아래는 RTCA/DO-160 : Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment 관련 각 Section 별 항목입니다. DO-160 시험은 각 Category별 분류되어 시험이 수행됩니다. 세부 각 Category별 시험은 해당 규격을 참조할 필요가 있습니다.
- 섹션 2.0 Definitions of Terms – General
- 섹션 3.0 Conditions of Tests
- 섹션 4.0 Temperature and Altitude
- 장비 카테고리 A1-A4, B1-B4, C1-C4, D1-D3, E1-E2, F1-F4
- 섹션 5.0 Temperature Variation
- Category A-C, S1-S2
- 섹션 6.0 Humidity
- Category A-C
- 섹션 7.0 Operational Shocks and Crash Safety
- Category A-B, D-E
- 섹션 8.0 Vibration
- Category S, R, U, U2,H, Z
- 섹션 9.0 Explosion Proofness
- Category A, 그것, H
- 섹션 10.0 Waterproofness
- Category Y, W, R, S
- 섹션 11.0 Fluids Susceptibility
- Category F
- 섹션 12.0 Sand and Dust
- Category D, S
- 섹션 13.0 Fungus Resistance
- Category F
- 섹션 14.0 Salt Spray
- Category S, T
- 섹션 15.0 Magnetic Effect
- Category Y, Z, A, B, C
- 섹션 16.0 Power Input
- Category : A(CF), A(NF) or A(WF) 및, B, D or Z
- 섹션 17.0 Voltage Spike
- Category A, B
- 섹션 18.0 Audio Frequency Conducted Susceptibility – Power Inputs
- 카테고리 R(CF), R(NF) or R(WF) and R, B, or Z
- 섹션 19.0 Induced Signal Susceptibility
- Categories R(CF), R(NF), and R(WF) , A(CF), A(NF), and A(WF) and R, B, and Z correspond to Categories A, B, and Z
- 섹션 20.0 Radio Frequency Susceptibility (Radiated and Conducted)
- Category AC AN AW, 기원전, BN, BW, CC, CN, CW, ZC, ZN, ZW
- 섹션 21.0 Emission of Radio Frequency Energy
- Category B, D, F, 지, L, M, O, R, T, W,Q
- Category B, L, M, H, P, Q
- 섹션 22.0 Lightning Induced Transient Susceptibility
- Category 6 Digit
- 섹션 23.0 Lightning Direct Effects
- Category 4 Digit
- 섹션 24.0 Icing
- Category A, B, C
- 섹션 25.0 Electrostatic Discharge
- Category A
- 섹션 26.0 Fire, Flammability
- Category A