Archive for month: 1월, 2014

비용 51364-99 English Version

22 Jan 2014 댓글

[비용 51364-99 영문버전]

GOST R 51364-99 ( ISO 6758-80) : Air cooler


1 Scope

This standard applies to air coolers are designed to cool the gases and liquids and condensing the steam and vapor-liquid medium in technological processes in chemical, petrochemical, oil, gas, oil and other industries at a pressure of no more than medium or 16.0 MPa under vacuum with a residual pressure not lower than 665 Pa and at a temperature not higher than 400 ° C.

This standard specifies the basic requirements for the construction, inspection and delivery of air coolers.

Climatic performance devices U1 and UHL1 – to GOST 15150 .

In general, the apparatus performances U1, UHL1 supplied for use at operating temperatures of parts under pressure not below minus 40 ° C.

On the strength of a metal support structure aids can be used for installation in areas with seismic activity up to 7 points [1] and wind velocity head IV geographic area [2] .

Devices designed to operate at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level.

In some cases, in accordance with the contract scope of devices can be expanded on demand devices can be made:

- With reinforced metal structure – to work in areas with seismic activity up to 9 points and with wind velocity head V geographic area;

- Climatic version UHL1 – for use with operating temperatures of parts under pressure, below minus 40 ° C;

- Special requirements associated with the delivery of export, including climatic design T1 to GOST 15150 .

2 Normative references

In this standard references to the following documents:

비용 2.601-95 Unified system for design documentation. Operational documents

비용 9.005-72 Unified system for design documentation. Permissible and impermissible contact metals.General requirements

비용 9.014-78 Unified system of corrosion and aging of materials and products. Temporary corrosion protection products. 일반 요구 사항

비용 9.032-74 Unified system of corrosion and aging of materials and products. Paint coatings. Groups, technical requirements and designations

비용 9.104-79 Unified system of corrosion and aging of materials and products. Paint coatings. Group operating conditions

비용 9.401-91 Unified system of corrosion and aging of materials and products. Paint coatings. General requirements and methods of accelerated tests for resistance to climatic factors

비용 9.402-80 Unified system of corrosion and aging of materials and products. Paint coatings. Preparation of metal surfaces prior to painting

비용 9.403-80 Unified system of corrosion and aging of materials and products. Paint coatings. Test method for resistance to static exposure liquids

비용 12.1.003-83 Occupational safety standards system. Noise. General requirements for safety

비용 12.1.007-76 Occupational safety standards system. Harmful substances. Classification and general safety requirements

비용 12.1.012-90 Occupational safety standards system. Vibration safety. 일반 요구 사항

비용 12.1.028-80 Occupational safety standards system. Noise. Determination of the noise characteristics of noise sources. Survey method

비용 12.2.003-91 Occupational safety standards system. Industrial equipment. General requirements for safety

Standard safety standards system. Electrotechnical products. General requirements for safety

비용 12.2.020-76 Occupational safety standards system. Electric equipment hardened. Classification.Labeling

이하 생략….


GOST R 51274-99 English Version

22 Jan 2014 댓글

[GOST R 51274-99 영문버전]

GOST R 51274-99 : Tank and Apparatus COLUMN TYPE APPARATUS – Strength Norm and Calculation Methods


1 Scope
This Standard establishes a method for calculation for column ttpe apparatus operationg under internal overpressures or external pressures, dead weight moment of deflection & moments of deflection due to off -center weight load applied.

2 Normative references
The following standards are rеfеrencеd to these Standards:
비용 14249-89 Tanks and apparatus- Strength norms and calculation method
GOST R 51273-99 Tanks and apparatus- Strength norms and calculation method : Determination of
rated force due to wind load & seismic load for colunm type of apparatus

이하 생략….


GOST R 51273-99 English Version

22 Jan 2014 댓글

[GOST R 51273-99 영문버전]

GOST R 51273-99 : Vessels and Apparatus
Rated Force Calculation of Column Type Apparatus against Wind Loads and Seismic Effect

1 Scope
This Standard establishes a method for calculation of rated forces arising in elements of vertical cylindrical vessels (column type apparatus) against wind loads & seismic effect.

For column type apparatus the combinations of loads in various condition (installation, testing and operation) are established according to GOST R 51274.

2 Normative references

GOST R 51274-99 “Vessels and Apparatus – Column Type Apparatus. Norms and Methods of Strength Calculation” is referred to this Standard.

이하 생략….


기계적 위험 보호장갑

18 Jan 2014 댓글

기계적 위험으로부터의 보호장갑

EN 388

Protectvie gloves against mechanical risks.

BS EN 10269 1999

18 Jan 2014 댓글

철 및 니켈합금 체결구 저온특성 시험 방법

BS EN 10269

Steels and nickel alloys for fasteners with specified elevated and / or low temperature properties.

섬유관련 시험

18 Jan 2014 댓글

섬유관련 시험 및 인증

아래 링크는 섬유관련 시험 및 인증제도에 대한 내용입니다.


러시아 현지 법인 설립관련 안내

15 Jan 2014 댓글

러시아 현지 법인설립관련 안내

2013년 2월 15일 부터 발효된 CU-TR 인증취득은 필수적으로 러시아 현지의 법인, 대리점이 인증신청자가 되어야 함에 아래 내용의 검토가 필요할 수도 있습니다.


골재 입도 등급 시험

12 Jan 2014 댓글

ASTM C136 – 06

Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates


이 시험 방법은 응집체 또는 집합체로서 사용하기 위해 제안 된 물질의 등급을 결정하기 위해 주로 사용된다. 결과는 해당 규격 요구와 입도 분포의 적합성을 결정하기 위하여 각종 골재와 골재 제품을 함유하는 혼합물의 생산의 제어에 필요한 데이터를 제공하기 위해 사용된다. 데이터는 또한 다공성 및 포장에 관한 관계를 개발에 유용 할 수 있습니다.

1.1 이 시험 방법은 체질에 의해 미세하고 거친 골재의 입도 분포의 측정을 다룬다

1.2 이 시험 방법 일부 사양 및 미세 모두 분수 등의 등급을 매기는 요구 사항이 포함되어 있습니다. 지침은 이러한 골재의 체 분석을 위해 포함….

1.3 SI 단위로 표시된 값은 1.3 표준으로 간주된다. 괄호 안의 값은 정보 제공의 목적으로 만 제공됩니다. 명세 E (11)은 기준으로 인치 단위와 체 프레임의 크기를 나타내고 있지만, 이 테스트 방법에서는 프레임 크기는 SI 단위 인치 단위로 정확히 동등한 지정된다.

1.4 이 표준은 그 사용에 관련하여 모든 안전 문제, 모든 경우를 다룰 목적으로 제정 된 것은 아니다. 그것은 적절한 안전 및 보건 실행 표준을 수립하고 사용 전에 관리 한계의 적용 가능성을 판단하는 것은 사용자의 책임입니다.

ASTM E283 – 04 (2012) 공기누설 시험

10 Jan 2014 댓글

[공기누설특성 시험]

ASTM E283 – 04(2012) Standard Test Method for Determining Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen

이 시험 방법은 주위 여건에서 규정된 공기 압력 차이 하에서 공기 누설 특성을 결정하기 위한 표준 절차이다.

참고 : 빌딩 외형에 걸쳐 작용하는 공기 압력 차이가 크게 변화한다. 공기 압력 차이와 연루 또는 빌딩 내의 환경에서 얻어진 누설량이 상대적으로 영향을 미치는 요인이 논의된다. 이러한 요소가 사용될 시험 압력 차이를 규정시 충분히 고려되어야 한다.

공기 누설비는 체크는 종종 비교목적으로 사용된다.

1.1이 시험 방법은 시험편에 걸쳐 지정된 차동 압력 조건에서 외부 창문 커튼 및 도어의 공기 누설 체크를 결정하기 위한 표준 실험 절차이다. 설명 된 시험 방법은 일정한 온도와 습도조건의 상태 하에서 수행된다..

1.2 본 실험실 절차는 외부 창호, curtain walls 및 문에 적용하고 조립 상태 또는 설치 되지 않은 상태에서 연관 된 누설을 측정하기 위함이다. 시험 방법은 후자의 목적을 위해 적응 될 수도 있다.

참고1. Non-ambient condition 또는 시료 표본에 걸쳐 온도 차이로 테스트를 수행하는 것은 공기 누설 율에 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 이것은 이 시험 방법에 의해 해결되지 않는다.

1.3 이 시험 방법은 실험실에서 사용하기 위한 것입니다. 설치 단위에 필드 에어 누설 테스트를 수행에 관심 있는 사람은 시험 방법 E783을 참조해야 한다.

1.4 이 절차를 사용하는 사람은 유체 역학, 계측 방법의 분야에 지식이 있어야 하며, 창호 제품 및 구성 요소에 대한 일반적인 이해를 가져야 한다.

1.5 SI 단위로 표시된 값을 표준으로 사용한다. 괄호 안에 주어진 수학적으로 변환된 인치 – 파운드 단위 값은 참고 정보 만을 제공하는 것으로써 표준으로 간주되지 않습니다


러시아 인증 관련 법규 안내

05 Jan 2014 댓글

Regulatory Documents-GOST

On technical regulationthe Federal Law of 27.12.2002 № 184 – PDF, 336 KB

On approval of a single list of products subject to mandatory certification and unified list of products, conformity which is in the form of the declaration of compliance withGovernment Decree of 01.12.2009 № 982 – PDF, 318 KB

Customs Code of the Customs Union ofthe EurAsEC Interstate Council Decision of 27.11.2009, № 17 – PDF, 849 KB

Agreement on common principles and rules of technical regulation in the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Russian FederationCustoms Union Commission Decision of 20.05.2010 № 274 – PDF, 102 KB

Agreement on circulation of products subject to mandatory assessment(confirmation) 으로 compliance in the customs territory of the Customs Union ofthe EurAsEC Interstate Council Decision of 11.12.2009 № 27 – PDF, 74 KB

Single list of products for which mandatory requirements established in the framework of the Customs UnionCommission Decision of the Customs Union from 28.01.2011 № 526 – PDF, 69 KB

Regulations on the order of entry into the customs territory of the Customs Union and the exportation from the customs territory of the Customs Union of encryption (cryptographic)Solution Kollekgii ECE from 16.08.2012, № 134 (Appendix № 2) - PDF, 169 KB

A single form of a certificate of conformity with the technical regulations of the Customs Union and the rules for its designdecision from the College of ECE 25.12.2012, № 293 – PDF, 230 KB

A single form of the declaration of conformity with the technical regulations of the Customs Union and the rules for its designdecision from the College of ECE 25.12.2012, № 293 – PDF, 158 KB

Position on the application of standard evaluation schemes (confirmation) of compliance with the technical regulations of the Customs UnionCommission Decision of the Customs Union of 07.04.2011 № 621 – PDF, 198 KB

The technical regulations of the Customs Union, vsutivshie into force:

On the safety of fireworksTR CU 006/2011, in force since 15.02.2012, the – PDF, 290 KB

About Safety PPETR CU 019/2011, in force since 01.06.2012 – PDF, 886 KB

On the safety of the packageTR CU 005/2011, in force since 01.07.2012 – PDF, 693 KB

On the safety of products intended for children and adolescentsTR CU 007/2011, in force since 01.07.2012 – PDF, 623 KB

About Toy SafetyTR CU 008/2011, in force since 01.07.2012 – PDF, 400 KB

On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic productsTR CU 009/2011, in force since 01.07.2012 – PDF, 3090 KB

On the safety of products of light industryTR CU 017/2011, in force since 01.07.2012 – PDF, 511 KB

On requirements for automobile and aviation gasoline, diesel and marine fuel, jet fuel and heating oilTR CU 013/2011, in force since 31.12.2012 – PDF, 197 KB

On the safety of machinery and equipmentTR CU 010/2011, in force since 15.02.2013, the – PDF, 379 KB

On security devices, operating on gaseous fuelsTR CU 016/2011, in force since 15.02.2013, the – PDF, 267 KB

About safety equipment for use in explosive environmentsTR CU 012/2011, in force since 15.02.2013, the – PDF, 279 KB

On the safety of low voltage equipmentTR CU 004/2011, in force since 15.02.2013, the – PDF, 188 KB

Safety of liftsTR CU 011/2011, in force since 15.02.2013, the – PDF, 188 KB

Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipmentTR CU 020/2011, in force since 15.02.2013, the – PDF, 224 KB

On Food SafetyTR CU 021/2011, in force since 01.07.2013, the – PDF, 2181 KB

Food products in terms of their markingTR CU 022/2011, in force since 01.07.2013, the – PDF, 310 KB

Juice products from fruits and vegetablesTR CU 023/2011, in force since 01.07.2013, the – PDF, 576 KB

Fat productsTR CU 024/2011, in force since 01.07.2013, the – PDF, 407 KB

On the safety of certain types of specialized food products, including dietary medical and dietary preventive nutritionTR CU 027/2012, in force since 01.07.2013, the – PDF, 351 KB

Food additives, flavorings and processing aidsTR CU 029/2012, in force since 01.07.2013, the – PDF, 6384 KB

On the safety of grainTR CU 015/2012, in force since 01.07.2013, the – PDF, 455 KB

Signs of market access and marks of conformity:

Position of a single sign of products on the market of the Member States of the Customs UnionCommission Decision of the Customs Union of 15.07.2011, № 711 – PDF, 248 KB

On the sign of market accessGovernment Decree of 19.11.2003 № 696 – PDF, 52 KB

Terms of use of the mark of conformity with mandatory certificationResolution Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of 25.07.1996, № 14 – PDF, 132 KB

Conformity mark for mandatory certification (비용 50460-92)Decision Gosstandart from 28.12.1992, № 1570 – PDF, 354 KB

Hygienic certification of products in the Customs Union:

On the application of sanitary measures in the Customs UnionCommission Decision of the Customs Union of 28.05.2010 № 299 – PDF, 55 KB

Single list of goods subject to sanitary and epidemiological supervision on the customs border and the customs territory of the Customs UnionCommission Decision of the Customs Union of 28.05.2010 № 299 (Appendix № 1) - PDF, 346 KB

Uniform sanitary and epidemiological and hygienic requirements for goods subject to sanitary and epidemiological supervisionof the Customs Union Commission Decision of 28.05.2010 № 299 (Appendix № 2) - PDF, 185 KB

A single form of the certificate of state registration of products in the Customs UnionCommission Decision of the Customs Union of 28.05.2010 № 299 (Annex № 3) - PDF, 108 KB

Regulations on the Procedure for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance at the customs border and the customs territory of the Customs UnionCommission Decision of the Customs Union of 28.05.2010 № 299 (Annex № 4) - PDF, 528 KB