Archive for date: 3월 21st, 2014

IN 45545 Railway applications-Fire protection on railway vehicles

21 Mar 2014 댓글

Test according to DIN EN 45545

열차 방화관련 유럽규격 EN 45545 은 7개 부문의 하부규격으로 구성되어 있습니다.
Part 1 (IN 45545-1)

It contains the principal terms and definitions and general regulations governing the classification of rail vehicles in operational and design categories, as well as fire safety objectives.

Operation Categories and Design Categories

Operation Categories

Design Categories



automatic train and having no emergency trained staff on board


double decked vehicles


sleeping / couchette vehicles


all other vehicles (standard vehicles)

not designed or equipped to run on underground sections, tunnels and/or elevated structures

HL 1

HL 1

HL 1

HL 1

designed or equipped to run on underground sections, tunnels and/or elevated structures

HL 2

HL 2

HL 2

HL 2

designed or equipped to run on underground sections

HL 3

HL 3

HL 3

HL 3

designed or equipped to run on underground sections

HL 4

HL 4

HL 4

HL 4

Part 2 (IN 45545-2)

It describes the requirements for the fire behavior of materials and components.

Part 3 (IN 45545-3)

It covers the fire resistance of fire doors.

Part 4 (IN 45545-4)

It contains fire protection requirements for the constructive design of rail vehicles.

Part 5 (IN 45545-5)

It specified for the fire protection requirements of electrical equipment, including that of trolleybuses, track-guided buses and magnetic levitation vehicles.

Part 6 (IN 45545-6)

It describes the required fire detection and alarm systems, fire-fighting equipment and accompanying fire protection measures.

Part 7 (IN 45545-7)

It deals with the fire protection requirements for plants and equipment for flammable liquids and gases.