work hours tripping change prohibited.
1.8.39. Timber slide on the surface should be protected by a barrier height of 1 m and have Lyady, and pit bottoms have an opening, providing a free supply of long materials. Opening when not in use, should be closed with locked gates. The mouth of the vertical and inclined workings must be constantly protected from the trailing side to a height of not less than 2.5 m, and with the workers of the parties to have the doors or guards for.
During the construction of utility tunnels and shafts mouth inclined workings must be fenced to a height of 1.2 m with the unit door at the entrance to the ladder compartment. Around the perimeter fence to a height of not less than 0.15 m must be made solid flange, preventing accidental dropping objects in the trunk. In the near barrel opening doors and crosscuts that supplies of long materials, at a time when it is not used, it should be closed with locked gates up to 2 m
1.8.40. When fault finding lifting equipment lifting and lowering must be stopped immediately until completely correct identified problems. The results of the inspection, faults found and corrective measures must be included in the construction mechanic laced book inspection of the elevator installation.
1.8.41. The building lifting machine must be working except electric lighting and emergency also powered from an independent source of electricity. It is not allowed to use for emergency lighting fixtures of all types of individual (battery, etc.).
1.8.42. Repair and inspection barrel permitted to stand on the roof of the cage or skip unloaded. But people have to be attached to the rope or hitch safety belts and protected from falling objects accidentally umbrellas. It is forbidden to attach harness to brace, the lining, and communications structures of the trunk. Safety belts every 6 months should be tested on a static load of 4000 N for 5 min. When viewed from the trunk speed lifting vessel must not exceed 0.3 m / s.
1.8.43. Checking the status of headgears Commission should be done under the supervision of the chief engineer of the organization with registration act, metal and concrete – once a year, and a wooden tunnel – twice a year.
8.1.44. During work on the receiving kletevogo lift (landing) site should be banksman, and pit bottoms – stem.
8.1.45. In the pit bottoms necessarily bypass device Walker. Prohibited the passage of people and transport routes through lifting the trunk compartment, as well as clutter the bypass walker.
During the construction of utility tunnels allowed the device of men’s Walker in the mine shaft section provided that a continuous solid otshivki separation between the lifting of the trunk and salable. Walker should have a strong protective overlay, providing safe passage of people. Allowed passage of transport and exchange of rolling stock within the section of the trunk, if it is not equipped with a lift cage.
1.8.46. On receiving sites at zero horizon and pit bottom must be installed to prevent guards for the passage of people through the lifting department, semi-detached with alarm lift in order to prevent the departure stand without opening the lattice fence. When you have an open lattice hoist operator should light signal “STOP” and the working alarm off. Over workplace safety should be a stem visor. Allowed to use on the top floor reception guillotine door in the presence of additional barriers preventing people’s access to the trunk to a complete stop and stand in the period of its origin. Requirements signal “STOP” at the driver and blocking signaling with the lattice in this case does not apply.
1.8.47. On all seating areas and in the engine room shall be posted warning signs and safety announcements stating:
a) The name of the person responsible for launching and recovery of people and banksman (stem);
b) applied signal;
c) Schedule of ascent and descent shifts;
g) the number of people simultaneously placed in the cage;
d) the allowable load stands.
Everyone understood the signal must be perceived machinist lifting, banksman and stem as a signal “STOP”. After this renewal is permitted only after the rise of personal clarification machinist banksman stem or by phone or negotiating pipe causes an ambiguous message and snooze.
1.8.48. Each lifting unit must be equipped with an alarm system working for supplying the signal from the brainstem to the banksman and banksman from the train operator, as well as repair alarm used in the inspection and repair of the barrel. Repair the alarm system shall be capable of supplying a signal from any point of the trunk.
On human and cargo hoists other than human labor and repair system must also provide for and backup alarm powered by a separate cable, which is the functional capabilities should not differ from the working alarm.
Lifting plant used in shaft sinking, must have at least two independent alarms, one of which should serve as the working alarm, and the second – backup and repair. Device in the operating system shall be capable of signaling from the bottom and with false Regiment – banksman and from banksman – machinist, and repair and backup – in every barrel banksman.
Between winding machine machinist and banksman and between banksman and stem should be telephone and intercoms.
8.1.49. If there are several working levels each horizon should be equipped with self-reception area served by the stem. In this case, the alarm system shall be provided, which excludes the possibility of simultaneous signaling stem from different horizons, as well as a device that shows the horizon from which signal is applied.
1.8.50. When using the reception areas at intermediate horizons, including the site at the zero horizon, the requirements:
a) lifting unit must be equipped with a lock comprising signal “STOP” in the driver seat when summarizing his fists on the intermediate horizon;
b) the fender should be closed, folding his fists – and open in this position (except when the cage is on fists intermediate horizon) must be closed on the lock, and the key must be a responsible person designated by order of the organization;
c) the light signals from the intermediate horizon in their colors on the remote should differ significantly from the brainstem signals;
d) at intermediate horizons should be used as a seating arrangement rocking platform.
1.8.51. Perepodema height for lifting equipment in the presence of protection installed:
a) for human cargo kletevyh lifting equipment when lifting speeds of up to
3 m / s – not less than 4 m;
b) for the lifting units for lifting speeds over 3 m / sec – not less than 6 m;
c) for cargo lifting equipment when lifting cages, skips and platforms – not less than 2.5 m;
g) for lifting badevogo at:
descent and ascent of the people – not less than 4 m,
shipping – not less than 2.5 m;
d) in the construction of shallow tunnels closed method height perepodema kletevoy freight elevator installation at speeds up to 1m / s – not less than 1.5 m at a speed of 2 m / s – not less than 2.5 m
e) when used as a freight elevator installation jib cranes lifting height is set according to the design of works, approved by the Chief Engineer.
1.8.52. Perepodema height should be considered:
a) neoprokidnyh stands – height that can rise freely crate from its normal position when unloading on the top floor reception to contact the top rope to the rim zhimka idler or parts stand with elements of copra;
b) for tilting stands with people going up and down – the height to which the cage can rise from its normal position when landing people before the swing stand, if there is no discharge unloading rails at lifting people. In the presence of drainage discharge guide perepodema height should be considered from the top position when planting people in subparagraph “a”;
c) for freight lifts in tilting skips and cages – the height to which can rise freely skip or cage tilting from the normal position during unloading until it touches the top rope to the rim zhimka idler tilting of the skip or cage, or parts thereof with elements of copra;
g) for badevogo lifting up or down with the people – the height to which the tub is free to rise from zero to pad contact zhimka top rope or the top edge of the rim of the frame rail guide pulley or with protruding metal parts podshkivnoy site.
8.2.1. Human and human cargo lifting machines and winches shall be electrically operated, equipped with dynamic braking. Dynamic braking in case of violation of its scheme, is to work on the safety brake and have retroactive electrodynamic connection.
Each hoisting machine shall be equipped with a working safety and mechanical brakes with independent from each other inclusion drive. These types of inhibition may be with one or two brake actuators. On the newly designed hoists shall be provided with two machine independent brake actuators.
Brakes should be located so that the driver can freely manage, without leaving the workplace.
8.2.2. Drums winders must have flanges on both sides of a height of not less than 1.5 times the diameter of the rope. When more than one layer coiling rope flange should extend through the top layer of rope diameter of 2.5, and for the portion of the rope (critical) length of a quarter of the last round of the bottom row (move to the top row) should be conducted enhanced surveillance (broken records in this place wires ) and made the movement of the rope through a quarter turn every two months.
8.2.3. In mine hoist safety brake must provide when it is turned to a complete stop deceleration of the vessel not less than 1.5 m / s
during the descent and the estimated load of not more than 5 m / s
- when lifting rated load.
8.2.4. Duration idling safety brake must not exceed 0.5, and cargo sinking winches – 1.5 sec. Response time of the safety brake (including idle time) should not exceed 0.8 seconds. Safety at work and working brakes are not allowed fluctuations in the linkage system brakes.
8.2.5. Enabling safety brake must be accompanied by automatic shut-off power supplied to the motor winding machine. Safety brake shall be operable from the limit switch and the emergency button lift driver.
8.2.6. In addition to the case of brake adjustment of the brake drums or repair the device in each lifting machine must be provided by a special locking device.
8.2.7. Hoisting machine shall be provided the device showing the position of the cage in the shaft (depth gauge), and automatic call, signaling the engineer about the need to start slow motion.
Scale indicators should be done on a scale of not less than 1 cm to 1 m depth.
Lifting machinery must have monitoring instruments (ammeter, voltmeter gauges) showing the relevant parameters of the engine power supply and the pressure in the brake system, as well as recording speedometers (for machines with speeds in excess of 3 m / s).
8.2.8. Each lifting unit must be equipped with the following safety devices operating correctly:
a) for each lifting vessel (counterweight) – limit switch mounted on copra and designed to enable the safety brake when lifting vessel (counterweight) at 0.5 m above the top of the receiving area (level normal position for unloading skip), and backup end switch on the index depth lifting machine;
b) the device automatically shuts down the installation in case of exceeding the normal rate of 15%;
c) a safety device (speed limiter or regulator stroke) are not allowed to approach lifting vessel normal upper position with a speed higher than 1 m / s. This requirement is mandatory for kletevyh lifting equipment with a maximum speed of more than 3 m / s;
d) the maximum and zero protection (electric winders) acting overload machines and there is no voltage;
d) sewn from hovering lifting vessels in unloading curves;
e) a device which transmits a signal stem or head machinist at yanked brake cables in their attachment to the sump;
g) lock from excessive brake wear (to equip a lock installed in coordination with the State Technical Supervision). This requirement does not apply to trucks and sinking winches;
h) lock, allowing the engine to enable the vessel only after perepodema towards eliminating perepodema;
and) lock which does not allow removal of the safety brake, service brake when the handle is not in the “inhibited” and handle the administration (controller) – in the zero position;
a) lock, stop providing the tub with its approach to the closed lyade, as well as at the approach of a 5 m to the working shelf or to the bottom of the barrel;
l) arc reverse interlock between contactors and dynamic braking;
m) protected string slack rope;
n) lock swinging platforms, landing fists and enclosing grids consisting of “Stop” from the driver when superimposed swinging platforms, summing fists and open grate, except lattices guillotine;
o) redundant overspeed if the primary limiter does not have full self (for human and human cargo lifts). Terms such equipment speed limiters installed in coordination with the State Technical Supervision.
8.2.9. Conductors before the pulleys should be close together and strengthened to wedge them stand on the length defined by the project.
8.2.10. Velocity of the stands when raising and lowering of people and goods along the vertical workings determined by the project, but must not exceed:
2.5 m / s with a lifting height up to 40 m
4 m / s with a lifting height of 100 m
6 m / s for a lifting height of more than 100 m
Value of the average deceleration of the elevator installation as in the safety and working with (in case of emergency) braking must not exceed at tilt angles of 50 ° and more than 5m / s
, as well as being at the safety braking of at least 0.75 m / s
at angles of inclination of the workings 30 ° and not less than 1.5 m / s
at tilt angles more openings 30 °.
8.2.11. As winches are allowed to use gear winch with two brakes if the requirements of this Regulation.
8.2.12. Lifting vessels, tow hooks, parachutes, guide shoes, boarding, loading and unloading devices, guides and deflection pulleys, bearings and their linings, brake system and other elements of the lifting machinery, equipment protection and alarm systems and controls must be inspected and verified:
- Every shift – machinist lifting, banksman, stem and duty when receiving an electrical shift;
- Daily – mechanic plot or a person designated responsible for the condition and inspection of the elevator installation. These same people made daily inspection of the trunk and reinforcement of the hoisting ropes;
- At least once in 15 days – with the participation of the chief mechanic of the organization. While further checks of the safety brake and safety devices.
All kinds of inspections should be carried out according to the schedule developed by the chief mechanic and chief engineer of the approved organization. The results of inspections recorded in the relevant books of the elevator installation.
Upon detection of faults and deviations from the established norms of the elements of the elevator installation, conductors and reinforcement trunk ascent and descent should be stopped immediately until the problem is detected violations.
Instrumental validation provisions copra elevator installation, guide pulleys, gaps between the lifting vessels and bolting stem, conductors and other elements of the project and for compliance with the requirements of this Regulation should be made surveyor area at least twice a year. When the scan is drawn.
8.2.13. Before commissioning and thereafter once a year specialized commissioning team with representatives from electromechanical service organization should perform the audit and adjustment of the elevator installation in the amounts stipulated by the “Guidelines for auditing, commissioning and testing of mine hoist installations.” This requirement does not apply to cargo winches designed for lowering or lifting equipment and materials.
Electric parts and equipment automated lift systems are subject to audit and adjustment after 6 months.
In auditing the brake and shaft newly commissioned winders necessary to make their inspection. In the future, testing shall be carried out regularly, at least once every three years.
Simultaneously with the production of the audit and adjustment, except surveyor checks hoisting pulley and copra, staff organization has been entirely Surveying verification of hoisting machines and conductors wear what is drawn.
After revision and adjustment of the elevator installation chief mechanic organizations with Alignment team produces its control tests.
Six months after the audit and adjustment of elevator installation shall be subjected to technical inspection and testing involving Commission chief mechanic organization. On inspection and test shall be drawn.
8.2.14. After replacing the brake system (pads, rods, cylinders, etc.) necessary to make it a test. Test results should be decorated act.
8.2.15. All newly created safety and protective equipment (brakes, canopy, suspension devices) and equipment (limit switches, speed limiters, pressure regulators, etc.), as well as ways to manage the lifting units must be consistent with the specialized institutions.
8.2.16. In the trunk, where there are several lift systems, remote control of each of them should be a button simultaneously disable all winders (date equipment lifting equipment such devices are coordinated with Gostgortechnadzor).
8.2.17. On winches serving for lowering and lifting people in the stands and trolleys on inclined developments, apply all the requirements to lift cars.
8.3. ROPES, tow hitch and pulleys
8.3.1. For mine hoisting plant shall be applied steel cables that meet the quality, design and stranding GOST or TU agreed specialized institutions. Lifting and towing ropes for human cargo lifting equipment must be in the brand, for other lifting equipment grade not less than I.
8.3.2. Ropes for lifting equipment of all systems should be chosen when hitching the following safety margin:
a) 9-fold – for lifting equipment intended solely for lowering and lifting people;
b) 7.5-fold – for cargo and human kletevyh badevyh lifting equipment, mechanical loaders (grabs) in the trunk, tunnel cradles;
c) 6.5-fold – for lifting plants intended only for lowering and lifting;
g) 5-fold – to balance rope and cable conductors tunnel upgrades;
d) 6-fold – to rescue ladders, rope suspension regiments, pumps, pipelines, tunneling machines.
The margin of safety rope is defined as the ratio of total breaking force of the rope all the wires to the static load on the rope.
Static load hoisting rope consists of mass lifting vessel with towbar, maximum load weight and weight of the rope from the vanishing point from the pulley to the point of attachment to the lifting receptacle at the lower end lift.
8.3.3. As the cable conductors must be used ropes closed and semi-closed design or untwisted kruglopryadnye monolayer regular-lay rope with a diameter of the outer wires of at least 2 mm. Recommend the use of galvanized ropes.
Tension cable conductors should be installed depending on the PPR capacity lifting vessel.
8.3.4. All human hoisting ropes, cargo and freight of human lifting equipment, as well as suspension ropes regiments rescue ladders and cradles tunnel should be tested for linkage to the cable-testing station registered Gosgortekhnadzor. All other ropes used in the cores, as well as ropes and all other installations before linkage mechanisms can not be tested. Reserve tested rope in front linkage can not experience a second, if its retention period does not exceed six months from the date of the test.
To test his end of the rope is cut of at least 1.5 m To retest the rope cut a piece of the same length over the last zhimkom zapantsirovki.
8.3.5. Hoisting ropes human and human cargo lifting equipment must be re-tested every six months from the date of their sample. Retesting hoisting ropes exclusively cargo lifting equipment is permitted to produce 12 months from the date of their sample, and then every six months.
8.3.6. Directed to the test in the cable-rope sample test station must be equipped with copy of factory act certificate, plaque (label) attached to it, and the statement by the organization containing the necessary tests for the ABOUT rope and lift installation.
Each wire rope sample that is tested before and re-linkage, must be tested on a break and bend in accordance with GOST. Based on the test results processing cable-testing station provides organization certificate in the prescribed form with the conclusion about the suitability of the rope to the further operation.
Certificate of primary and repeated tests of the rope must be kept in the organization for the lifetime of the rope.
8.3.7. It is forbidden to hang or use steel ropes with torn strands in a side, with a reduced diameter while working more than 10%, with nodes, “bugs” and other injuries.
8.3.8. All ropes lifting vessels and balances should be inspected daily for the entire length at a speed of not more than 0.3 m / s. Weekly to make an additional inspection of the rope in which determined the maximum number of broken wires rope stranding step. Damaged parts of the rope and land on which the number of broken wires on the step length of lay of less than 2% of their total number in the rope must be inspected at a fixed rope.
Do not operate the ropes for suspension lifting vessels and balances, as well as suspension and mechanical loaders regiments (grabs) when the number of breaks on the step length of lay of 5% or more of the total number of wires.
Ropes to move and suspension equipment (pumps, pipes, cables, etc.), brake and conductor ropes must be replaced if the number of breaks in step-lay up to 10% of their total number in the rope.
8.3.9. Hoisting ropes should be lubricated at least once a week. Before lubricating the rope should be cleaned of dirt and old grease.
8.3.10. The results of the inspection of the hoisting ropes shall be on the same day entered into laced “Book for recording inspection results of the hoisting ropes.”
This book should be written every case of damage ropes.
8.3.11. Deadline service ropes lift systems that do not suffer during the operation tests shall not exceed:
- Brake parachute ropes and depreciation – 4 years;
- The cable conductors, fenders ropes and ropes for suspension tunneling equipment – 2 years.
Lifetime these ropes can be extended by decision of the special commission of up to 5 years on the results of the inspection and control of instrumental metal loss section along the entire length of the rope every 6 months. Deadline service ropes mechanical movers (grabs) should be 2 months and will not be extended.
8.3.12. Rope shall be rejected if the test before linkage total sectional area of the wire, do not stand the test of tensile and bend is for ropes that are used to lift and lower people (Grade B) – 6% for ropes (grade I) – 10%.
The rope must be removed and replaced with another, if the retest:
a) reserve its strength is below 7.5-fold for human lifts, 6-fold for human cargo lifts and cradles tunnel, 5-fold for cargo lifts, aerial ladders and rescue regiments;
b) the total area of the wires have not sustained tensile test and bend, reaches 25% of the total cross-sectional area of the wire rope.
8.3.13. Stand for human and human cargo lifts must be double-independent suspension – working and safety. Counterweights odnokletevyh safety upgrades suspension may not be fitted. The margin of safety (in relation to the calculated static load) must not be less than:
a) 13 times – for outboard and trailer units and human-human cargo lifting equipment, as well as for the tow hitch and tubs tunnel arches;
b) 10-fold – to tow hitch cargo lifts, hanging shelves and hanging tunneling equipment in the trunks;
c) 6-fold – for semiconductor and demolition ropes.
8.3.14. Deadline operation and trailed suspension devices of all types and skip hoists kletevyh installations shall not exceed 5 years. The newly made chains and hangers shall be subjected to factory testing. Test results should be recorded in the passport factory supplied with your product. Carried and towed devices must be marked with the serial number and date of manufacture.
Prohibited from making chains used as a precautionary suspension, forge welding and manual electric welding.
8.3.15. Ratio of the smallest diameter to the diameter of the body coiling rope shall not be less than:
a) 60 – to guide pulleys and drums human and cargo-lifting equipment and human badevyh tunnel;
b) 30 – to guide pulleys and drums cargo lifting equipment and winches with a lifting height of over 60 m;
c) 20 – in other cases.
8.3.16. On vertical and inclined (over 60 °) human cargo and human climbs winding ropes on drums machines should be single and allowed:
a) two-layer – for freight lifts for vertical installation workings lifting machine or winch on the surface, as well as for human and human cargo lifts at tripping people inclined developments with a slope of 30 to 60 °;
b) a three-layer – when lifting-descent people inclined developments angle up to 30 °; sinking vertical and inclined workings; truck lifts at underground installation lifting machine;
c) a multilayer (three rows a) – for slow sinking cargo winches with lifting speed is not higher than 0.2 m / s.
8.3.17. Attaching the rope on the drum should be performed so that when passing a rope through a slit in the cylinder of the drum it is not deformed by sharp edges of the slit. Prohibited the attachment end of the rope to the drum shaft. Fixing all the rope on the drum is made specifically to devices provided on the drum, allowing the rope to fix at least three points.
To release the tension of the rope at the point of attachment to the drum on the surface of the latter must be at least three turns of friction drums. Also turns friction must be replacement coils for periodic testing of the rope. Spare coils may be disposed on the drum surface as well as inside it.
8.3.18. Sinking winches designed for suspension regiments shields shells, formwork, pipelines, guide ropes shall be provided with protective equipment from retensioning terms agreed with Gosgortechnadzor.
8.3.19. In the case of the guide pulleys with lining segments it must be attached so that at the edges of the trough lining had no connecting piece that at infringement of attachment may fall into the chute under the rope.
Bolts that secure the lining should be inspected weekly. Unfit bolts must be replaced.
Flange of the guide pulleys must act over the top rope not less than 1.5 times the diameter of the rope.
8.4. TRANSPORT IN inclined workings
8.4.1. Prohibited the movement of people on the transport department inclined workings.
8.4.2. On top, bottom and intermediate reception venues inclined workings at end haulage ropes must be set stops and safety barriers, managed with reception areas.
Stops and barriers to receiving sites in the normal position should be closed and opened only for passing vehicles. At the reception areas at the endless rope haulage shall be provided to prevent falls of rope on the ground when coming off it with supporting rollers or asterisks.
Types of stoppers, design safety barriers and their locations should be provided by the project.
8.4.3. When hauling on inclined developments longer than 10 m shall be provided safety devices that prevent pilling down on loss of rope or tow.
8.4.4. An inclined path setting derailed trolleys, platforms and other items of rolling stock is allowed only after taking action against them rolling.
8.4.5. Trolleys, platform, or other units of rolling stock left on an inclined path for the production of works, shall be secured and inventory devices hooked to the traction rope.
8.4.6. It is forbidden to lower or lift loads on inclined developments winches equipped with a brake or friction clutch cam.
8.4.7. When lifting loads in skips the sloping tunnel subject to the following conditions:
a) skips shall be equipped with safety devices to delay (trapping) them at break of war;
b) Tyrants under rail tracks cross section corresponding to the calculation shall be stowed at a distance from each other of not more than 1 m and securely fastened; avoiding contamination of the space between the Tyrant wakes breed;
c) skips undercharge must not less than 20 cm to the upper edge;
r) at the face to be installed barrier designed to stop the skip and to arrest any falling weight. Location relative to the bottom of the barrier set PPR;
d) lifting unit must be equipped with a winch reducer with two brakes working alarm, limit switches, and zero maximum protection under the provisions of this Regulation.
8.4.8. When lifting loads in skips on an inclined generation speed should not exceed 2 m / s.
8.4.9. Inclined mine workings must be equipped with their angles of inclination:
from 7 to 15 ° – railing located on mounting feet;
from 15 to 30 ° – with steps ladders and railings;
from 30 to 45 ° – stairs with steps;
more than 45 ° – ladder compartment.
8.4.10. On the construction shall be appointed persons responsible for organizing the lifting and lowering of people and goods, as well as for the condition and inspection of ropes in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation. This should be posted in these ads.
8.5. Underground transport along the horizontal workings
8.5.1. In horizontal workings projects must be installed and maintained during construction free passes to people and the gaps between vehicles and bolting (lining), as well as the gaps between the opposing moving vehicles. Free passes should be kept to a height of not less than 1.8 m from the pedestrian deck (soil), the gaps – on the perimeter of the vehicle.
During the construction of utility tunnels inside diameter of 3 m and including the movement of people allowed on the entire width of the output. In the field sketches and pricing cars must be kept free pass for people with a minimum width of 0.7 m and a minimum height of 1.7 m PPR should be developed for the security measures employed in the formulation or by moving it when passing rolling stock .
8.5.2. Width of free passes to people and clearances determined by the distance between the outermost edge of the envelope of the rolling stock and bolting (lining) generation or placed in the development of equipment, piping, materials, and in all cases shall not be less than the values given in Table 3.
Table 3.
Number p / p |
Mode of transport |
Maximum value, m
1. |
Rail |
Tubbing lining, stone, concrete, reinforced concrete; |
timbering and temporary frame structures lining of other materials; |
in excavations near barrel for loading (and unloading) and points in places coupling (uncoupling) trolleys, as well as in places of landing people in passenger cars on the length defined by PPR. Extending from two sides |
2. |
Propelled (nerelsovy) transport |
Note. Mezhduputya width (distance between the direct paths) should be such that the gap between the opposing electric locomotives (trolleys) on the outermost edge of the envelope electric (trolley) was not less than 0.2 m flight clearances, including and in Table 3, must also be kept at the rounded.
8.5.3. Rolling stock, track, travel device (stops, barriers, turnouts, etc.), network of contacts, alarms, as well as free passes and clearances shall at least once a month to check face technical supervision.
Do not make in mines repairs rolling stock related to air pollution (paint, hot work, etc.).
8.5.4. Maximum speed of the rolling stock on the horizontal workings should not exceed:
a) 4 km / h – for manual hauling;
b) 3.6 km / h – with cable haulage with an endless rope;
c) 5.4 km / h – when hauling rope end;
d) 10 km / h – with locomotive haulage;
d) 20 km / h – for nerelsovyh machines;
e) 10 km / h – for machines with nerelsovyh turnout (maneuvering).
Speed of movement of rolling stock in curves way to pit bottom, the arrows and the sites where any work shall not exceed 5 km / h
8.5.5. Rolling stock shall meet the requirements of GOST, cargoes and ensure the safety of their handling and transportation.
8.5.6. Machinist prohibited while driving standing control the locomotive and go with him, as well as unauthorized transfer control locomotive to another person.
When forced absences driver shall switch off the engine, brake locomotive, remove the handle from the controller and leave the lights glowing.
Prohibited from carrying passengers and freight locomotives that are not designed for this purpose.
8.5.7. Production site repairs and other work on the road should be protected typical of the signs to be installed at a distance of not less than 80 m from the production of these works. Prohibited from doing service to fencing signals their places of production and removal of these signals to the full completion of the work and check the status of the path.
8.5.8. When the distance to the place of work of more than 2 km to transport people is required. For these purposes must be used with special trolley seats, blind end walls, a metal roof and the side walls to full height trolley. Openings for landing people should have a minimum width of 0.7 m and be provided with enclosing devices. Trolleys should be equipped with devices to signal the engineer of the locomotive. Transport people contact electric roof trolleys must have good contact with the rails through the body and frame.
Allowed, rechargeable electric locomotives hauling to resolve the chief engineer organization agreed with the authorities Gosgortechnadzor, carrying passengers separate train of trolleys with conventional hollow body and removable seats.
Directions accompanying staff on locomotives is permitted only if there is a special design of the locomotive passenger seat or on a specially equipped for this purpose trolley.
8.5.9. Prohibited: attached to passenger trains or trolley platform with materials and equipment, transport trains people with explosives, flammable and corrosive substances.
8.5.10. Before you start transporting people locomotive engineer must inspect trolleys, paying particular attention to the serviceability and signal coupling devices.
8.5.11. In horizontal workings should be stacked two narrow-gauge track with the device through 200-300 m unilateral or cross Congresses.
In the mines, which is over 500 m is permitted laying one way trips with the device through the 200-300 m
Leveling and straightening of track shall be made as necessary, but not less than once a year.
During the construction of utility tunnels with a diameter up to 4.1 m allowed styling With one track, regardless of the extent of the workings without the device trips.
8.5.12 Design and content of tracks used in the building should comply with current building regulations. Temporary track should be laid on the leveled ground development and prepared substrate (ballast, solid floor, trough the tunnel lining elements).
When used as the base of the pan elements tunnel lining must be provided therein for fixing the device tracks.
Allowed laying of tracks on the overpass at the construction site of the subway station, subject to the requirements of this Regulation.
During the construction of tunnels inside diameter of 3 m inclusive assumed laying railway tracks without mounting directly on the chute tunnel lining elements provided you use manual or electric haulage with coupling undoubt to 4.5 then the speed of trains up to 4 km / h
8.5.13. Do not operate the rail tracks at:
a) expanding way more than 4 mm and 2 mm restriction against normally fixed width of the track;
b) the wear of the rail head along a vertical rail 12 mm for type P-24 and 16 mm – of the type P-33, as well as flanged wheels touch the bolt heads, the presence of longitudinal and transverse cracks in the rails, the rail head pitting, spalling of the rail flange and other defects that can cause the gathering rolling stock of railways;
c) the gaps between the joints of the rail exceeding 5 mm;
g) in the workings with a slope greater than 0.01 without a set (according to CPD) devices do not allow the movement of rolling stock Samokatnaya.
8.5.14. The radius of curvature of the curves of the track must be at least seven times the length of the most rigid base rolling at a speed of 1.5 m / s and 10 times the length of the rigid base at a speed of 1.5 m / s and rotation angles greater than 90 °.
Gauge the magnitude of broadening the areas of 8-10 m radius curves should be: with a rigid base 600 mm – 10 mm, and the same 800 mm – 10-15 mm, 1100 mm – 20-25 mm.
The value exceeding the outer rail track on the curves of radius 8 m should be 20 mm at a speed of 1.5 m / s and 35 mm at a speed of 2 m / s, and at portions of the curve of radius 10 m – 15 mm at a speed of 1.5 m / s and 25 mm at a speed of 2 m / s.
8.5.15. Mechanical or manual drive turnouts haul routes should be set at the free passage for the people so that the distance from the drive to the edge of the rolling stock is not less than 0.7 m distance from the drive to the lining (lining) shall ensure ease of installation, inspection and repair . In case of insufficient width generation drives turnouts shall be installed in niches.
8.5.16. Turnouts are laid in tunnels, apply only prefabricated wits with adjacent type and equipped with manual or mechanical shifter. Translation shooter is allowed stopped up.
Do not operate the turnouts at:
a) downed and curved in longitudinal and transverse direction or loosely adjacent to the frame rails and Shoe switch point;
b) switches disconnected rods;
c) closing the gap with the arrows 4 mm pressed between wisecracking and stock rail;
g) the absence of fixing the position of turnouts using clamps or other devices;
d) open ditches turnouts.
5.8.17. To exclude the dimensional changes of track laid in the operation must be installed between the rails and ties between the struts ways:
a) straight-line with a slope of 0.02 – four ties over 2.5 m, one of them with the protective device and one strut on the link;
b) on the curves of a radius of 10 m and a slope of more than 0.02 – four ties over 2.5 m, two of them with the protective device and two spacers. Ties and braces-section must be at least 4 cm
c) cross-section and is heavy with spacers for mounting rail tracks in lifting mines, their number and the material from which they are made, determined by the project of works approved by the Chief Engineer.
5.8.18. When hauling contact electric haulage rails in joints, as well as all elements of turnouts and crossings must be connected, except linings, partitions, whose resistance must be equivalent to the resistance of the copper wires of 50 mm
, a length of 520-560 mm. The ends of the webs have to be soldered to the steel and the lugs are welded to the bottom of the rail track on the outer side. All threads of track haulage drifts every 50 m to be securely interconnected by means of an electric conductor whose resistance is equivalent to the resistance of the copper conductor cross-section less than 50 mm
8.5.19. All railway lines, not intended for contact with electric locomotives haul rocks, at points of contact with the conductive rails must be electrically isolated from the last two points separated by a distance equal to or greater than the maximum possible length of the composition.
8.5.20. On all trolleys and blokotyubingovozkah not equipped with automatic couplers must be on both sides of the buffer, acting on a minimum length of 150 mm and excluding mutual body blows. The schedule for implementation of the requirements established by agreement with the Gosgortechnadzor.
5.8.21. Breaking body trolleys must have a device that prevents unwanted tipping them.
5.8.22. Do not operate the rolling stock with bad traction and locking devices, chassis, brakes and curved outward more than 50 mm bulkhead.
8.5.23. Do not operate the locomotives, which are absent in the design roof cab, in the workings equipped catenary.
8.5.24. The distance between the trolleys for manual hauling should be at least 10 m with a slope on the tracks up to 0,005 and not less than 30 m – on the tracks with a slope of more than 0,005.
Not allowed manual hauling over a distance of 100 m units of rolling stock weighing more than 2 kg or thousand requiring efforts to haul more than 20 kg, and on slopes greater than 0.01.
8.5.25. At movement of rolling stock on rail tracks shall be prohibited:
a) push unlinked compositions cavil directly to the locomotive platforms and trolleys with a lengthy materials, as well as platforms, or trolleys, loaded above the upper envelope of the vehicle;
b) produce a manual coupling and uncoupling trolleys, used as couplers cuts rope, wire, and other materials at hand;
c) push convoys and cargo platforms using locomotive stops of boards, bars, etc., and also suitable for braking and holding rolling on inclines improvised.
8.5.26. When locomotive haulage to develop a slope of more than 0.01, the trains should be determined by the project of the works. Stopped at this composition bias trolleys should be podtormozhen inventory boots.
8.5.27. Long loads to be transported on special “goats” with an elongated rigid coupling with the mandatory presence of the side posts and sustainable loading cargo. In the composition between blokotyubingovozkoy or “goat” and the locomotive must necessarily be “buffer” trolley.
5.8.28. When hauling locomotive must be in the head of the convoy. Roll back using the locomotive located in the tail of, permitted only when maneuvering at a distance of not more than 200 m on a slope not exceeding 0,005, as well as in tunneling diameter less than 2.5 m with a speed of up to 4 km / h In this case, should be allocated special bugler with flashing lights and a whistle.
When tunneling inside diameter of 3 m and less permitted haul the entire length of production using the locomotive, which is located in the tail structure. In the production design work should be developed arrangements for the safe movement of goods and people in the tunnel.
8.5.29. The maximum possible part of the weight of the locomotive must be calculated according to the weight of trailer, train braking conditions, slope, and the way his condition. Workers should be instructed on the number of loaded or empty rolling stock units, which can be in either direction under specific conditions.
5.8.30. Braking distance of at maximum slope (downhill) for the carriage of goods shall not exceed 40 m, and transport people – 20 m
5.8.31. Mounting height of contact wire in all underground mines must be at least 1.8 m from the rail head, and every path must have its wire. Elektrovoznaya allowed to haul markets in the portal and in the dump soil suspension of contact wire at a height of 2.2 m, provided the haulage ways intersect carriageways or pedestrian paths.
5.8.32. Contact the network should be partitioned disconnectors, the distance between them should not exceed 250 m Sectional disconnectors must also be installed on all branches of the contact wire. Copper contact wire cross section must be at least 65 mm
It is forbidden to hang or continue to use the contact wire wear which exceeded 30% for wire cross section of 100 mm
and more than 20% – for the conductors 65 and 85 mm 2 . forbidden to hang up or continue to use the contact wire wear which exceeded 30% for wire cross section of 100 mm
8.5.33. Suspension of the trolley wire in tunnels should be flexible on guyed. Procrastination on both sides of the trolley wire must be insulated from the holder, the distance from the support to each of the insulators should be no more than 0.3 m Trolleederzhatel must be isolated from the bolt.
Mount hangers to ducts is not permitted. In the galleries, places of formwork, ventilation doors allowed the stiffening of the trolley wire. The distance between the contact wire and the roof bar lining, as well as the current collector electric generating and lining up to protrusions rigidly attached equipment when the conductor must be at least 0.2 m height braces contact wire above the bottom of the pavement must be at least 2 m
The distance between the suspension points of contact wire in underground mines shall not exceed 5 meters on straight track and 3 m – on curves.
8.5.34. Contact the network must have the device (equipment) protection against electric shock to persons.
8.5.35. Contact wire at the loading of rock covers, stamping work on sites and the production of other works near it should be protected to securely protect people against electric shock or off.
At the time of the descent and ascent shift workers in the contact wire pit bottom must be switched off using the switch disconnect for at least 50 m from the trunk, in which people go up and down.
If you leave your work hauling duration per shift and more tension with the contact wire on the idle portion must be removed.
8.5.36. When two or more locomotives in the workings must be fitted dvuhsvetovaya alarm.
8.5.37. When powered catenary substations on several networks must be isolated from one another.
8.5.38. Contact the network must be repaired after removal of voltage, grounding contact wire hanging and warning signals.
5.8.39. Prohibited the loading and unloading of long and bulky materials and equipment in the workings when the contact line.
5.8.40. In mines where the contact wire is suspended, every 100 m, and at intersections with other roadways in curves and slopes must be posted glowing inscription warning that the live wire.
8.5.41. Rail haulage distances when electric battery should be grounded throughout. Distance between the ground shall not exceed 75 m
5.8.42. Space charge (battery) must be constructed of fire-resistant materials and self-assured, is not related to the overall system, a forced ventilation system in accordance with the approved design. Smoking in the firing chamber is prohibited.
Layout and decoration space charge must be carried out in accordance with the project.
8.5.43. Electrical equipment in the charging chamber must be explosion-proof. Permitted to use battery tester in normal version, but they measure the voltage permitted no earlier than 10 minutes after removing the cover from the battery box.
5.8.44. To prepare the electrolyte solution and fill them batteries should be used special tools, protecting against splashing and spilling electrolyte. Workers must be provided with protective goggles, rubber gloves and aprons. First aid for burns electrolyte in the charging chamber should be stored solutions or powders that neutralize sulfuric acid or alkali.
8.5.45. Battery cells should be equipped with devices allowing mechanized eat and posing battery electric boxes and may not charge the batteries directly to the locomotive.
During the construction of utility tunnels allowed charging batteries directly on the locomotive is placed in conjunction with a tunnel section or in the trunk. Such work may produce subject to the development of special regulations, part of WPP, which provides for additional security measures (ventilation rate, control over the content of hydrogen sulfide, extractor fan, etc.), while simultaneously charging no more than one battery.
5.8.46. While charging the battery electric battery box cover must be removed and the tube elements should be open. Battery box lid can be closed only after the termination of the battery gassing vessels, but no earlier than one hour after charging. Before issuing a battery in the charging should be checked its isolation from the body of the battery box. Insulation resistance of a battery must be at least 10000 0m. Do not put under the charge defective or contaminated batteries.
5.8.47. Do not operate the locomotives at fault buffers, coupling devices, brakes, sandboxes, lighting, signaling and interlocking devices, electrical faults and remedies.
Each locomotive must be provided or jack samostavom, shoes, tool kit and calibrated elektropredohranitelyami.
8.5.48. Derailment of rolling stock (locomotives, mine cars, blokotyubingovozok platforms for the delivery of long material) should be investigated by the rails face technical supervision to identify and eliminate the causes.
Work on lifting and setting on rails rolling stock must be carried out under the supervision of a person of technical supervision.
5.8.49. Rope haulage, including infinite, should be applied in accordance with a special project. The winch should be installed on a firm base and firmly reinforced. Around the winch must be free passage width not less than 0.7 m for staff.
5.8.50. With endless rope haulage distance between trolleys must be at least 5 m Construction towbar must exclude the possibility of slipping on a tightrope.
5.8.51. When hauling cable trolleys for engaging with each other, and to attach them to the rope should be used hitch and devices that do not allow arbitrary decoupling.
8.5.52. Rings, thrust coupling trolleys and tow hooks for infinite and locomotive otkatok must pay not less than six-fold margin of safety, and trailing arms at the end haulage – at least tenfold safety margin with respect to the maximum static load at which they are applied.
9. Self-propelled equipment ENGINES
INTERNAL COMBUSTION in underground mines
9.1. The order of operation and maintenance of machines with internal combustion engines (ICE), including refueling points machines and their temporary sludge should be determined by the project.
9.2. To control the machine with the engine specialists should have been trained in TRAINING (points) and received a Certificate for machines in underground conditions.
9.3. Transportation of people allowed only in specially provided for this purpose machinery and trailers to them prefabricated. Trailers must be equipped with braking systems and warning lights at the rear.
9.4. Machine should move to develop at a rate to the safety of people and equipment, but not more than 20 km / h Turnout at the speed of their cars should be reduced to 10 km / h
Note. On straight sections of the horizontal working in length over 500 m maximum speed and empty freight cars can be increased to 40 km / h At this speed machines for more than 20 km / h set chief engineer organizations in coordination with local Gosgortechnadzor.
9.5. Free passage for people and the roadway in haulage roadways should be separated pointers. In mines where permissible speed machines of more than 20 km / h, and in inclined workings device footpaths should exclude them hitting the bumper bar setting machines, lifting footpaths etc.
9.6. Roadbed in the workings must be flat, providing motion machines without jerks and jolts. In those cases, when the soil is composed of the workings of unstable rock slopes Driving trucks to the formation of irregularities, the road must get paved.
9.7. In the mines, which are moving self-propelled machines should be installed standard traffic signs regulating movement. Signposting scheme approved by the chief engineer of the organization.
9.8. When two-way traffic in the development of the headlights should be such as to avoid blinding oncoming traffic drivers (dipped beam, sidelights).
9.9. Lighting the need for excavation, which operated self-propelled machines, chief engineer of the organization is determined by taking into account local conditions in coordination with local authorities Gosgortechnadzor.
9.10. All machines are working in underground mines must have a number and be assigned to specific individuals.
9.11. On machines must be installed or cockpit canopies, protecting the driver from falling pieces of the rock mass at the top and at the same time providing sufficient visibility.
Note. In applying the mountain LHD equipment in existing mines with a fixed roof or roof of the stable species install cab or visors are not mandatory. The distance from the driver’s seat to the most salient part of the roof must be at least 1.3 m
9.12. The machine must be loaded in such a way as to prevent its loss during the motion of the body pieces of the rock mass or other transported materials.
9.13. Towing faulty machines in underground workings must be made only by means of rigid coupling length of less than 1 m
Do not leave the self-propelled machines without measures against their spontaneous movement. With all the time stops on the way of self-propelled machines off lights is prohibited.
9.14. Each machine must be fitted with a fire-extinguishing installation.
9.15. On each machine should be started magazine inspection machine, control of the exploitation converter, exhaust gas analysis. The magazine is filled with the specific instructions of the equipment. Procedure for filling the magazine set chief engineer organization.
9.16. During the operation of the machine with the engine carried the following control over its technical condition:
a) before the beginning of every shift of the driver checks the technical condition of the car (with the assaying of individual devices). Test results are logged. If any safety devices work, is defective, the machine is prohibited to operate;
b) at least once a week mechanic area or on behalf of another person who has the appropriate qualifications, produces technical inspection of each machine working on the site. The car has not passed a weekly routine inspection, operate prohibited.
Note. Specified in paragraph “a” of every shift inspection machines for the transport of persons, should be made a face Technical Supervision. On admission the machine to transport people must be recorded in the log.
9.17. For use in the mine of each type (brand) vehicles with internal combustion engines must be authorized by local Gosgortechnadzor. Permission is granted on presentation of information about the organization of this type of machines under (brand) and their operating conditions in underground mines present requirements.
9.18. For each type of machines used in underground work must have the following information:
a) changes in all areas of the engine operating modes before and after gas treatment, the amount and the exhaust gas temperature, the concentration and the amount of carbon monoxide therein, oxides of nitrogen, and the solid filtrate aldehydes. These data are presented in the form of graphs or tables;
b) serial domestic brands of fuel allowed for use in the underground operation of the engine;
c) the rules of control and adjustment of the engine, which offers the least harmful exhaust gases;
g) the technical operation of machines, including the order and timing of current and capital repairs and preventive examinations depending on the number of operating hours or mileage in kilometers;
d) User manual converters.
9.19. Self-propelled vehicle shall be equipped with:
a) instruments that are in sight and the driver shows the speed of the machine;
b) audible alarm;
c) an hour meter or mileage in kilometers;
g) lighting fixtures (lights, stop sign, marker signals in width), providing the normal performance of work and safety of people at the same time. Where necessary, the machine must be installed reverse light illumination. Transport vehicle have to be equipped with rear stop lamp that is activated when braking.
Note. Mountain load-haul, haul cars and tractors with a constant speed in each gear, jumbo and other sedentary machines set speed indicators and brake lights are not necessarily.
9.20. In underground conditions allowed the use of diesel fuel with a flash point in closed crucible is not below 50 ° C and a sulfur content of 0.2% by weight.
9.21. The gaps between the outermost part of the vehicle and the wall (bolting) generation or placed in the development of equipment to be taken depending on the purpose and workings of the speed of movement of the machine:
a) openings, intended for transporting rocks, must be made – at least 1.2 m from the passage for persons and 0.5 m – on the opposite side. When the device footpath height of 0.3 m and a width of 0.8 m or device niches through 25 m clearance from the free passage of people can be reduced to 1 m Nishi should get height of 1.8 m, 1.2 m wide , a depth of 0.7 m;
b) in the workings intended for loading rock and its delivery to the development of transport, in the workings of repositories excavated at a speed machines 10 km / h and with the exclusion of the possibility of finding such workings of people without work-related machines – at least 600 mm on each side.
Note. In all cases, the free passage height of the whole production width should be at least 1.8 meters from the soil excavation.
At the beginning of excavation for which the motion of self-propelled vehicles pass people is not provided, shall be posted prohibiting signs illuminated.
9.22. In underground conditions are allowed to use engines, the exhaust gases which in any mode permitted concentration of harmful components does not exceed the values given in Table. 4.
The content by volume%
before scrubbing
after scrubbing
Carbon monoxide |
Oxides of nitrogen in terms of NO 2 |
Aldehydes, based on acrolein |
1. Indicators to gas cleaning during operation are not checked and are only for the manufacturers.
2. Opacity is determined by the method of GOST 21293-75 and free acceleration factor “K” should not exceed 40%.
3. Carbon monoxide should be determined at a temperature of exhaust gas catalytic converter for not less than 250 ° C.
9.23. In production, where machines are running with the engine, must be supplied fresh air in an amount to decrease the concentration of harmful exhaust products in the mine atmosphere to sanitary standards, but not less than 5 m
/ min for 1 liter. s. nominal capacity of diesel engines and 6 m
/ min – rated power of gasoline engines.
9.24. All cars with a diesel engine must be equipped with two-stage exhaust gas cleaning system (catalytic and liquid), and the machine with petrol engines – catalytic converters.
On machines with diesel engine operated at low temperatures, allows only catalytic converters.
9.25. During operation, the composition of each of the undiluted exhaust gas of the diesel engine is checked after scrubbing idling at least once a month for carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides.
Machines that emit harmful gases in concentrations exceeding the maximum allowable shall be removed from service. Analysis of exhaust gases must be performed before operating the engine in underground conditions, after each repair, engine adjustments or long (more than two weeks) recess and during refueling of a new brand.
Analyses of nitrogen oxides must be done by “Method of determination of the total content of nitrogen oxides in the exhaust gases of internal combustion engines,” on the other gases – by methods adopted VGSCH.
9.26. Composition of the mine atmosphere at key locations of machines with internal combustion engines shall be determined on carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen (in the cabin) at least once a month. At each point in the period of the greatest number of vehicles shown in at least two samples with an interval of 5 min.
9.27. Do not operate the machine with the engine in dead mines, hazardous gas and dust.
9.28. Prohibited device in underground garages and warehouses lubricants.
9.29. Adjusting the engine on the machines in operation, must be carried out in specially designated for this purpose workings. Exhaust gases during the adjustment must be discharged directly to the outgoing stream.
9.30. On the device to regulate the fuel equipment must be installed seals ensure that none received the maximum cycle fuel injection timing and angle. The seal is placed face for causing the machine to operate.
Upon completion of scheduled maintenance and inspection of the engine seals and labeling of fuel equipment should be restored. Upon detection of violations of the seal and marking engine fuel equipment must be removed from service and sent to the control check adjustments.
9.31. Cars with petrol engines can be used only on fresh arrival in the jet without stub generation. As fuel gasoline vehicles should be used gasoline with an octane rating of at least 72. Use of leaded gasoline is prohibited.
9.32. Never use gasoline in underground work for any purpose other than fueling vehicles.
9.33. Carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides in the exhaust gases of gasoline engine cars before and after the converter controlled prior to admission to the underground workings, as well as during operation in underground conditions within the time specified in paragraph 9.25.
Checking the engine is idling, for uniform motion with partial engine load and uniform motion with a full load of the engine.
9.34. Car engines operating in underground conditions must meet the following requirements:
carbon monoxide content of the exhaust gases in the selection of the sample to the neutralizer should not exceed:
2.8% – with the engine idling;
1.2% – in the uniform motion of a vehicle with partial engine load (throttle is not fully open);
4.5% – in the uniform motion of the car with a full load of the engine.
9.35. After adjustment of the fuel equipment and adjustable ignition system bodies (the needle position of the main dosing system, the idle screw and distributor) are fixed so as to prevent any violation of regulation by outsiders, and sealed.
9.36. Neutralization of exhaust gases imposed on automobiles, must be effective in achieving the exhaust gas temperature of 300 ° C at the inlet to 70%.
9.37. The work of each machine must be considered in kilometers or duty hours. After every 250 hours of engine operation or 2500 km should be performed preventative maintenance to the extent provided by the manufacturer.
After 2600 hours of operation, the engine is removed from the machine, regardless of its technical condition. Lifetime overhauled engine – 1600 hrs
9.38. Neutralizer drive installed instead of the muffler.
10. Pumping
10.1. For each object of underground construction project should be provided the means and methods with the definition of drainage main parameters, precinct (intermediate) and downhole drainage installations.
10.2. Camera main drainage installation shall be located not more than 10 m from the trunk. Gender pumping chambers must beat above haulage ways at least 0.5 m
In the pumping chambers should be tools for assembly, disassembly and repair.
10.3. Main drainage installations shall be equipped with at least three pump units (groups of pumps) at the rate of one – in the second – in reserve, the third – to repair. Working units should ensure maximum daily inflow pumping for 20 hours
When two or more operating units in the group total number of units in reserve and repair should not be less than the number of operating units.
When shaft sinking regardless of water flow is allowed to use a false pump with obligatory presence of a standby pump on the surface near the trunk.
In the intermediate pump stations and drainage downhole pumps amount determined by the project of the works.
During the construction of utility tunnels allowed to produce pumping water directly from sumps trunks without special camera device. When this drainage installations can be equipped with one pump unit, in consultation with the regional body Gosgortechnadzor Russia.
10.4. Each of the main drainage pumping units must be equipped with a pressure gauge, ammeter and voltmeter.
10.5. All major dewatering equipment shall be equipped with a water level alarms with a signal at the point of finding permanent staff on duty. In operation, the main non-automated drainage installations shall be provided four-hour duty staff.
10.6. Main drainage installations shall be equipped with at least two of the drainage pipes, one of which is redundant. Working piping must be designed for the issuance of the mine daily inflow of water for no more than 20 hours Reserve pipes must have a cross section of the pipeline workers.
When two or more units of the total number of workers becoming drainage must be at least three.
10.7. Pressure pipes in the pumping chamber of the main drainage shall be electrically connected and equipped with valves so that each pump unit could run on any of the drainage pipe.
10.8. In the main chamber drainage should be working and emergency lighting, fire protection and posted: manual pumping systems, piping diagram labeled valves and gates, power supply circuit.
10.9. All dewatering equipment shall be inspected daily mechanic area or a designated person, the main drainage installations, in addition, at least once a week – as a chief mechanic organization. The results of the inspection shall be entered in the “Book of inspection drainage installations” (Appendix 16).
10.10. Water from the workings of faces should be given in the ditches, gutters or pipes into the main drainage cisterns or auxiliary pumping systems. Dimensions drainage devices must be designed for the maximum expected inflow. Flooding decking and haul routes is prohibited.
All water taking device and cisterns must be cleaned regularly.
10.11. In dead-end roadways used by pumping chambers, with their length of 10 meters should be forced ventilation.
10.12. Each facility must be carried out regularly, but not less than once every six months, mine water inflow measurements and chemical analysis.
11.1.1. For the electrical installations on the surface claim existing Regulations for Electrical and Regulations for the Operation of electrical installations and safety rules for the operation of electrical consumers. These rules are mandatory for underground electrical installations, if they do not contradict this Regulation.
11.1.2. Organizations should be established service commissioning of electrical equipment, communications and automatic isolation control cable networks, which during the construction period shall adjustment and control of good and safe operation of electrical equipment, communications and automatic isolation control cable networks.
11.1.3. Electrotechnical staff serving the power plant on the construction of subways and tunnels must have a qualifying group of safety not less than III for units with electrical voltage to
1000 V and below IV – for installations with electrical voltage above 1000 V.
11.1.4. For power supply for construction of tunnels and underground substations should be used indoor and outdoor.
Reliability of external power substation project object should be determined depending on the method of construction, hydrogeological and other conditions and should not be taken below the Category II according to the SAE.
Reliability of supply from the substation electroreceivers object must be taken according to current recommendations for designing and apparatus temporary electricity in the construction of subways and tunnels, with electricity the most critical groups electroreceivers: mine hoist, drainage, dewatering systems, the main fan installation, lighting workings and low pressure compressor units when working in caissons must be carried out by two independent power sources.
Allowed the construction of electricity utility tunnels with a degree of reliability for Category III, if electrical power interruptions cause no threat to the security of employees, as mining and the environment. If necessary, improving the reliability of power supply may be used as a backup power supply mobile power.
11.1.5. In the underground workings in the construction of subways and tunnels should use insulated neutral transformers and generators. Exceptions are special transformers designed for power conversion devices contact locomotive haulage.
11.1.6. During the construction of sewer tunnels in cities, where possible from existing electricity substations, electricity is allowed for the use of underground electrical networks with earthed neutral supply transformers under the following technical measures:
a) protection of the trunk and branches to the current-short circuit should be instantaneous automata responding to current overload in any phase. Setting current release machine should correspond to the upper limit of the operating current of the protected area network;
b) monitoring the condition of the insulation and the current collectors networks should be carried out using high-speed (0.05 in) Protective isolating device (30 UP, AK-2443) to the setting leakage current less than 0.01 amps;
c) the presence in all branches of the main line re-grounding neutral conductors cables.
The resistance value of each of the current spreading repeated grounding devices must be no more than 2 ohms;
g) conduct before starting work and periodically once every three months insulation resistance measurements of electric and current collectors, re-resistance grounding devices, loop impedance “phase-zero” design with results protocols supporting electrical work;
d) to protect people from electric shock when a voltage on a piece of equipment not normally energized, must be done in conjunction with the vanishing of the protective tripping device (ZOUP) and circuit-breakers with overcurrent protection (cut-off).
Time off the damaged part of the network should not exceed 0.2 seconds.
Action (operation) protective disconnection device (ZOUP) button must be checked before each shift. Checking ZOUP during his trip should be done at least once every 6 months;
f) maintenance of blasting in underground mine using electric detonators must be made during a power outage.
11.1.7. In electrical networks, voltage up to 1140 V with isolated neutral to protect people should use protective grounding and continuous automatic monitoring of network isolation with the action to disable the damaged network and signal separately for each working face, generation. Total breaking time network section with damaged insulation should not exceed 0.2 s at a voltage of 660 V and 0.12 s – with voltage 1140 V.
11.1.8. Checks of vehicles insulation monitors and disconnecting devices are:
- Electrical mechanic on duty every shift;
- Daily responsible for the electrical portion;
- Once a week, chief energy organization.
The verification results shall be recorded in the “Book of records verifying operation of electrical insulation monitors and electricity” (Appendix 18).
During the construction of utility tunnels checks of insulation monitoring devices and isolating device is made at least 1 time per week as an electrician and a tunnel section chief energy company at least 1 time in 3 months.
11.1.9. Electricity consumers terrestrial (HLG, lifting equipment, dewatering, compressor installations, temporary facilities and on-site lighting, electricity works on development of building sites) allowed networks of up to 1000 V with earthed neutral. Protection of persons against electric shock should be performing vanishing.
11.1.10. Each building plot (object) must have:
- Schematic diagram of the executive power supply;
- Executive layout electrical schematic plan applied to the mine workings;
- Circuit grounding device;
- “Book of records verifying operation of electrical insulation monitors and electricity”;
- “Book of electrical insulation resistance test and elekrosetey” (Annex 19);
- “Book of accounting checks electrical grounding” (Annex 20);
- Journal of issuing protective equipment for individual use;
- Online magazine.
Operational technical documentation is, adjusts and stores responsible for the electrical portion (object).
All changes must be made in electrical circuits to the appropriate urgency.
11.1.11. At each start-up dispenser must be clearly marked to indicate includes the installation or network, as well as setting tripping the overcurrent protection or the rated current of fuse-links.
Prohibited the use of fuses without cartridges and uncalibrated fusible links.
11.1.12. During the construction of subways and tunnels are allowed to use the following electrical network:
- For power loads – three-phase AC line voltage insulated neutral 380, 660 and 1140, inclusive;
- For contact locomotive haulage – DC voltage up to 300 inclusive;
- Remote control for mobile mining equipment and machinery – AC voltage to 42 inclusive;
- For structures on the surface – in accordance with the EMP and specifications supply organization to join loads and construction mechanization.
To supply some powerful electric energy receivers, mobile substations and transformers installed in mines, application of electrical cabling systems with insulated neutral in the underground environment variable voltage up to 10 kV. Project should be made to protect such networks from short circuit and earth leakage.
11.1.13. Transmission and distribution of electrical energy in underground cables must be used with shells, a protective cover or mastic coatings and flame retardant.
11.1.14. During the construction period should apply the following cables with shells and the protective cover and flame retardant:
- For installation on horizontal and oblique (45 °) workings – armored cables in the lead, aluminum or PVC sheath;
- For installation on vertical and sloping (over 45 °) workings – power and control cables with wire armor in the lead, aluminum or PVC sheath with depleted or nestekayuschey impregnated insulation.
Permitted to supply mobile machinery, as well as portable consumer voltage up to 660 V inclusive application hose cables.
You can use non-armored cables with non-combustible insulation pads provided they avoid damage when coming off the rolling stock, as well as the machines are running.
11.1.15. At the end razdelok all cables and electrical service must be posted raspredpunktah tag indicating the value, brand and cable cross-section.
Prohibited from joining cable cores to the terminals of transformers, motors and machines without tips, special crown (vane) washers or other equivalent devices to prevent the dismemberment of the strands of the cable.
Prohibited from joining multiple cores cables to one terminal (starter, transformer, etc.), if the clip design such a device is not provided.
Connect the flexible armored cable in power circuits should be connected via terminals unit (starter machine) and permitted by bus or boxes couplings prefabrication.
11.1.16. In mines, hazardous gas or dust, prohibits the use of cables with aluminum conductors and aluminum cladding.
11.1.17. In underground electrical network voltage up to 110 V should be protection:
a) transformers and each of them joining the exhaust short circuit – breakers with overcurrent protection or fuse link;
b) the supply of electric motors and their cables short circuit, overload, zero;
c) electrical network from dangerous ground leakage currents – breakers complete with current leakage relay electrically connected to the entire network. The total length of the network cable must not exceed 3 km.
Setting value of current relay overcurrent circuit breakers should be calculated and indicated in the diagram of power supply section.
11.1.18. Flex cable, mobile feeding mechanism (loader, excavator, shuttle car, etc.), should be suspended. Adjacent to the car part hose cable can be laid on the ground for no more than 30 m in compliance with measures to prevent the risk of damage. At the end of the mobile mechanism of the cable must be unplugged.On flexible rubber cables for mobile machinery allowed to have no more than four vulcanized schalok for every 100 m cable length.
11.1.19. Do not hold flexible cables under tension as “bays” and “eights”. This requirement does not apply to the case when the performance conditions mining and construction machines (stackers, suspended pumps, etc.) provides a flexible supply cable on a special device or trolley.
11.1.20. Cables laid in horizontal and inclined workings with temporary supports with up to 45 °, should be hung loosely, with sag and placed at such a height as to prevent damage to cables moving machinery and vehicles. Span suspension cable should be no more than 3 m, and the distance between the cables – at least 5 cm
11.1.21. Cables installed in inclined workings with an angle of 45 ° to 85 °, must be rigidly fixed by clamps, staples or other devices, unloading cable from the action of its own weight. Support spacing should not exceed 3 meters
11.1.22. Cables installed in vertical and inclined workings with an angle greater than 85 °, should have a rigid mount. Distance between places of fastening of the cable must not be more than 7 m
11.1.23. Cables installed on the well, must be attached to a steel cable using the securing devices, unloading cable from its own weight, the design of which is determined by the project.
11.1.24. Electrical wiring on the scaffolding, scaffolding must be made flexible cable or wire hose.
11.1.25. Apply uninsulated wires for electrical power and lighting networks in underground mines are not allowed.
Prohibited joint cabling and ventilation rubber pipes. The latter should be laid on the opposite side of the excavation.
11.1.26. Allowed connection between a flexible cables requiring disconnection during operation via plug sockets. At the same box with contact sockets (female) must be installed on the supply side of electricity. Plug couplings must have the electric lock, eliminating cable connection or disconnection under stress.
Mass coupling should not be transmitted to the cable.
11.2.1. In underground mines, no hazardous gas and dust should be applied electrical machines, transformers and equipment in the performance specified in Table 5.
Type of electrical |
Zone placement of electrical
on the surface
in dry openings, tunnels staked with lining, ruddvorah and workings near barrel
in wet roadways and tunnels with nezachekanennoy lining of
at the bottom and bottom zone
on tunneling machines and mechanisms
Lighting transformers |
Electric |
Cabinets and assembly |
Freestanding magnetic starters |
Lighting |
11.2.2. In underground mines, hazardous gas (methane, hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, gasoline fumes, etc.) and dust shall apply explosion-proof electrical equipment.
11.2.3. In use in underground workings power and lighting transformers and switching equipment containing oil, is prohibited (except for high-cell explosion proof).
Application of oil-filled transformers or electrical equipment may be permitted provided that they are located in fireproof chambers with lockable doors and under each oil-filled unit with the amount of oil over 75 kg provided the weep holes with gravel cushion.
11.2.4. At least once a quarter should be made insulation resistance and electrical power grids. Insulation resistance measurement results needed to be inserted in the “Book of accounting test the insulation of electrical equipment and power grids.” Any faults in the electrical insulation of electrical equipment and power grids must be repaired immediately.
11.3. UNDERGROUND central distribution point
11.3.1. Camera electrical installations should be placed in a special formulation, adjacent to pit bottom. Allowed if the dimensions allow the device in accordance with the project mezzanine type cameras on the ceiling in the pit bottom.
The cells are longer than 10 m should be two exits located in the most far-flung parts of the camera.
Camera electrical installations should be made of non-combustible materials.
During the construction of utility tunnels camera electrical installations and distribution centers are located in areas of special non-combustible surface.
11.3.2. Floor level cameras switchgear and transformer substations adjacent to the pit bottom, should be above the level of the rail head at least 0.5 m
11.3.3. Chamber must be closed metal doors opening outwards and do not interfere with the movement in the open position to develop.
Solid metal doors must be fitted with vents close when the need to stop access of air into the chamber.
Allowed to arrange metal lattice doors with additional solid doors. These door and vent windows (holes) of the chamber must be closed in case of fire.
11.3.4. Doors, where there is no constant attendants should lockable.
Live parts of the switchgear, Shitov assemblies available for neelektrotehnicheskogo personnel must be protected by solid fences.
11.3.5. Log into the camera electrical distribution board is permitted only attendants. At the entrance to the chamber must be posted warning sign “No Trespassing.”
11.3.6. The floors in the chambers before electricity distribution switchboard and behind it the entire length of the shield should be covered:
- At up to 380 inclusive – wooden bars on insulators or insulating mats,
- At a voltage exceeding 380 V – wooden bars on insulators, additionally coated insulating mats.
11.3.7. Passages behind and in front switchgear must be a minimum of 1 m
Bare live parts that are above the passageway at a height of less than 2.5 m, should be protected by solid mesh or mixed species barriers.
11.3.8. In the approach of transport and temporary lifting mines high power transformers should be installed under the project with special niches lining of concrete or metal.
11.4.1. At the construction site should arrange general earthing network to which you want to attach all be grounded objects and local grounding. Overall earthing network shall have a continuous electrical connection.
Grounding metal parts subject to electrical devices, normally energized, but which may become live in the event of damage to the insulation and metal pipes, signal cables, etc., located in excavations in which there are electrical installation and wiring. These requirements do not apply to the metal lining, with dead rails, as well as the suspension of pipes, cables.
As a conductor connecting the local grounding should be used steel armor and lead sheath of armored cables or other conductors.
The total resistance of the earthing network, measured in the most remote places on earth electrode shall not exceed two ohms. In case of excess of the quantity necessary to arrange re-grounders. As the main earthing used ground loop QFT CSGN; repeated as earthing can be used earthing hosted in sump sump and local grounding.
11.4.2. Ground Position (group of settings) should be achieved by earthing and grounding conductors. As earthing must be used in mines, steel sheets measuring at least 0.75 m 2 , a thickness of not less than 5 mm, placed in the sump or the sump and steel pipes with a diameter of 50 mm and a length of not less than 2 m, placed in the drilled hole a depth of not less than 1.5 m may be used as an earthing metal tunnel lining and in this case it must be connected to the grounding obscheshahtnoy network.
Subject to ground must join separate grounding conductor cross-section of steel not less than 50 mm
(copper not less than 25 mm
) directly to earth ground or to a collection ground conductor (bus loop). In the latter case the prefabricated drain wires, in turn, must be connected to ground by means of metal strips or cable section not less than 50 mm
Earthing should be connected to the grid grounding conductors of the same cross section.
11.4.3. Ground loop in the chamber for electric traction substation contact haulage except joining the local earth ground and obscheshahtnoy grounding network must be connected to the current-carrying rails used as a reverse catenary wire, or rails connected to negative pole of a direct current (rectifier unit).
In addition, the traction substation for electric contact reversion to the network ground should join the live rails, used as a reverse catenary wires.
11.4.4. Grounding electrical DC in close proximity to the rails, should be carried out by a reliable connection to the grounding design rails used as a reverse catenary wires.
11.4.5. The metal shell and the grounding conductor DC cable must be electrically grounded on only one side by means of their attachment to the negative pole of the rectifier unit. Bilateral ground shells and grounding lived DC cables are not allowed.
11.4.7. Ground mobile and portable electrical equipment connected to the mains flexible cable connection must be effected by equipment enclosures with obscheshahtnoy network grounding grounding lived through flexible cables to be connected to the internal ground terminal provided in the cable entries.
11.4.8. In the construction of tunnels with metal lining of electrical, devices, machines and mechanisms can be grounded on the lining. In this case, the metal lining should be an integral part obscheshahtnoy grounding device.
11.4.9. During the construction of the tunnels team block or monolithic concrete lining must be installed assembly grounding conductor (circuit).
May be used as a ground loop rail track with ground all along the way. The distance between the ground points determined by calculation.
11.4.10. Ground network of production facilities on the surface, freezing stations, dewatering facilities, workshops, etc. must be connected to protective earthing of substations, power stations or other earth electrodes. In installations up to 1 kV neutral to earth should be made vanishing. And the resistance of the grounding device to which are attached neutral transformers, generators at line voltage of 380 V, should be less than 4 ohms.
11.4.11. In the construction of tunnels open pit earthing grounding circuit can serve electrosubstations or hammered into the ground metal mounting piles of excavation, etc., if the measured ground resistance metal piles will be no more than 1.25 ohms.
11.4.12. Grounding conductors must be available for inspection and protected from mechanical damage and corrosion.
11.4.13. After each repair of electrical equipment and electric check the operation of their grounding devices.
11.5. Electric welding and flame WORK
11.5.1. When carrying out electric and gas-flame operations necessary to fulfill the requirements of the SNP and these Rules. Work must be performed in accordance with the Regulations for the production of welding and other hot work in underground mines and pithead (Appendix 6).
11.5.2. When performing electrical welding work in flooded roadways with nezachekanennoy lining of all electric welding unit with AC power source must be equipped with automatic removal of the open circuit voltage or limit it to 12 with a time delay of not more than 0.5.
11.6.1. When operating manual electric tools necessary to perform the requirements of the PTE and PTB.
11.6.2. In workings constructed with nezachekanennoy lining of food for manual electric machines and tools (drills, hammers, power saws, etc.) should be applied voltage (linear) not more than 127 V.
11.7.1. Each mine must be equipped with telephones. All telephone lines underground in the mines shall be of dual operating voltage not exceeding 80 V.
Excavation utility tunnels longer than 0.3 km should be in the presence of local telephone communication with the construction site slaughter.
Construction sites, having in its composition administrative buildings should be equipped with an external telephone lines with access to the PBX.
When the timing of construction of up to 6 months may be the lack of telephone communication on construction sites, provided they are at a distance less than 1 km from the other building sites with a telephone, or in the presence of a phone booth in a radius of 0.5 km. Inability to fulfill these conditions to be equipped with a radio system.
11.7.2. Telephones must be installed at main haulage and transport of goods, in all-electric cells with on-duty personnel, chambers main drainage installations, the trunk, the VM in stock, in the infirmary, as well as at the locations provided emergency response plans.
11.7.3. Food equipment underground telephone must be done with a linear voltage not exceeding 220 V from the lighting network and rectifying devices or batteries.
11.7.4. Communication lines in underground workings must be met:
- Main lines – cables with rubber, PVC or lead sheathed. Lead sheathed cables should have the armor;
- Subscriber (distribution) lines – cables with a rubber or PVC jacket. Perform field wiring lines is allowed only in the workings, not hazardous gas and dust.
11.7.5. Laying of communication cables should be carried out on the side of underground excavation, free from the power cables, and in failing to meet this requirement – at a distance of not less than 0.2 m from the power cables.
11.8.1. When the device, operation and maintenance of lighting systems in underground mines and open construction sites must comply with the requirements of the SNP and these Rules.
11.8.2. Network operating and emergency lighting should be separate. Fixtures emergency and evacuation lighting can have a network and must be attached to a separate independent power supply or automatically switch to it in emergency mode.
During the construction of utility tunnels allowed to use in underground workings single network operating and emergency lighting with two independent power sources.
11.8.3. Lighting should be executed in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (Table 5 § 11.2.1).
Types of lighting and light sources should be selected in accordance with the recommendations of the Guide for the lighting of underground workings and open construction sites during the construction of subways and tunnels.
11.8.4. In lighting networks is permitted to use a voltage not exceeding 220 V. For lighting faces in flooded mines, as well as tunneling machines and mechanisms (boards, pavers tunnel lining, mobile metal scaffolding, drilling installations and units, etc.) and non-stationary (hanging, floor and table) voltage lighting fixtures networks should not be higher than 42 V. Move unsteady lamps permitted only after disconnecting them from the network. For handheld portable lamps permitted voltage not exceeding 12 V.
11.8.5. In an emergency (evacuation) lighting in mines allowed to use headphones or manual battery and other fixtures for personal use, provided that each descended into mines such lamp.
Approved as several evacuation lighting, but at least two lamps on the team.
11.8.6. Each accumulator should be provided with a lamp room, a head lamp, moreover, must be secured for workers.
Rechargeable lamps issued workers should ensure the normal duration of continuous burning at least 10 hours.
11.8.7. At each organization using individual rechargeable lamps, lamp shall be arranged.
Lamp for rechargeable lamps, except for the premises for storing them, must also have space:
- For dismantling and cleaning lamps;
- To prepare the electrolyte and fill the batteries;
- For storing electrolyte;
- For battery charging;
- For rectifiers;
- Ancillary facilities (workshops, pantries, etc.).
Design and operation of lamp shall be in accordance with the requirements of SAE, PTE and PTB.
During the construction of utility tunnels premises tube device required for storage, battery charging and maintenance of lamps shall be in accordance with the project.
11.8.8. In underground mining, tunneling to the machinery on construction sites should be organized regularly monitor light.
11.8.9. Installation and cleaning fixtures, changing blown bulbs and repairs must be performed by a network electricians with de-energized.
11/08/10. For illumination of warning posters allowed to use the DC voltage of the trolley wire. Attach the cables to the contact wire you need to use special clamps, and the rail – via a bolt and washer. Section of the cable from the rail to the side walls of development and the wall to the height of the rolling stock must be protected pipe.
12.1. On all construction sites of underground facilities monitor the implementation of the established requirements for fire safety provided VGSCH units.
Authorities carried out a legally on these sites monitor the implementation of fire safety requirements of building regulations in the projects of these objects and in the process of acceptance into service.
12.2. Fire protection excavations shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Instructions for fire protection in mining construction of subways, tunnels and other underground structures (Appendix 7).
Fire protection of underground construction and implemented in accordance with the draft fire Shiites approved by Chief Engineer and approved by the regional authorities and VGSCH Gosgortechnadzor Russia.
12.3. For each object of underground construction project must be drafted fire protection as part of the project construction organization.
12.4. Each underground construction must be ensured by means of fire prevention devices and fire in accordance with the approved design of fire protection.
Prohibited conduct works on objects that are not equipped with fire devices and do not provide a set of fire-fighting equipment.
12.5. Order of the organization must be assigned to the person responsible for fire safety of underground workings and construction site.
Responsibility for the state fire safety jobs lies with the workers who perform work on them. In the case of joint work of several organizations responsible for fire safety shall be general contractor. Ensuring subcontractor fire means entrusted to general contractor.
12.6. All the workers, engineers and technicians should be aware of how to fire alarm, call VGSCH units and trained how to behave during a fire, self-rescue and fire extinguishing tools available (PLA).
12.7. Any person who discovers a fire, or the appearance of any signs of a fire, shall immediately notify the person of technical supervision or management of the organization.
12.8. All buildings and structures on the surface of the construction site shall comply with the fire protection industry, and the building immediately adjacent to the mouth of the tunnel, and the mouth of the tunnel lining shall be constructed of non-combustible materials.
12.9. The whole territory near the mouth of the tunnel (trunk) before the construction of surface facilities shall be in accordance with the draft cleared of forest, shrub, peat and other vegetation, and combustible materials.
12.10. Never place the warehouses of fuels and lubricants, fuel dumps and spontaneously combustible rocks and boiler slag closer than 100 m from the mouth of the tunnel (the trunk). These stores must be located in accordance with the project, subject to the prevailing wind direction.
12.11. Do not store timber and other combustible materials in underground mines, clutter and clutter the aisles used wood. In the mines in the vicinity of the place of work must only be stored emergency supply timber and materials necessary to perform the work.
12.12. Do not store in the underground workings of fresh and spent fuel and lubricants, oxygen cylinders, acetylene and other flammable gases in excess of requirements necessary to perform the work defined by PPR.
12.13. Lubricants must be delivered to the place of work in the metal fitting container. Cleaning materials may be transported to the work site and stored there for a change in metal boxes with lids in an amount not exceeding the replacement needs. Used cleaning materials should be disposed of every shift mining in closed metal boxes.
12.14. Washed and cleaned and drill hammers in underground mines is permitted only in specially constructed chambers, fixed supports from non-combustible materials, equipped with metal doors and unfunded fire and ventilation.
12.15. Elektrokamery in underground workings must be provided with carbon dioxide fire extinguisher.
12.16. Hot work in underground workings must be conducted in accordance with the Regulations for the production of welding and other hot work in underground mines and pithead (Appendix 6).
12.7. Work to eliminate fires in underground workings must be performed in accordance with the emergency plan.
12.18. By reducing and other works are allowed to start only after the fire is completely extinguished, development and ventilated analysis showed no in mine air toxic gases.
13. Sanitary SOFTWARE
13.1. Prior to the start of production of major works on the construction of underground facilities in accordance with the construction project should be completed all work on:
a) the construction and equipment of sanitary facilities;
b) installation and commissioning of the ventilation system for ventilation of mine workings;
c) providing technical facility and drinking water, the organization of temporary drains.
13.2. Distance from ablutions (SBP) to the shaft or portal shall not exceed 200 m
Permitted location sled mining domestic premises at the base site. This should be ensured delivery workers at construction sites in their distance from the base of the mine over a distance of 1 km.
13.3. As part of SBP should be provided and equipped with:
a) walk-in closets for storing everyday wear;
b) walk-in closets for clothing;
c) showers;
g) washrooms in a separate room or in the dressing room;
d) space for women’s personal hygiene;
e) fotary transmission type and group inhalation;
g) space for drying towels and clothing;
h) the restrooms;
and) separating the device for operating drinking water.
13.4. The internal layout of SBP should exclude mixing streams of working in everyday and working clothes.
13.5. SBP should have forced-air ventilation, heating, sanitation and centrally supplied with hot and cold water at the rate of 500 liters per hour per shower grid.
Sourcing SBP hot and cold water are determined by the PIC.
13.6. Cranes with mixing devices should be placed side cockpit and have clear signs of cold and hot water. Pipes that lead the hot water should be insulated or fencing to a height of 2 m above the floor.
13.7 The floors in the shower, washroom, bathroom feminine hygiene, dressing room, laundry room, dressing room, storage room overalls should be water-resistant non-slip surface having a slope to the ramp for water drainage.
In the locker rooms and showers, moreover, must be laid grooved rubber or plastic mats legkomoyuschiesya.
13.8. From the dressing rooms everyday and working clothes should be provided separate entrances into the shower.
Log in SBP from the construction site must be equipped with a device for cleaning boots.
13.9. Size of the room for drying clothes and shoes, its capacity should provide reliable drying at maximum load during a break between shifts at work.
13.10. As part of SBP should provide space for dedusting clothing, footwear repair, laundry or dry cleaning with separate facilities for collecting and issuing scrubbing dirty clothes.
Overalls, contaminated with lead, dinitrophenol, other harmful substances must be decontaminated beforehand.
13.11. Storage space for special and casual wear should be equipped with individual lockers.
In some cases, permitted storage group overalls on the shoulders.
13.12. At the work site all workers, engineers and technicians engaged both on the surface and in the subsurface conditions should be provided with potable water that meets the requirements of current GOST.
Employees serving drinking water, must undergo a medical examination on a quarterly basis.
13.13. In the faces remote from the portal trunk or more than 500 m must be set first aid kit with medicines for emergency care, as well as skid-type stretcher with a solid bed of allowing transport the victim directly to the surface.
Supervision of the availability and condition of kits and stretchers laid on duty paramedic, and in his absence – the chief of the area.
13.14. Every single object underground construction must have medical center, equipped with all means of communication production sites and the nearest medical institutions, with the obligatory medical staff around the clock.
13.15. All workers should be trained and have practical skills of first aid and transportation of accident victims.
13.16. For transporting the injured or ill at work in the infirmary of the hospital organization that is not served by specialized ambulances, should have an ambulance, which in the winter should be additionally equipped with warm clothing and blankets.
When the number of employees over 1000 people – two cars.
13.17. Each worker and engineering workers engaged in construction of underground facilities shall be provided in accordance with standard rules and trained in the use of special clothing, footwear and personal protection equipment (PPE).
Those without helmets, clothing, footwear and PPE, as well as deviating from their use, the work should not be done.
13.18. All working directly on machines, with hand tools, which generate higher noise levels, as well as persons in them at a distance of less than 50 m in length shall be provided with additional means of personal hearing protection (antiphons, earplugs or headphones).
13.19. Workers serving machinery, generating higher levels of vibration, vibration-proof must be provided with special gloves and shoes on anti-vibration soles.
13.20. Drying and dedusting overalls must be performed after each work shift, laundry or dry cleaning – as necessary, but not less than once a month.
13.21. For storage, issuance and maintenance of respirators in the organization should be created respirator.
Change filters in them should be done when the resistance of 10 mm water column on a standard air flow.
13.22. At the construction of underground structures in all areas of dust must be taken effective measures to their localization and reduce dust levels to the level of air pollution existing sanitary norms.
13.23. Organization is obliged to determine in advance in a specialized laboratory composition of dust generated in the working area for process and establish indicators MPC dust and rock faces silikozoopasnye (output) depending on the content of free silica (Table 6).
13.24. In areas of dust must be regularly sampled air in accordance with the Regulations for air sampling (Appendix 4). The results are recorded in the “Book of accounting results of analyzes of samples of air and dust gassed” (Appendix 17).
In silikozoopasnyh faces such measurements must be made at least twice a month.
Characteristics of dust
TC, mg / m 3
Dust containing more than 70% of free SiO 2 |
Dust containing from 10 to 70% SiO 2 |
Dust containing less than 10% SiO 2 |
Cement dust, clay, minerals and mixtures containing no free SiO 2 |
13.25. To protect your face and hands of workers from exposure to hazardous substances, as well as the blood-sucking insects, it is necessary to issue special ointments, creams, sprays and repellents.
13.26. At a distance of 75 m from the work site for the construction of underground structures shall be equipped with temporary heating working items, shelter from rain and solar radiation.
In autumn and winter they must be supported by the air temperature +24 ± 2 ° C.
13.27. With work in the area of frozen soil must:
a) a set of overalls working to include underwear, sweater, overalls, padded pants, padded jacket, canvas boots, a hat under the helmet;
b) in paragraph heating additionally mount heaters hand with surface temperature +40 ± 2 ° C or elektropolotentsa;
c) every 40 minutes to provide operating manual Percussive breaks of up to 15 min.
13.28. In underground mines during the construction project should be provided for the construction of temporary latrines, conforming to sanitary standards. They must be placed in dry excavations isolated from groundwater.
13.29. Each organization should have a set of tools and instruments necessary for the operational control of working conditions in the workplace.
Control over labor conditions in the workplace can be done on a contractual basis relevant specialized companies and institutions.
14.1. Officials of organizations involved in the construction of subways and underground structures, as well as engineering and technical personnel of institutions engaged in the design, research and other work for organizations involved in the construction, guilty of violation of this Regulation, shall be personally responsible, regardless of whether or not led led a violation of an accident or injury, and are also responsible for violations of this Regulation committed by their subordinates.
14.2. Issuance of any officials instructions or orders, enforcing their subordinates to violate safety rules and instructions to resume work without permission, stopped Gosgortechnadzor, technical labor inspection and other regulatory authorities, as well as officials of the failure of measures to eliminate violations that are allowed in their presence, are gross human rights violations for which they are, depending on the nature of the violation, shall be liable to disciplinary, administrative or judicial procedure.
14.3. Working with non-compliance of safety requirements set out in the instructions for safe working practices should be suspended from work and, depending on the nature of the violations involved in the statutory responsibility in a disciplinary or judicial order.
15 . Conservation utility tunnels and other underground structures
15.1. Preservation built utility tunnels and other underground structures (shafts, wells, etc.) caused by financial, organizational and other reasons, should be carried out usually by enterprises, the construction of objects in accordance with the Project conservation utility tunnels and other underground facilities to be agreed with regional bodies Gosgortechnadzor Russia.
15.2. Draft conservation utility tunnels and other underground structures developed, usually by the enterprise, performed the tunnel project, an underground facility, or other project company under compulsory appropriate license Gosgortechnadzor Russia.
15.3. Conservation project is subject to review, consultation with the relevant services of the city (other settlements, territories), as well as the approval of the authority which approved an initial draft.
15.4. Sooty conservation work but must be taken in full compliance with the regulations by the Ministry of Construction Russian acceptance of the completed construction projects.
15.5. During the entire period of time that has elapsed since the preservation of underground facilities to resume their construction should be carried out surveillance of these structures. Surveillance methods, their frequency, the structure of executive documentation defined conservation project.
15.6. Responsibilities of a range of works by monitoring the state of suspended objects, buildings and the Earth’s surface are assigned to a specific organization. Resolution on conservation of objects can be made relevant local authority.
15.7. The composition and content of the draft conservation utility tunnels and other underground structures should cover the full range of organizational, technical, regulatory, and other solutions that provide bezopasnost environment in the area of accommodation facilities from possible harmful effects of dormant underground structures (underground space, transportation, and other underground utilities, buildings, the earth’s surface, aquifers, etc.).
15.8. Conservation projects of underground facilities must meet the following requirements:
a) be developed only on the basis of a construction company executive documentation, which is passed through the customer (geodesic-Surveying documentation acts on the hidden work, magazine work, as-built drawings of underground structures, etc.);
b) provide an exception of groundwater movement through the tunnels, the trunks of them, as well as soil removal and construction of them, any human access to them when wet conservation options;
c) covering mines, wells of strength, durability and stability must satisfy regulatory requirements Russian Ministry of Construction on the bridges and pipes;
d) contain a naming scheme on the ground track tunnel (trunks, wells, turning points and linear points) with the design of signs that allow to conduct year-round visual observation of the entire band tracks within the boundaries of the possible theoretical trough with soil movement;
d) the technical solutions of underground structures (linings, roof supports, bridges) are performed prior to the stage at which it can not happen Pinch array even in the case of unpredictable emptying (flooding) conserved underground structures;
e) all underground constructions (lining, lining, jumpers, etc.) should be calculated on the perception of the hydrostatic pressure of groundwater to the maximum possible values for those objects. Design should have no lower level of capital adopted the original design decisions;
g) to provide full coverage of all the available time preservation of underground structures, including any passed for the construction of underground structures, wells, pits;
h) the design of conservation land objects should be conducted in accordance with the Ministry of Construction of Russia.
To develop and implement emergency response plans
ON Tunnelling
1. At each site * underground construction plan should be developed emergency response (PLA), regardless of the number of contractors and subcontractors performing work in underground and on the surface.
* An object of underground construction will be understood network of underground workings, ventilation system with a common and shared their exits to the surface, with the adjoining building sites.
In terms of emergency response measures should be provided as quickly as possible to rescue people, measures to eliminate accidents, acts of engineers and workers in the event of accidents, as well as actions VGSCH in the initial stage of an accident.
2. In the PLA must include all species and possible in the specific construction accidents: fires in pithead and underground mines, and flooding zagazirovanie workings breakthrough quicksand, sand, debris in the faces mining, gas explosions and explosives, mining strikes, accidents elevation, damage underground utilities, accidents in caissons, etc.
3. PLA is made chief engineer of the organization * for each half, agreed with the commander VGSCH ** serving the property and approved by the chief engineer of the Construction (union) 15 days before the beginning of the next semester.
* When performing on-site underground construction work by several organizations (contractors, subcontractors) at the same time order the construction management (association), one of the leading organizations assigned (head) in the development of the PLA.
** Here and hereinafter – the commander (platoon).
4. The review and approval of the PLA should be submitted to:
test if the act of reversing devices fan installation skipping inverted air jet in mine workings of the facility;
inspection report emergency measures provided for in the PLA on: fire protection, and state of preparedness of emergency exits, emergency lighting, signaling, communications, security and other self-rescuers
5. Provided in PLA material and technical resources for the implementation of measures to rescue and emergency response must be available, in good condition and in the required quantity.
Checking the status of these funds shall be commander and chief of the site before VGSCH PLA agreement on a new semester.
6. PLA is developed in accordance with the actual situation of the underground workings of the object.
With subsequent changes in ventilation schemes, the location of emergency exits, etc., in the event of non-compliance events PLA actual position of chief engineer of the workings in the daily organization shall submit to the appropriate plan amendments and coordinate them with the commander of the mine rescue.
In the case of non-payment within the specified period of necessary changes in the PLA or detect inconsistencies actual situation in mines PLA commander has the right VGSCH mismatched plan for the whole site or some of its positions.
About PLA commander VGSCH disagreement in writing informs the chief engineer and construction management organization (association), as well as local authority Gosgortechnadzor for them to take the necessary measures.
Responsible for the timely and proper preparation of PLA and its compliance with the actual situation in the mines are the chief engineer and commander of the mine rescue organization, which agreed to this plan.
Responsibility for ensuring the construction material and technical resources necessary for the implementation of measures to rescue and emergency response, shall head the organization, and for their safety on the site – the section chief.
7. The emergency plan should contain:
- Operational part, which will include: activities to save lives and eliminate accidents in the initial period, the responsible persons and the perpetrators of these activities, ways and time to the people of disaster areas and endangered *, routes and assignments for offices VGSCH;
* Land (development) refers to a threatened, if the accident occurred as a result it can be gassy or will be cut out of it.
- The allocation of responsibilities between the individuals involved in the emergency response and the order of their actions;
- The list of officials and agencies that need to be immediately notified of the accident.
8. By the operative part of the PLA must be accompanied by the following documents:
8.1. The scheme of the underground workings and bears her symbols *: a network of underground air ducts and water pipes, locations of fire extinguishers, emergency stock of materials and tools, pumps and water tanks with their performance and capacity, location of fire nuts installed on the water supply, water-resistant jumpers.
* Shown in this manual, the recommended scale specified in Guidelines on preparation of PLA.
8.2. Ventilation plan of underground workings to which the symbols are applied: the type and performance (estimated and actual) main fan installation, direction, air flow, ventilation devices (doors, lintels, metering stations, ventilation ducts, etc.), the amount of air entering in production and slaughter-section excavation, air velocity, the installation location partial ventilation fans with their characteristics, location of the telephone and other means of communication.
8.3. Scheme underground electrical power facility, applied to mining scheme indicating her symbols:
types of electrical equipment and power, power and the lighting networks stating the amount applied voltage, stamps, cable lengths and cross sections, location and types of electricity and protective equipment.
8.4. Site plan with drawing arrangement stems, pits, tunnels and other outcrops and access roads, wells, sinkholes, cracks in the gutters (ravines, etc.), reservoirs and water tanks with their capacity, pumps, pipelines, indicating their diameters, pressure and quantity of water supplied to them and to develop industrial site, hydrants, valves, fire nuts, production and domestic premises, warehouses, etc.
8.5. List of materials, tools, fire fighting equipment and other emergency materials in mines, indicating their locations.
9. SSNs with all applications must be in the organization of the chief engineer, head of the site (at the command post) and the commander of the mine rescue.
An instance of SSNs that are among the chief area of underground construction, must be accompanied by:
- Special forms for admission passes people in the mine workings in the accident:
- Journal of operational emergency response form according to guidelines.
10. PLA should be carefully studied by all the staff and workers of the organization *, as well as the personnel of the mine rescue units.
* When carrying out work on the subject by several organizations (contractors, subcontractors) responsible for the timely briefing on PLA employees of these organizations rests with the organization that is the general contractor (head) in the development of the PLA.
Familiarization with the plan must be executed on receipt.
11. Responsible for the technical supervision of the PLA study rests with the chief engineer, the workers – to the section heads, composition VGSCH – on mine rescue commander.
12. Never allow to work in the underground work of persons who are not familiar with the PLA in part related to their place of work.
The operational part of emergency response plans
13. In the operative part of the PLA each type and location of a possible accident is assigned a number (position).
PLA positions should be developed based on the fact that for a given generation or group workings occur airing the same conditions, the same way out of people and priority actions VGSCH.
14. Of items in the operational part of the PLA must include all possible types of accidents, based on the terms of a specific object of underground construction.
15. In the immediate measures to rescue and emergency response operations of the PLA must be provided:
15.1. Notification methods of accident sites and jobs, the output path of the emergency sections of people, the actions of individual supervision, and call VGSCH route Branch mine rescue to save lives and eliminate accidents.
15.2. Ventilation modes ensuring safe passage of people from the emergency site to the surface and rescue departments access to the crash site, including operation of local ventilation fans, the use of compressed air.
15.3. Mode power supply emergency site and other underground workings (blackout catenary locomotive haulage lighting network, including emergency lighting, etc.).
15.4. Alignment of security posts.
15.5. Ways and means of active struggle with the consequences of the accident occurred in the initial stage.
15.6. Using underground transport for quick evacuation of the emergency site and shipping offices VGSCH to the accident site.
15.7. Location of the command post.
16. Call VGSCH units should be provided for all types of accidents and fires in the pit head buildings and structures, in shafts and other openings, having access to the surface, and also call the fire brigade.
17. In the PLA depending on the location of fire, explosion or sudden release of gas provides for various emergency ventilation modes:
- Normal, which existed prior to the accident;
- Reversible, rollover air flow for all or some of the workings.
18. Reversal of the air flow, as a rule, should be provided for those occasions when there are fires on the incoming stream of air in the pithead, in trunks, near barrel workings and in the adjacent cells.
19. Ways and time to the people of emergency and threatened areas in the operational part of the PLA set for each place of work and in each case an accident, and the route of people from emergency site to the workings of fresh air stream must be specified in detail, and then can only be specified destination where people are displayed. In case of failure O people of disaster area should be used cameras or other produce as temporary shelters where people are included in the self-rescuers, should be before the arrival of rescuers.
Fires, explosions, gas emissions and sudden breakthroughs in mine workings of the water should be provided from the output of all the people on the surface of the mine workings.
20. Installed ventilation modes and choose the output path of people with emergency excavation should, where possible ensure their yield nezagazovannym workings.
21. The procedure for sending VGSCH offices for operational tasks set depending on the location of fire in accordance with the requirements of the Charter VGSCH on organization and conduct rescue work.
In each case, the route branches VGSCH the withdrawal of people and elimination of accidents should be carefully considered the chief engineer and commander of the mine rescue organization based on safe and fast arrival departments to the scene.
22. Responsible supervisor of the emergency response is the chief engineer of the company *, and before his arrival at the facility – the section chief (duty manager) or the person replacing him, which is solely responsible for the implementation of measures to rescue and liquidation of the accident or its consequences, including provided emergency response plans.
* If you explicitly wrongdoing accountable manager to eliminate the accident, as well as in the case of on-site construction of several organizations, higher direct boss – chief engineer of the construction (association) has the right to take over the leadership of the liquidation of the accident, or to appoint another person by performing a corresponding entry in the operating log.
In cases where a single object in mines perform work several construction companies, rescue work is carried out by a single (common) object PLA. Responsible supervisor of the emergency response is the chief engineer of the general contractor or the chief engineer of one of these organizations for the activities in the operational position of the PLA.
23. Head of rescue work is a senior commanding officer VGSCH, who arrived first on the emergency facility. Head of rescue work performs tasks convener works to eliminate the accident and is solely responsible for the organization and conduct rescue work.
24. Those present at the emergency facility senior managers, regardless of their affiliation, representatives of expert groups and individual experts can not interfere with the function of the head and impose emergency response to him their decision.
25. Responsible manager to eliminate the accident:
25.1. After reviewing the situation, immediately proceeds to the activities foreseen in the operational part of the PLA, and direct the work on rescue and emergency response, writing content issued orders in the online redo log (paragraph 39).
25.2. Organizes the command post and is constantly on it * appoint persons responsible for the conduct of the online redo logs and run other errands.
* Responsible head to eliminate the accident has the right to leave the command post (descend into the mine, go on vacation, etc.), instead of appointing a Vice-President from among persons supervision. On the decision responsible manager must make an entry in the operating log.
25.3. Causes (check call) unit VGSCH and officials on the list.
25.4. Reveals the number caught in the workings of the accident and the people of their location, take measures to rescue them and exposes security posts on the descent (at the entrance) in the development of (pit) and on other approaches to disaster areas in places, certain positions in the PLA and, if possible secured by telephone.
25.5. Upon arrival at the mine rescue units to:
- Must inform the senior commander VGSCH (head of rescue work) with an emergency situation, saying as much as possible, the most complete data known to him about the place, the nature and time of occurrence (detection) of the accident, the number of people caught by accident and possible their location (work) measures taken before the arrival of mine rescue, including according to the selected position of PLA, the availability of funds to combat the accident, the state of ventilation, etc.;
- Issue a written assignment ** senior commander VGSCH stating the position number of the PLA, according to which priority actions are performed to save lives and on the basis of which the head of rescue work personally poses problems squad leaders.
** The job can be prepared in advance (before the arrival VGSCH object) or logged in the online redo log VGSCH signed by the accountable manager to eliminate the accident.
25.6. Depending on the particular situation may change the general problem of mine rescue, putting it in whole or in part in accordance with the developed PLA *.
* In case of disagreement between the commander of the mine rescue and responsible supervisor of the emergency response is required to implement the decision of the head, if it is not contrary to the Charter VGSCH on organization and conduct rescue work. Dissenting opinion commander VGSCH recorded in the online redo log.
25.7. Reports to the parent organization and the situation in consultation with the head of rescue work arranges to call additional units VGSCH.
25.8. After obtaining sufficiently complete information about the situation in the mines and if the main activities of PLA exhausted or do not provide the successful struggle of the accident, is developing an “Operational Plan for the Elimination of accident” in the manner prescribed by the Charter of the mine rescue organization and conduct rescue work. ”Operational Plan for emergency response,” signed by the accountable manager and the head of rescue work.
26. Head of rescue work (commander VGSCH) located at the command post and direct the work of rescue departments in accordance with the PLA, the operational plan, performs tasks of Executive Director to eliminate the accident, Guided by the Charter VGSCH on organization and conduct rescue work systematically informing him during rescue and responsible for their implementation.
Detachment commander, his deputy and the platoon commander, arriving at the emergency facility must take leadership in the established order of rescue work on a junior post, regardless of the prevailing situation.
27. Chief engineer of the construction (association) if necessary, take measures to focus on emergency facilities necessary material and human resources from other organizations and has the right to take over the management of an emergency.
28. Foreman (his deputy), on which the accident occurred, while on the surface and learn about the accident, immediately takes over the leadership to eliminate it and save lives and acts in accordance with this Instruction before the arrival of the chief engineer organization, guided by the PLA.
29. Engineering and technical personnel emergency area, caught by accident in mines, take measures in place for lifting people on the surface according to the plan and immediately report the accident to the responsible person (head of operations) to eliminate the accident. While on the surface, are immediately responsible to the head of the works to eliminate the accident to obtain orders and report on the number of people and places of work.
30. Head of the organization, having an accident, shall report immediately to the emergency facility, arrange medical care and, if necessary, bring the elimination of accidents experienced workers and technical personnel and other specialized organizations.
GENERAL RULES OF CONDUCT engineers and workers
When a fault occurs in mines
31. Fires
31.1. People on fire emanating from the source stream of air required to engage in self-rescuers and led by a senior (master, foreman, etc.) come to the surface along the route provided for the PLA.
31.2. People on fresh air jet received the message about the accident, and have to take a self-rescuers to reach the surface along the routes provided SSNs.
31.3. Any person who first discovered the source of the fire in the mine workings, is obliged to assess the situation and immediately report the accident (in person or by means of communication) senior person in the change (master, mechanic, foreman, etc.) or the management of the organization, if possible, take measures to eliminate the source of the fire in the initial stage.
32. For fires in dead mines where access to a fresh stream of air or on the surface is covered hearth burning, people left behind the hearth fire, should take the following measures:
32.1. Engage in self-rescuers, controlling the concentration of carbon monoxide by express or visually, the degree of smoke, to find the most safe place and wait for the arrival of rescue units.
32.2. Open the valves on the compressed air line, get together, usually at the end of the vent pipe (if it comes to a standstill fresh air) or under ventilation borehole.
32.3. Shut-section deadlock elaboration of a temporary bridge from improvised materials or emergency stock (can be used oilcloth flexible ventilation pipes), trying to create in the walled part of the working air overpressure to prevent the penetration of the products of combustion and heat to its location.
32.4. Establish and maintain liaison with the responsible supervisor of the emergency.
33. Collapses when people caught in a deadlock over the rubble of the production must primarily take measures to strengthen the lining in a place where they are caught by the collapse, and then start applying signals.
Shall be given by blows with a metal object on the rails, pipe, roof support elements, etc. or by periodically switching air tools (jackhammer). Upon receipt of the response signal attempt to establish voice communications.
34. On all objects underground construction workers and engineers, who by the nature of work performed can be caught by accident in mines should be instructed in advance of the action on the object order and methods of notification of an accident.
As a general danger signal, typically used repeatedly opening and closing task lighting in mines.
35. For all accidents, especially in accidents involving fires in mines, each employee (workers, engineers) as checked out (released) to the surface, and was at that time on the surface, is obliged to hear about the accident, personally inform their Chief (Supervisor, mechanics, etc.) about leaving (output) and perform duties in accordance with the PLA or remain at the disposal of the responsible supervisor for an emergency.
36. At each site underground construction time (on the schedule) must be carried out drills. Training schedule alarm for a calendar year is made by service safety of the Construction (union) and agreed with the commander and chief VSGCH GTI.
37. List of officials and institutions that need to be immediately notified of the accident, is given in Table 7.
Table 7.
Institution or an official |
Surname, first name |
Telephone number
VGSCH (duty) |
Fire brigade |
Chief engineer of the organization in which the accident occurred |
Head of organization |
Section chief, on which the accident occurred |
Chief mechanical engineer |
Chief Power Engineer |
Mechanic section |
Chief engineer and head sections of contractors and subcontractors performing work on objects |
Chief engineer of the construction (union) |
Mountain safety engineer |
Local authorities Gosgortechnadzor |
Technical inspection of labor unions |
Ambulance |
38. Form the operational part of the PLA
Measures to save lives and eliminate accidents
Those responsible for the execution of activities and performers
Ways and time-people
Path of rescue departments and job
Path of rescue departments and job
Note. Column 5 is cut off the head of the works to eliminate the accident and awarded the head of rescue work. After the liquidation of the accident column 5 is restored.
39. Form of operational log to eliminate accidents
Management ______________________________________________________________________
Scene of an accident ____________________________________________________________________
Nature of the accident _________________________________________________________________
Time of the accident (year, month, day, hour, minute) _________________________
Hours and minutes
Contents of the task in the liquidation of the accident and deadline
Responsible for the job
Mark on the execution of tasks
Responsible manager works |
emergency liquidation
40. The main symbols in the diagrams and plans annexed to the operational part of the PLA
Number p / p
Description of the graphic image, color *, clarifications, additions
Number and position of the operative part designation PLA in case of fire, the diameters of circles 10 and 16 mm, color between the two circles should match the color of workings related to this position |
Phone numbers (different colors depending on the type of accident) and marking the positions of the operative part SSNs for other types of accidents, 10 mm diameter circle |
Location of the command post (on the plane of the surface) |
Home (auxiliary) air handling unit, stamp (type) with the diameter of the impeller and productivity (m 3 / s) |
Shafts, pits, wells (round, square, rectangular, etc. form) indicating: the incoming fresh air stream – red arrows and outgoing air stream – the blue dashed arrows, the number of incoming (outgoing) of air (m 3 / s) |
Heater indicating system and the heating surface |
A breath of fresh air (red arrow length 10-20 mm) |
Exhaust air flow (blue dotted arrow length 10-20 mm) |
Metering station (place in the development of measurement) with the velocity of the air section of development and the amount of air |
Wooden door vent generation |
Metal vent door to the development of |
Jumper deaf in development: concrete (green), brick (brown), wood (Yellow) |
Local ventilation fan (VMP) and ventilation ducts in the development showing the type, its performance (P) and quantity supplied to develop to the installation of air VMP (s) |
Vent line of hard (metal) pipe, laid in the design, arrow indicating the direction of air through the pipes (fresh stream – red, the fulfilled – blue dashed) and the amount of air at the end of the pipeline (Q) arrows are applied to each line 5-10 cm at the end of pipes |
Vent hose (dashed line) that runs in the generation, indicating the amount of air at the end of the pipeline |
Fan – booster mounted in the vent line, stamp (type) |
Stench in the arches: concrete (green), brick, stone (brown) |
Storage of materials and equipment of fire (red) |
Emergency reserve storage of materials and equipment (red) |
Location selfrescuers storage group (red) |
Location number (in mines specified number) |
Plug connector connection shahtofonnoy |
_________________ |
Plumbing (solid line) |
Duct (dotted line) |
Fire-process line (red) indicating the end of pipe 80 – flow rate, m 3 h |
14 – the pressure, kgf / cm 2 for a given flow |
17 – static pressure, kgf / cm 2 |
Tank fire (red) 300 – capacity, m 3 |
Gate (red) 137 – serial number) |
Crane Fire (red) 6 – number 50 – the diameter of the connection head, mm |
Fire pump (red) 60 – capacity, m 3 / h, 20 – pressure, kgf / cm 2 |
Well hydrant (red) on the mains water supply (in terms of surface) |
Train fire (red) with fire extinguishing agents |
Fire extinguisher foam hand (red) 4 – number, pcs. |
Manual powder fire extinguisher (red) 3 – quantity, pcs. |
Sand box (red) |
Central drainage pump indicating the type (brand), performance and pressure |
Tunneling machine (shield, combine, complex) indicating the type (brand) |
Stacker by type (brand) |
Winches by type (brand) |
Central (ZPP) or precinct (SCP) underground substation showing: accommodations in mines, entry number, and the introductory section switchgear (CRU) of the rated current (100 A) and setting overcurrent relays (200 A) transformers , feeder breakers and magnetic contactors with their types (brands) and setting the overcurrent relay |
Mobile polling station underground substation by type (brand) setting overcurrent relays |
Power or lighting transformer installed separately in mines by type (brand) |
Introductory or sectional complete switchgear (CRU) at rated current 100A and authorized overcurrent relay 200 A |
Feeder complete switchgear for rated current of 100 A and the setpoint current relay 200 A |
Circuit breaker, magnetic starter in the circle indicating the type (brand) and under the circle setting overcurrent relays (900 A) |
Disconnector or manual starter indicating fuse current (100 A) |
Cable type RLS-6 6000 V cross sections 3×25 mm 2 and a length of 500 m (red) |
Armored cable brand RLS-1 up to 1000 V, conductor cross-section 3×35 mm 2 and a length of 200 m |
Flex cable brand GRSHE, section power lived 3×35 mm 2 and a length of 150 m |
Line lighting |
Emergency lighting line (red) |
Couplings without potting |
Couplings with potting compound |
Splint box or cable box |
Developing with bolting: |
54 |
of noncombustible materials |
of slow-burning materials |
of combustible materials |
Device to switch puts on fire water (red) |
Spray, nozzle (red) |
Water Curtain (Red) |
* In cases where the description of the color of the graphic is not specified, the designation is done in black.
If necessary, the application of the scheme to additional symbols should be guided by the relevant standards.
The certificates of the lining of mine workings
1. Passport fixing underground workings is a document that defines adopted for the development of attachment methods, design and bolting sequence production work on the mount.
2. Passport fixing underground workings are made chief of the site (the object manufacturer work, etc.) in accordance with PPR considering geological and production features of this generation and approved by the chief engineer of a construction company.
3. Passport fixing production consists of graphic material and explanations to it.
4. Passport attachment shall contain:
a) cross-section of developing a scale of 1:50, which should be shown the configuration and size of production, the surrounding rock, design and dimensions of permanent and temporary lining and their components (including lining with TBMs), the width of the side berms Strauss, the location of haul routes , the size of gaps between bolting and electric (or trolleys) and between the loading machine and auxiliary equipment at the bottom, drain groove dimensions, etc.;
b) longitudinal section of developing a scale of 1:50, which should be reflected to the construction lining (including lining with TBMs), the spacing between the structural elements lining, length of a given piece and one stope allowable backlog of temporary and permanent lining (lining) from the working face and the like;
c) when anchored: material, direction, length, relative position of anchors and dimensions of parts lining (hole diameter, the rod and lock dimensions wedges supporting tiles grabs, metal mesh, etc.);
g) how to install roof support and the required degree of tension anchors;
d) procedures for monitoring bearing ability of lining.
5. In the notes to the celebrated graphic material requirements, compliance with which is particularly important to ensure the safety of the works.
6. When changing geological conditions passport fixing should be revised.
7. Passport fixing underground workings are prepared in duplicate for each generation and must be: one copy posted in the office of the chief of section (object), the second copy shall be posted near the corresponding face as a distinct stable image on a rigid base with indelible paint.
8. Workers and representatives of technical supervision area must be familiar with the passport fixing receipt.
9. Mining operations without an approved passport or the breach is prohibited.
Fan installations
1. Reversal of air flow – artificial change in the direction of air flow in mines reversed.
Reversal should be carried out by switching ducts with suction blower, and vice versa.
2. State reversing devices, if provided by the project should be such that the change of direction in the workings of air jets carried out not more than 10 minutes after the reversal.
3. Reliability of functioning devices reversing fan installation should check the mechanic and the person responsible for airing workings, at least once a month. State reversing devices and the actual time required to switch the direction of ventilation shall be recorded in a book on the attached form.
4. In the presence of ventilation shaft on the two fans – working and back – check reversing device is held in a closed Schieber first backup in the fan, and then, after starting the backup fan in normal ventilation and stop working, – the second fan.
5. Responsibility for the state of reversible devices bear the chief mechanic of the organization.
6. System developments, which will facing air stream must meet the following requirements:
a) the resistance of the system shall not be less resistance in the normal workings of the movement of the air stream in order to avoid a significant increase in the amount of air supplied by the fan and motor overload it;
b) resistance to reverse jet openings should not substantially exceed the normal winding resistance in order to avoid reducing the amount of air supplied by the fan, to a value below 60% of the normal flow rate.
7. By reversing the air stream necessary to observe the state of the fan motor, so it does not overload.
8. At the time of air flow reverse the number of people in underground mines and their location sets the chief engineer of the organization, which also solves the problem of the need to withdraw from the working faces for a fresh approach or on the surface.
9. By reversing the air flow in the production of any work faces prohibited.
10. By reversing the air flow must be established and recorded in the inspection report reversal:
a) depression created by a fan to reversion and reversions;
b) the capacity of the fan (m
/ s) to the reversion and reversions;
c) the time, the debt on the change in direction of the jet, and the transition back to the normal direction;
g) the duration of the fan when overturned jet;
d) all shortcomings identified in the state and reversing fan installation devices.
11. Checking reversing the air flow is led by Chief Engineer (Technical Manager), chief mechanic organization in the presence of mine rescue and made an act that should be attached to the plan of liquidation of the accident. Air measurements at sites and a set of air samples in the faces when reversing jets conducted respiratorschik VGSCH.
12. Acts check air flow reverse should be directed VGSCH.
13. After each test if the reversing devices (not to reverse the air flow) all produce must be ventilated normal jet at least 15 minutes before the start of work must be inspected ventilation supervision.
14. Serviceability of the air handling unit should check mechanic plot or his assistant at least once a week. The results of the inspection shall be entered in the “Book fan installations inspection and verification of reversion.”
15. ”Book fan installations inspection and verification reversion” consists of two sections. Section I “Inspection fan installations” contains a record of an inspection of these installations. These settings inspect every person appointed as a mechanic, and weekly – mechanic area. All comments, identified as a result of the inspection, the book is written in the pages designated for each fan unit. At the top of each page is written fan installation location (trunk hole and others), as well as the type and number of fan operating unit and the remaining observations are recorded in the book graphs.
Acceptance fan installation after repair mechanic carries. About the quality of the repair mechanic makes appropriate entries in the book.
Section II “Inspection and testing devices reversible reversion fans” written examination results of all reversing devices and verify their reversion.
Serviceability action reversing devices must be inspected at least once a month. Verify the operation of reversing devices simultaneously metering the amount of air and gas in the mines, as well as verification of the ventilation circuit with reverse ventilation are required to spend time off at least twice a year.
The results of inspection and testing devices reversing fan reversal recorded in Section II of the book.
BOOK AND INSPECTION fan installations
Reversal checking
Section I. Inspection fan installations
Fitting Position fan ______________________________________________________
Fan type and number of the unit __________________________________________________
Day, month, year
The results of the inspection of the fan, noticed defects
Description of measures to eliminate the defects
Deadline for inspection fan installations
Signature of the person who examined the fan installation
Section II. Inspection and testing of reversing devices
reversion fan
Fitting Position fan ______________________________________________________
Fan type and number of the unit __________________________________________________
Day, month, year
Defects found during the inspection reversing devices
Planned activities to eliminate defects found
Length change the direction of air flow, min
The amount of air released to the generation after rollover air flow, m 3 / s
The amount of air released to the generation after rollover air flow,% of the normal flow of air
Signature persons who conducted the inspection and verification of reversion fan
Instructions of the chief engineer to improve the ventilation unit
(Organization, site)
inspection fan installations
and checking reversion
Started ____________________________________
Over __________________________________
INSTRUCTION air sampling
1. This Instruction establishes the procedure for selection in mines air sampling under these Rules and the Uniform Rules safety during blasting operations.
2. Mine air sampling for laboratory analysis is performed by employees VGSCH special plan (Form 1) in the presence of a representative of the organization. Allowed if necessary More samples to produce by the employees of the organization.
3. Sampling plan drawn up for the quarter mining engineer OSH organization agreed with the unit commander and approved by the mine rescue chief engineer organization.
4. In the days specified sampling plan air sampler samples received in the laboratory VGSCH filled act attire (Form 3 and 4) and on arrival at the facility makes his boss portion (overman). Foreman (overman) reviews and signs the act of attire, and, if necessary, revise it, and confirm each with his signature.
5. Responsibility for proper selection sampling locations shall be representative of the organization, and for the proper execution of selection – VGSCH sampler.
6. During air sampling compositor samples in the “Note” act-dress Jot environment and conditions under which the measurement is made of gases and air sampling, including:
6.1. Enabled or stopped when the air handling unit air sampling and the distance from the bottom to the last level of ventilation pipes.
6.2. How much longer after the explosion of air sampling (conducted with the use of blasting).
6.3. How much longer after welding air sampling (for the cases of air sampling for outgoing air flow from the weld).
7. In the mines, where the content of harmful gases in the air above the maximum allowable concentrations, as well as to establish time airing after slaughter experienced blasting air sampling should be carried out in the mine rescue workers insulating respirators.
8. Samples taken for checking the composition of air, should characterize the average concentrations of gases in the air jets cross sections (average samples).
9. Analysis of air sample must be done by carbon dioxide, methane, oxygen, carbon monoxide, and of the charging chamber, moreover – with hydrogen.
Air samples from the workings developed by drilling and blasting, must be analyzed for carbon dioxide, methane, oxygen, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, regardless of how much time has passed since the explosion.
If signs of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide samples were analyzed for the content of these gases.
During the construction of shallow tunnels closed way in localities, especially near the communications, storage, etc., must be carried out sampling and analysis of air on the allocation of petrol vapor or gas.
10. Simultaneously, air sampling should be carried out of the mine air temperature measurement, gas metering devices GC type and SHI.
11. Mine air samples are taken in the following locations of underground workings:
11.1. When the suction method of ventilation:
- On the surface at the mouth of the barrel air supply generation, galleries, the tunnel;
- On the output in each slaughter (on site) jet ventilation in 10-15 m from the interface with the output of another;
- 10 m from the beginning of each horizontal generation, supply air;
- In the slaughter of people in the workplace;
- At the mouth of the suction vent pipes (outgoing jet area);
- In the diffuser main fan (total outgoing jet).
11.2. When the discharge process of airing:
- On the surface in the suction pipe main fan (total incoming stream);
- In a deadlock generation part for outgoing stream 10 meters before pairing with another elaboration;
- At the mouth of the pipe, supply air to the face (incoming jet area);
- In the slaughter of people in the workplace;
- In the development of 10-15 m from the outcrop (mouth generation) – the total outgoing jet.
11.3. With any method of ventilation:
- All cells;
- When passing shafts at a distance of 1/3, 2/3 of the depth of the mouth and at the bottom;
- From skazhin, piper.
12. To check for air during blasting operations sampling should be carried out in the mine at the place of work of people at the time specified in the passport of blasting, but not earlier than 15 minutes. Samples are taken at least once a month, and when the passport blasting.
13. When the operational analysis of mine air using GC instruments and interferometers measurements should be made at the mouth of production, in the middle, at the bottom and in the workplace. Analysis of the composition of the air must be in accordance with the instructions and regulations on the use of devices.
14. Results of the measurements of gas and temperature, as well as coming from laboratory analyzes VGSCH mine air samples recorded by the responsible person in the “Book of accounting results of the analysis of air samples for dust and gas pollution” (Appendix 17), stored at the head of the site (the object).
15. When welding in underground mines responsible for the hot work face measure the amount of carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen in the field of welding and outbound from these places vent streams where there are or may be people. In cases of excess gas content above acceptable norms welding work must stop and take measures to ensure normal ventilation regime. The results of measurements with a high content of harmful impurities and measures adopted to improve ventilation recorded in “Book of accounting results of the analysis of air.”
16. Monitoring the quality of the implementation of measures to combat the dust carried by VGSCH air sampling to determine its dust. Sampling on the dustiness of air necessary to make at least once a month.
17. Sampling is carried out on the dusty air in all the places dust during the execution of each process (drilling, loading operations, etc.) in accordance with the plans of dust sampling (Form 2) and filled in the laboratory acts VGSCH-dresses (Form 5).
18. Dust sampling should be carried out at a distance of 1.5-2 m from the source of dust. Allonge filter should be directed toward the dust flow at right angles at a height of 1.5 m from the ground.
19. Duration of sampling in a continuous process – 15 minutes. In the case of high dust content of mine air (about 400-1000 mg per 1 m
) sampling time is reduced to 5 minutes.
20. Determination of dust in mine air produced “method of determining the mass concentration of aerosols (dust) with a filter.”
21. During accidents and other emergency air sampling procedure is set chief engineer (responsible supervisor of the emergency response) and the unit commander VGSCH.
Form 1
Organization ________________________ |
Plot ____________________________
Command __________________________
(Name of the platoon, detachment)
“” ______________________ ’19
Chief engineer
“” _________________________ ’19
air sampling on _______________________ half ’19
Category mine gas _______________________________________________________
Number p / p
Name workings
Place of sampling
Number of samples per quarter
What gases to analyze samples
position ________________________
(Signature, name)
”" ___________________ ’19
Form 2
Organization _______________________ |
Plot ___________________________
Command _________________________
(Name of the platoon, detachment)
“” _____________________ ’19
Chief engineer
“” _____________________ ’19
dust sampling on _______________________ half of ’19
Number p / p
Name generation
Sampling (room picket or distance from mating with any elaboration)
Under what works sampled
The free silica,%
Number of selections
Composed by:
post _______________________
(Signature, name)
“” ________________________ ’19
Form 3
for air sampling in the area (mine) ____________________
Organization ____________________________________________________________________
Sampling performed sampler ___________ platoon VGSO ____________________
______________________ And a representative portion ___________________________________
(Title and surname)
“” _________________ ’19 __________ Shift in the following mines:
Number p / p |
Name workings and sampling locations |
Number of vessels (samples) |
O 2 , NO 2
CH 4
CO 2
T °
Foreman _______________
Sampler ______________________
Representative portion _______________
Mine air samples in the amount deposited in the lab ______________________
“” ___________________ ___________________ In ’19 hour min ____________
Samples accepted techniques ______________________
Form 4
for air sampling after blasting
On the site (mine) ____________________ Organization ______________________________
Sampling performed proborootbrschikom _________ platoon VGSO _____________________
________________________ And a representative portion ________________________________
(Title and surname)
“” _____________ ’19 ____________ Change in the following mines:
Number p / p
Name workings
Sampling |
Time after which the samples are taken after the explosion
Terms of air sampling |
Container (bottle)
O 2
CH 4
CO 2
NO 2
N 2 O 5
Sampler ______________________
The representative of the mine area __________
Mine air samples in the amount deposited in the laboratory _________________
“” _______________ ’19 Hour ___________________ in ____________ minutes
Samples received technician __________________
Form 5
Organization ___________________
Mine site _________________
ACP-JOB number ________________
for dust sampling
Sampling performed proborootborschikom _________________________________________
(Surname, name of the platoon, detachment)
Representative portion ____________________________________________________________
(Title and surname)
“” ______________ To _______________ ’19 replaced by the following roadways:
Number p / p
Name generation
Sampling (room picket or distance from mating with kakoylibo elaboration) |
Work is performed under any dust sampling |
Operating mechanisms
Methods of dust control
The number of workers in the sampling sites |
Number of filters
Duration of sampling, min.
Volumetric flow rate pulling air through the filter |
The content of free silica,% |
Note |
Sampler ______________________
Representative portion ________________
The samples were put into the lab in the amount of _______________ ________________
(Date and time)
Samples accepted techniques ____________________
Anti-dust MECHANICAL Burenin
Holes in ROCKS
1. When tunneling mining using drilling projects should provide for ways and means of dust control by flushing with water holes and wells during drilling. In mines and other facilities underground construction in such cases must be installed plumbing technology. You can use special dust control fire main. Water supplied for drilling with flushing, must comply with the current GOST “drinking water”.
2. For dust suppression allowed the use of dry dust collection using portable or semi-permanent dust extraction systems.
In all cases, evaluation of the effectiveness of dust control equipment should be done at least once a month by the sampling and analysis of air samples.
3. Pneumatic borers should have special devices for drilling with flushing:
a) under axial flushing – water conveyance pipe;
6) at the side of the washing – a special clutch.
4. Water from the water supply to the washing machine for drilling holes and wells must be used as pressure hose internal diameter not less than 13 mm. Quantity of water supplied must be controlled with a crane situated not more 0.3 m from the drilling machine. The water pressure must be at least 0.2 MPa lower than the pressure of the compressed air.
5. Running Water tube should be straight with no distortions and imbalances. Plot water conducting tube, part of the shank of the drill must have a minimum length of 25 mm. Control over the length of the tube and the tube free entry should be made using a template.
6. Clutch side for washing must be firmly pushed onto the drill, when the maximum pressure is not leaking water between the drill and the sealing cuff and not create resistance to rotation of the drill rod.
7. Water consumption during the drilling of holes must be made depending on the speed of drilling in the range of 4 to 15 l / min. In the case of drilling holes in rocks containing more than 15% clay (viscous substances), water consumption for washing shall be increased by 50%, while drilling holes downward angle greater than 30 ° to the horizon – 30%.
8. Water consumption for washing when drilling holes and wells must be specified in PPR and checked at least once a month using a water meter. The water pressure should be 0.3-0.5 MPa and established empirically based provide the required flow of water.
Allowed to produce dust control while drilling through the mouth hole irrigation water using a circular sprinklers, as well as the use of special additives.
9. Cutters and crowns rods should have two holes aimed at culling hole diameter 4-4.5 mm at a flow rate of water for washing up to 15 l / min and 6.8 mm – with its high expense.
Profile and cross-section rods should provide maximum stiffness buckling, while the area of the gap between the walls of the hole and the drill rod should be at least 6.5 cm
Prohibited drilling blunt drill bits, if the width of the working area of a rectangular plate is greater than 2.5 mm and a wedge – 2 mm.
10. When starting to work with the drill axis washing first turned on the air and then water. When the water is turned off, first stopped and then the air.
11. When applying dry dedusting drilling tool must meet the following requirements: incisors and crown should have two suction holes located at a minimum distance from the bottom of the hole, with a total area of openings not less than 3 cm
- in the incisors and 1.5 cm
- in crowns; drilling rod shall be made of seamless steel pipe inner diameter of 18-24 mm.
Air flow rate (m
/ min), sucked from the bottom of the hole, should be as given below.
Direction of drilling holes
Drilling speed, mm / min
less than 300
Horizontal |
Revolting |
For dust removal from the mouth of the hole (well) the amount of exhausted air should be increased by 2 times.
MANUFACTURING welding and other hot work
Underground mine and pithead
1. Production in underground welding and hot work, and the use blowtorches allowed with the permission of the chief or the mechanics of the site. These works must be carried out in the presence of persons of technical supervision and subject to safeguards.
Note. If autogenous welding and work are part of the process and implemented in time bolting device, the construction of the metal cladding of the tunnel, installation of metal structures and equipment, the special permit for their implementation does not require the constant presence of a person and technical supervision at the venue for these works is optional.
The order of such works must be defined special instruction approved by the chief engineer of the organization, and issued attire shall include the necessary security measures.
2. Each permit for production welding and hot work, as well as the use blowtorches in underground mines is written in the book of orders and made an act-dress.
3. Welders and welders should be entitled to the production of works in the underground workings.
4. All flammable materials (oil, hemp, cotton waste, wood chips, etc.) must be removed to a distance of not less than 20 m from the welding area.
5. When welding, wood or other combustible parts of the building, located on the weld area at a distance of up to 2 m, must be protected with asbestos or steel sheets.
6. When changing the electrodes during welding electrodes residues should be disposed of in a special metal box installed at the weld.
7. The place of production welding should be Extinguishing Media: two fire extinguishers or hose with a fire hose attached to the fire water line, or trolley (barrel) with a supply of water for at least 1 m 3 and a sand box.
8. If welding work is performed in the horizontal development of fixed tree, it prior to welding and after them moisturized for 10 m on both sides of the place of production welding.
9. When welding in the vertical and inclined workings resurfacing enshrined fireproof crepe, but with wood paneling ladder compartment or a reinforcement of wood (conductors or shootings), additional measures should be taken to exclude sparks on the wooden parts of reinforcement or trim ladder compartment.
In vertical and inclined shafts with wooden bolting welding work can be done only with the special permission of the chief engineer of the organization.
10. After finishing welding face technical supervision writes in the book orders the start and end of welding, inspection of the result of production of welding after his preventive treatment, names of the persons performing the work.
11. Before welding on copra at the mouth of the barrel, as well as at a distance of 5 m from the trunk it should be blocked by fire lyadami. Before starting work, pile driver should be cleaned of grease and dust at a distance of not less than 5 m from the place of work.
When it is impossible to ensure the establishment of normal ventilation mode when closed Lyady people from the underground workings must be withdrawn.
12. When welding in the backrooms on the surface of the weld metal sheets is necessary to protect a minimum height of 1.5 m, posed butt.
1.1. Each object underground construction shall be provided with fire equipment and fire extinguishing agents.
1.2. To determine the types and amounts necessary firefighting equipment and fire-fighting equipment for underground construction of each object must be drawn design for fire protection (PFP).
1.3. In HAG should provide for the use of existing fire roads and drainage pipelines.
1.4. Firefighters pipelines must be protected from freezing.
2. FIRE PROTECTION construction site
2.1. Construction sites should have fire water pipe with a pressure therein of not less than 0.4 and not more than 1.0 MPa.
2.2. Fire safety of buildings and structures provided dolzhka development in the project:
- A system of measures to prevent fire;
- Measures of fire protection systems.
2.3. As a reserve supply of water for fire water can be used headers dewatering plants and other generation, filled with water.
2.4. For fire safety headgears, trunk racks (where there is space heating) on each of the mark must be installed fire hydrants 70 mm in diameter in the amount – for the project.
To protect headgears shafts, not secured heated on fire pipeline construction site fire hydrants shall be installed at a distance of not more than 50 m from the trunk.
2.5. The mouth of the vertical shafts depth of 120 m shall be equipped with metal fire lyadami. Manage closing Ladi should be double of pithead copra and beyond.
2.6. The mouth of the vertical shafts depth of 120 m or more shall be fitted with a ring conduits Water-spraying nozzles.
Valves for water supply to the annular conduit trunk should be kept out of copra and be prevented from freezing in winter.
2.7. On vertical trunks are laid in accordance with the project batsmen fire technological aqueducts.
2.8. On overpasses, galleries adjacent to headgears, should be run with fire suhotruboprovody Water-spraying nozzles.
2.9. Priportalnye building during construction of tunnels, transport and drainage tunnels, usually should be constructed of non-combustible materials.
3.1. In underground mines shall be provided fire laying pipe diameter 50-100 mm, a minimum bandwidth of 60 m 3 / h This pipeline during construction can be used for technological needs.
3.2. If there are two parallel horizontal workings downed between a Breakthrough in no less than 100 m, fire and water technology can be routed to one of them, and fire hydrants on sboyka imposed in the second generation.
3.3. Camera main drainage, electric battery charging, electrical substations, tool must have bends with fire cocks.
3.4. Lagging all fire-technological plumbing from the bottom no more than 30 m length or technological complex. At the end of the conduit installed fire hydrants. Boxes with fire hoses and nozzles are transferred as face advance.
3.5. On fire-water pipe technology must be installed fire hydrants in the following locations:
- In the pit bottom, in chambers or at the entrance to them, in other underground mines, depending on the type of lining, and other conditions, but not less than 100 m;
- Everyone in the warehouse Walker explosive materials (VM) on both sides at a distance of 10 m;
- At intersections and junctions of roadways;
- In the approach roadways, tunnels and station distillation, the main tunnels, transport and drainage tunnels without intersections and branch – every 100 m;
- In inclined workings – over 50 m;
- In the bottom zone – within 50 m from the face or tunnel complexes.
3.6. To disable individual sections of fire-technological or plumbing supply the entire mass of water on one portion of pipeline valves are installed in the following locations:
- In all branches of water lines, having at least three fire hydrants;
- At water lines having no branches – every 400 m
3.7. Fire and water pipes must be fitted with technology distribution and pressure regulating devices.
3.8. The cells or where Administers oils, as well as the equipment is installed with oil-filled, floor (sole) must be made of non-combustible, non-sparking materials, sand, replaceable when dirty.
3.9. Designated sludge, repair and maintenance. Machinery and equipment must be equipped with means of primary fire (fire extinguishers, sand boxes, etc.).
4. ACCOMMODATION primary means of fire
4.1. Primary means of fire (fire extinguisher, sand, etc.) should be located:
a) in the cells permanently manned at workplace duty personnel;
b) in the cells with a non-manned service personnel – at the entrance to the chamber;
c) in the faces workings – not farther than 30 m from the working face (two hand fire extinguisher and a sand box with a capacity of 0.2 m 3 );
g) in horizontal workings (the approach, tunnels, transport tunnels, drainage and transport tunnels) having a flame-retardant lining – every 300 m (two hand fire extinguisher and a sand box with a capacity of 0.2 m 3 ). In addition, in one of the mines equipped place (check with locomotive haulage) for parking mobile powder fire extinguisher.
In the workings of transport with internal combustion engines on one construction site should be dry powder extinguishing installation. In mines with flammable bolting – every 200 m (two hand fire extinguisher and a sand box with a capacity of 0.2 m 3 ).
4.2. Before enrolling in the required amount of manual powder extinguishers may temporarily replace their manual foam fire extinguishers.
4.3. Accommodation extinguishers and other fire-fighting equipment in the surface buildings and structures shall be in accordance with the Model Rules of fire safety for industrial enterprises.
4.4. In all places of storage firefighting equipment posted signs reading “Fire Extinguishers”, “sand”, “Fire Shield”. Colouring fire boards, boxes with sand and other fire-fighting equipment must be carried out according to GOST “Colors signaling and safety signs.”
4.5. Do gornoprohodcheskih complexes with hydraulic having refueling capacities for oil, fire extinguishers and sand boxes placed at a distance with the design of the complex, and in agreement with the commander VGSO serving the construction project.
5.1. Underground chamber fixed installations, central electrical substations, converter and charging facilities for electric garages, repair shops should have fire doors that open outward with a locking device on each output and metal Lyady in ventilation ducts. Fire doors should be installed in salable camera at a distance of not more than 3 m from the interface with the adjacent elaboration or niche.
6.1. Organizations created warehouse fire fighting equipment and materials.
6.2. In underground mines creates an emergency stock of materials, tools, equipment, and other fire protection in accordance with the PLA.
7.1. During the construction of long (longer than 3 thousand meters) transport and other tunnels without sboek other workings or surface should get asylum (camera) to shelter workers, self-rescuers replace used or waiting until the arrival of mine rescue aid offices.
7.2. Camera-seekers must meet the following requirements:
- In working order must be sealed against the ingress of external mine air;
- The area of the chamber is determined by the rate of 0.8-1 m
per person and cover all workers in the area of the camera-seekers;
- Height of the chamber is not less than 2.3 m, width of not less than 2.5 m;
- Term protection of working at least 24 hours
7.3. The method of ventilation chambers shelters:
- In boreholes with surface;
- Compressed air from the duct;
- Using filtered ventilation systems, cleaning the air of poisonous gases before entering the chamber;
- Bottles of compressed air or oxygen.
7.4. Camera-seekers should be provided:
- Electricity for lighting self-commissioning, if the camera does not provide rechargeable lamps;
- Telephone;
- Self-rescuers (the maximum number of employees in the change) is not less than 15 pc.;
- Fire extinguishers in an amount not less than 5 pcs.;
- Medical stretcher 2 pcs.;
- Compartment with a capacity of 0.2 m clay
- Bench (by sheltering people);
- First aid kit with medicines.
8. DRAFT fire protection facilities
Fire protection project construction of the underground facility is part of the construction project (PIC) developed and design organizations.
8.1. Fire protection project construction of the underground facility shall contain the following sections:
- Brief description of the construction project;
- Fire protection facilities located within the construction site;
- Fire protection headgears, overpasses, trunks, portals;
- Underground fire water.
8.2. The content of sections of the project fire protection.
8.2.1. Brief description of the facility construction.
In the section “Brief description of the construction project” shall be given the following information:
- Name of the facility underground construction;
- Location of the facility;
- Discharge limits and dimensions (land and mining) under construction;
- Characteristic of underground construction;
- The location of the mouths of the workings within the retraction;
- The presence of natural and artificial water bodies within the building site;
- Ways and methods of construction of an underground facility;
- Ventilation system of mine workings and characteristics of fans;
- Characteristics of mine water.
8.2.2. Fire protection facilities on site.
This section should be given information about the actual condition and design decisions:
- For fire protection facilities located at the construction site;
- On water mains, reservoirs, tanks, designed to fire;
- Of pumping stations (number, type of fire pumps, performance, pressure, electricity, etc.) used for fire water supply;
- Independent sources of fire water underground workings, fire reservoirs on the surface, the fire water;
- On the surface fire water supply (water pipe diameter, placing it on the hydraulic fittings – hydrants, fire hydrants, valves);
- Of special devices and sequence of their use for the water supply to the drainage, the air guide thoroughfares of the fire in the mine workings;
- On the location of the warehouse and completeness of fire fighting equipment and materials.
8.2.3. Fire sewn headgears, racks, shafts, portals.
In this section, shall be given the necessary calculations on fire water protection headgears (installation locations and the number of sprinklers, valves, fire hydrants).
Data on special measures for protection mouths vertical shafts (fire water curtains, fire Lyady) of fire protection far away from the construction site of vertical openings (fire pumps, tanks with a reserve of water for fire fighting, water curtains, fire water supply), the use and inclusion in order suhotruboprovodnyh networks work on tracks, scat, portals and other areas near the mouths of the workings, the mine feed clean air.
8.2.4. Fire protection of underground workings.
In “Fire protection of underground workings” should be developed following questions:
- The alignment of the primary means of fire (type, number and location);
- Fire protection of underground chambers: the central power substation, main drainage, storage VM, etc.;
- The place of installation of fire doors, portable, stationary, mobile and automatic fire-fighting equipment;
- Location of emergency stocks of materials, tools, equipment, and other fire protection;
- The place of installation of fire shields, fire hoses and other remedies.
By this section must also be accompanied by the necessary calculations and graphics.
8.2.5. Underground fire water.
This section should be developed following questions:
- Equipment shafts pipelines used to supply water to the fire (diameter pipeline, the installation location of stop, distribution and control water pressure valves, quantity and characteristics);
- Installation of switching devices for supplying water from the drainage line composition in fire-technological plumbing and water supply pipeline for compressed air and other types of pipelines adapted to the needs of the fire;
- Fire-wiring process piping in mine workings showing the locations of placement of fire hydrants, valves and pumping stations, fire characteristics of the process pipe (diameter, water consumption and pressure in the most remote points of water consumption);
- Placement of stationary devices for fire extinguishing and fire creating water curtain.
In this section, shall be given graphic documentation (layout fire process piping, drainage and other pipelines in mines, pumping stations, switching nodes), calculate water supply schemes of individual sections of the workings of the object (depending on need).
8.3. Mandatory graphic documentation.
8.3.1. To characterize the actual situation of the project fire protection facility underground construction should contain the following basic graphical documentation:
- Site plan with the application circuit water system, used in order to fire, and placements indicating fire reservoirs, pumping stations, warehouses, fire materials and driveways;
- Fire protection scheme mouths trunks headgears, trestles and other surface structures;
- Circuit devices pump fire station and fire pond;
- Plan of underground workings (the approach roadway, distillation, station tunnels), pit bottom, indicating placement of fire equipment and fire-circuit application process line designation actual and projected values of flow and pressure of water at the end points, stop and control hydraulic devices, fire doors, hand placements, stationary and mobile fire extinguishers and their number.
8.3.2. If the construction project is a complex network of underground workings, be the display of the individual elements of fire protection in part to the copy on the circuit or in the form of special circuits (drainage scheme, the scheme of the air pipe, etc.).
8.3.3. When drafting fire protection should be used signs given in the legend of Annex 1 (PLA) of this Regulation.
ON TESTING OF MINE parachutes lifting equipment
1. The test must be conducted with parachutes each installation of new parachutes, after repair and operation at least once every six months.
2. Parachute device must be replaced together with the cage, and parachutes with grippers for brake cables – not less than 5 years. Allowed to use parachute devices only prefabricated prohibited to make them interchangeable parts that do not meet the design requirements and specifications.
3. For maintenance and repair should be guided by: instructions for operation and maintenance of parachute device description principle and adjustment method, type, size and method of attachment of conductors, conductors wear tolerance and individual parts of parachutes.
At the kinematic scheme of the parachute device to be controlled shows the main dimensions of the elements of the transmission mechanism in the transport position and the braking torque, including the length of the spring in a free condition of the parachute, and the transport position at the moment of capture catcher wire (rope brake).
4. Parachute test devices of all types (PTC, PCL, DP, etc.) are allowed to carry out over the mouth of the trunk or in the pit bottom. For testing over the mouth of the barrel at the zero of the area shall be blocked solid flooring, designed for dynamic load of free fall from the height of the laden stand 1.5 m when tested in the pit bottom must be provided to safeguard workers from possible falling objects from above.
5. Before the test, the parachute installation (catcher, dampers, couplings, force limiters), hangers, brake cables and conductors must be inspected.
Inspection catcher parachute installation must be carried out in the process of dismantling and cleaning after installation stand on stem overlap, they must also be assessed the degree of wear and integrity of the individual components and structural elements. Information must be cleaned of dirt, grease and old, if necessary, replaced with new ones.
6. After assembly and adjustment of the safety gear must be made at least three trial hoisting rope tension before the start of the lift cage overlapping trunk with consequent reduction of tension. At the same time, depending on the design catchers should be checked:
a) the possibility of free movement of all parts of the mechanism, including the stem, levers, wedges and traverse (mortise seizures);
b) stroke catcher for filling rope (not to exceed 3/4 of its maximum length);
c) clearance between the upper plate and the base plate of the drive spring in the transport position (should be 10 mm);
d) the gap between the brake lining and wall surfaces of the wedge and the catcher inoperative (transport) position (should be 5-8 mm);
d) the axis of the guide sleeve should coincide with the axis of the brake cable. Wear on the side of the sleeves should not exceed 3 mm and 5 mm, the catcher in the bottom of the cage;
e) the gap between the grips catcher mortise construction and conductor in the transport position, the gaps between the rails and legs stand conductors.
7. When testing requirements should be considered parachutes factory instructions. Parachutes lifting equipment with a pulley friction and lifting equipment with the lower balancing rope shall be tested after being detached from the cage lifting and lower the counterweight ropes. In these cases, the crate should be further placed a load equal to the weight of the equilibration Detached bottom rope.
TEST parachute catcher
Mortise DESIGN
8. Tests are carried out in two stages: preliminary and final. For preliminary tests laden maximum load crate floor decking is installed on the mine shaft, the hoisting rope was admitted to full-expanding drive spring parachute central rod (or chain) associated with the drive spring and shell, disconnected. Crate remains connected to the hoisting rope through the safety chain.
Crate when liberated parachute device rises above the bottom winding machine for the first time to a height of not more than 300 mm, and the second time – to a height of not more than 600 mm and after each lift is lowered slowly to a halt, and the lapping of the rope.
If such a test at each cage stops as a result of catchers in the area of not more than 200 mm, you can proceed to the ultimate test.
9. For the final test cage laden maximum load, floor decking is installed on the mine shaft, safety chains detach from the shell and between the shell and the pivot rod (or chain) is set to disconnect the device from the mill shell.
Thereafter cage winding machine rises above the bottom to a height of 1 m, and stops by pushing the lever device is disconnected from the rope and falls freely. Such a test is carried out twice. Parachutes deemed satisfactory if the path of falling stand at each of the tests does not exceed 400 mm.
TEST Parachute with wedge clamps
10. Tests are carried out in two stages: preliminary and final. At the first stage of the test shall be carried out without removing the hoisting rope from the trailer hitch stand. Crate rises above the bottom of the barrel on the overlap height of 0.6 m and is suspended on a wireline through rassoedinitelnoe link to the beam, temporarily installed and fastened to the copra specifically for testing purposes. Auxiliary line rectangles attached to the sling stand, while it shall remain possible free thimble lowering the hitch and move the lever-spring system catcher.
By admitting the hoisting rope up to 1 m must be actuated mechanism and the catcher made a mark on the conductors at points of contact with them wedges.
Upon release mechanism catcher remotely using rassoedinitelnogo link, cage detaches from wireline. Slippage catcher over conductors shall not exceed 300 mm. The test is performed at least twice.
11. With the positive results of preliminary tests Deadeye disconnected from the suspension unit and connects directly to the cage using rassoedinitelnogo hook and bars, cage rises to a height of 1.5 m above the bottom of the barrel ceilings, long arm rassoedinitelnogo hook tied to copra.
When lowering the cage is detached from the hoisting rope and verified the effectiveness of the mechanism catchers, fixed value portion slip them on leads, which should not exceed 300 mm. The test is repeated twice.
12. The test results are drawn parachute devices act which should be the committee on the results of the tests.
13. When conducting a monthly check the status of parachute and trailer units shall be tested is mounted on all threaded connections, the integrity of the spring catcher, reliability and availability of its mounting gap between the housing and the spring. In addition, at least once a day should be verified the possibility of free movement of all parts of the mechanism for filling rope catcher. Test results are recorded in the “Book of the inspection of the elevator installation.”
for the production of joint work
on construction ____________________________________________________________
(Name of the object, structure)
“” ___________________ ’19
We, the undersigned authorized representatives:
General contractor ______________________________________________________________
(Name, title, company name)
and subcontractor ____________________________________________________________
(F. and. About., Title, name of organization)
made this act as follows:
1. Work performance project (project name, № drawings), approved by the chief
engineer _________________________________________________________________
(Name of organization)
ie _________________________________________________________________________
(Full name)
“” ________________ ’19 Assume (consistent, inconsistent).
2. General contractor leases and subcontractor receives plot (object) coordinates limited
pickets, marks, axes, № drawings)
to produce it ______________________________________________________
(Name of work)
for construction in the next _______________________________
(Name of the object, structure)
terms: a “” ______________; ending “” _______________
Manual labor is exercised by representatives ________________________________
Subcontractor accepts responsibility for: compliance in the specified bounds of order, cleanliness, safe working conditions, safety equipment, etc.
3. Before starting work, both sides must perform the following actions to ensure the safety of the work ______________________________________
Number p / p
Name of event
Date of performance
4. The procedure for using electricity subcontractor (specify the place of connection of current collectors, families of those persons. Personnel general contractor and subcontractor obliged to clarify the procedure and to provide supervision over the observance of PTE and TB)
5. The procedure for using subcontractor transport:
6. Same lifting machines (machinery):
6.1. Responsible for supervision of lifting machines: _________________________
(Name, title, organization)
6.2. Responsible for the content of hoisting machines in good condition ________________________________________________________________________________
(Name, title, organization)
6.3. Responsible for the safe operation of materials handling cranes ________________________________________________________________________________
(Name, title, organization)
7. Delineation of responsibility for the safety, fire safety, and to provide compressed air, water, ventilation, sanitary and household devices, etc. _____________________________________________________
7.1. General contractor is obliged to start work: ______________________________
7.2. Subcontractor agrees to start work: ______________________________
8. Or other special conditions: _____________________________________________________
9. Of all the problems you are facing, mutual problem, and accidents immediately to notify the next higher ranking officers and general contractor ________________________________________________________
10. Additions and changes according to the protocol from “” _______________________________
Authorized representative
general contractor
Authorized representative
“” _____________ ’19
1. If necessary, carry out work after expiration of this act, it is necessary to make the act of admission, admission to the new term.
2. More, not accounted for when signing this act, event or changes by mutual consent in the protocol and are included in paragraph 10 of this act.
3. This certificate-tolerance is mandatory for all employees of organizations involved in co-production work on __________________________________________________
and valid for the entire period of its construction.
Number p / p
Time (hour, min.)
Accounting for changes in the fans
Mark about detected violations and deviations
Surname, initials, title and signature made an entry in the book
Individual supervisory guidance on the implementation of measures to eliminate violations, change the fan mode
depression (compression) millimeter of water
air flow rate, m 3 / s
nature of the change
duration (hour, minute)
Notes to conduct “Ledger work and exam
main fan installation “
(Printed on the back of the title page)
1. The book should write every shift machinists fan installation or duty (if the remote control and monitoring devices of the fans displayed in place on duty), noting in columns 1-10 controlled parameters.
2. Column 3 indicates the time change shape fan mode and readings, start changing the operating mode of the fan, in column 7 – the duration of the stop or the fan in the other, with respect to normal operation. In column 6 of the symbols indicates the nature of the changed mode of the main fan: “O” – stop: “B” – absorption; “H” – injection.
3. In Count 9 comments on forms made of the fan bearings, motor, reversing devices, etc., found on-duty personnel. All entries in the book make the signature in box 10 of the form.
4. In the column 11 instructions and orders made individual technical supervision mode change ventilation, indicating performers. Here painted performers in getting jobs and carrying out these tasks.
5. The book is filled for each main fan installation should be strung together, numbered and stamped organization.
accounting work and exam main fan installation
Started ________________
Over _______________
Number p / p
Date of inspection
Name generation (production area)
Character disorders and defects lining (lining), seat detection
Measures to eliminate violations, due date, responsible for carrying out the work
Surname, initials, title and signature of the technical supervision
Mark about addressing the noted violations
Notes to conduct “Books lining inspection and condition
workings “
(Printed on the back of the title page)
1. Column 3 lists the forms consistently produce (or specific portions thereof), proven face technical supervision during the survey, and against each name in columns 4-7, respectively, are recorded and discovered violations and defects lining, measures to eliminate these violations, etc. .
2. Column 5 forms must sign artists for the action to fulfill the task to eliminate detected during the inspection and lining workings violations in column 6 – the face of technical supervision, to inspect and identify measures to eliminate violations.
inspection and condition of the lining workings
Started ________________
Over _______________
Time fault detection
Nature of damage
Cause of Damage
Signature of the inspection and the person responsible for the condition of the barrel
Measures to address the damage
Downtime lifting h (min)
Signature of Chief Engineer
Number p / p
And month
Change and Watches
Key to maintaining Books
The book is written all conductors and damage the lining of the trunk and the measures taken to eliminate them. Column 4 indicates damage irrespective of their nature and consequences. Column 5 – Causes of damage found on the site should be ascertained chief engineer organization. Column 7 lists the specific measures, such as a change of conductors, their number, etc.
Column 8 indicates the time (in hours and minutes) lift stop to eliminate damage. In the case where the liquidated damage clock stops lifting schedule and there was no downtime recovery, the column must be specified: “It was not.”
Column 9 shall be signed by the chief engineer of the organization after the liquidation of the damage with the date.
Book dolzhka be numbered, bound and stamped construction organization.
(Organization, site, mine)
record inspection results stem
Started ________________
Over _______________
INSPECTION BOOK elevator installation
Serial number of the record in the book
Date and time (hours) of technical inspection and repair
Type of inspection (repair)
Indication of technical inspection and detected violations
Drum (drive pulley)
Depth Indicator
Electric motor
Start-up apparatus
Reduced. velocities
Limit switches
Lifting vessels
Suspension devices
Continued application 13
Indication of technical inspection and detected violations
Surname, initials of the persons who conducted the inspection (repair)
Nature of the damage and a short description of the failure mechanism or parts, the signature of the person conducting inspection
Measures to address the damage and deterioration due date, and the name artist signed mechanical or technical supervision of the responsible person
Indication of the repair, the date and duration of downtime recovery, artist signature and the person in charge of technical supervision
Trunk, Koper
Catcher parachutes
Guide shoe
Stoppers, planting his fists
Notes to conduct “Books inspection hoist”
1. The book is in chronological order entries are made daily on the results of daily, weekly and other types of inspection of the elevator installation, as well as in case of defects and irregularities in the operation of lift. Notes of your observations at acceptance and delivery shifts machinists lifting machine, inspection of ropes and reinforcement are made in other books under the Rules.
2. The book is filled with plot mechanic or a person designated pursuant to Regulation responsible for the condition and inspection of the elevator installation, and chief mechanic organization.
3. In columns 4-22 symbols annotation satisfactory results verification (“P”), the detection of a fault (“H”) or put a dash if one or the other object is not scanned.
4. Column 3 indicate the type inspection: Daily (TS-1), weekly (TS-2), etc.
Note. List the types and composition of specific maintenance, regulated by these Rules and the legal and technical documentation of manufacturers should be defined in the instructions organizations developed in relation to specific used the elevator installation.
5. In column 23, the names of persons engaged in inspection, written on a single line with a legend the tested these individuals objects.
Column 24 shows all detected defects and damage as marked symbols in columns 4-22, and any others.
6. In column 27, the chief mechanic or chief engineer organization confirms simple hoist, introduces additional guidance on the safe operation of the elevator installation. Chief Engineer of the organization should at least once a month to view records in the book.
7. The book should be numbered, bound and stamped organization. Persons entrusted with making entries in the book, should be familiar with the notes to the conduct of a receipt book.
(Organization, site)
Mine number __________________
inspection of the elevator installation
Started ________________
Over _______________
INSPECTION BOOK hoisting ropes and spending
Number p / p
Date of inspection
Rope left
Rope right
Signature mine mechanic and chief mechanic organization
Total number of wire breaks
The number of wire breaks in step-lay rope
Distance most damaged section of rope at the end of the cage, m
Signature of inspection
Total number of wire breaks
The number of wire breaks in step-lay rope
Distance most damaged section of rope at the end of the cage, m
Signature of inspection
Notes to conduct “inspection of the hoisting ropes Books
and consumption “
1. Column 4 indicates the highest number of broken wires in step-lay in the most damaged areas of the rope.
2. In the column section 12 mechanic made information on the ropes: The date of manufacture and produce; manufacturer, serial number, GOST, design and rope lay; rope diameter (for factory data), certificate number and date of testing of the rope; static load on the rope and reserve his strength, date and reason for removing the rope.
In addition, the cell 12 entries are about the length of the rope sample for testing; rope lubrication; movement “critical” area with multilayer coiling rope and other normalized work of the ropes.
3. The book should be strung together, numbered and stamped organization.
(Organization, site)
inspection of the hoisting ropes and their flow
Started ________________
Over _______________
Number p / p
Date and time (hours) delivery change
Surname, initials driver accepting change
Mark of inspection and serviceability of the main objects of the winding machine
Receipt acceptance of change
Fire-fighting equipment
Clean room
Drums (drive pulley) and lining
Depth Indicator, speedometers
Remote control, alarm
Lock protection equipment
Notes to conduct “Books acceptance and delivery shifts machinists
hoist “
1. The book recorded results every shift inspection winder, while in columns 4-13 form symbols driver makes a mark on satisfactory results of the audit (“P”) and is obliged to column 15 decipher their comments on the results of the external examination, inspection and lifting vessels ferrying ” idle “. Column 15 machinists can make notes on the state of the elements of a lifting machine, which is not reflected in columns 4-13. In the same column painted faces Technical Supervision (plot and organization) for inspection of its finding.
2. The book should be strung together, numbered and stamped organization. Persons entrusted with making entries in the book, should be familiar with these explanations under the painting.
(Organization, site)
acceptance and delivery shifts machinists hoist
Started ________________
Over _______________
Fitting Position pump unit __________________________
Type (brand) of the pump motor _______________ _________________
Serial number of the pump motor ___________ _________________
INSPECTION BOOK drainage installations
Number p / p
Date of inspection (repair)
Any faults, the nature of their display
Mark on the implementation of the elimination of faults
Surname, initials, title, and signature
pumping unit
drainage pipe
Notes to conduct “inspection Books drainage installations”
1. ”The book …” filled in chronological order for each pump unit. Allowed accounting for individual units on different pages in one “book …”. In the latter case, on the first page is a list of pumping units and page numbers.
2. In column 6 of the Form “Books …” signature of the person entered the details of the inspection or repair led the pumping unit or pipeline.
3. In graph form 7 “Books …” entries are made to change the placement of the pump unit in mines, on the appointment of the unit (standby), etc.
(Organization, site)
inspection of drainage installations
Started ________________
Over _______________
BOOK based on the analysis of air samples
ON gassed and dust
(Name of production (state number of the car and engine)
Number p / p
Date and time of sampling or measurement of gases
Sampling of air or gas metering Express
Appointment of samples taken (gas metering)
Result analysis of air samples (gas metering)
Signature of the person who made the recording and justification
Notes section head of a construction company
Signatures of persons who have received instructions
Explanations for completing the “Books …”
1. Book kept by the section chief of a construction company and filled on the basis of notifications about the results of air samples coming from the gas analytical laboratories. Results of the analysis of gases, some express method, are recorded in the “Book of …” based on reports of persons who carried out the analysis.
For each generation in the “Book …” assigned to several pages. ”The book …” should be tied together and numbered and stamped construction organization.
2. Column 4 form “Books …” stated in connection with what was sampled, tested gas content: people prior to admission to the face after blasting, when doing welding work, planned tests, etc.
3. Column 12 shaped face, designating entry points for his signature notice number of gas analytical laboratory or persons who reported test result express method.
4. In case of detection of harmful gases or dust above the TLV foreman gives the graph form 13 “Books …” guidance to improve ventilation, etc.
(Organization, company)
based on the analysis of air samples for dust and fumes in
Started ________________
Over _______________
Number p / p
Check Date
Machine type isolation control, serial and inventory numbers
The total length of the protected cable network, m
Indications kilo ohmmeter ohms
Triggering the action button “control”
(Yes, no)
Position, name, initials. Signature checking
Notes to conduct “Ledger check the functioning of devices
control of electrical insulation and electricity “
Column 3 shows the location of the insulation monitoring device in mines or in surface facilities.
excluding test if the insulation of electrical control devices and power grids
Started ________________
Over _______________
BOOK KEEPING insulation resistance test
Number p / p
Check Date
Name of the electrical
Type, model, serial and inventory numbers
Insulation resistance value
The type and number of the measuring instrument. Surname, initials, title and signature
Between phases and zamli
Between phases
Notes to conduct “Ledger resistance test
electrical insulation and electricity “
1. Column 3 indicates the type of electrical form, its location in the mines or in surface facilities.
2. In Count 11 forms introduced signature details of the person effecting the measurement type and number of the measuring device.
(Organization, site)
excluding test the insulation of electrical equipment and power grids
Started ________________
Over _______________
Number p / p
Check Date
Name of the electrical
Construction ground, its dimensions and the material
Location grounding, the depth of excavation and soil condition
Material of the main earthing
The results of the inspection and measurement
Section of the earth conductor
Condition clamping bolts, couplings, connect.wire and cable armor
Resistance grounding conductors (in ohms)
Resistance to earth
(In ohms)
Type and number of measure.instrument.Surname, initials, title and signature
Notes to conduct “Ledger checking electrical grounding”
1. In column 3 of the form shall indicate the type of electrical equipment, its location in underground or in surface facilities.
2. In Count 11 forms introduced signature details of the person effecting the measurement type and number of the measuring device.
excluding test electrical grounding
Started ________________
Over _______________
Number of compressor
Refrigerant pressure, kgf / cm 2
Temperature, ° C
adjustable front. valve
from the network
in station
Continuation of table
Indications rassolomera
Water meter readings
The level of brine in the evaporator,
Electric power
Simple aggregates
Signature duty driver
Notes (orders, comments on the work, etc.)
Notes to conduct “Ledger of freezing station”
Technical characteristics of the freezing station:
Compressors: type, quantity. Capacitors: type, quantity.
Vaporizers: type, quantity. Brine pumps: type, quantity.
Water pumps: type, quantity.
1. Record readings of instrumentation at the station made every 2 hours.
2. Column 19 – the level of the brine should be measured not earlier than 10 minutes after stopping brine pumps and rassolomeshalok to the evaporator.
3. The book should be numbered, bound and stamped organization. Persons entrusted with making entries in the book, should be familiar with the notes under the painting.
4. In column 26 are produced by recording and instructions shift mechanic every shift; mechanic area – every day, chief engineer and chief mechanic – monthly.
(Organization, site)
integrate the work of freezing stations
Started ________________
Over _______________
BOOK observation of changes in groundwater levels
WATERS IN dewatering
Plot ________________ object __________________________________________
Observing Table ______________________ Month ’19
Non wells
Metering point height above the ground
The altitude of the metering point
Date of measurement
Depth level
The altitude
Depth level
The altitude
Depth level
The altitude
Depth level
The altitude
Depth level
The altitude
Depth level
The altitude
(Organization, site)
Observing changes in the level of groundwater in dewatering
Started ________________
Over _______________
Materials, design,
Number p / p
Name of building materials, structures and equipment
Procedure for warehousing and storage conditions
Wall panels and concrete blocks lobbies and station tunnels and open pit operations |
In one series of cassette vertically or pyramids |
Tubes |
In stacks up to 2.5 m, but not more than six rows with pads and linings |
Concrete blocks lining deep tunnels, chute and foundation blocks |
In stacks up to 2.5 m, but not more than four rows with pads and linings |
Slabs |
In stacks up to 2.5 m with pads and linings |
Columns, beams and reinforced concrete beams up to 6 m |
In stacks up to 2 m, but not more than two rows with pads and linings |
Long length concrete beams up to 12 m |
In one series with pads |
Concrete and metal piles and sheet piling |
In stacks up to 1.5 m, but not more than four rows with linings and pads, pile heads to one side |
T-section reinforced concrete beams |
In stacks up to 2 m, but not more than two rows |
Bulky and heavy equipment and building structures, including tselnosektsionnaya lining |
In one series with pads |
Roundwood |
In stacks up to 1.5 m with spacers between the rows and stops against rolling, width of the stack – not less than its height |
Timber: |
Terraced when laying |
In stacks up no more than half the width of the stack |
when stacking cells |
In stacks up no more than the width of the stack |
Brick: |
delivered in bags on pallets |
No more than two layersdelivered in containersIn one seriesdelivered in bulkIn stacks of height not exceeding 1.7 m
Architectural details, cornicesIn one series to the flat side with pads
Facing with marble and other platesIn the boxes in a row
Tile materials (corrugated and plain asbestos cement plates, etc.)In stacks up no more than 1 m, with pads
GlassIn the boxes in a row with pads
Thermal insulation materialsIn stacks up to 1.2 m in a dry place
Plumbing and ventilation unitsIn stacks up to 2.5 m with pads and linings
Melkosortnyj metalIn the racks up to 1.5 m
Bitumen at positive temperatureIn special pits with a reliable device fencing or dense boxes precluding its spreading
Definition |
1. Calotte |
The upper part of the tunnel (production), designed for the erection of the crest of the lining |
2. Experienced workers |
Person properly trained, worked in underground or other construction work at least three years, including the profession, which includes the specified work – at least six months |
3. Lining |
Capital excavation lining, designed for the life of the underground structure |
4. Especially dangerous conditions |
The presence of hazardous factors (abandoned workings, karsts, Quicksand rock emission of harmful gases, mining and geological complications, etc.), location and boundaries of which are not precisely defined |
5. Construction site |
Land temporarily allotted in accordance with the project for the construction and installation works |
6. Technical inspection |
Designated by order of the officials with appropriate education for mining, blasting and other work and asking for management of these works |
7. Tyrant |
Crossbeam, stacked at the bottom of her generation in the curvilinear outline for laying railway tracks, human passages, etc. |
8. Furnel |
Vertical excavation, connecting the lower to the upper tunnel during tunnel construction or mining method serves to output to the upper horizon |
9. Strauss |
The lower part of the tunnel (output), which erected the walls and tray lining |